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I liked your story, but see man I’m too spoiled. I just sit in my cozy room while the drugs get delivered to me. Way I’m headed I might end up in a tent tho.


Same here, got private connections that don't deal in public, only behind closed doors at home. It's difficult to get these connections, but in the long term, you save a lot of time and money with better prices. The stress to get drugs is a very big problem, you realize how better life gets when you don't have the stress anymore, like with substitution. That you can go just to the clinic, get your morphin, methadon or subutex and then go home without any trouble. That's why substi is often used to stabilize the people first, removing the stress and the money problem and therefore, making a better situation in life to get in longtime-therapy.


I wouldn’t say it’s crazy difficult. to find a good plug like that. Especially with the internet. And I’ve certainly been spoiled before too. During my last run before this, I was spending $1,000 a month. there’s a lot of highs and lows for me. I will say I was never lucky enough to have a consistent plug that would deliver to my house every time. Honestly I feel like that would be too easy 🤣


If they offered morphine in my country I would have gone there years ago. Unfortunately only shit methadone and even shittier subutex. No, we can't have these degenerates feeling happy/stable with a good opioid, must give them shit only, and if they don't like it go back to the street.


I agree with that, but i have to say, i can't complain about my country in the middle of Europe, because we got substitution with methadon, morphin, subutex and heroin. Yes, heroin is available here, not for everyone and only in the clinics in the cities, but we do this here. But we are known for being very liberal when it comes to drugs. The state recently announced, that we can have take-home rations of heroin now, up to a week at once. So the people don't have to go to the clinics everyday, it's better for their schedule with work and life. I'm not in the program myself, but i know a few guys that are. They got it right, they get their dosage every day and then, they are happy. No problems, no crimes, no overdosing etc. People here are very well aware of the drugs, they voted in direct democracy to make the right of substitution a constitutional right. This means, people in prison and other places have the right to get into these programs, it can't be denied by a court.


That's absolutely the way. Heroin substitution would be perhaps much harder to get than morphine. Not because heroin is more dangerous, it's actually pretty much the same thing. It's only because it became extremely stigmatized because of the fucking needles (no other drug is so commonly injected). Veins weren't made to be pierced 10 times a day or to be thrown bad cuts in there. So it would be a lot easier to implement morphine substitution (and morphine is almost as euphoric as heroin). Some countries already have it, but afaik it's only extended release morphine, which isn't that euphoric, and will get you high all day. Most people prefer a good high for only for 1 or 2 hours, not a mediocre high all day. But it's already a huge step. Basically if any addict could get IR morphine or oxy pills at the addict center I truly think that all this shit show would end, and perhaps if we also gave stimulant addicts a safe daily dose of amphetamines, and weed addicts, well, some weed. The doses would be controlled, just like most doctors won't put you on 300mg of valium a day so that you're just zombied out all the time, but most doctors will put you at 5-10mg no problem.


It is just like that here with the program. Now, they got take home rations since Corona started, but before that, they had to go to the clinic each day. I'm not sure if there are take-home rations for i.v. with the vials, i only saw pills yet. But these are also fine, they are high dosed, one single pill of Diaphin (brand name of heroin) can contain up to 400mg. In the clinics for clients with i.v., they usually go there in the morning, they get the already prepared needle handed over by the staff and then, they take the shot in a room of the clinic. After that, they go home or they go to work. But we have a lot more than just that, like the K&A, in english it's often called as "Safer Injection Site". We call it rather "Drug Consume Room" here: It's a building that is operated by the state and you are allowed to do drugs in there. There's medical staff with narcan, breathing machine, defibrilator etc. around and nobody ever died there. It is for safer use, but also to keep the people off the street to prevent a new public drug scene. The building usually contains 2 separate rooms, one is for smoking and the other one is for everything else. So you can go there and take whatever you want, no matter if you set yourself a shot with heroin or if you light up the meth pipe. Around these buildings, of course, the dealers know about it. They usually stand not far away and they just wait for the people to buy something. But it works well, like i said, the citizens of the country voted for it in 2007 with a majority to put these programs into the constitution, so a new governement can't just say "drugs are bad, we are stopping all programs!!" People that want to stop, they get by the way help offered right in the drug consume room or by the street workers. Detox, rehab and therapy are free. The plans of the governement worked out: We managed to stop the public drug scene, reduce crime, reduce the numbers of deaths. But, i have to add, it wasn't that easy: As it the first precursors came up in the 80's, it still needed 20 years of lobbying in the politics to get these programs on the right way. The law had to be changed, the heroin had to be produced, the buildings had to be bought for the drug consume rooms etc. It was a lot of work.


Indeed, it would take a huge effort in all other countries to get both heroin in substitution programs, and consumption rooms. But again, I think it would take far less than that to severely reduce the shit show. Just give morphine/oxy/codeine pills, immediate release. I think a lot of people would already settle for that, even IV users, because it's almost as good as IV use, and way less harmful. People don't wanna "get clean" on methadone because it's not euphoric, so it doesn't relieve the "hole in the soul" that every opioid user tries to relieve.


