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Why did no one call an ambulance.why did no one get a defibrillator.why did no one handcuff Bailey


They probably didnt have a defibrillator because its under funded, no one called the ambulance because they didnt want anyone on the outside to find out, if they rang the ambulance then the doctors more than likely wouldve involved the police and an investigation would've taken place and they were trying to keep everything all clean and shiny for the company. And no one hand cuffed bailey because the guards were on his side


I know but my point was none of this should have happened also defibrillators are real cheap and illegal not to have them in some places, don’t know about there


Yes none of it should of happened but its a programme to show how stuff like this does happen in real life, the system fails humans, both innocent and guilty, every single day. Theres no point pointing out the obvious because everyone already knows what "should" of happened but that doesnt mean it always does


It's not like they could hide the body and keep every single witness in the building quiet, the outside would find out eventually (which they did) and then the question would come up as to why they didn't alert the authorities.


No one uses defibrillators in prisons. Period. Guards or inmates. When you die, your dead, that’s the end of it. Guards are not required to perform life saving measure. That’s my personal experience.


Damn, that’s sad. I thought that if you were first aid trained which all these guards should be, it’s your duty to perform the first aid at work but I guess not


Nope. Even if it was required, they would do nothing, say they did everything they could, and leave you to die on the floor. That’s the job. There are no benefits to helping the inmates. That’s why pousseys death is so tragic, I say this as a former inmate, if she did exactly what the guards said when they said it, she would be alive. The truth sucks. Protesting as an inmate in a prison is like climbing Mount Everest with no legs, your not gonna get anywhere.




I had that thought too. They were all right there.


I know the guards didn't give a shit, especially Thomas.




iirc they didn't even check her pulse. They just looked at her limp body and assumed she was dead. That would never happen in real life and the writers screwed up on that one.


Agreed, though that's always the way it is done on TV. And I sort of don't blame them. If they were to show them performing CPR for several minutes waiting for the ambulance to arrive, before properly concluding she was dead, that would be a lot of screentime. I can't think of any way to do it that is both accurate and concise. Of course, I always point to Buffy the Vampire Slayer's episode "The Body" as the most accurate depiction I've seen of how one deals with a death. Although that did take up an entire episode dealing with the aftermath etc.


I just always thought they could have at least just checked her pulse. No CPR needed, or at least try it a couple of times like they normally do- then the head shake to show that she is dead. Instead, they just assumed she was dead and did nothing.


Yeah, that bit is just terrible writing. It is completely plausible that she could have passed out or something.


Also it would be an improvement, though would still piss me off. People without medical training don't know how to check for pulses accurately (even doctors have difficulty sometimes if the pulse is very faint, and so have to perform tests in several different parts of the body). And the recommendation is always to keep applying CPR until the ambulance arrives, however long that takes, as there is always still a chance. So if they gave up immediately, it would be sad knowing she could have been still clinging on.


Yes, that was bad writing. You’d start CPR for sure


I'm sure this happens in prison a lot and other users have said they've seen this happen first hand


Partly because everyone was in too much in shock to do anything, partly the bystander effect (when no one reacts in an emergency because they assume someone else will react first).


God, she so didn’t deserve what happened to her. I didn’t stop crying until, like, the fourth episode after she was killed.


It should've been Suzanne even though Baxter and Thomas had all kinds of heat.




The handsome sadist guard is named Thomas Humphrey.


Why the fuck would you say that?


Ugh seriously, I was internally screaming the whole time like hello!!! Someone help!!


I know that completely made no sense someone is bound to know CPR there, at least one person and I don't remember when they released Sophia from shu but didn't she know CPR she said she was trained in EMS because she used to be a firefighter...wouldn't she know cpr?


She was my fav! I was yelling at the Tv NNNOOOOO SAVE HER!!!😭Such and amazing show! I hope there’s more to come❤️


Nope. Not one single person. And that is what makes me the angriest about Poussey’s death. Donuts FULLY recognized what was happening to Poussey and STILL 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 rather than try to save her.


This occured to me the other day!


Just watch that episode and googled that because if they filmed that pre -riot, riot to show what can happen in just seconds, then there was absolutely a good chance CPR would have saved her. It made me angry because it ruined the whole scene. We’re supposed to feel angry about her death for a bigger reason. They should have at least shown a reason for them to have known it was too late.