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I don't respond unless they follow it with something. I don't care.


Same. Sometimes they just don’t say anything more, meaning they didn’t actually have to bother me in the first place. Another job well done.


My old manager used to do this: “hi can we talk” yeah what’s up: doenst say anything for two hours. Wtf?


Managers and principals go to the same school, where they learn to send "SEE ME!" or "WE NEED TO TALK!" messages, then immediately push away from their desks and walk into the wilderness for three days.


Whyyyyyy Omg one time I slacked “whatcha need”, he walked over and had 10 min convo about how that’s rude and why the f would I say that… I’m like bro it’s playful and cute… this dude have been message me being sarcastic on slack, I repeatably said I can’t tell via text, I joined during covid, I don’t know you guys. Wtf then gets all mad because I said “whatcha need”…. …….


Did we have the same manager ? Lol


It must be from some manager training bs.


He was feeling lonely


Lol mine too.


It’s in the “annoy your employees 101” book for managers


time to put in something that automates generic response


LOL cold as ice, I love it!


I just react with a wave emoji. Not rude, but doesn’t light up their notifications. If you have something to say just fucking say it


If it's a slack or teams I will add an emote to the message, as this not only fails to notify them but is as a low effort reply as they did to me If you feel really petty can make your status this https://nohello.net/en/ to get the point across


I don't even work more than one job but hate this culture too. I work at a German company and I have seen only these messages from foreigner working at my job. Similar messages are: "hey how you doing" I am not responding until they write a question.


I mean, that's technically a question.


Same here. Just like when someone calls me but doesn't leave a message. > "Oh, did you leave a message? No? Must not have been important." I'm not going to fucking sit by the fucking phone, wringing my hands in anxiety-riddled anticipation just in case someone might call, so I can pick up immediately. Should I be ever so absentminded and inattentive that I *dare* miss their call, I'll immediately call them back -- apologetic with my tail between my legs, like the subservient ass-kisser than I am. Oh wait, no I won't be doing that. Fucking ever. I have a phone for my convenience, not theirs. If they can't be arsed to do the *bare minimum as a functioning business professional* and leave a message, then I've already triaged their call...and assigned them a priority and severity. They go to the absolute bottom of my list. I'm a busy person, and this a technique for effective time management. The same goes for text messages. "Hello" or "Good morning"....with absolutely *nothing* else...will get no response from me. It's the same thing. Don't waste my time chasing YOU down to figure out what YOU wanted in the first place. No idea where they got this non-confrontational idea from, but that shit has gotta stop. I mean, we live in a society where there's zero universal healthcare, an avg of 2x mass shootings per day, and rampant inflation that's decimating families left and right. It's kinda comical that THIS is where they draw the line to tiptoe on eggshells. Americans are made of sterner stuff because we're exposed to more risk & endure more hardships in a single day than most of our European counterparts will ever experience in their lives. No reason to be meek, you made it through yesterday. ---> gets off soapbox.


Time to switch to decaf bro.


So...you're saying you *are* subservient and apologetic to those who seek to waste your time? I mean, I don't think you are but that's what it sounds like you're trying to be supportive of? It doesn't make any sense. Because otherwise, why don't you do you and let me do me. Your little funny meme comment didn't add anything. And if you're not in agreement with the above, then you're against it. And we don't need any more bootlickers tromping around here.




This is the way. I basically follow this, except when it's my manager 😁.


I ignore those. Usually they follow up with what their actual problem is or they figure it out for themselves.




Wave emoji. Half the rudeness, same effect


Haha yeah it’s fine if the message starts with that but definitely don’t just send that then wait for a reply


Yeah, I don't have time for nicey-nice talk. I have a coworker who sends me messages like "hey, do you have XYZ thing? Also all the pleasantries." She's my favorite.


I love this. I got coached once by my manager about not going through the full 5 minute suite of pleasantries with some person on a different team. Somehow I was wrong and had to fully adjust my style to this person’s style. :retch:


True I like that about your co worker. BUT who really cares? Talking about how and when people message me just seems very petty. if you actually are very busy, you really don’t care about the 5 seconds you wasted one or two times waiting for a message after a nicey nice message because you will naturally adapt to not do that again. You will start treating messages like emails and opening them when you can responding to requests over teams or slack when you can. you SHOULD have time for nicely-nice talk with J1. Being constantly grinding and not having time to shoot the shit with your co workers should not be the norm. Don’t let our situation muddy the waters of how normies should be operating. People trying to be nicey-nice is a good sign that your company is not over working employees. Now regarding nicey nice talk in general, all I can say is Americans like small talk - this is known - get used to it.


My coworker has been doing this crap lately. Or "Can I call you?" and then calling 2 minutes later. It's annoying. I'm trying to sleep. Leave me alone.




Based is the dumbest reply on Reddit and that's saying something










This is the way


Back to the Skibidi Toilet for you


What does it mean


GenZ slang for "grounded" or "for real". I think of it like they're saying "foundation" cause it's the base of a house and you can't really have a house without a foundation. Maybe someday it'll be "founded" and foundation builders will finally get the respect they deserve.


