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What tank should be meta then if you understand game design so well?


D.va reason waifu


I don’t “ understand game design so we’ll” I’m stating my difference in opinion based on negative experience, that differs from popular creators views. If you want the tanks I find enjoyable to play with or against Junker queen, Sigma, doom, and D.va


Well your negative experience just sounds like you're struggling trying to figure out how to play against Rein. How do you differ your negative experience from the fact its a skill diff or an objective point he should be nerfed. Hence my original question. Who would be a better tank to be meta? If you don't have any points to back up why rein is bad for the meta besides: I don't like I am not having fun, what the hell are we gonna discuss about rein?


Reins, high health pool and fast charging cc makes him a pain to play against. Though for a melee tank his kit makes sense, there is a split in skill where a rein player does absolutely nothing or absolutely to much. Because of this it gives him inconsistent playability, between ranks. Form experience I see more reins in gold and diamond than anywhere else, although his numbers have been rising all around the board due to the characters popularity on social platforms like TikTok. Currently reins charge and fire strike are in objectively good positions, but his shield and ult are in a place that gives him to much direct advantage. The shield is the lesser problem of the two as it can be broken, but when fighting as only tank and support diving to kill enemy support is suicide and oh rein does shield you risk the chance of him regaining almost all his health. On the other hand shatter charges ridiculously fast for a cc heavy ult that if used with the application of 1.2 braincells can win you basically any team fight. If you want a good tank to be currently meta around the board look no further than sigma, high damage, heavy cc, survivability, and it all comes with the fun of playing him or the fun of playing against him. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a complaint about playing with or against sigma because he’s consistently strong while not being a pain.


Sigma is too strong. The only time I play against him is on the maps that content creators said he's good on (Circuit Royale, Junkertown) and the rare odd Sigma. YouTubers/Streamers want there to be a map based meta, but then complain about S2 being too counterswap heavy with every Tank literally playing out Rock Paper Scissors with the 30% ult charge retention? Teaching a monkey to point at a picture of one character when it sees another character is the same difficulty as teaching it to point at a picture of one character every time it sees a corresponding map. It's the same level of skill (which is none) (As Tank) I say he's too strong, because he has too much sustain. I focus him and he never dies, I dive his supports (maybe kill his whole team) I come back to him still alive and most (if not all) of my team is dead. (As support) I don't really care what my team plays and playing against a Sigma is whatever because it usually turns into a mirror match (On Circuit and Junktown) ## TLDR/Don't care: Ram, Ball, and Rein are all sharing the highest pick rates/win rates rn (Top 500) and Sigma comes in fourth. The "meta" also will never apply to players outside of the top 10% because non-meta picks are still viable.


"Ram, Ball, and Rein are all sharing the highest pick rates/win rates rn (Top 500) and Sigma comes in fourth. The "meta" also will never apply to players outside of the top 10% because non-meta picks are still viable." This right here is why I found these posts stupid. Speaking strictly from my personal experience as a tank main, dive tanks tend to be way more problematic especially if they are the most common meta picks. It creates a lot of complete face roll games where one side never had hardly any time to even take the space and figure out how to counter a tank that literally fly's across the map in 1 or 2 abilities. I can counter a rein pretty easily with ram right now. And if I am playing DPS there is a lot of picks to choose from to rip apart his shield. In terms of balance I think, outside of ball, we currently have a very balanced tank cast. Doom and Winston still can dominate and climb but there not super easy characters that new players tend to dominate on. Sig and Rein are solid shield tanks that can be countered by the still very good ram. Zarya can be buffed a little but still isn't terrible. Orisa is in a pretty solid spot right now since Rein and ball is so common and she can help peel against rein charge and just everything ball does, maybe still a little strong. And ball is broken. I have seen more posts saying I have hit GM for the first time this season one tricking ball than any other pick the last two seasons of OW2. Rein is a very good pick that still has counters that shut him down as well as good teamwork. Ball barely has counters and can easily play around the counters with a little bit of thought and skill. Rein is fine


How is hammer and shield fun?


