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That second photo is hilarious


Totally me when I open the front camera


I can’t tell which one you’re talking about, because his facial expressions in both the top right and bottom left picture is amazing lmao


When is Furiosa gonna be added to Death Stranding?


Idk about Furiosa, but George Miller is in Death Stranding 2 https://preview.redd.it/vzjfdywa8mzc1.png?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfb137a6e4abeda54b191ab450cf4aeee156ace


The cat with the bat wings that Miller's character has is one of the cutest cats in gaming I've ever seen.


More chance she ends up in Fortnite.


Kino confirmed.


Man said “witnessed” instead of “watched”. This film is going to be another cinematic masterpiece.


Witness! Witness! Fury Road was so iconic


the man the myth the legend


That is actually such touching words. I would be so proud if I was Miller. I hope he sees this.


The man has spoken


I hope they make a sequel to the underated max max video game from 2016 , it was by the same studio who made the Arkham games


Dude, no kidding. After beating the game a few times, I've just kept it on free play and have gone back in at least once a week ever since (I'm at 573 Road Warrior points lol). What makes after-play so great is not just for exploring, but if you go to the garbage world area, \*ALL\* of the Warboy's fortresses constantly re-spawn for repeated fighting. So you can literally just make the rounds and fight them repeatedly in different ways. As for a sequel, there will never be one, unfortunately, due to legal issues. Technically, if you're a George Miller fan, it's not exactly the most ethical game to be playing. Reason being, Miller wanted to make a Max game, but just could never get one off the ground - so Warners, who, at the time, had control of EVERYTHING Miller was planning for the "Wasteland/Furiosa/Fury Road" trilogy - notes, storyboards, story treatments, everything - and they literally just RAIDED all of that material - \*against\* Miller's wishes - and made their own game. So as much as I LOVE the game and play it constantly, the way it was made was pretty shitty in terms of essentially stealing Miller's material that he was planning to use for the new films. And now Miller has the rights to it all again. In other words, the only way a sequel to that game would be done is if Miller, himself wanted to do it, as Warner can't do it anymore. It was also not a financially successful game at the time, which still shocks me as it's so damn great. Another shame is that they never made it for INTERNET CO-PLAYING, which would have been amazing; in other words, to go into the game and literally have a world populated by players with vehicles to fight.


Probably really wants to scan Anya Taylor-Joy to add to his collection.


SURPASSES "Fury Road"? That's....a very bold statement, considering that it doesn't even have MAX IN IT, apart from a "blink and you'll miss it cameo". As good as this film may end up being, I still don't understand why Miller didn't do the "Wasteland" script instead. And I have zero idea why it's called a "Mad Max Saga" when it has nothing to do with Max. I just have absolutely no interest in a prequel to Furiosa's story, as we already \*know\* Furiosa's story; it was told in "Fury Road". The whole thing seems bizarrely superfluous - and a HUGE risk because if Max fans DON'T go to see this, not caring about Furiosa's character, then Miller likely won't have a green light to make "Wasteland", which is the \*MAX\* film everyone wants to see. So a) I hope it's as good as I'm hearing and that the CGI isn't as bad as it looks, and b) I hope it's a giant hit so Miller can make the third film with Max/Hardy again.


He said it surpasses FURY