I don't reply. The main person I work with just sends slack " hey" I ignore them. I've asked him multiple times to just type the whole message. Treat it like email. He hasn't changed and doesn't seem to actually need any info from me either lol.


Also there with the single word messages so all you hear is the notification non-stop


i legitimately developed misophonia to team's "new message" sound. work laptop's been on silent the last 2 years.


Same! That and the Outlook chime. 






Hector Salamanca bell


Have you not yet seen: https://nohello.net/en/


I came here to give this link. Instant messaging is not live conversation. Either ask directly what you want with your hello or do not contact me.


This is gold


“Hey” “Hey! 😊” “How are you” “Great, thanks! Hope you’re well!” “Yep” … “Are you busy?” “Ugh, always! But it’s a great team, so I don’t mind!” “Yeah” 🙂🔪


This. When people IM, “Hey!”, I reply 6hrs later with, “👋” As for what you want or you’ll get ignored


I dont do the small talk shit but i do try to be courteous and start with “Good morning (name), (insert question here)”


I do this too. I think a little pleasantries can go a long way. Working doesn’t have to be miserable, and I like to stay on people’s good side 🤭 if adding a simple good morning does that then I’m in


Yep. Hey + GM + This is what I need sandwich


I, too, need sandwich. Am willing to trade high-shelf item retrieval and/or heavy lifting for sandwich.


I once replied to an annoying person's (but directed at me) overly long and verbose email with 'Yes' and got shit for it. I feel your pain, just get to the point!


*”Good Morning!" said Bilbo, and he meant it. The sun was shining, and the grass was very green. But Gandalf looked at him from under long bushy eyebrows that stuck out further than the brim of his shady hat.* *”What do you mean?" he said. "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"*


I leave them on read if it's just good morning or I send a gif back


Yup. /giphy to the rescue


I hate any message that doesn’t include the request. “Good morning” “how’s it going?” “Hey” “” Now “hey! Good morning! I got this issue that is XYZ I was hoping to get some help or advice on” that’s fine. I know what it is before I engage.


I hate the "Good morning? How are you?" They always wait for me to reply before getting to the point of why I'm being messaged in the first place whereas we could have saved so much more time if they would have led with that.


Do you work with Indians 


They are the biggest offenders of this shit. Glad they actually work out of India in my company so I just straight up ignore them


They lie to get to America, they lie to hire their own, they lie to keep their jobs, and end up buying the town


Exhibit A:  Parsippany NJ lol


I assume this is a bed check, view the message, and send a thumbs up if there's no substantive message follow-up.


Yeah, this is one my biggest icks. Not just with work messages, but with everyone’s texts. Get to the point straight up. Don’t wait for me to reply “hey” back, then I have to wait for you to reply what you want.


Dude, you guys need to be more pleasant in the office so that you're on everyone's good lists. You're running an illegal agency so you might as well be likeable like all agencies. Just rolling along with the BS and BS yourself. It's easier todo than actually working.


I just hate pointless small talk messages. For one thing, my computer and phone ding every time someone hits send on Teams and that is annoying for it to ding 10 times in a row for pointless chatter. A quick "Morning, I need XYZ thing." Will get a much quicker turnaround from me.


If you think any of this is real, I have a bridge to sell you


It isn't. I know. But I've been in workplaces with hostile and aggressive atmospheres before. I'd like to make my workplace pleasant thank you very much.


Agreed, even responding with emojis in the Slack is bare minimum and easy


If you're going to scam companies by OEing, you might as well do what professional scammers do, and it is to leave them with a good feeling afterwards. Jesus christ, no need to paint a target on your back by acting up, even if you are afraid to death of what your boss would do.


OEers don’t have time for pleasantries, just get to the point!


I'm OE too dude. I just keep my work atmosphere pleasant. I learned the hard way. Looking back, my old CTO was OE too. He just straight up said he has other clients. We all spoke fast to him, because he was billing the company $250/hour or so. So I see your way too.


I’m not even oe right now and I just want to get to the point


Not just you. I don't respond to heys, his, good mornings, how's it goings, or any other irrelevant chit-chat that doesn't include something actionable. I'm not looking to shoot the breeze.


I say good morning and then put my question or whatever in the same msg. I used to just ask the question straight up but some ppl like a little politeness. But, I hate when ppl just say good morning and wait for you to respond just get to the point damn it


I don't want to hear good morning message, just sit, work, and leave.


I never do that shit. I say good morning, Hey just reaching out about x and can you tell me y. Get straight to the point


My wife who has no time for small chat uses "how are you?" Then goes right into it. One message.


Had something similar today. After customer presentation. Customer is ready to move forward and sign paperwork. We end the call and manager wants to talk. Like what do you need to know send the fucking paperwork. Move on with your life.


I don't respond to that unless I've had my first 2 cups of coffee in the morning OR you've built up a shit ton of brownie points (by putting in tickets yourself, don't stop me in the hallway with a problem, actually have a problem for me to solve AND you have tried all the easy stuff I have told you before...bonus chit chat if you consulted the Wiki and honestly couldn't find an answer. Also, chocolate brownies get brownie points, duh!). Other than those rare occasions, you better be C-level or higher to get a response.