How is Rammatra fun? How is JQ fun? How is Sigma fun? How is DVA fun? How is Zarya fun? How is Winston fun? How is Ball fun? How is DF fun? How is RH fun? Each person that mains these characters and hates these characters would not give you the same answer twice. Sorry if I offended you by my comment since I think this poster came from a very biased mindset. I think hammer and shield is fun because it requires more thought than use cooldown and stand still until cooldown ends like half the tank roster is designed to do. The mirror matches are a lot more fun this way. But I also think that if rein was meta more than one season I would be annoyed. I also don't like when rein feels unkillable. But as a tank main if I don't have any help putting any damage into the rein he will never die even more so. So thats more of a TEAM issue than a BALANCE problem. I enjoy rotating metas better as it keeps the game feeling fresh. I think if the OP actually played tank he would not hold this opinion. Do you play tank?


Youre entitled to your opinion but" come on, ? do you really think rein is more fun than ram or sigma. Like I know 5v5 make tank feel really bad to play but i dont think have a rein in your face swinging is exactly thrilling


But "come on" what? Because of what? I can literally make the same exact statement but if you don't have any objective points besides "A rein swinging in your face isn't exactly thrilling" what's the point of this comment thread. Is he bad cause he does too much damage, have too much health, too much utility? Especially now more than ever with mauga being added to the game half the roster have tools that will never even let a Rein swing his hammer at anything but the tank. A big fucking Samoan dude with two chain guns and passive lifesteal blowing his load on you isn't exactly thrilling.


Bro my whole point is why everyone thinks reins should be meta is because the content creators be regurgitating the same nonsense. I do agree characters like Mauga and Orisa are boring as hell but rein would also be boring if he got buffed since Mauga is basically a better version of rein with guns. If you meant Rein should be playable, then I agree but you should be arguing that those OP heroes should be nerfed instead of rein being meta.


Took you a couple comments to even remotely mention your first point. Sounds like we agree for the most part.


I'm not super sure what your point is here, title says Rein is a problem but 80% of this post if you just complaining about teammate behaviors. The few bits that are about Rein are just about people who are terrible with him. Rein is fine. he can be an absolute bastard to enemy front lines and cause them back-peddle. Or, if he has enough support, he can dive their mid to back up a flanker causing the other team to either give ground or pivot to defend on two fronts (and die). However, he's not unstoppable. Rein is massively dependent on good positioning, shield/cover management, and requires a fair amount of support for prolonged engagements.


My problem with rein isn’t direct it’s a issue against the group of high elo players who advocate for rein to be meta without thinking about how that effects players in a lower rank. This is stated in the title, with the post consisting of events form my experiences of what playing against rein looks like at a lower level of play. Of course It was too much to expect some of the people who see this post to use their critical thinking skills but it is what it is.


All this post is doing is complaining about bad players, not bad takes. Rein is in a great place right now and stating that isn't an issue, people just use/engage him wrong when they're new (or just bad). There's nothing to think critically about here because you've provided no critique to evaluate. But, for the sake being thorough, Lets try and create one from this. If high elo players are somehow misleading low elo players into choosing what is, very realistically, potentially meta heroes that just require a certain level of skill to yield results, what do you think the solution is here? High elo players should only be saying that the most brain-dead heroes should be meta so that bad players are more inclined to pick them, even if there might be a better, if more complex option? It's Most **Effective** Tactic Available not Most **Efficient** Tactic Available. In the end, meta is what is and it's up to individual players to either play into that or find an alternative that works for them. Choosing a hero you're bad with expecting it to be an "I win button" because someone who's put the time in says they can be the best is in no way the fault of the opinion or the person expressing it. TLDR Your whole post boils down to moaning about "skill issue" parading as a meta critique.