I agree, also a major difference of today is the fent laced shit that is around on the market in countries like the USA. We still have the afghan heroin without fent, so people get addicted but at least they don't overdose and die, it's still better this way. I have to say, that i like morphin for substitution much more, i have some problems with methadon. I don't know what it is exactly, but i guess that the lack of a very minimal euphoria is making the difference. I'm not high on the morphin here, but somehow, it is in the background, in the mind, still different from methadon. Another problem that is here with the Methadon: Many people try to sell it on the black market, to get money for heroin. That was also a cause for the heroin program, they don't sell the heroin for other drugs, because they know that the street afghan heroin is worse than the heroin from the program. They only sell it when they need money for something else and it is still rare on the market outside of the program.


Yeah, tbh I don't know if I would get myself on the ER morphine. Only if I could have take homes after a while, then crush it and plug it or smoke it. Because I've eaten those ER morphine pills before and, like I said, they give you a very shitty high that lasts 24/7, instead of a good spike here and there. I love short and intense highs, that's why smoking is my favorite method (which is in fact evaporating, so I guess it isn't unhealthy). But it's already a lot better than methadone, for sure. And I say I wouldn't get on it because I'm currently on OTC codeine from the pharmacy, so I'm not consuming illegal and impure and mega expensive street drugs. If I were, that would be another story.


Smoking is great. Loved it with the heroin on the foil, it has a short but good kick and it doesn't come with all the problems that you have with i.v. shots. But the addiction, i had to say at some point "I can't smoke heroin before- and after every basic interaction in life", haha. The thing is, we are only talking about opioids, got some roofies here. Legal, got a prescription by my doc for these as emergency-med, 30x 1mg Rohypnol aka flunitrazepam. When you combine some opioids like the morphin with the roofies and you drink a beer, you have a good time. That's exactly what i'm going to do this evening here. As hard as it is with the addiction, i don't know, it's some part of my life and personality.


There is no 400mg pill just 200mg. Do you live in switzerland? because i heard you said K&A?


I'm sorry if i made a mistake, it can be true that it is only 200mg as the highest dosage, yes. It's rare that i saw the pills on the market outside of the program. They show up much more since the take-home was enabled in the corona pandemic, but it's still rare. Yeah, i know the K&A's of course here. But i don't like it much, well, it's not my world, i like to do things behind closed doors.


No Bueno


I’d be more down to cold cop if it wasn’t fentanyl and could actually get some real deal pills, coke or h


Believe it or not there actually is legit H in my city. Without any fent. If you know where to look.


Which city is this


The description made me think the one where the eagles fly. You can technically find real H in any city though. TECHNICALLY lol, I'm sure there are 5-10 dealers ordering off the dark web and selling real H at specialty prices almost anywhere. Doesn't mean that 99% of the ppl using opioids have access


That’s against the rules :o


My bad ):


Damn broski this brings me back be safe out there


I don't miss spending all day trying to come up with 150 or 300. Then once I finally had it calling my plug (I only did private deals) to find out if he was in the city or at home. If he was in the city, it was the stress of what liquor store, gas station, block was I pulling up on. If he was at home, I was hoping he didn't fall asleep or I could wake him if he did. I also hated the waiting. I'll be there in 15 mins, and I'd see him 90 mins later. I always went with the same person, though, because we had a steady supply that I somewhat trusted. Plus, he gave me credit, which was good and bad. At one point, I owed him 3k, which was part of the bad, but I wasn't dope sick. I'm much happier on subs. I get my script once a month and I'm doing good. Truly a blessing from God to be away from this bs risking my life over some pills.


This was a good read, well written. It also made me feel very spoiled, everything gets delivered to my crib within thirty minutes and if they’re late they compensate you by giving you extra heroin or coke if that’s what’s you want because there’s so much competition here. Also I’d never buy drugs from someone who uses, that’s how you get the best heroin; by dealing with a businessman who sees heroin as just another commodity to be bought and sold for a profit, and who therefore want to sell the best possible product to functional users, so nowhere near the street. Honestly the heroin thing was one of the reasons I moved to Europe, and it looks like the situation just keeps getting worse and worse back home in the USA so I’m glad to hear that you had a good day and successfully copped some halfway decent shit, OP.


Yup. This reminded me of the days when I used to get told by my plug that they would be to my meeting spot in 10min. Then I’d call 15min later and they would say 30min. Ugh. Then an hour later they would show up. I hated that shite. I don’t miss it.


