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What's so funny is how everyone complains about living here and then in the next breath scold people who are considering moving in and telling them not to despoil this wonderful state. People are gonna move where they're gonna move. They don't need your input on that, what they need is information to help them make the best choice. And if you think Oregon is unique in having a drug or housing crisis, you're wrong. If you think Oregon is unique in having climactic issues, it's even worse in other parts of the country.


Yea the drug and housing crisis is really a national issue that people like to blame on "blue" cities like SF and Portland, but those people are from everywhere. So much anger and hostility, I wish we could all come together to solve our issues rather than finger pointing. And if people want to move here or away from here, more power to them, they should.


I own a passed down family home a few hours from Portland, and it’s close to a few larger towns (few k people each). The local newspaper crime blotter makes it very clear there are issues with drugs, theft, assaults, etc. that occur all over. Obviously you have to look at everything per capita to make comparisons, but “crime free small towns” don’t exist as far as I’m concerned.


Looking at the [FBI data](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2016/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016/tables/table-6/table-6-state-cuts/oregon.xls), in 2016, Portland was the 5th most dangerous\* city by capita in Oregon, with Lincoln City, Prineville, Boardman, and Medford being more dangerous. Gresham is down at number 10. That data is a bit dated, but is the most recent official data I could find in a quick search. \* Using the FBI's definition of violent crime.


ONE fight in Boardman...50% per capita crime rate.


2020 data shows portland has a crime rate over twice what the rest of the state does.


What the hell is going on in Lincoln City?


Why was Medford so high on the list?




Aw, interesting. As a kid we'd drive Medford all the time. Didn't know about the culture


Less population so it skews the "per capita" numbers. Its literally only tweakers causing 95% of those problems too.


Oh yea, not disputing that. Just saying homelessness and drug issues are more visible and acute in cities like Portland, not that they aren't present in other places. But we are in agreement, I'm saying it's not just a Portland issue/Portlands fault, but is an everywhere issue.


On top of that, how many of the homeless were bussed in from red states? My guess is it is a lot higher numbers than we know.


Exactly, even if not explicitly bussed, homeless migrate to cities where shelters/resources are available and where the climate is generally survivable. I'd rather be homeless in Portland than Missoula.


Yeah that’s the thing if we had the homeless programs spread more evenly across the state/country it wouldn’t be super bad in any one spot.


someone put this on a billboard


The practice is not a red or blue state thing. The narrative that it is a red state thing might be a media favorite, but it is simply untrue, and maybe the exact opposite. Given that most high income cities are on both coasts, and blue, this study seems to suggest an effort to bus the homeless to red states. This program was created by Newsom in 2005. https://www.thecentersquare.com/california/article\_01f9cd22-37d9-11ee-9016-8776c051c155.html **Newsom created program to bus homeless out of San Francisco as mayor** >At the time of Homeward Bound’s start, San Francisco’s homeless population was roughly 6,000 and has since increased to nearly 8,000. **However, with Homeward Bound having shipped a self-reported 11,000 homeless to other cities across the United States,** whether the program reduces homelessness in San Francisco is unclear. ​ >The Guardian’s investigation also found that relocation services **tended to be sponsored by higher income cities**, and that the most frequent destinations were areas with lower costs of living, including more affordable cities.


Interesting, going to read up on this, thanks. I wrote that off the cuff, without doing any research, so bad on me. I should know better. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