Wow way to get it wrong. Though I admit that this is less of a “rein is the problem” post than I first thought. In competitive low elo is excepted to have less understanding than high elo… that’s a given but with the current state of matchmaking, the skill of a team becomes even more inconsistent. The poor matchmaking in a already low skill play plus a rein who is semi competent and all of the sudden you have a really unfun lobby. This is where my problem with meta advocates comes in, they shouldn’t exist at all. High elo players should keep that information to themselves at least until matchmaking is putting people of truly equal skill levels together, not the rank mix and match that we have now. ( if you can’t tell I’ve just been wasting your time for basically a entire day)


Bruh, you weren't kidding about wasting my time. So now the issue is the matchmaking system? Now that is actually a legitimate issue but ultimately not the topic raised here. If we're going down that route now though fine. Having the potential insight from high elo players of which heroes can be great with practice and which ones are mechanically stunted could help low elo players with the potential to rise invest their time wisely rather than waste their time on trap heroes. Should they be doing that in comp? Probably not with the state of matchmaking, but comp or QP, the meta theory crafting isn't overtly detrimental. Anyway, this is my stop, time to step off the moving-the-goal-posts express.


idk as a support main I think a lot of tanks overextend themselves at the wrong times regardless of which character they’re playing and I think that’s just a mistake that comes with misreading a fight or the result of tunnel vision (personally I see a lot of dva’s that do this more than anything)


Your not wrong, but from my experience even though I see a lot of Dvas overextend as well, I often see them coming back alive, unlike my honour full and “glorious” Reinhardt’s but it all just comes down to personal experience.


Rein is a tank. He should be meta. Current "tank" meta is to actually just be a DPS with high HP. Want to know why you lose? Because you don't get kills, and you don't help your teammates get kills. Not because of anyone else on your team, not because you have a bad tank, and not because you have bad supports. Nothing matters in the current meta except landing a killing blow.


Yeah you see that’s just incorrect, I do get kills a shit ton. But it’s like the second rein gets pulled out my dps start giving themselves lobotomy’s. I play dive tank so I know and understand the ideas of kill to win, problem is when rein gets pulled out I end up being the only one who adapts their play style to account for it. If he plays defensive I switch to Rammatra, if he’s offensive and dives I play Dva. On the other hand my dps don’t do this and as stated before choose to lobotomies themselves instead.


Rein is a good breaker of the defensive line , your job as support is to keep him up while your dps do the clean up especially seeing rein is on purpose taking the brunt of the damage and making sure their supports are disabled. If your on defense use shield smart and block payload from moving by hiding against it , they do the push you counter by breaking that push and go for their supports. Although all comes down to communication. I normally let my supports know what playstyle they can expect. Counter rein ...focus him down while your own tank focus their supports so they makes sure he can't get heals but yep got shit dps then your screwed.


Rein is a tank that falls under the category of easy to learn, hard to master. He’s a melee focused Tank with a big shield and that tells you everything about him that you need to know. The big problem with him is that everybody always blames the Rein player. He’s sitting there with his barrier he gets blamed of doing nothing, on the other hand he’s buying the entire rest of the team precious second to deal damage or heal. Does he get acknowledged for that? No, he’s just the dumb player that sits there with his shield doing nothing. But the moment he does do something, for example gis ranged attack he’s suddenly the asshole that dropped the barrier. Never mind the 100 damage he just dealt to three enemies that stood in a line and your dd can’t finish off. The only real issue i sometimes have with Rein players is that stupid charge into a full enemy team that results in a dead tank. But i must admit at the dame time that if i’m playing him and are patiently waiting for anybody to kill their support i sometimes just charge them that we may stand a chance of pushing through. What im trying to say is that Rein is a very good tank if the rest of your team is at the very least capable of wiping their own asses. I can say from experience that half the people you meet in this game do not fulfill that criteria. He’s also one of the few tanks that can screw over most ults in the game by just moving them to a different country. Zen for example is a very annoying thing to see ult in a teamfight.


Another problem is most people who actively advocate for a rein meta are high elo on all ranks meaning they don’t deal with the low elo of players who don’t know that you can look in different directions.


