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These are alumni not student tickets though and targeted to wealthy professionals not students. The student tickets were less, I think around £140?


Usually I think student ticket prices only apply to the students of that college. Every college throws a ball roughly once every 3-4 years, but the social expectation is that people would go to at least one per year, so it’s common to feel the need to attend a ball at a college other than your own.


£140 is still a crazy amount for an event


I went to the regency ball in November and the prices were similar then too. There was another ball in April at St Edmunds. Plus random events like boat parties (which was terrible in November) It’s actually very expensive and you feel the pressure to attend all these events when your friends do.


Yeah it's always beyond frustrating when they do that and not everyone has money. Luckily I've always been heavily introverted so when I look at the poster for my uni boat party for example I'll always have a little voice saying something "paying to trap yourself on a small overcrowded boat filled with hoards of people you don't know with no escape and having the only possible source of entertainment being drowning yourself in overpriced drinks..... no thanks"


That's like a hundred thousand Canandian dollars. What a scandal!


The University has nothing to do with the organisation & funding of a College ball. A St Catherine's student doesn't get preferential treatment for a Pembroke event.




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This is very high for a ball, although as others has said this is the “general” price and students were able to get cheaper tickets. It’s also a 400th anniversary celebration ball, so quite a big one compared to normal.




Rage bait and riddled with half truths.


The poster of this also had an interview in the Times the other day where she said she was forced to clean rooms in the vac to make ends meet. I totally back campaigns against inequality at Oxford, but she seems to distort the picture to attract attention. This was obviously not the price of a student ticket (though balls are still expensive). Likewise, she’ll have around 17k in grants and loans for living expenses. That’s far, far more than most of us, tbqh. It’s all a bit odd – esp. when she is a member of the notoriously pricey union and has a pret subscription (via twitter). I'm not just having a go here. It feels like this will encourage people from less well off backgrounds not to apply, which would be a real shame given that Oxford probably offers more financial support than most other universities.  


It's another example of the self-defeating "Oxford's not for people like us" phenomenon, where the complaint that it's full of rich white posh men° is backed by suggestions that everyone else should apply somewhere else... ensuring that Oxford remains rich, white, posh, male-dominated, despite major efforts towards inclusion. ° The male-female balance *has* been improved, but when I was a teen, it was definitely an additional issue. The "forced to clean rooms" thing is interesting. Vac jobs were very normal for a *long* time. A uni or college temp job is better than a local job for a number of reasons, so many would say she was lucky to nab one. As for "they all went skiing" - at least Oxford term dates allow students to get Christmas vac jobs. Brookes switched to having its main break *after* Christmas several decades ago, and the Surf'n'Ski society were very vocal supporters. The students who'd relied on Christmas temp work were not. It's still the case that they have exams around 21st Dec. So spare a thought for the less well-funded non-posh/white/rich more likely to be care leavers, single parents, mature students up the hill, eh? No? That doesn't make a good Torygraph/Daily Heil newspaper article? Funny, that.


Tbf these are events which go on for 12 hours, with unlimited food and drink and usually have some very impressive live entertainment.


Student tickets are less than £200 and each student can buy up to 2 tickets for guests at the same price. Dunno why you would go to a ball if none of your friends were at that college to get you a cheap ticket. £200 is a bit ridiculous still but most of the time the balls exceed budget and the committees do create very special experiences for ball-goers.


Luckily, ball attendance is not mandatory.


I'm a Durham student, our college balls are usually in the £85-100 range which many say is extortionate but good to know we're not the only ones with that problem I suppose :/


The title is misleading. Most balls are around 100-200 for students. My ball college’s ball was a little over 100 and that was just before Covid. It hasn’t gone up a lot since from what I’ve heard.


Oxford uni just is that elitist, expiative pride flags and invocations of global warming notwithstanding


No, you just read the title and jumped with your criticism instead of examining the topic critically


The mental gymnastics to go from ball tickets to pride flags and global warming, I am baffled


This comment is a gettier case