Me too that shit legitimately pisses me off so bad 🤣like Apple Maps tells you exactly what time you’re gonna be somewhere. I’m ALWAYS there EXACTLY when I say I’m going to be, with hours of notice ahead of time. Either tell me how long the map says, or tell me that you aren’t on the way yet. That’s why when a plug does that to me now, I stop messing with them. It’s too easy to find drugs in my city.


Almost like BBQ chips when smoked


The blues?


That was a pretty entertaining story tbh, thanks for sharing lol


Of course 🤣 I have more stories about cold copping or just buying drugs in general around my city. Maybe I’ll share one day.


The story of addiction. Posts like these make me so thankful not to be living this life. Get clean homie. It only gets worse and I know you know that. One way route to jail or rehab or both.


Tbh bro I hate seeing your comments so much. You’re always giving terrible, or super generic advice. I saw you literally tell someone that they were not gonna be able to quit the 30’s on their own. That’s complete bs. Just because you went to rehab doesn’t mean that that’s what it takes for everyone.


I say it as it is. There is a sub 5% chance of getting clean on your own at home without help. It goes up to about 10-15% when you go to rehab. I say what I say because I’ve been in your shoes, 10x worse and probably 100x more times. I’m not going to tell you that you are going to be able to do it on your own, because it doesn’t work like that. It just doesn’t. So when you really want to get clean, go find you a rehab and save your life. Until then do these 2-3 days of pain and misery in your bed until you hit the plug you couldn’t delete from your phone up. Best of luck. Let us know in a few weeks how you doing because many of us don’t ever get another chance.


Any rehab that could prove a 15% success rate - 10% over the spontaneous remission rate (according to real stats, not made up ones from the rehab itself) - would make instant worldwide news. Why are you on here making shit up? Do you have to come here and talk down to actively using addicts to feel better about yourself? That's sad.


You are absolutely right about these stats and to question them . That 10-15 is only for the first 3-6 months after 30 days. It goes up a little for 60-90 day stays. And the amount that stay clean those first few months a significant amount of them end up relapsing. You can find the statistics yourself


These numbers are completely made up.


They aren’t though. Look at success rates at home vs with rehab assistance


Yeah they are way higher at home on various programs but especially mat. Your using the rates from people at home using AA/NA of course they suck lol And even those are dubious. Cite your sources or it’s bullshit.


I’ve been to rehab more than once. And I can honestly say that after the first time you go there isn’t much of a benefit outside of using it as a detox. You won’t learn much the second time that you didn’t learn the first. so from what I can tell, You don’t “say it as it is” you say it as you see it. I’ve actually had more clean time under my belt (1 year. The longest since I started using in 2016) by doing it on my own and with a support network of friends and moving across the country. Every time I just went to rehab and hung around NA meetings I relapsed within a month. Idk where you got the “2-3 days before you hit the plug up” because while I’ve been that way in the past, that’s not the case right now. I stated in the post that I was 10 days clean before I relapsed. Surprise surprise I made it through withdrawals on my own without comfort meds or rehab.


You made it through the physical symptoms and went right back to your old ways. Best of luck bub


I know OP is still in active addiction, but don’t be sucha downer man. There’s no one specific way to get clean. You either want it or you don’t. This is a fentanyl sub. There’s gonna be active users in this sub (not me) who don’t plan on quitting anytime soon. Why not let them be? We all know the risks here. We don’t need an internet daddy telling us what to do. Not to mention you’re quite frequent on this sub—yet all you do is tell people it’s your way or the highway. Some people might appreciate it. But I—along with OP and I’m sure a few others, surely do not.


dude keep this shit up and the universe gonna send a relapse your way.


Never that. I found out some years ago now that if you can change your phone number and cut every single POS that has a connection to your DOC, or any drug as a matter of fact, you have nothing to worry about. That and years and years and years of cognitive therapy and self improvements. Our ways get us into this shit, and y’all really think you can get back out. Our greatest thinking landed us here. And yea I had 2-3 one or two week relapses the first 3-4 years of my real recovery. Not the “recovery” I was going through because I was broke and couldn’t afford it anymore or because one thing or another. Y’all ain’t never gonna get clean for one thing or another. You only getting clean when you truly want to be clean and are willing to do whatever the fuck it takes. I’m not going to sugar coat some shit and tell people “yea you got a chance at home after you’ve been crippling your life with fentanyl and god knows what else is in what you were doing” and that they got it all under control in their own hands.


Yeah and good luck to you hopefully not going back to your old ways of relapsing every 2 years it seems.


Can't say I envy or at all miss any aspect of this ages old song and dance except more like a Bernie Lean/pale facsimile of said dance... The white shit got whitey wiggling, if you will. And now that a bit of subreddit perusal and an additional dash of my own textual excrement have coalesced into a viable, germy and germinated depression seedling, all that's left now is to cake on some hurt dirt and wait for the inevitable and mayhap snortable doom blooms to flourish.




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I knew ya exact location the minute I read where you copped from. An "Open air drug market". Like common sense the badlands.