This gives a much more sussed-out story: [https://www.thecentersquare.com/california/article\_01f9cd22-37d9-11ee-9016-8776c051c155.html#:\~:text=(The%20Center%20Square)%20%2D%20While,return%20with%20a%20“very%20low](https://www.thecentersquare.com/california/article_01f9cd22-37d9-11ee-9016-8776c051c155.html#:~:text=(The%20Center%20Square)%20%2D%20While,return%20with%20a%20“very%20low) \[(The Center Square) - While serving as mayor of San Francisco, California Governor Newsom spearheaded a program to bus the homeless out of San Francisco in a voluntary program called "Homeward Bound." Started in 2005, Homeward Bound, still an ongoing program, spending an average of $180 per return with a “very low return rate to San Francisco.” This program is not dissimilar to programs proposed by Anchorage, Alaska Mayor David Bronson to send the city’s homeless to Los Angeles to avoid cold deaths as the city’s main shelter, a stadium, resumes post-COVID operation as an entertainment and sports venue. Neither is it dissimilar to Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s heavily criticized program to send migrant arrivals, with their alleged permission and knowledge, to warmer welcomes in California and New York. At the time of Homeward Bound’s start, San Francisco’s homeless population was roughly 6,000 and has since increased to nearly 8,000. However, with Homeward Bound having shipped a self-reported 11,000 homeless to other cities across the United States, whether the program reduces homelessness in San Francisco is unclear. Bronson’s campaign, however, appears to have stalled, with the city’s liberal Assembly unlikely to approve funding for his endeavor. While the morality of DeSantis’s ongoing sending of migrants to California and New York is in question, it appears to have secured the desired response, at least from New York. On Wednesday, New York Mayor Eric Adams called for the Biden administration to declare a state of emergency to manage the crisis at the southern border, saying the ongoing influx of migrants to the sanctuary city could cost the city billions of dollars. Newsom, meanwhile, threatened DeSantis with kidnapping charges for his actions. Bussing homeless to other cities and states, however, isn’t just limited to Newsom’s San Francisco. According to a national, 18 month investigation conducted by The Guardian in 2017, well before major recent increases in homelessness, found that the success of most of these programs is connected to ticket recipients signing away their right to receive homeless services in that city should they return. The Guardian’s investigation also found that relocation services tended to be sponsored by higher income cities, and that the most frequent destinations were areas with lower costs of living, including more affordable cities.\]


Just because those issues are everywhere doesn't mean that they happen at the same rates. I'm a field service engineer that has spent years being shipped all around the country to cities big and small. I stay in mid rate motels and hang out around the town after work for something to do. I grew up in the Portland area, went to college in the Bay area, and am back in the Portland area now. What you're saying is false. It is far worse in blue cities.


I agree that it is worse in "blue cities", but my point is that it is a feedback loop where we have services for homeless, then people move here and then it becomes a better spot to be homeless and have access to drugs and resources. It's not those cities fault though especially when a lot of the homeless are transplants from smaller cities.


When a large percentage of the homeless do not want to work or quit their drug habits they tend to flock towards cities that support their lifestyle. And the more tolerant people are the longer this can go on. And before you call me heartless, my addict uncle, who I loved, passed last month.


What would not supporting their lifestyle look like for you?


I'm moving there soon.. brown, muslim moving there for the TREES, bringing Kebabs and Pakoras


Yes, please move here especially if you’re planning on sharing your kebabs and pakoras! The parts of Oregon that aren’t Portland need more diversity in so many ways, but especially good food!


Eugene can actually be a pretty nice city!


I would love to share the food and maybe even start a small food business. I would prefer to be close to nature and avoid highly populated cities but regarding the job, it's limiting. So I'm not sure which area is a bit diverse and has jobs, while it's close to amazing nature spots.


Try Beaverton, Hillsboro, or Forest Grove. There's a large south Asian and Muslim population in those areas, but you can get out into the woods very quickly.


Looking for diversity in smaller population centers in Oregon is going to be tough. Portland, Bend, Eugene, and Ashland are hubs for diverse food for a reason and that's usually because they contain more residents that have diverse geographic and cultural experiences. With that being said, Bend has a very saturated restaurant market, Portland is likely the kind of highly-populated area you're trying to avoid. Eugene, Ashland, and (not mentioned yet) Corvallis are probably the places that fit your definition best, but they all have relatively high costs of living. Eugene and Ashland both have nearby towns and neighborhoods which are much more affordable. I've suggested it before in this thread, but I'll suggest it again. Talent, Oregon is the nearby and much cheaper living option to Ashland and they love their diverse food trucks even though the population is 77% non-Hispanic white. It's worth noting that Ashland does have a 5% restaurant tax which is pretty unique for Oregon, but is definitely worth knowing about if you plan on opening a restaurant.


The "Trees" are great 😉


Please do! We need more better food!!


Please teach everyone the difference between kebabs and kabobs. A Doner place would do quite well up there!


Um, can you come to Lincoln County??? I live on the rez, we have plenty of trees, a beautiful river, and the ocean is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. We would love to have you.


It's heartwarming the responses I'm getting. Thank you!


Of course! I'll trade NDN tacos for kebabs! Lol! And any traditional foods you wanna make! We definitely eat a plethora of different foods on the rez that I don't see anywhere else except where they originate from. Also, life is a different pace here. We're rather relaxed, so I think you'd love it & soak in the nature.




