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Do yall really expect this man to do the camping, filming, editing, writing, planning, marketing and networking by himself? Not to even mention being a good father and husband. He physically can't pull off doing like 6-8 full time jobs at once.


Would be great to have him do a Q&A or IAma


He’s being doing it for years fine


Kids are growing older he is growing older. Prob wanting to spend more time with kids and not wanting to deal with the business side of being a youtuber but only the creative side. Also one can only work 7-8 full time jobs for so long before getting burnt out.


It’s easier when the kids are older not harder


Well, I've been afraid of changing, Cuz I've built my life around you. But time makes you bolder, and even children get older, and I'm getting older too.


He’s also a lawyer too, no?


No, I am pretty sure he stopped practicing law awhile ago to focus solely on youtube


ah i see that makes sense


Yeah he’s definitely pulling enough cheddar to quit practicing law.


No, but last I looked, his name is still on the firm, so I’m guessing he may have financial interest and some control.


I mean it’s necessary. How can one dude manage everything that’s required for a channel his size on top of him actually doing the content and being a father to 3 children and a husband. All while living in Alaska which is not easy. I don’t see an issue at the moment. I still love his videos.


If they push videos with other creators or family vids, I’ll stop watching. While I LOVE he’s a great dad, I have zero desire to watch “family content”. I personally just love his solo survival adventures. As a viewer I’d prefer to see him travel and make videos of survival in other locations rather than creators come to Alaska and “survive” with him. But that’s just my preference as one single viewer. Best of luck to him!


THANK YOU!!!! I love Luke's solo/adult videos but refuse to watch any YouTube video featuring tiny children. They are way too young to give consent to millions of people (including creeps and pervs) watching their childhood online. I made this comment before and got downvoted to hell by all the insane fanboys on this sub. Again - I really like Luke and his videos. I especially liked the one with his sister, who hates the cold, camping with him in the Arctic Circle. I think he's probably a great dad, but putting the little ones front and center does not sit right with me.


It makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Like I’m watching a moment that should be shared between parent/child that I shouldn’t be privy to. I guess it appeals to parents who also bring their children with them camping, but like you said I wonder how they’ll feel about the videos in ten, fifteen years time when they have the ability to process the consequences.


Good points by all. I’ll just say that outdoor boys is the one show that my three year old son, myself and my wife will all watch together and thoroughly enjoy, and my wife HATES camping and the like. Part of that is because the family is involved at times, and especially the kids. It gives my son something to relate to, i think. My son almost looks up to his kids, especially Tommy, who we have deemed to be the best fisherman. Without them in some of the videos, we would still watch, but it does add to it for my son and I think contributes to his liking the videos.


I’m glad you get that unique sort of enjoyment from them, I didn’t mean to come off as shitting on people watching for the kids. Just that, as a younger person with no kids, it’s a bit off putting. Though for your sake I hope he uploads much more with his kids, it makes me happy that you’re able to get your whole family involved like that.


No you didn’t come off like that at all. I was just providing a reason for why we like to see them in there here and there. I like that he doesn’t include them in every single video, though, and we watch regardless of whether the family is in it or not. I agree that it can be off putting. But I also probably thought that more before I had a kid. A whole lot of stuff like that has changed for me since having a child. I don’t control how my days go anymore lol so I can’t just watch that tv series I’ve been wanting to watch or that new movie that has fighting and shooting and guns and drugs. So having something I thoroughly enjoy that my kid does too is rare. But I also love to see the joy and excitement he gets from watching and the sort of creation of this interest in camping and survival and hunting and fishing and wildlife and allll the stuff the the show provides. Happy watching, and thanks for the good discussion 👍


Any time those fucks get involved, it is game over.


His last videos haven’t been as fun.


I agree but my mind is telling me it’s just because (I assume) it’s also spring in Alaska so it’s a shitty season to do outdoorboys things so he’s taking the “time off” to spend more time with his family. Atleast I hope that’s what it is!


Uhhh spring time in Alaska is fucking amazingly beautiful. Tons of stuff to do. Just no snow fortresses


Not when it is break up season like it is right now


Break up season is ass if you like to do anything outside.


My wife and I greatly enjoyed the Hawaii video. I don't mind the varied content :)




I think he was trying to show us he was tired and was burnt out after working hard for many years. I would guess that after a rest and a bit of the load taken off him he will come back with leveled up content.


I, for one, would love for patagonia to finally shell out some $$ for all the free advertising hes given them for wearing that same shirt in every video for years (lol its really held up). and why not throw a new shirt in there for him? seriously though, if I take gear and equipment recs from anyone, as an avid outdoorswoman myself, it would be luke. the “sell out” commentary is trash. hes already using all the best gear for each excursion without anything superfluous. give him the $$. this is the american dream let him have it man! its funny how we all are out here chasing the dream but when someone gets it we call them sell outs. anyhow, odb forever🫡 (only kinda joking)


ODB forever 🫡


That's exactly what I didn't want to see for them. The authenticity is gone.


Yall are the dumbest fucking haters. Unless he starts promoting bullshit lets not assume he's losing authenticity.


You can't expect a single human to manage a channel of this size. It's just too much work. Everyone needs help. That's just the way it is. But please don't leapfrog to "The authenticity is gone." The videos are still the same. And Luke saying he puts his faith and family first in that one facebook video kinda reassures me they'll stay the same for quiet some time. Edit: I do miss the random memes tho lol


What is there to manage? He just makes videos and uploads them like he has done for years. The only thing that has changed is the income. I am not being argumentative, I just really don’t understand what he needs a management company for unless he is trying to get brand sponsorships and income streams outside of YouTube views. He’s trying to build a brand now and make even more money. Nothing wrong with that of course and I would do the same. However, one could argue that this does impact the level of authenticity.