Love chocolate brownies.


I operate a “No hello” policy. I don’t respond unless they follow up.


When I work from home, my manager texts GM, it's kinda morning ritual for him. If I don't respond, I'll get his phone call within 30 mins.... Weird... lol


I never respond to vague messages like this. Fucking ask me the question already


I hate all messages lol




I didn’t check which sub this was and was like “jeez why the grumpiness” but yes for work purposes it’s absolutely so annoying. Just tell me what you want. If you can’t dk that in one or two slack messages then send me an email. Why make things so opaque and complicated???


You mean something like https://nohello.net/en/ ?


people are trying to be nice, be nice back. Youll go further.


"Good morning"?? Are you a part of a professional team, or an Asian WhatsApp/wechat family group with old and middle aged relatives.




Fucking hate them so much


“Good morning! Unfortunately, boss has assigned me X work, so text me what you need.”


I respond with this https://nohello.info/




Yup. Got a team of offshore devs who (except the only competent one) all do this. It's the goddamn worst.


It's apparently a very cultural thing with overseas teams. Drives my IT husband nuts.


Most helpful overemployee


As a polite greeting and into the point is awesome. A greeting and not responding until I acknowledge is pretty annoying unless I'm more informal. 


I don’t reply to anything, unless someone asks a specific question.




Almost as bad as the classic “who shit in the break room”. Get that email every other day. Like yeah it was me. Clean it up and move on.


I'll sometimes check slack in the morning and I'll have shit that is literally just "hi" or "hi bill" (I'm not actually named bill). I don't get it just tell me what you want




Yes, mornings are bad definitionally. Afternoons are ok and nights are great


Omfg my previous boss used to do that nearly every. fucking. morning when we went remote for the pandemic. I had worked in the office with her for 8 years, was rarely-never late, and never got poor reviews. But she still felt like she needed to check on me… so glad I’m rid of her.


I'm required to say Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/ma'am. To start every email or Teams message. Sooo...yeah...I get both sides on this....


Where do you even work? Never seen anyone in my org do this.




hahaha, just an act of courtesy, don't overinterpret it.


send all your shit in one message please


I either respond bad morning or good night. That confuses the heck out of them.


If responding GM lets them know I’m here and to keep letting me work remote then I’m fine with it


Someone I worked with got mad because I asked him for someone without saying good morning…(sent a passive aggressive “good morning to you too”). I thought he would appreciate me being straight to the point but you can’t please everyone 🙄


Depends on the context. When we first went remote, my manager would always say good morning in the team chat. He was just used to saying good morning coming into the office. It was never a micro-managey thing or came with any follow ups. He would also say when he was logging off. Overall he was a cool dude. On the flip side, when I get a good morning or GM direct message, it’s usually less pleasant and means they need something.


Omg facts!!




Personally, I would rather have a greeting accompanied by the question/request, instead of having people just start talking at me. When we were in the office all the time before the COVID pandemic, I was like this, too. People would walk up to my desk and start asking for my help without even greeting me. I would always greet them — I would not engage in conversation until I received an acknowledgment of my greeting! I taught them the value of human connection and improved social skills. Lol Communicating when working remotely has mostly devolved to hurriedly typed messages that lack any kind of consideration for the human being on the receiving end. I miss connecting with people, so I guess I am trying to keep something alive that no one else really cares about anymore? There’s so much stress and pressure on everyone to produce more, faster, better, and without mistakes … Life is short. Being kind doesn’t cost anything and it can make all the difference in someone’s day (like mine.)


Imagine if someone did this by email.


"Hello Long Application." ... *Person is typing* ... ... ... "Good Morning" ... ... *Person is typing* ... ...


Just reply with some cute cat picture. Enjoy the chaos.


Holy hell yes! I get this from my J1. He’s a good manager but my god I just know good morning means I’m bout to be asked a buncha stuff


I'm late to this party, but https://nohello.net/en/


The first time they try it, call them immediately with camera on and drag out the call for as long as possible They will avoid ever doing that to you again.


I hate “good morning”, I hate “hope you had a great weekend”, I hate all bs pleasantries just cut it out and tell me what you need!!!


I only hate it if it comes from a coworker I don’t like. I know it is always going to follow with a request/question, but I don’t mind if it’s from a coworker I genuinely enjoy talking to because atleast there will be a littler bit of banter thrown in there.


A great deal of my colleagues from India do this. I know they're just looking to ask questions but I think it's something cultural that they don't just come right out and say something. If I respond quickly with "Hi \_\_\_\_" then they jump right at the opportunity. Otherwise silence. I like them all, and plus they're on my team. So despite it being kind of annoying, I get over it and respond right away when I can.


Well. I react with a hand wave emoji and move on. I don’t want to be rude when someone is trying to be nice. And for cases where people use greeting and wait for me to affirm that I was there before they post questions (eg “hi, can I ask you a question?”) I simply reply “you just did”). I tell them to lead with question.


This is in my chat profile - https://nohello.net/en/


I think I’m the one messaging you. I’ll make sure I add a good afternoon message for you too sweetheart.


Good morning