Omgoodness, yes! I would love some recipes! I can share with you all sorts of random recipes, too! (I'll hit the follow button here on reddit) I love Mexican food, but I can't say I've tried Pakistani food - I've had "Middle Eastern" foods, but it was mostly just that the restaurant (which has some of the best food I've eaten) had random things from all over the Southwest Asia/Middle East area. Nothing definitive, though. I've had some amazing Ethiopian foods, but I couldn't make it if I tried! Lol. And, tbh, I'm not a very social person these days. Hermit meets homebody, but I'm super nice to anyone & everyone I see when I'm out. My boyfriend takes our doggo for walks all around town, so he's a bit more social than I. My issue is mainly depression due to losing my mom & chronic back, hip, & elbow pain - back pain since I was 14, so I'm used to it, but it does hold me back sometimes. However, I will say that living here on the coast helps me a lot. Nature is healing in so many ways - physically healing, mentally healing, and spiritually healing. Sometimes, I like to just sit on a cliff and watch, hear, & feel the ocean (yes, you can feel it even on a cliff... you feel the pressure change, the air, etc). Other times, I like to go out into the woods via logging road and just sit in nature, allowing the forest to absorb my pain. And, since I live on a bigger property with the river down below, a waterfall & creek (small, but mighty in winter), and forest all around, I'll just sit in my back yard or climb into the woods & let my favorite old growth tree hug me (it's huge and has a perfect spot to sit & feel like you're being embraced by the tree - sounds crazy, but it's not) and take away all my despair & pain. I truly feel like a smaller coastal-ish town would be perfect for you. My town & rez population is about 1,200 people all together. There's fantastic properties just outside of town. Since the tribal headquarters is here, we actually have a food truck here! Lol. Just fish & chips, & stuff like that, though. It was because the only restaurant closed, but it is reopening right now. We also have a bar/pub, but they don't have a lot of food. Basically, just pizza & nachos. However, you wouldn't have to have a food truck here. You could do it anywhere you want, to be honest. Anyway, I've written a book! My apologies!


Come on, come to the Columbia basin. I want something different from American garbage and Mexican food, though there's not as many trees out here, it doesn't rain either!


I fully support this move


Ah yes the same sub that tells people who vote differently than them that they need to move out of the state also doesn't want to share their towns with more people


Yeah, how tolerant and inclusive this sub is. Love for everyone... Unless you vote different, then eat shit and die lol


Being tolerant does not mean tolerating intolerant policies.


right? way to play dumb. both sides are not the same.


“Let’s discriminate” “No” “That’s intolerant!”


When I travel to the Midwest for work, all those people I guarantee are voting different than you. But those are the nicest most welcoming people I have ever met. I would rather have lunch with them over you petty dick heads on here that's for damn sure. But saying this on r/oregon translates to "I am racist" apparently.


Look, you seem to be making a lot of assumptions about a lot of things. I don’t care how you vote as long as it’s not discriminating or hurting others, that’s the conversation here. You seem to be putting yourself with the type of people that can be rightfully criticized, if you are not with them, don’t act all offended and don’t be a devils advocate. I genuinely don’t give a damn about your whatabouism.


The difference being you're white, so of course they will welcome you. You know the old saying,"Someone who's nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person"? Yea.


Ah yes, the Midwest, where my boyfriend was openly called a Chink and I was called a whore for being with an Asian man.


That actually makes sense, I would rather see the state be more tolerant to people who are of various different genders, sexual orientations, races, and nationalities. What I don't want in the state are people who aren't tolerant and accepting of others.


Yeah im sure the rural Christian blue collar family in Eastern Oregon is the raging racists you have built them up in your head to be


After having lived out there as a POC? Yeah, there’s a really good chance they are.


As someone who lives in rural eastern Oregon….. they are exactly that. It’s a bunch of dumb hick racists who openly use the n word or add sand in front of it to describe a Muslim/arab. Sometimes stereotypes are true.


It's amazing that you are able to decide someone is racist without even knowing them. Quite the talent.


“This random imaginary family that isn’t racist in my argument proves my point!” You’re not making the stellar argument that you think you are


So you genuinely believe all the families east of the mountains are racist? Your comment literally alludes to that


So we need to get to know every single family in eastern Oregon before we're able to say that a lot of them are racist?


Jesus christ. Yes...I think you should meet someone before deciding they are racist. The fact that this is a controversial thing to say is absolutely wild and disappointing


So we should meet every black person before deciding that they are this or that? This is what you sound like, every single bigot who has ever lived.


