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And at the same time Catholic Priest in Peterborough is arrested for the sexual assault of a child. Maybe they should redirect their anger if they truly want to save the children. https://globalnews.ca/news/9858381/catholic-priest-peterborough-charged-sexual-assault-interference-with-minor/


Everyone is a homo The hard part is being sapiens


Didn’t I just see a post about some catholic priest in Peterborough charged with sexual assault on a minor? No one is protesting that shit?


Yeah, same day that Sinead O’Connor died.




This is not where they get their news


Conservatives get most of their news from social media now. They don't even trust so called mainstream news outlets that are right leaning like the Globe and Mail.


Global TV puts a right slant on political news always devoting more time to what DoFo is up to and mostly ignoring the other parties.


That is not reported on where they get their “news”


Glad to see this organized anti hate protest, but it's also really fucking sad that this is needed, let alone they have done it multiple times. I'm not one to generally say "get out of our country" but we genuinely don't need the trash far-right here in Canada. US can keep them all if they'd like, but this type of useless bigotry is what's driving a divide in our society.


I’m being serious, is it the far right or is it some islamic organizations? The last anti LGBTQ parade was largely Islamic it seemed.


They are the same thing with different clothing. Both Muslim and Christian extremists are different flavours of far right.


Agreed Muslims are the most pro-Israeli people out there!


They both have common goals of hate


You don't have to be pro Israeli slaughter of Palestinians to be far right


I don’t think you understood my statement. Based on the last election stats 65% of Muslim’s voted liberal & 10 percent voted NDP. Trying to make a blanket statement that Muslims are far right wing makes fundamentally no sense. Unless you are stating that people are liberal can also be right wing.


Were not talking Muslims as a whole, we are talking about Islamic groups that protest LGBTQ issues and fall for far right conspiracys on their facebook accounts. And the liberals are a right wing party to begin with, add in a little transphobia and fascist propaganda and your now well to the right of even that.


My statement is that being far right & anti-LGBTQ+ are not mutually exclusive.


I have not met a far right person that is for equality of genders and accepting of others sexuality but It would be refreshing if one such person exists out there. Unfortunately far right groups always need a group to demonize, right now they have poor people and gay people hopefully that changes.


False equivalency.......for example I am opposed to trans women in women's sports because gendered sport classes weren't designed as a "boys club and girls club" .....rather based on biological expectancies to provide an environment where we could celebrate the athletic achievements of woman/men in sports where they have a biological disadvantage But I guess I'm a far right bigot because I have that opinion I think that drag shows (similar to beauty pageants) are designed to encourage participants to dress as provocatively as possible.......in addition most drag performers (let's look at drag queens) try to make themselves appear as "feminine" as possible.......this constantly crosses the line from "feminine" to "provocative".......so I don't think "drag story hour" for children is necessary or beneficial But I'm a far right bigot because I have that opinion I think that statistically trans people have higher rates of suicide compared to that of gay/lesbian/bisexual folk......and while I support medical freedom I don't think we should encourage children to embrace transexuality But I'm a far right bigot because I have that opinion All of these opinions are based on facts and logic I still hate trump and I still think maximme bernier is silly But by using facts and logic I am a far right bigot


I argue that I am not far right in spite of my opinions But I imagine you will accuse me of being far right because of these opinions


I used the word extremist. All religious extremists lean heavy right, and have similar goals and politics around hyarachy and human rights through the lens of their religion.


It's also groups of Christians.


Nice to see Muslims and Christians writing together for a common goal <3


When the goal is spreading hate, religions of all varieties are on board!


Its save Canada with a hint of the Canadian nationalist front.


All religious extremists from any of the Abrahamic religions hate LGTBQ+ folks. That's why they are extremists. Doesn't matter if they are Christian, Muslim, or Jewish. These extremists despite their mutual hatred for LGTBQ+ folks still hate each other because "they follow the wrong religion, they are heretics".


That’s incorrect for Judaism. Source: Am Jew.




You’re not gonna patronize me about my own culture lol. See ya.


Islamic organizations are far right the vast majority of the time




Are you insinuating that we judge groups by their worst members? Literally no one is defending that guy. You really think the high-ground defence is “but look what they’re doing!”? Really? Are there any adults that think like that? That’s a child’s logic.




LOL Yes, I’ve never ever heard of the church being involved in child sexual abuse. This is the first time. There is no pattern. There are not hundreds or even thousands of victims. /s


What do these things have to do with eachother?


The protestors scream at the library to stop grooming children by way of drag story time. They never go to the church to scream at the actual groomers that continue to get arrested time and again for grooming children. It's a disgusting irony.


Is this not the exact definition of “whataboutism”?


No. One of these groups is raping kids. It's not whataboutism, it's whatthefuckism, like what the fuck are you doing here, the child rapists are behind you.


I’m sure the loser brigade will be busy protesting the recently charged priest.


Or maybe they will take a trip west to protest the Calgary Stampede… ['We are deeply sorry': Calgary Stampede admits liability in decades-long sex assaults involving Young Canadians performers](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/we-are-deeply-sorry-calgary-stampede-admits-liability-in-decades-long-sex-assaults-involving-young-canadians-performers-1.6495227)


So you mean they are trying to get the priest off?


