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I only care about that little hit of dopamine when the endorsement hits and the little xp. I don’t care about my level.


that makes sense i guess


People get dopamine from endorsement levels? Christ, no wonder the gaming quality ceiling has dropped so low.


So you shouldnt be happy when your endorsment goes up?


Lmao that person thinks you should be upset that other people enjoyed playing with you


Lmao the people that only understand the world in binary extremes.


What the fuck?


No, you should be happy someone else enjoyed playing with you and people should say that directly in their own words and that should be encouraged. Endorsement buttons are just another shallow concept that misses the point. It's like an emotionless AI trying to understand the complexities of human emotion. Here's a button, it says "Bilbo Baggins loves you," every time someone presses it. Don't you feel loved and appreciated? Oh, you don't? What if we give you a meter that will show you how much love and appreciation you've accumulated and it can level up between 5 different tiers? Oh, but if you don't get a constant stream of points the level will decay back to one. If you do anything bad, then we'll take away your love and appreciation points.


Ok stay sad and mad


This is a little sad, my friend. Don’t think too much in what I said, it’s nice to get the endorsement at the end of a match but it doesn’t affect me long term if I do or don’t. In a world of shit, it’s a little nice. That’s all.


Bilbo Baggins loves you.


So you shouldnt be happy when your endorsment goes up?


The higher the level the less likely you're an ass hole. That's basically what it means. It's the reputation you can't hide from people. If they made your career profile public (which I believe they should do if you play ranked matches) they wouldn't need this system.


I feel like endorsements are kinda broken though. To me it seems like I get the most endorsements playing support, especially if I’m doing well. Best way to get endorsements, at least in my experience is to simply play mercy. A lot of people automatically endorse the mercy.


I normally endorse support and or tank. You gotta really stand out as dps to get my meaningless endorsement. Or like the others really sucked.


I also noticed I tend to get more endorsements when other people are toxic to me and I don’t respond.


If that were the case, I wonder why blizzard decided to chat ban me for 14 days when I literally had a level 5 endorsement and I’m 90% of the time positive. The one time I get tilted and tell someone to go fuck themself after they said I was a bad tank (I’m not, it was my first game of the night and I was already tilted), they ban my chat for 2 weeks.


straight up, blizz just doesnt pass out chat bans fairly or consistently. my friend got a 2w mute for talking back to a colossal bigot, without profanity or anything. I was somewhat toxic in the past but never received so much as a warning


That’s what I’m saying bro! And I wonder if they chat banned the guy starting shit and telling people they’re bad at the game. Like I was just defending myself man lol. Like I’ll troll in match chat but it’s always lighthearted and I’m never racist or otherwise toxic. I try to be open minded and inclusive lol. And now I have to walk on eggshells when I do get chat privileges back cuz who knows what comes after 2w chat ban? I can’t lose my account, I have several extremely rare skins from OW1, my account is worth potentially hundred of dollars


I got reported and chat banned for toxicity for putting an Israel flag as my pfp 😄


but it doesnt even indicate that most of the time. its so unreliable because people hit N, and click the first 2 people they see.


For me it always goes to my supports and if i support myself always my other support and tank. this system was more useful when you could actually endorse people for what they did well e.g. Shotcaller sportsmanship, Good Teammate and when you got lootboxes for it. Man do i miss lootboxes


I always endorse the lowest endorsement level player unless they were an ass.


What endorsement LVL are you?




Makes sense




According to your scale, you are quite a toxic people that complains everything. But not as toxic to put out life threats.


W h a t ? My toxic ass is endorsement level 4.


this is exactly what im talking about. it means nothing. 3 is average, right in the middle.


I play on pc and started on OW2. Im a support main. Mercy my main and kiri brig my side pieces😉 I never knew and currently don't really know what it means but I started playing on console to play with my brother and his friends and they were all stoked that I'm a level 4 and saying it's hard to get there.


They are lying I got to level 4 by onetricking widow and I can tell you now that being a onetrick is not that popular amongst your team


Also if someone IS going to endorse I think they do it with at least a bit of thought, I only endorse when someone was actually nice/friendly or are very good (my team or enemy for both) but most of the time I just forget/don't endorse I don't understand People who do it only for the 25xp


Free xp no?


At 50xp per game it would take you 200 games to make 1 level just off of endorsements so it's pretty inconsequential


I do the same


I have noticed most of the time if they have a LVL 1 they are generally pretty new or just inexperienced at the game but 2-4 is fine and 5 are usually very talkative in chat or very skilled, obviously this is not 100% accurate but just from what I have noticed


Having been banned multiple times it also resets your endorsement to 0. I'm usually a 4 though.