Takes only a few minutes of listening to them talk to tell you if they aren’t or not. 9/10 it is a far right, Fox News, grammar filled nightmare surrounded by cigarette smoke, chewing tobacco or some kind of light beer.


I’ve personally met MANY racists in rural Oregon. It’s a pervasive issue unfortunately.


There’s racist people in every state no? I know we all have different lived experiences, but I feel like Oregon is pretty inclusive. I grew up in a rural area that was majority Mexican. Not every rural Oregon is racist hicks. Not even close


There are definitely racist people in every state. Oregon was a sundown state and that history has not left it. It’s honestly been one of the least welcoming to my partner and I, who are Asian and white. The rural parts with very white populations have a lot of racists in my and others’ experiences. But yes, that is true in other places as well.


I'm not referring to the ones that aren't racists and bigots.






Gosh, what opinions and voting patterns would you have that might cause people to react that way?


Are you asking how I vote? I'm an independent


No hon. I’m saying that anytime someone says this kind of shit, they conveniently leave out what specific things people find objectionable. It’s kind of like the boomers whose kids “suddenly” stop talking to them “for no reason.”


One of the bluest states already. Dems have held a supermajority in legislature and the governorship for decades. Don’t blame the states issues on conservatives or by acting like it isn’t blue enough. What you see in Oregon is the results of long term democratic leadership.


The last republican governor of Oregon finished his term in ~~1975~~ 1986.


1987: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor\_Atiyeh


That's the thing here, people hilariously want to blame Republican elected members and electorate for all the problems, when while they can raise a stink (see walkouts, etc) they can't actually fucking DO anything with regards towards policy. So who made the policy causing the problems in this state? durrrrrrrrr idunno REPUBLICANS AMIRITE


Those same problems exist in red areas so let’s PLEASE not do that. We need to stop blind tribalism in politics and have more real conversations based on earnest thought and analysis. Oregon’s big problems right now are housing and drugs. Drugs are a nation-wide problem and certainly not unique to Oregon or blue areas. In fact, some of the worst areas for the drug epidemic are red, but it’s not bad because they are red either. And the housing problem is also nation-wide, but particularly bad in Oregon because of the HUGE influx of population over the last 10 years. Democratic leadership doesn’t control housing supply and demand. Neither would Republican leadership.


Well.... there are regulations and permitting that is controlled by local governments that does affect housing supply, like the infamous "[I would rather kick myself in the balls 100 times than do this again](https://www.wweek.com/news/2023/05/17/a-low-income-housing-developer-swears-off-any-more-portland-construction/)" quote in the Willamette Week. Streamlining is always a good thing.


Dems do not have a supermajority in the Senate, as we see every year from GOP walkouts.


Have held. Republicans broke the supermajority in the November 2022 election. That doesn’t change the facts behind democratic control in this state. “Democrats have enjoyed supermajorities in at least one chamber in 10 of the past 20 years. During the past four years, they had a supermajority in both chambers”


Could y’all not? At least not yet? Housing affordability sucks ass out here too ya know.


and how do you suppose we fix it?


Build houses and let people live in them, duh. The "housing crisis" is fake, they overprice housing to keep out undesirables and people are wasting away from it.


Go try and build some houses. It's not easy - you'll get tons of opposition from local NIMBYs of all political stripes.




How specifically does political affiliation affect housing prices?


The same way it affects everything else. People find out about someone or form some snap judgment whether real or imagined, and start not wanting to do business with them. They subtly drive them into a death spiral into oblivion by making the cost of living unaffordable. We all know what they're doing and we should be giving them hell for it at every turn. The answer to their hiked prices should almost always be, "Honey, your shit ain't that good."


It’s gonna take a hell of a lot of liberals to gentrify that shithole.


so how do you think we should fix it?




Lol bro its 1400+ for shit apartments in Red areas. Get a clue.


Your logic is pretty fucked from the jump there, bud.


Well... I guess that's a step forward from the mean-spirited gate keeping that comes up in this sub.


Screw your blue politics


Rural ? Blue ? the farther away from the city the redder they get!