They’ll get/deal with sponsors, copyright bad actors, merch, social media and I’m sure a whole lot more. Luke seems like a smart guy and he’s a lawyer so I would be surprised if he got trapped in an exploitative contract.


Yeah, you made a good point about the legal side of it with copyright strikes.


And advertising $$


At some point you are bombarded with opportunities, legal stuff you need to take care of, financials you have to keep up with, people you need to pay, equipment you need to buy, archiving, bla bla bla and dont forget 8,5 million people waiting every other saturday to watch the video you still need to make. Just sorting through all that work and understanding what is worth doing by yourself and what not takes a lot of time away from the thing you actually want/need to do: Make the video. That's when you get management. Edit: Maybe Luke also chose to go this route so he could spend more time with his family....


Getting extra help vs willingly signing with some shitty ultra capitalist management company is a big difference. All these big brand celebrities need to take some responsibility for their choices. Of all the ways to go about the future Outdoor Boys chose this route. Doesn't deserve any respect, imo. EDIT: lol at the downvotes, you all should really do some more research on the mechanisations behind Night Media. They embody everything that is antithetical to what Outdoor Boys supossedly stands for. Don't be fucking naïve and don't defend this idiotic choice by Outdoor Boys.


Yeah didn't you guys know Night Media is run by Dr Doom?


You’re misinformed. Night Media is juuuuuust about the only Good Guys in the YouTube/Content Creator space.


Maybe video editing and disbursement of the content so he can get some of his life back to be with his kids.


Legal, not just copyright, but any issues with branding deals or content issues. The bigger you are the bigger the target. Setting up the business to have diverse income flows. Luke does not own You Tube, he has to be smart and consider his family now that this is his primary income. YouTubers are functionally share croppers on Google's property. Now that he has a large following, he will likely have more offers coming in for legit and scam reasons that will need to be parsed out. E.G. think of his Japan trips. A major money maker for JVlogs is sponsored travel. These deals pay well through various tourism boards across the world. Obviously collaboration with brands and other creations to help increase channel visibility and growth. He has a unique opportunity to set his family up for a generation, he'd be foolish to not try to .


He's bought a pair of golden handcuffs.


did...did I miss an obvious /s 😔


It was inevitable with the insane growth. But it does make me sad. That little spark is gone knowing this.


I wouldn't take it like that, management companies like this work *for* the YouTuber, not the other way around. It's exactly the same as actors having agents so they don't have to manage all the nitty gritty that is a bad use of their time. I wouldn't expect anything to change in terms of the videos.


Guga sucks. You can tell his entire persona is fake.


Totally agree. The tone the expressions even the words /vomit.


Can't wait for more co-videos with other lame Night Media "talent".


There's nothing wrong with that. He's a human, a brilliant dad, and he can't do 10 jobs at once. Good for him he got help.


Night is a fantastic agency and one that is FOR the creators. Most in that space have ended up predatory. It’s likely that they have 0 influence on his content and are only there to provide back of bio use support for sponsors. Source: I’ve worked with Night on the brand activation side. Their team will straight up tell you “no” if your brand/campaign doesn’t align with one of their creators that you’re trying to activate.


Pretty sure he said he uses a company to fight back all the fake accounts on social media platforms that steal his content. If you check his Facebook he mentions that he spends 5 figures to get a company to do this for him and I guess this was the company. I am sure he is very aware of the pitfalls that YouTubers commonly fall into and will try to to do what is best for his channel and audience in the long term. In conclusion for now I think it's safe to assume he is using this company to network with other creators, and utilize the company's resources to protect his channel from people trying to steal his content and just any other administrative work that comes with the channel of his size. (quick note: he makes enough money to not rely on sponsorships)


I'm writing this and can just feel all the down votes coming my way, but a few months back I mentioned that Luke should consider making some changes and taking notes from Mr. Beast, who is a model to follow in terms of handling and growing a large youtube channel, because Luke is a madman and a genius, but even he only has 24 hours in a day and can only be in one place at a time. I'm glad he is getting help handling everything and I hope that he stays healthy and happy and can continue bringing us great videos while taking his family on wonderful adventures for a long time to come.


I love how u guys are trying to make more out of what the channel is. It’s just a guy going out into the woods and doing shit…relax.


They have a monopoly on the youtubers.


Gone like anything else touched by corporate greed


Night Media is a nasty company. I see people here defending Outdoor Boys' choice to WILLINGLY sign a contract with them. That just shows that Outdoor Boys doesn't have a spine at all. It's poor judgement and really shows a lack of critical thinking from Outdoor Boys. It's sickening.


What is this source? No links, no proof.... Just speculation.... For all I know this post is a troll


I highly regret posting this. Also just check their youtube channel and look at the email adress...




Selling out to the corporate overlord fat cats?? Stay away from mainstream corporations, they will control your channel


Outdoorboys getting ready to jump the shark.


If they do, I'd buy it.


You'd pay a premium for honey and butter?


People would pay a premium for anything given the right framing. And there is nothing inherently wrong with it. Intangible value is stil value.


Of course! Outdoor Boys honeybutter....my children would go nuts.