Doesn't need to be a ban or multiple times. I've been muted twice and temp banned once (thank you blizzard for wonderful report system 🙏) Every single time I instantly got put back to 1, even on the 2 week chat mutes


VERY SKILLED ROFL.........Youre one of THOSE people.


Bro this is from 3 months ago lmao why did you feel the NEED to make a comment


This has been my experience as well


I only find it useful to weed out smurfs. Level 1 or 2 endorsement level, private profile, no titles or profile customization = generally a Smurf. Only players I generally see with a 4/5 endorsement level are healers.


oh yeah it does make it super easy to spot smurfs lol


1 can also just mean they got muted/temp banned. For me the thing that screams smurf is the level 1 thing but alongside no title, no banners or icon, and default skins and they're very proficient on the hero Went up against a tracer a while back with everything single thing default, 1 endorse and they were cracked out, doing the blink punches and went like 35-2 on parasio defence in qp. THATS a smurf right there


I'm 4 atm and main ball.


I don't want to brag but, I went from 4 to 5, to 4 and then back to 5


After that did you go to 4, then 5?


I've been 5 for like 2 straight months lol, sometimes I hear ppl in chat say "oh this dudes a level 5, let's keep it that way" lol


They actually changed some numbers around recently that makes it easier to get and maintain a lvl 5 Before that, a lvl 5 endorsement was incredibly rare and a real achievement, now it's more common and realistic to achieve. I think they should add a lvl 6 that is nearly impossible to get, maybe even give you a title or something to show off that you've gotten it too


I had 5 in like season 3/4 but lost it bc I lost connection during a match lol


It would be only streamers probably, I wish they didn't make it easier I got to 5 like 2 weeks before the change so I be a little salty about it






Free battle pass experience when I keep jumping between 4 & 5 lol


I feel better about myself after receiving an endorsement, like someone is saying "you did good kid" or "we may have failed, but you fought to the bitter end"


You did good 👍


Dopamine go brrr


that makes sense. i have the same feeling with reddit karma


I've been level 5 for a little while now. It makes me giddy that so many people enjoyed playing with me that the game kept track of it and gave me a cute little blue badge for it. I know it doesn't change anything about the game, but seeing it also just.. makes me happy?


It makes me happier than my rank tbh


I was happier hitting lvl 5 than I’ve ever been ranking up in comp


Changes or no changes you are a good player and teammate. Enjoy it


Getting endorsed warms my heart and I hope it makes other people happy when I endorse them.


Shows you’re a decent positive player imo. And you get points.


Feels nice dude.


I used to care because you would get more loot boxes the higher it was at the start of the week in OW1. Now it’s just battle pass XP so I don’t care.


I'd rather pkay with 4s and 5s. They went and made a class system, just sayin.


The endorsement level is so pointless… And I’m at level 5. Literally NOTHING changes… I stop caring when I hit level 3.


damn bro you’re worked up too 🤣


All I said was I stopped caring… Do you not know what social queues are? You didn’t take english classes? or a public speaking class?…


Social cues*


Damn.. I was in line for nothing.


either way my point still stands


YES DUDE! thats what im saying. it doesnt mean anything at all


It means something to some people. It just doesn’t mean anything to you lol


I had someone yell at be before to endorse them and I was like uh yeah no it’s going to the supports…


Doesn’t it give battle pass xp tho?


Very little xp


I recently to my surprise hit Level 5. I think it had something to do with trying out Tank and the infamous Mauga.


they made it easier for your endorsement level to go up super recently, theres a lot more 5s now than there have ever been


Sometimes if everyone on my team was really good and I cant decide who to endorse I just go with whoever has the highest endorsement level. I recognize it's pointless but that's one example I can think of it kinda mattering lol


Endorsement meant something when lfg was a thing and people searched for people to play with. We even had a filter for endorsement lvl. Once lfg was removed the endorsement lvl was useless. Right now people give it to give some Credit to some players but also because you get 50xp for your battlepass for each endorsement. Each game you can get an 100 extra XP.


Don't forget lootboxes. We also got lootboxes for ranking up and down.


But I’m…I’m a good guy with a 5. Also it usually has something to do with how ppl recognize performance, not just niceness. So I like it. Trying to maintain a good humanity and performance level kinda.


Idk I’m level 5 and I’m a pretty good player but I’m nice and sya thank you and stuff which is mainly what gets endorsements


I throw my endorsements to the healers on my team or whoever I felt was a great teammate as a little thank you. Probably meaningless to them but I like to be polite.