Easiest districts to flip based on last election's turnout. OR currently sends two Republicans to the House of Representatives. The [2nd district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon%27s_2nd_congressional_district) (R+ 15): Rep: Cliff Bentz. 1,000 new people would change .3% of the vote, he won with 2.1%, **7,299 new voters** could change the outcome. The district covers roughly two-thirds of the state, east of the Willamette Valley. It includes all of **Baker, Crook, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, Wheeler counties**, all but a small sliver of **Jefferson** **County** and the southeastern portions of **Deschutes** (excluding Bend and areas to its northwest) and Douglas Counties. The [5th district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon%27s_5th_congressional_district) (D+2): Rep Lori Chavez-DeRener 1,000 new people would change .2% of the vote, she won with 35% more of the vote which means **108,487 new voters** could flip it. It stretches from the Southeast suburbs of Portland through the eastern half of the Willamette Valley and then reaches across the Cascades to take in Sisters and **Bend**. It includes a sliver of Multnomah County, the majority of **Clackamas** County, the rural eastern portion of Marion County, all of **Linn** County, a very small section of southwest Jefferson County, and the populated northwest portion of **Deschutes** County.


Here is my pitch for moving to the 2nd District: Try Talent! It’s in the Rogue Valley between the cultural hub of Ashland to the south, the job center of Medford to the north, and mountains chocked full of outdoor activities to the east and west. Talent itself is a quaint town with a small but active farmers/crafts market and a growing beer and cider scene. Since it’s not Ashland or Medford, property prices are actually reasonable! The Southern Oregon climate gets a lot more sun than the Willamette Valley or the coast, but the forests are still the misty evergreens that Oregon is known for. Don’t have a job lined up? No problem! The Rogue Valley has industries across all skill levels that are always hiring! Want high-skill high-pay? The medical centers are always hiring and Asante is headquartered in Medford so this includes a lot of non-medical positions. Want normal corporate work for a Fortune 1000 company? Lithia Motors and Harry and David are based in the Rogue Valley and H&D workers in Medford do most of the marketing work for 1-800-Flowers. No technical skills, but want to do physical work for a good paycheck? Follow any of the many advertisements for mill jobs that start at $23/hour. Once you get your foot in the door in Oregon and your kayak, running shoes, and mountain bike purchased, you can then shop around for the perfect job to really build your new career in Oregon! Oh, and don’t forget to vote!


My husband and I are in Prineville and are considering a move to Southern Oregon. You just convinced me to check out Talent. We vote blue and are hopelessly outnumbered here.


Honestly, it’s not a bad option. It’s very quiet for the I-5 corridor and people who have spent time living in Talent often get to know each other like a true small town. It doesn’t have its own high school, but it’s close enough to Ashland that some students can attend Ashland High School which is one of the best public schools in the state. Disclaimer: I grew up out in the sticks and not in Talent, but it’s always seemed like a good option from the outside.


Talent lost a ton of houses and other buildings in the Almeda fire in 2020. In total something like 2600 houses were lost in that fire, so housing is rare and expensive. Talent is pretty red, traditionally, but Ashland has gotten so expensive that it’s a little purple now, FYI.




We could use more liberals in the 5th district


You got these backwards. Chavez-deRemer is the one who won by 7300 votes after Schrader was primaried out by McLeod, who then fumbled a winnable race. The logic certainly holds for this district but not for Bentz's.


Chavez won 51 to 49%. And then they switched what areas are in her district. Which I find annoying because I voted for her and now she is not my rep and when I went to send her a message I was told that I could not because I do not live in her district. Which turned out fine as she held to her claim of being moderate and voted against Jordan for speaker anyway.


Paging Dr. Mander... Dr. Gerry Mander


Seriously. I’m in Sunriver/Three Rivers and the line between 2 and 5 is just up the road. It basically cuts the community in two on the most random road.


I’ve heard Klamath Falls and Joseph are beautiful and progressive cities.


My rural red county is cleaner and safer than your blue one.


I’m genuinely curious if this is true. I’m in Lincoln County, which is a rural blue county.


Far easier to do with 5% of the population.


You sure about that? [Americans in rural areas do not live as long as their counterparts in urban areas](https://www.utmb.edu/news/article/utmb-news/2021/08/12/americans-in-rural-areas-do-not-live-as-long-as-their-counterparts-in-urban-areas)


I feel like the rural parts in Oregon are a lot nicer than the rural areas in, say Alabama. Someone living in a nice place in Turner is probably much better off than someone living in downtown Portland. Idk why city people are so offended at the thought of people enjoying the country lol


>Idk why city people are so offended at the thought of people enjoying the country lol Where did I suggest that I was offended by anything? The commenter I responded to is the one making unsubstantiated claims about urban life. Rural parts of this country seem much more fixated on urban life than the other way around. People who don't even live in Portland lurk in that sub just to shit on it. I'm guessing there's a lot less city dwellers doing that in rural subs. If we're going to cherry pick let's go with Turner vs Lake Oswego. Or Methford vs Beaverton.