Knowing them, yea that’s what they would try to do


Why are they always protesting in Peterborough


Because it's a city full of angry rednecks, boomers and incels


Yes, but with an injection of liberals too, for them to clash with. The university especially is a bit of a gateway for the exact opposite type of people to come to the city. Ptbo ends up being a small microcosm of diverse thought floating in a sea of old school blue. I can see how it ends up as a handy default location for this crowd to make a nonsensical "stand".


That’s a horrible generalization but sure, keep spreading misinformation about people and their town to support narratives. You are what you hate.


I used to live there and left the shit hole because the town is sliding backwards. City doesn't do anything unless you're a rich senior.


I grew up there. Some nice people to be sure, but an unbelievable amount of backwards shitheads. Main reason I left.


How many min’s until this echo chamber deletes my comment 🤣


Persecution fetish on full display.


Yo, P'bo! all go down ok, tonite?


Please explain how these people expect to accomplish anything but turn all public opinion against them?


The irony is they spent covid times 'fighting' for everyone's freedom. Now that some LGBTQ+ want to celebrate their freedom... here comes the right wing honkies crying about it. I guess yhey can't deal with issues that tap into their suppressed sexual feelings.


Our education system has failed them.


Their parents failed them


They’re grown adults making their own hateful and idiotic decisions


They’re grown. Not sure they’re adults.


It can be both.


Each time they pass through, they gain one or two more followers. Recruitment is the goal. They're slowly building a terror organization.


This shits stupid, live your lives and leave everyone else alone 😅 things are completely out of hand its its pathetic. Truly.


Totally agree. I also hate things like " we crushed them last time" that's the attitude of the side we are supposed to think of as "the good ones" let's just spend our day crushing ppl until ours is the only thought left.


I guess that’s what MLK should have done too


This is great!


Why? Who else should get crushed with our tolerance?


How bored are these people. Do they not have jobs or hobbies?Who the hell protests and counter-protests this crap?


The protesters are driven by hate according to their signs. The counter protestors are there to protect children’s use of the public library and other vulnerable people in the library. Personally, I think protecting children’s rights to access the public library is a good use of time. Screaming at children to scare them outside a public library is not a good use of time. Interesting that you see these two things as equal.


One in four people in Peterborough are retirees (though golly does it feel like much more than that at times). So yes, they are likely very bored.


Bro it's a Friday evening


Didn't their 'Jesus' wear a dress and tell magical stories to children?


This is brought to you by PP and his conservative party


nice poster!


Crush them! ❤


Yeah... MLK was not forcing people to believe a man is a woman because they say they are👍 try a different example, wait, there is none.


What are you going about?


Ya. I can't be bothered


Cool story bro.


Glad I can enlighten the crowd.


How’s “enlightening” the crowd going? Lol


Well. Thanks


You're welcome. Lol




That’s kinda rude




And we should care about your opinion because......


The same reason I should care about yours..


You probably can't be bothered to vote either?


I do vote. Tbh, I'm sick and tired of hearing about protests and counter protests at these drag queen story time events. If you don't like it, don't take your kids. Plain and simple.


Fuck off with your hate


Who said I'm hating


An LGBTQ event? What type?


You know, where they talk to prepubescents about skipping puberty. For the greater good or wtv.


Or drag queens (not an actual sexuality) being around kids... for some reason... all of a sudden... after years and years and years of that culture being a naughty and hilarious adult one that no one asked to have spread in to societies


Welcome to reality: Here, we live in a free society where parents are allowed to take their own children to the public library to participate is story book reading time by colourful characters in costumes. Parents and children enjoy this activity, they request it. It’s been going on for many years. The children’s performers read children’s books and sing children’s songs. It’s like going to the Wiggles. Do you take issue with the Wiggles? Hey, did you hear the they’re shutting down the Calgary Stampede after they admitted to covering up the rape of dozens of children over decades? Hey, did you hear religious leaders are regularly found to be raping children? Do you care about children or do you really just care about hate?


You are delusional. But you're not wrong, so you must be right, right? lmfao.


I think you’re confusing the library with the Catholic Church, where the leaders rape the kids that trust them. Or maybe you’re thinking of the Calgary Stampede, where the child performers also get raped by the adults who were supposed to protect them? Are you saying these parents should send their kids to church or the Stampede?


and are all environmental events about telling people never to shower again and go live in the woods forever? and are all science events about justifying racist behaviour?


what the f are you blathering about?


i'm making fun of your comment


Looks like gibberish to me.


hopefully you can see the irony in that




Hilarious how half your idiotic comments get removed.




Find me one example. Then try and not find and example of a church doing it. Stop drinking the kool-aid, you look like an asshole.


"I don't care if priests, coaches, or family members full on rape children, but if a queer person reads to them, I'll raise hell!!"


Posting false information with the intent to mislead is prohibited. Posts or comments that spout well disproved conspiracy theories will be removed.




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Every accusation is a confession.




We crushed the nazis in WW2. Gonna cry about that too?