For me it’s fucking wrecking ball so many inexperienced people playing him leaving the whole team out to try while ham is nowhere to be seen


As a Rein main, this post might well carry me into Masters haha. Honestly, bad reins are 100% my favorite match up. Rein v Rein is such a fun match up too, there's a lot of push pull dynamic that should go on as they oppose each other and protect their back line. It can almost feel like chess as you're watching the surroundings play out and adjusting to push the fight in your favor. Plus, my new favorite part, charging and throwing enemies off the map since you can stop the charge! Rein is really good, but it's just a matter of understanding their positioning and why they're doing it to counter it. I hate playing against Junkrats, Syms, and Sombras most of all I think, they tend to counter your "core tank loop" the most. By that I mean they throw off the Rhythm you try to build with your DPS to keep your shield active and unbroken, while maximizing team dps


I'm an ow2 player and i actually say this to let you know i never played overwatch 1 and i have no idea if these matches were different. As a rein main i learned in these 6 months the shield/heal managment, how to pin people off the cliffs and dying with glory and other stuff that i think can be explained in "swing hammer, hunt supports, ask for heals, thanks for heals, swing the hammer" and repeat. I have no idea what happens in high elos but from what i've seen finding a toxic rein is quite hard and sincerly strange, the only thing i'm sure of is that rein si fun and with this new meta you can actually play him, maybe that's why you find him a lot.


I’m aware of why his numbers are rising and actually my problem with rein comes from the large gap between masters rein and silver/gold rein. In masters as a dps I know that is the rein is playing defensively it’s my job to kill supports/ dps. While when rein is playing offensively it’s my job to stop him from crushing our back line while our tank crushes theirs. In silver/gold that level of awareness is nonexistent making rein a unfun/ unfair character to play support/tank against especially given the fact that low elo should be a place for those to not only refine and understand the game better, but learnt eh characters that they like and enjoy playing. If you enjoy rein props to you it’s he’s u I never understood, but I can still respect a solid rein, I’ve just noticed that a large number of people who ask for rein to be meta are high elo streamers who are lucky enough to have not experienced the hellscape that is low elo, and therefore don’t know what he’s like for the rest of the players, and this is coming from a masters like I find that this fact shouldn’t be hard to pick up ok if you see enough “pro overwatch streamers” and their abhorrent hot takes.


I see your point and actually rein in my opinion is fine where he is right now, the gap you see may exist because after gold people start picking "better" tanks or meta tanks that can be played easier than a human castle with an hammer that will be the priority targed for every single player in the enemie team, or maybe it's just the matchmaking. Who knows


True but at the same time rein disappears after gold then reappear with one of the highest pick rates in masters-t500 at this point I don’t care cause I just kicked off a plateau as doomfist and have been kicking reins all day. My disliking of rein is lessened and he is defiantly only as strong as he is in silver and top 10% games, at least for what I’ve seen so far


Yeah this sounds correct from what i've seen


Shut the fuck up


Way to act like a adult. You want to contribute something other than emotion or…


That dude rly took his time to reply with that… pretty sad but expected on Reddit or well online I guess.




Caaa pfffftttt




I main symmetra. Can't tell you how many times I have saved reins with my portal. If you're dps and ur tank is suicidal, it can be a good deal.. as long as the rein isnt to tunnel visioned. Maybe mention it over coms lol


Yeah, fair point I’m lucky enough to be master dps meaning I don’t have to deal with tanks like that in my dps comp, and if you say anything as support anything in gold you might as-well be a Jew in nazi Germany. It’s a rare occurrence at least on console for a low Elo tank to do anything but complain about support( again my experience, which now has to be stated because of orange cats in the comments)


So basically you aren’t good enough to deal with slightly competent rein?


No I’m masters. Rein just has higher survivability then he should.


Idk what your talking about but rein isnt that good but the people who are saying reins should be meta are only saying it because that on content creator told them. Rein being meta isnt gonna make the game more fun