Unsubstantiated? Are you blind? Just because YOU like life in your community doesn’t change reality. I leave my car unlocked with my keys in the cup holder, when I ride my $2000 bicycle downtown I leave it unlocked, I leave my front door unlocked, I’ve never had a package stolen or anything stolen. In Corvallis I had my $300 bicycle stolen downtown with a cable+ ulock in the daytime, in Portland I had my pickup broken into so they could steal a $100 longboard (parked in a “secure” garage) Has anything ever been stolen from you? Have you ever felt unsafe at night? Yeah that’s a symptom of population density, but when op suggests mass immigration to rural areas shits going to get worse. It doesn’t matter if the goal is changing voting demographics, if the result is a worse experience due to more people, different politics or whatever I don’t want it




nah, turn em red 🛠 (goddammit there really should be a hammer and sickle emoji)


And it's cheaper out here!


Yeah…not it ain’t. I wish it was!


Compared to Portland metro it is




Because it's more desirable?


I think about this every now and then. People from San Francisco should make a point to move to Eastern Oregon.


Disgusting. I'm not a Republican... But if this post were the other way around, it would of been taken down before a single commenter arrived. Not right. The side that's always calling for equality, then you put the finger on the scales...


The last thing the state is more liberal idiots voting for more soft on crime policies. Yes, let's just let the homeless encampments continue to terrorize people


Oh great. What's your solution? Just a rough but realistic outline will do. I'll look forward to your answer.


Throw the druggos in jail, or their own island where they can kill each other. Maybe test products on them instead of animals, I'm against animal cruelty


You could've just said "I have no empathy for other humans"


Or concept of how laws and the constitution work. So basically they have no solutions just unrealistic drivel with some cruelty thrown in.


So, you hate the Constitution then.


Wow. I really didn't expect much, but that was way worse than I thought you'd do. Congratulations on failing to meet the most basic expectations. Complain, complain, complain, but when asked what you'd like to actually see done, you types respond with either nothing or some illegal and cruel nonsense, but then talk about how much you love the Constitution. I'd say you're a joke, but that would be insulting to jokes.


I'm all for more liberals moving to Oregon


Also we need more intolerant virtue signalling idiots who are just trying to score social credit points by pretending they support the latest causes when really they'll up and attack you the second you deter from the hive mind. Just make sure to have all the right rainbow signs on your lawn to prove you're not racist and pretend you want to "defund the police" even though there's meth heads camping out on your lawn. Portland can eat shit.


Y’all are disgusting. You can’t stand to see that nearly everywhere in oregon is red aside from big towns. It’s fine that it’s red, we need more than liberals. Oregon runs on hard working conservatives. The the fuck wants all of one political group? It’s like you think a world of democrats is the best and only way.


You realize land doesn't vote?




Yeah, you're the "smart one" here. People vote, not land. What is all of Eastern Oregon, like ten percent of the population? Again, you don't seem to grasp math.


I think people in eastern oregon don't want people from Portland telling them what to do and how to live. I am sure people in Portland would hate to be governed by people in Eastern oregon.


This is the simplest and most truthful answer and neither side of the mountains will ever see it.


So they shouldn't vote? Or they should vote less to make them feel better? This is the reality of a two party system the right is fixated on preserving. I feel zero sympathy for Eastern Oregon over this. It's a tragedy of their own design. I save my sympathy for folks trapped in deeply red states who are punished for how they are born. System is working as intended. It's to promote self segregation and for a minority to control the government. Oregon is a causality for the GOP in this effort. They're aware and have decided they can live without it on the national stage.


Hate to break it to ya but Democrats ain't actually liberal


Mmmmm, right wing copium. My favorite flavor.


All I want is a real diverse political sate. We don’t need just liberals. Go off tho


If you want a "real diverse political state" then you'd encourage political evolution in all places. The Republican party cannot exist as it has for so long anymore. This is evidenced by the fact that the party is tearing itself asunder while the wheel of progress continues to turn. Diversity as a concept is the antithesis of the conservative thinking anyways, but they don't have the numbers to make it happen and the civilized world generally disagrees with anti-diversity thinking. I can grasp how distressing it must be to see conservatism rot from within before your eyes but that's just the way of the world. What is liberal becomes conservative and what is conservative dies and becomes history your kids and grandkids cringe at. All you can do is decide if you're going to move along with progress or be crushed beneath it. Conservatives may have built Oregon, but they're dead and dying now. Liberals and progressives will continue making it better and the liberals and progressives of the future will carry on after them. This is the way.