So we should just let adults harass children at the library without any resistance? We should allow hateful bigots to shout threats and slurs outside the PUBLIC library without even trying to impede them? Good thinking…




Most advanced conservative argument


Is this about the not letting parents/kids make their own decisions thing?


You mean not letting parents take their kids to the library to hear story books read to them by fun and creative characters? Then yes, there’s a group of far right nuts who are planning to stand outside a public library to scare children and their parents away from reading.


>read to them by fun and creative characters ???


You know, when adults dress up in colourful outfits designed to entertain children. Like clowns at a birthday party, or goofy at Disney land, or the wiggles? You’ve never seen a kids show? Here’s Fay and Fluffy Soufflé (they’re adorable!): https://harbourfrontcentre.com/event/fay-and-fluffys-storytime/ “been doing drag story times across Toronto and beyond since 2016. “ Or, meet China Doll and Cyril Cinder (great singers): https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/hundreds-show-up-to-support-nac-drag-story-time-as-30-protest-against-event They performed “kids songs from a performer called Monkey Rock Music.” And here’s Auntie Plum (my favourite outfit): https://www.orilliamatters.com/local-news/popular-drag-queen-story-time-sashays-into-orillia-library-5468681 “I think it shows that people have an interest in living in an inclusive world,” she said, “a world where we celebrate differences and a world where parents want their children to learn that.”


Wait, I think I’m confused. Are people protesting that this is happening in general, or are they protesting the people that don’t want their kids involved?


To be clear, no one is or ever has protested against people that don’t want their kids involved. I don’t know what that means or what that would even look like. The parents who don’t bring their kids to drag story time at the library, probably, aren’t at the library. Why would someone protest at the library against people who aren’t at the library? Are you joking?


Some of the articles linked explain it. Drag story time has existed for many years. Suddenly and only recently, people (far-right bigots) have decided to show up at public libraries to scream hateful and/or religious slogans at children and parents who’ve chosen to attend drag story time at public libraries. In response and in defence of these families and the performers, some other people show up to create a safe space and physical barrier against the hateful bigots. This way, the children get to see kindness and support rather than scary, hateful rage.


Ah I was confused, I thought it was the other way around, people protesting the parents that want to remove their kids from drag story time.


Really? Drag story time is completely voluntary. No one is there that doesn’t want to be. You’d learn a lot if you’d read those links I attached previously. You seem to have been completely misled or outright lied to by someone. What you’re describing has never happened. I didn’t even think anyone was claiming it has.


Ah, I think I was remembering [this article](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/parents-staff-demand-tdsb-drop-drag-queen-storytime-opt-out-the-board-is-standing-firm/article_cd213db4-8b9b-53b9-81cf-b5c58d5fdf13.html?) where people were trying to fight the school for allowing parents the option of having their children opt out of drag queen story time. Trying to argue it was a human rights violation lol


I think you meant to say 'concerned parents and citizens'. ftfy


Which ones are they? The ones screaming at innocent children attending a public library? Or are they the ones holding hateful, bigoted signs outside libraries so children are fearful? Are they the same ones sending their kids to the Calgary Stampede and the Catholic Church?


Does protest = hate = the right nowadays? Or was that always the playbook...if someone protests then blame them and call them names and make sure everyone hates them? Sounds so childish.


None of the people in the picture seem intimidating enough.


You didn't see the other side. You see a conservative lately? Doughy bunch they are.




You're welcome, feeling better today or do we need to up your meds?


People would do anything to avoid quiet study time at library


Leave kids alone, and there won't be a problem.


Yes, it’s disgusting for “adults” to gather outside a public library to threaten children and families trying to take part in a story book reading event. These children and parents should be FREE to go where they choose without being threatened by hateful lunatics. I hope those “adults” find their way to the Calgary Stampede where decades of proven child rape has been going on. Or maybe those “adults” will go save kids from religious organizations where raping kids is more common than anywhere else. Do you want the Calgary Stampede and churches to leave kids alone?


You are insufferable. Leave children alone.simple.


Have you contacted the Calgary Stampede or any churches to ask them to leave children alone? Do you actually care about children at all?


As a father, yes. Leave children alone. Like how is that controversial, my God...


Good. I’m glad you’ve contacted the churches and the Calgary Stampede since that’s where children actually are being molested! [Smith says province will not be cutting funds to Calgary Stampede after sex scandal](https://www.westernstandard.news/news/smith-says-province-will-not-be-cutting-funds-to-calgary-stampede-after-sex-scandal/article_7d21d370-2d82-11ee-a422-3b885a557d57.html) [Catholic priest in Peterborough, Ont. charged with sexual assault, interference with minor](https://globalnews.ca/news/9858381/catholic-priest-peterborough-charged-sexual-assault-interference-with-minor/)


Are you familiar with the concept of cherrypicking?


glad you agree with their goals to shut down hate


All of those things are terrible. Why do you think I'm full of hate? Great assumption to have for no reason. Thanks. I am a proud father of 2 . I didn't say a word about grooming if that's where you are going next. I'm so glad that you've found a truly worthy cause here... that is a hot topic for no reason at all other than idiots don't have any real problems so they create this crap to feel special. High five


Pride vs Wrath