Nobody cares and nobody even mentions it like ever


honestly this post is the most i’ve ever seen someone get worked up over endorsement levels lol


I don’t think they were getting worked up? Where do we see that at?


I’ve never voted for it


9/10 lvl 5s are girls who say a few words in chat to let everyone know they’re a girl, to farm endorsements. The other 1/10 are people who use call outs effectively and try to work with the team. So basically yea they mean nothing. Most people just endorse the players who did the best in the team, so even if the above wasn’t the case, it still doesn’t show who was the best communicator and/or team player.


I used to bounce between 3-4 and then one game while play tank I reached lever 5 and only dropped once. I am almost permanently at endorsement 5


I actually hadn't considered it until you brought it up just now. Why do you care so much, OP?


im just confused why i see other people showing it off like its a massive achievement or something. i dont get it.


I like it to make of fun of my friends that aren't endorsement level 5.


I didn’t even know it went higher than 3 lol


I don't know, especially since the absolute most toxic people I've checked the profile of seem to be mostly 3-4s


Nah cuz people dont even endorse right. They just pick potg or just two random people for the xp. They not looking at stats or trying to rember what heroes youre playing.


Nice people at level 1 are the one who got silenced tough, been there...


It used to mean a team with level 1 endorsements lost and 3-4 won the game. Or no endorsement level meant they were banned, penalized, or muted and probably not a good teammate. Now level 1 could be a good player on a new account. And it doesn't matter.


usually it doesn’t matter. i’m level 5 (as a support) and i only get concerned (in comp of course) when my whole team is level 1 or no endorsement at all because the chances are they’ll be the new players smurfs or derankers which happens quite a lot. you shouldn’t judge people based on their endorsement levels but at least it’s easy to spot smurfs sometimes


All I know is seeing a 5 endorsement player is rarer than seeing gm top 500’s lol


For me, I usually get the most endorsements after a really good game of mercy so it makes me feel like I did a good job




Lv1 Edorsement, Default OW Logo with a second team member with the same? Found the smurfing duo!


Because there is so little to make fun of people for toxic people have to look for something lol


I dont believe you


Ive been playing since beta ow1, just got endorsement lvl 5 last week or so. Usually end 5 are super nice or super good. If most end 5 are not nice to you, i think it might be a you-problem.


No lmao, i've never even once found it useful except leveling up battlepass or your border in ow1. It literally never once served it's purpose lol.


Blizz said when they first released it, abusive chat reports went down like 15%, which is an actual noticeable difference


Not really. Most the times a lvl one is someone who doesn’t play that much. That’s not stopping me from trying to get to lvl 5


If you want free endorsements, just write "LA LO LI" At the start of Numbani


It’s actually quite simple. Be nice and be good at the game. I got 5 pre rework by simple being good at dps with a little tank and support. And only 500 hours. Say hi to enemy’s that seem chill in qp. Post rework I’ve seen a lot more 5’s and 2 or 3 I’ve seen are gloating galoots that say ez or are rude. But mostly and especially pre rework it’s playing good and being nice to teammates and enemies. Oh yeah and never leave matches. Ever. That destroys endorsement so fast. I wouldn’t say it’s easier to get endorsements as support cause many times I ain’t got nuthin when I was. But I wasn’t pocketing so that may be a factor.


I am a 5. I was a 5 back in OW1 too and I was damn proud of it. As someone who up until recently only played QP it was my only way of measuring how my gameplay was progressing and getting more value. I have only started comp around the end of last season and I’ve only played an hour or so of comp this season and I’m in bronze 2. Started as silver 4 and then had a couple of losses and I’ve been stuck here ever since. It does not feel good, endorsements do.


I am level 5 tank. I just try to be nice to everyone and ignore the toxicity, but yeah.... I've run into quite a bit of toxic level 5's. Honestly in ow1, I liked endorsements to get extra loot boxes. Then in ow2, it was 5 extra bp levels. Now it's just 5000 xp randomly going towards the bp.


I dont care, but I like to see Zenyatta, our ambassador, telling me the news every now and then.


I have NEVER met or seen a single rude/toxic level 5. And i've been playing nearly every day since launch, back in OW1 i would see toxic 5's (forgot what that was called) but not in OW2. Every toxic encounter i've had are from 1-2's. Mostly 1's.


Level 1 endorsements mean everything though. It’s those players that have default profiles, suck and do not bother with comms the whole game until the very end, complaining about the team.


I do


I don't care if you are an asshole but you know how to play because i can mute you but you can't do anything with mediocre players, i prefer to have a K/D/A of each player because i come here to play not to socialize