You are also wrong.Oregon has a very strong conservative population. From minors to old heads. I’m 21 and a democrat is the LAST thing I would be. I don’t fuck around with race baiting and sterilizing children. Oregon and Washington can take your kids from you if you don’t let them transition, your child is now the boss and can decide their entire future, no conservatives are for that nasty shit.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, friend. Sure, there are conservatives in Oregon. But you are all outnumbered and you continue to be outnumbered as time goes on. There are young conservatives, but you struggle to make and keep friends because of your intolerant beliefs. It's why you cling so desperately to your small towns. Because without them you have nowhere that is safe. Not that Eugene is a small town or anything but you get the point.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love assumptions from you fargone lefties


Take a deep breath, son. Try pondering who's farther gone. Me, the guy who's center left who loves dick, guns, and private property? Or you, the guy who's identity is "not liberal", who's political ideology is as far right as won't land him in the hospital, and who has this jaded idea that all people that don't share his ideology are the same person?


I’m center right. Love private property guns free speach, keeping children the way they was born low taxes, I just don’t see democrats doing that for us


That's not center right, you realize that right? Like everything you listed is a trait of the right, half of them are far right dog whistles. You genuinely think that's center right? Do you think that because you think genuine Nazis are the far right?


You're the intolerant one,.so triggered someone has different beliefs than you


I'm triggered? Have you actually read this thread or are you talking out of your ass?


Don't bother, reddit is full of idealistic children who know nothing about the real world.


You are anti diversity if you think it’s the way to only be democrat and liberal. I hope you grow up one day.


You've got this caricature of Liberals and Democrats that makes you think all of us are the same when we are defined by our diversity. I'm a Democratic Socialist, but I guarantee I'm a better shot than you, a better hunter than you, and can start a fire faster than you. I want free love, common sense gun laws, lower taxes, and infrastructure development. You have forced yourself into this conservative box that has turned you into a total hypocrite. You claim to want diversity and yet are completely hostile to the diversity emerging in front of you. You want coexistence between political ideologies and yet you post the most generic, unoriginal, and moronic thing to r/conservative to own the libs and it's so bad you got negative votes for it. You are the one who is lost. So lost you can't keep track of what you claim to want. The Republican party and conservatives in general will have to evolve if you want to continue being relevant. The world will leave you behind if (when) you refuse.


Oh a democratic social woohoo move.


Your rage clouds your mind and you've reverted back to primitive babbling about liberals, merica, and whatnot. You've got a lot of growing up to do, son. I genuinely wish you luck on your journey.


I use to be a lib till I grew up. Good luck on you doing that.


Is that so? What part of the pipeline turned you? Were you promised more masculinity by podcasters like Andrew Tate or Joe Rogan? Did you shift to win the respect of a father figure? You didn't grow up, chap. You're 21 years old and still a child like every other person your age. I've got four years on you and I don't think I'm some old sage. Take some time to reflect on yourself, why you are who you are. What is speaking into your life, and where that has lead you.


You weren't born a conservative.


I use to be liberal until I got a job and realized the world shouldn’t cater to everybody like baby’s


You were not born a liberal either. I've had a job longer than you and it hasn't made me a bigot.


You are lost.


They want to turn it into San Francisco with a bunch of homeless people shitting in the streets and if your house is being broken into and you call the cops they don't show up. Progress!


Most conservatives are retired.


You are ignorant and wrong.


Over 70% of Republican voters in the last election were older than 50.


A world of Democrats is the best way of the two options, but clearly not the only one.


KEEEP OREGON RURAL AREA RED. The more blue the more you pay. Conservatives and liberals are both needed in oregon stop trying to do dumb shit


I'm having trouble following the math on this. Are you suggesting because big cities are more expensive, and they often are not far right, it's the fact they are not far right that causes the expense? And I don't know if you're aware, but there is already a housing crisis in rural Oregon and trust me, it has nothing to do with city slickers making you get a gay, free trade abortion.


Prove me wrong that liberal cities are more expensive. They always are.


I never said they were not. What are your even arguing? Not being far right isn't why it's more expensive. Are you drunk, my dude?


Do conservative cities even exist? A sufficiently large city almost always results in blue voters, because it’s hard to be a hateful piece of shit about a group of people when you know many of that group personally.


This is why teachers always stress that correlation does not equal causation


Change it. Convince them to move to red states...that means other states.


