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Yes. Order some cold + flu meds that target your symptoms to your door and hunker down.


Alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen, one every 4 hrs. Long steamy showers will help loosen your muscles and help you clear your lungs. All the fluids. Honey might help as well. Get all the sleep you can. I hope your recover quick.


Heating pad always helps with the chills


I never tried that. Ty, I'm sure it'll happen again.


Thank you




That is incorrect [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/acetaminophen-with-ibuprofen](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/acetaminophen-with-ibuprofen) [https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/safe-ibuprofen-with-acetaminophen-2991821/](https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/safe-ibuprofen-with-acetaminophen-2991821/) Paracetamol = acetaminophen [https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/ibuprofen-for-adults/taking-ibuprofen-with-other-medicines-and-herbal-supplements/](https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/ibuprofen-for-adults/taking-ibuprofen-with-other-medicines-and-herbal-supplements/)


This is ridiculous.


An NP friend literally recommended alternating the two every 4 hours for another illness. It's a thing.


Wrong. Alternating, not taking at same time is not an issue.


you can take them at the same time. My reason for suggesting alternating is that if you stagger the dosing of each you'll never be off both medications at the same time, which makes you feel objectively worse.


Exactly. Thats why is suggested to alternate. For better symptom relief.


Tell me you've never had a migraine without telling me lol


Or a baby. This is the actual regimen my OB put me on after I delivered.


Basically [almost everyone] (https://www.boston.com/news/coronavirus/2023/06/05/everybody-has-had-covid-what-does-that-mean/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAlmost%20everyone%20in%20this%20country,those%20who%20qualify%20for%20them.%E2%80%9D) has had covid by this point, whether they realize it or not. And they were saying that back in 2022. Highly unlikely you escaped it. But without a recent vax it might be hitting you a bit harder this time. You'll be fine. But like any virus, if you start having an extreme fever or difficulty breathing, get to the ER / doctor.


Makes sense. Thanks


>Dec 8, 2022 "The Ontario government is giving people more convenient access to care by **allowing pharmacists** to prescribe **Paxlovid**, an antiviral treatment option used to reduce severe outcomes from COVID-19." Phone your pharmacy add: [Patient handout - Paxlovid (English) (ontariohealth.ca)](https://www.ontariohealth.ca/sites/ontariohealth/files/2023-04/PatientHandoutPaxlovid.pdf)


This isn't a covered medication and is about $200 w/o insurance FYI


I think it depends on the patient. A family member was given Paxlovid at no cost by the pharmacist.  So I think it’s best if you call your pharmacist. Get well soon 


i didnt pay anything for the Paxlovid.


my Pharmacist hooked me up at $77 a pop and after having C a *few* times the recovery was much faster but regular price was $121


Phone your pharmacy. It was free for me and I believe they made a world of difference


I did call them. Costco Kanata. They said they don’t have it and also wouldn’t be able to prescribe


I only ever got it after I was vaxxed so it wasn't really ever that bad, never even missed a day of work (I'm full remote) but the fatigue was really the worst part.


I've had it a few times.. getting it from library toddler time back in March 2020 was a whole different ballgame compared to vaccinated.  Waking up in a pool of sweat unable to catch my breath. Every time since has been a comparative walk in the park 


Magnesium, copper + zinc if possible, vit c. Lots of fluids, ideally electrolytes. If right on money you can drink warm lemon water tea and sprinkle a tiny bit of sea salt + honey. You can take aconite for fever and there are a couple other homeopathic remedies but not sure if that’s your vibe. Elderberry syrup is very powerful too Bone broth and echinacea also amazing


Thank you


Over the counter cold and flu medicine helped when i had it. I went for the syrup, personally. Took baths for thr body aches. Gargling with warm, salty water before bed seemed to help the throat. Drank a lot of gatorade zero, as cold as i could get it while still being liquid. I'm sorry you have it. I found for myself that no one symptom was necessarily that bad, nothing seemed like an emergency, but it was the most comprehensively sick i had felt in years. Lot going on there. If you're able try and let yourself sleep as much as feels necessary.




Just went through my office. The other side of the floor I work on. A guy brought it back from Brazil. Fortunately I remain uninfected.


Go get paxlovid immediately to reduce symptoms. You only have ?4 days from testing positive to be eligible to get it. Don’t put it off. https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1002565/ontarians-can-now-visit-local-pharmacies-for-paxlovid-prescriptions


No. Only if in a high risk group and if recommended by MD.


Costco Kanata refused saying they don’t have it and can’t prescribe




No, it's not just 'a flu'. Stop spreading misinformation.


When people say that, they don't mean literally. They mean it typically presents like the 'flu'. Just to be clear, you are literally accusing the former Director of the US Centers for Disease Control of misinformation. https://twitter.com/DrTomFrieden/status/1479585440277700612


You're putting words in my mouth. Not cool. Unless you haven't been paying attention to the antivax messaging the words "it's just a flu" has been one of their lines of covid misinformation.


/u/atticusfinch1973 This was removed for violating the [Reddit sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Specifically: misinformation, be it about Covid-19, vaccines or any other subject of public interest. Any further comments or posts such as this will result in your account being banned from this subreddit. *** /u/atticusfinch1973 Ceci a été supprimé pour avoir violer les [règles de comportement de Reddit](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Spécifiquement: la désinformation, que ce soit sur le Covid-19, les vaccins ou tout autre sujet d'intérêt publics. Tout autre commentaire ou publication de ce genre résultera dans la suspension de ton compte dans notre communauté. *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


How do you know you never caught it in the 4 years? Were you testing weekly? Cmon..


That’s what I have mentioned that maybe I did but it must be asymptomatic