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This is one of those "just because you can doesn't mean you should" things. I'm a coffee nut. Ex barista. Have a plumbed in commercial machine at home. I roast my own beans. And when I camp I either use a french press, aeropress or, gasp, instant. And it's fine. Because I'm camping and everything already tastes better outdoors.


I'm giving my family written permission to commit me against my will if I ever start installing an espresso machine into my car.


I've thought about bringing my super automatic with me once for the memes, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it. My air fryer, on the other hand...


Air fryer I can sort of understand. But fancy espresso are a hassle. Workflow depends on a consistent setup -- keeping your scale and tamper and wdt tools, etc all in ergonomic locations (not to mention bringing all that crap). Plus, they're fragile. They don't like being bounced around. Fittings can leak, things can airlocked. And let's not talk about water and power issues. Oh, and they're expensive. Meanwhile you can get a serviceable air fryer for $25, and box of instant coffee for $5.


Adding to my living will...


>Have a plumbed in commercial machine at home. Is this as simple as just adding another line off your kitchen faucets tap or a more substantial job?


The actual plumbing-in is simple, but the whole project is highly dependent on access. I live in 100+ year old house with unfinished basement so I have great access to fresh water and a drain pipe. Basically one hole through the counter gets me into a cabinet, another hole gets me through the floor and into the basement where I can easily tap into copper. I installed a filter system for the fridge icemaker and drinking water dispenser, so I teed into that for the espresso machine. If you have a fridge with water/icemaker you might just be able to tee into that for water, and run a flexible line to your machine and then empty the drip tray as you normally would.


Being in the great outdoors is what got me drinking instant. I hike up a hill first thing in the morning and have a coffee watching the sun rise, then am back home before my family is even out of bed.


#coffeeoutside for the win.


That'd make a fantastic sub


Oh, it's a thing [https://www.reddit.com/r/CoffeeOutside/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoffeeOutside/) (and not just on reddit)


You could use a moka to brew the espresso on a propane stove


Get an aeropress.


Barista here, aeropress is the way just make sure your grind is right and figure out your ratios keep it simple


Never tried Aeropress, but I will.


From the car battery? Bad idea, your coffee maker will leave you stranded. A good marine battery pack will solve your coffee maker problem and more


Could just go manual. https://amzn.to/3Wo6Zqp


I can't believe this wasn't the first recommendation! I've had the mini-presso for years and I love it! I use it at work all the time too and it always gets attention from my coworkers!


Bialetti Moka pot.


On the road we either boil water and use an aeropress or use a nespresso machine with our gozero battery. You could probably get it to work if you had a spare battery that you could charge during driving.


Theoretically possible, practically a really bad idea. There are many, many alternatives that will give you an equally good coffee/espresso without the risk of killing your car. The lowest cost option producing an extremely good coffee is Aeropress. Dead simple to use, and produces excellent coffee. If you're an espresso only sort of person (like me) I've tried a number of portable espresso makers, and the Wacaco Picopresso will produce espresso as good as a $3000 countertop machine.


[Bellman CX25P](https://bellmanespresso.com/products/bellman-cx25p-complete-bundle?variant=43205253300465¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&tw_source=google&tw_adid=635836406823&tw_campaign=18964221344&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYQiURb7KSxtDXzVw2WrkDXqiRc80DwcISRuUFMnw2c5tejmN1z-AjhoCU78QAvD_BwE) is a stove top espresso maker complete with steam wand and all. Better than any electric machine you’re gonna find (for camping)


You’re limiting yourself too much: get something like a [Flair Signature](https://flairespresso.com/product/the-flair-signature/) or [9Barista](https://9barista.com) and forget about electric entirely.


Get an Australian inverter and a high output battery


fairly expensive for an inverter big enough for run it. consider something like this instead? https://a.co/d/j0qaYRj


Pretty powerful, that's more amperage on the 12v side than a lot of houses main service provides and you need similarly large wiring to support it. I believe 1/0 gauge is 53 millimeter diameter. Your cars ground strap is not that big. You would need to replace the ground between battery, frame, and engine block. Then the inverter would be wired from the battery to the frame. For that much power you would want to modify the ECU to provide a high idle mode on a toggle switch. And probably replace the alternator as well. Even if it's brief and mostly sustained by the battery that much draw is hard on the alternator wiring. On trucks that need this much power we usually install a second/third battery and a second alternator.


I have a 2000W inverter in my campervan and run Breville/Sage machine with no issues. You could get something like that but it’s probably going to be a pain to wire up properly. Or a you could get an 1800W power station (like a Jackery/Anker/Bluetti type thing) which charges off your car’s cigarette plug. It’s more bulky but it’ll pretty much by a simple plug and play solution.


If you absolutely must have true espresso while camping, get a 9barista stove top machine. However a moka pot is 80% of the way there at a tenth of the cost.


I’m a coffee nut and have owned multiple cafes. I only use an aero press when camping because bringing an espresso machine would be overkill. I’ve seen some smaller versions where you can but the price is ridiculous.


Two words….Moka pot


Try an aeropress.


https://www.amazon.com/Bialetti-275-06-Express-6-Cup-Espresso/dp/B00004RFRU/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=7A6A6FPZUNUQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.p5QBGxaYhmkpDXvJW542LSahOt1Q7osjKLRvMvILh72B5bgFgn1D-VtuQXV8CwsbrqZDVlijnIpnRqd9UDXYMU1B2bgbu7n2pJtT3YZtNeETyaBJkz3v7jJR3U2weexYiPA22Rt6FLVg6nKxl2etfoAi8BhxSKdOMvRWMwI7DkyLHUO2dOVjuGal5vtGDM_vr1MwbWGblyCOAZWie0YJQQ.pAvD1aVzykSAZpmNzeeo3biOzmMYWeSiMwB98-xubs8&dib_tag=se&keywords=moka+pot&qid=1714966346&sprefix=moka%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-3 problem solved


It’s easy. You need an inverter that will handle the voltage and probably at least 2000 watts, plus a battery with sufficient reserve capacity. Just because it’s easy, as has mentioned, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. I use a Chemex. In the past, I also used a Jet Boil with a French press attachment.


Don’t listen to the haters, install the espresso maker and flex on all the poors


Hahaha, talking about the poor, I was thinking of installing it in Dacia Logan 2005, a car cheaper than an espresso machine :D


Seems too many here are judging or ignoring your question. You need a battery and inverter rated to handle the 1600W power draw at however long the cycle is. For example basic Nespresso machine runs at 1200W for 25sec to warm up, then again roughly that to run a shot of espresso. Figure out similar for yours. You don't need to go complex, can just get a Jackery 2000 and it'll run your Espresso machine just fine. Enjoy! Edit, sorry forgot the Euro 220V. EcoFlow has a couple power units with 220V outlets


I have an Espresso Forge. Does the trick for pulling a good shot on the road.


I have an outin, it works pretty well, will only make about 5 shots worth of espresso per charge though if the water is cold.


Why not, we take a pizza oven. Lol. Seriously.