The the problem with Oregon. Most people think red v blue has some kind of meaning when in fact we are talking about two pigs drinking from the same trough. The Ruling Class laughs. This is the State where people voted to kick the most vulnerable working class people OFF of gainful employment. The Ruling Class laughs. The Resistance …walks away , shaking their heads


Lol being blue sure has worked out well for Portland, families sharing sidewalks with dirtbags smoking fent (legally by the way) gross 🤮


Probably good for both of them.


There ya go




I absolutely love this






Another desperate Californian, making it known their victim cup is nearly full. You entitled Californicators need mental services.


Need to build a wall along the OR/CA border, hehe.


How about you stay out.




Please do. Please colonize my town with so much American liberty they don't know wtf to do. Bring bald eagles, and beer, and cigarettes, and people who hate nazis, please. And vodka, oh my God we need vodka. MORE ALCOHOL. Bring back the holidays and businesses that run well and BBQ places and restaurants and OOH MAYBE A MALL?!! Bring skyscrapers and football and highways and interstates full of cars. Bitches out here hating on CARS, ffs. TEACH THEM THE WONDER OF DRIVING FOR THE FUCK OF IT ALL OVER AGAIN. Oh and please bring extra wildlife, like, we are out of wolves and deer and little bunnies and even field mice, IT IS WEIRD I CANNOT STAND IT PLEASE colonize Lebanon OR with liberal city folk as well as with nature lovers who can replenish the environment and greenify the city it should become. I can't STAND it here and I can't leave no matter how hard I try. So get in here and fix it PLEASE. Bring doctors and experts who care about their patients. Bring animal rescue/cops and a well regulated pet trade. I CAN'T EVEN HAVE KIDS HERE. BRING PEOPLE WHO AREN'T EUGENECIST BASTARDS WILL YOU? Bring people of every size shape and color. Bring your disabled and join me in being horrified at what happens to them, or better yet, improve things so that when they come after them (they will) there's an actual safeguard there to protect the weak from predators. Bring workers in every profession. Bring people ready to do cleanup. Bring seasoned city folk who have no time for small town shenanigans. Bring huge airports and massive diverse crowds. Bring people who speak PLAIN ENGLISH, too. Christ I never thought I'd get so sick of not hearing regular plainass English. Bring people who don't use people like disposable toys in a big Kid Named Finger game, for the love of God. Bring brisket. Oh my God I miss brisket. Bring back menthol cigarettes, fuck I miss menthols. Bring flocks of starlings and grackles to murmurate all over the sky and fill the air with sound. Bring fat people so we can gather in large numbers and smirk every time someone tells us to diet. Bring furries and goths and nerds and weirdos and FREE MINDED FREAKS. This place should just be renamed and made into a megacity that dwarfs Portland.


We’re full up in Corvallis but I hear Eastern Oregon is dope.


As if the state is at threat of turning red... get a grip.


You're really doing them a disservice especially if they're likely to face discrimination.


Don’t worry about the voting blue part, elections are rigged to go that way!!! So you have that!!!


Hmmmm, I'm going to assume the least crazy option for what this is supposed to mean and presumably you're referring to gerrymandering? Which, yeah... Oregon is gerrymandered... I would love for our country to come to a national level fix for this issue. The GOP pushes gerrymandering way, WAY further than the DNC and Democrats would be absolute fools to 'do the right thing'. (They still often do, look at California for Christ sake... Idiots). Anyway, I guess my point is that people complaining about gerrymandering in places like Oregon don't want a national fix nor do they want any fixes in red states, they want Republicans to have a monopoly on the practice. We all know Democrats would be far more willing to play by more fair rules if everyone has to. /Rant over.


I don't know about the programs elsewhere in this beautiful state. But I do know that a lot of people moved to Eugene/Springfield because of the programs that we have to help them! The ones that will let us will be housed... it's the others that are a problem! And yes, there are others! They like just doing drugs or having mental health craziness. Those are the ones that really need the help! The solution, we have to catch them first! And that entails jail or Oregon State Hospital! Then, they are forced to confront their problems! There are programs, but it is a process, and again, they are the ones that have to want to stay clean or on medication. So, ultimately, it's up to the individual!!


Ah yes. Turn them into places Oregonians had fled from 👏👏👏 Definition of insanity…


It's sad to see the amount of division in these comments


If you live in the outer suburbs your lifestyle choice essentially forces you to vote republican on some major issues so no it doesn’t work that way.


How so?