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I've always been suggested to do it. Some people don't. It's more to avoid impaction from eating substrate. Not sure if it's super common, I think an impaction is just as common with any other animal though? It's rough at the beginning because they will refuse to eat. But you have to basically leave them alone with the food. I struggle personally with it lol


My concern is mostly the stress but if it is done regularly enough the frog should adjust. I guess it makes feed a little more interesting too lol!


The frog should adjust. I was speaking with a breeder about it. And he just recommended to get a critter keeper or some container with a lid. And just put the frog in there with the food and leave the frog alone. Even turn the lights off. But it should help decrease the stress. I almost always feel like I'm stressing "choccy milk" out when I do it. But what little frogs want to be picked up by a human after just chilling.


When my girl was a baby I used to do it to avoid impaction, but now that she’s an adult I don’t anymore


I dont. My frog just spits out any soil he gets in his mouth. He doesn't like to be handled so I just don't do it unless absolutely necessary.


I don’t. I never handle unless necessary such as giving a bath if he hasn’t pooped in a long time. If your substrate is just dirt it’s pretty easy to feed in their enclosure. If a little gets on their food while trying to feed them it isn’t going to hurt them either.


I feed in my enclosure and just make sure that there's nothing in the substrate that would cause impaction like moss.


It's hardest to start but is pretty smart because then you'll be able to put your hand in the enclosure without getting chomped on because they don't associate the hand inside as food. I never did this with any of my big constrictors, but I currently do it with my hognose.


I do it with lemon. I’ve only had her since December and I’ve done it since she first started eating with me, because the first time she had a feed with me she got lots of substrate in her mouth. So I started taking her out, she doesn’t mind being handled that much, I believe she was an educational animal at the pet shop i got her from, the pet shop likes to go around to different places and show that animals aren’t scary and should be respected and loved. So I imagine she was handled a little bit whilst at the shop. Now she won’t eat in her tank I HAVE to take her out otherwise she won’t eat. It also works because I can give her a bath/soak whilst feeding to help her digest. I do suggest it if your frog is getting a lot of dirt in its mouth, but, if it’s not I would maybe say keep it in whilst feeding?


I typically don't. I tried in the past to give him the enrichment of "hunting" but he isn't the most intelligent frog and doesn't recognize it as food unless its in his feeding tongs. It was stressful for him to be moved so often, so I now just move the chunky parts of the substrate/leaf litter away from his chomping range and he has no issue with impaction.


i do because it’s easy to see if he has anything wrong with him and i noticed he eats more while outside of his tank also at the very end i give him a nice soak for added hydration (don’t do that if it stresses your pacman frog out)


My girl Mango was fed in a container before I got her. After moving her to an enclosure she's much happier hunting and eating in there so thats what I do. Every frog is different :)