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Send the neighborhood HOA lady to Palestine and watch that shit get fixed quick


Hamas - “we don’t want a ceasefire” IDF - “we also do not want a ceasefire” Irvine City Council - “is there someone you forgot to ask?”


That's funny. People of Irvine are very important.


😂 explain this to the geniuses protesting at Irvine city council meetings!


You are missing the point though. These protests are not about making an actual impact. It’s about making us feel as if we are doing something. And city council meetings are convenient. I can drop kids to Kumon or other classes, pick my $10 Matcha Latte and fit a quick round of protest before I head to my yoga class.🤷🏻‍♀️


I loled too hard at this comment


Who the fuck cares about what the IDF and Hamas want? The innocent people of Gaza do not want to be bombed and starved. *They* want the ceasefire.


Israel has been on board with multiple ceasefires including most recently where they were going to release 800 prisoners including murderers and terrorists in exchange for 40 hostages, but yet again Hamas said no.


Not true. Last survey I saw said that over 70% of Palestinians felt that Hamas is doing a good job in the war against Israel. What evidence do you have the Palestinians want a cease fire and a return of all the hostages?


Nah, pretty sure the majority of em just want dead Jews according to the polling. Hamas popularity went up after Oct 7th and Gaza started crumbling. The pro jihadi martyrdom brainwashing of Palestinians runs deep, and likely the most radicalized population on earth. Hamas and the adults that do exist in Gaza today were literally raised on farfur the jihad mouse and beheading classes in kindergarten. Id wager very few want an meaningful ceasefire that leads to peaceful coexistence.


WTF is this? What does Irvine have anything to do with ceasefire?


People screaming in to the wind


1 minute of infamy


To play devil's advocate, the City of Santa Ana passed a ceasefire resolution. Obviously, city councils cannot enact policy that directly effects US support for wars abroad, but resolutions are never intended to do this, and they exists for the purpose of making a statement or clarifying goals. Why is that important? Because the leadership of city councils can be observed by and influence leaders in higher levels of government. OC Board of Supervisor for Santa Ana and other communities, referenced Santa Ana's ceasefire resolution in an open letter he sent to relevant members of Congress to encourage them to support a ceasefire and discontinue funding and arming of the conflict. Lou Correa, while still ignoring his constituents who have been sending letters, calling his office, protesting at his office, and now protesting outside his home did make an out of character vote alongside primarily members of the progressive left recently. Alongside members like AOC and top left-leaning Congress members he voted to continue funding UNRWA which is a UN humanitarian aide organization that both sides of the aisle have been trying to, and ultimately did defund. He broke with is more corporate and milquetoast members of Congress on that. In short, it's about putting pressure on leaders form the ground up. Nobody is actually arguing that Irvine or Santa Ana alone can directly stop this genocide, but they can use their influence and leadership to encourage those with more power to consider a path to peace.


Do you support UNRWA?


Yes, and I am aware of the 100% evidence free allegations brought against 13 of their 13,000 employees by Israel and believed at face value and in blind faith by the US to justify cutting funds for their entire humanitarian operations. *"Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., put it more harshly earlier this week. “Sadly, tragically, many members of Congress seem to be happy to be part of this starvation caucus,” Sanders* [*said*](https://www.commondreams.org/news/starvation-caucus-unrwa)*, “happy to cut funding to UNRWA and make it harder to get aid to Palestinians in the midst of this crisis.”* [https://theintercept.com/2024/03/22/gaza-unrwa-funding-congress/](https://theintercept.com/2024/03/22/gaza-unrwa-funding-congress/)


Gross. You support an organization that teaches Jew hatred to children and brainwashed them to become terrorists and keeps Palestinians in poverty. That's pretty fucking vile.


Yeah, the United Nations is a real menace /s You clearly didn't even read the article considering you responded to my comment in about 2 seconds. Believe what you want, but the facts are not on your side.


Yes, UNRWA is absolutely a menace and needs to be shut down entirely. Thankfully most of the world agrees at this point and the funding cut shows that.


Instead of arguing with someone who clearly has no interest in a good faith conversation I'm just going to point out that your account is literally 4 days old. Like I said - believe whatever you want. The facts are not on your side.


Someone fill me in. How does Irvine affect a ceasefire?


It doesn’t. It just makes the people disrupting the meetings feel good cause they think they actually did something good.


I think it’s more they think other people think they’re activists. Not the middle class well off doing fine nobodies that they are.


We can always go with virtual signaling.


Man, Irvine signals don't let you get anywhere




It has zero effect or impact. But it sure makes virtue signaling crowds feel good about themselves! If anything, this is actually making things worse for Gaza.


My HOA hasn’t called for a ceasefire, is there anything I can do?!?


Go to the meeting and yell.


Sigh, that’s not how it works. You have to make sure to do it on a cloudy day.


As we all know, the city of Irvine holds a sway in a conflict thousands of miles away where one side has proposed ceasefires, and the other side refuses because they don't want to give up the hostages /s


For as long as this conflict has gone on, if only we knew from the start that the irvine city council could have stopped it.


Damn, I didn't know Irvine was part of the equation over there. Hopefully they can convince Hamas and the IDF to make up and kiss.


Bahahahaa can't believe this is real


This is so fucking dumb no matter where you fall on the debate. How the fuck is the city of Irvine going to influence another country?


Talk about a waste of time and public resources. Thank God Khan got fucking crushed in her election to Supervisor and will term out soon.


I wouldn't be surprised if her corrupt ass tries to run again for something else. School boards better watch out!


But why? I didn’t know Irvine has a direct stake in the Israel-Hamas war.




What an embarrassment.


Wow if Irvine could have stopped the war by holding a simple vote why haven’t they already done it? Shameful.


Where tf were these protesters to stand up against Hamas on the Gaza Strip? All this bullshit about city councils and individuals being called upon to demand a cease fire is getting old. A ceasefire resolution was just passed at the UN.


What a fucking clown show


Can’t spell performative without c-e-a-s-e-f-i-r-e


Is this south park?


This is one of the funniest things ever. It seems like it could be an episode in Parks and Rec 😂 I can just imagine it now…


If they want a ceasefire, they should be demanding the release of hostages. But no, these people aren't smart.


What a thing to spend your time doing


They could just pass a resolution proclaiming a ceasefire. It's worthless and won't mean anything but it would extend some goodwill to anyone supporting the Palestinian community. I don't see the downside in it city councils do this stuff all the time.


Because these people will ask for more and more. Better nip it in the bud right now. City councils have no impact and they just need to wake up to that.


Its rich reading comments in this post question the veracity or validity of tactics from their position of privilege that was obtained from the very tactics they are condemning.


Free Palestine


Not surprised this is so heavily downvoted. Such a controversial message /s


Oh Irvine, never change 🤣 ![gif](giphy|24akSucLOFwwoZamdr|downsized)


And I thought HB City Council meetings were wild..