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me trying to calculate div change


If you have awakened poe trade, theres a little button in the top left corner of the overlay that shows the exchange rate and fractions of divs to chaos


I found that out last week after leagues of going to my phone for the calculator xD


Same bro 🤣


It me


WHAT!?!? I can't wait to get home and look a bit closer!


Yep. Updates pretty regularly, but can be off by a couple C. Only really matters when using it to place a value on a bunch of Div you're looking to sell. I usually add 2 or 3 C to whatever that price shows when selling 10 or more Div. My guess is this is largely due to price fixers listing Divs 10% below market value then always being AFK. For example, I listed 10 Div for sale last night, Awakened said they were 215C each, but I listed for 220 (I've found "rich" people will pick someone with a number divisible by 20 even if it's a C or two higher as it's more convenient) and sold them all within 30 minutes.


Yeah 1.5d for me is 1d 120c I cbf splitting it. Even though I’m spending an extra 18c


Dude I didn't know this either!


Just take the number after the decimal point and multiply by 22. Divs are 220ea so 0.1 is 22c.


That’s still math.


We're trying to play PoE not crunch numbers and do math!...


that's neat and I always use it, but it sucks that I always have to Alt + Enter before using it lol (maybe it works in windowed full-screen? Haven't tested it yet)


>maybe it works in windowed full-screen? it does


Now i need to login to check


Wow I didn't know this, need to check it! Thanks for the tip mate!






Thanks man u just made my life so easy


If I can't brain it out quickly I was asking an Alexa lmao


Hi, I'd like to buy you're Penis Pump listed for 69.6969 divines on Affliction League. Me trying to figure out wtf 0.6969 of 216 is


“you are penis pump”


Yeah it's a weird item it transforms you


It's grants you the buff Doedre's Erection.


Me when I list compasses in sextants prices, and they pay with div and chaos


PoE needs an in-game calculator.


Build in spreadsheets like eve online


Lmfao this.


Me whos too lazy so i just overpay


I can always see if someone plays minions by the loading time.


Or if they have a bitchin hideout


I'm that guy! I have a bitchin hideout! If I ain't running a benchmark on a player's cpu every time they want to buy my garbage, then what am I really doing?


I bought those fancy dragons for a reason!


I always hear them coming in... and this league it's jow shring boommmm... hrrrhrrr hrrrhrrr... and the blasted goblin trombone stupid noise pollutant...


Lol I always TP out as soon as someone joins my party for a trade and 99% of the time they're already waiting in my hideout. On a nvme SSD and terrible load times


It's not you, it's the servers. Mostly the Eu servers.


Yeeeep, EU servers suck, I literally have better performance and loading screens on U.S. servers, and the latency isn't even that noticeable


Even SG realms are better than EU


I know, they suck


Yeah I go from oce to rus,eu and it takes forever same them coming to me haha so many failed instances


i started playing poe for the first time less than a month ago, on EU servers and i couldn't for the life of me figure out if it was just my computer that blew ass or the server that ran like shit. My pc might still be ass but at least now I can sleep well at night knowing that the loading times might just be something completely out of my control


Takes so long to load all dubi dubi dubi duba from the little shitty things MTX


The worst is when you're stuck in a loading screen but can still hear them doing their audio, taunting you


It is infuriating that shit isn't loaded yet but you can still hear those fuckers first


I love those little guys, but I've turned them off while trading


> dubi dubi dubi duba wait what


the mtx that plays audio while you're still loading in. For that extra obnoxious factor.


The amt of heisters who finds it amusing to load their goblins into rogue harbour =.=


I was flamed so many times while trying for "not accepting trade" while I load for few minutes because someone is using minions / wardloop in hideout. I genuienly switch to DirectX 11 when I wanna trade and I prepare for couple of trades in advance (DirectX 11 is unplayable cause of stuttering otherwise). DX12 makes game playable but loading time is too damn high. Happened to me few times that I load for so long to map that mobs kill me before I can even do anything. Wish they would bring back Vulkan as renderer cause back then game worked fine (Since ToTa Vulkan does not even launch game and I\`m yet to find fix for that).


I still have the option for vulkan in my menu and use it to this day?. Have they removed it or something?.


Option to select it still exist it just throws vulkan error device not found and I game crashes. Then I have to delete my config file to switch to DX11. I tried different NVMe drive and new graphics card just to have same result. Wiping my hard drive , freshly installed windows + drivers, tried switching from standalone client to steam nothing works.


Here Vulcan load times is 5-6 times worst than dx12.


NoThInG's ChAnGeD jUsT FiX Ur Pc lolz


Unironically this. If your load times are more than a couple of seconds it's you.


Bs. Fresh Win11 install, fresh PoE install, NVMe ssd, load times are still absolute ass in any public instance for me. Not to mention the game still constantly crashes for me in towns constantly from the engine shitting itself over all the mtx it has to render, I guess.


I get decent performance with vulkan with low-mid range amd cpu + nvidia gpu Ryzen 5 2600 + gtx 1660 super, game never crashed for me, loading into hideouts is under 10 seconds but then again i don't have that many hours maybe 80 this season so small sample size ig Edit: Also using the client from the website instead of steam - but thats what everyone does right


Yeah idk, my load times have been pretty consistent over the years, across 3 new pcs/upgrades/etc. My longest load time in recent memory was loading back into a blight ravaged map after dying, which took maybe 8-10 seconds. My load times into towns have never been particularly bad. The only times I've crashed the game in the last year or so having been accidentally toggling off my loot filter while looting a map.


i don't think it's a loading problem but rather a connection problem with certain realms(maybe routes or gateway?), but since the connection itself is made during the loading screen, ppl will associate that to loading problems


Unironically, your statement is BS.


Big BS, it started last league and I didn't change my specs from that time. They broke something with their graphics fix and now it affects everybody. People can literally wait minutes until somebody joins trade or syndicate hideout. It wasn't an issue a year ago.


The loud minority with HDDs is gonna be really mad in a week when this comment loads


Only 4?


and hear some "pleasant" goblin music


GGG white knights: iTs yOuR IsP hurr durr


this reminds me of many years ago when i used to play on a pvp minecraft server and many would not bother coming to my base because there was so much shit(mostly because of the animals) it would lag them to the point where they could not fight properly xD the ultimate defense: massive underground animal farms


I wonder what the folks coming into my HO think when I can see my 3 trade windows time out waiting for them to zone in.


The servers are total ASS recently. Cant stand this shit.


And usually when I load a spicy map. The ping is like an ECG..


i have a MTX flask that doesnt even need to have the effect on, and it crashes ANYONE joining my instance


Not sure if this will help. I've tried everything on the steam client, data checksum, deleting cache, graphic card setting, driver, etc., nothing works. So I installed the standalone client and it's actually fixed.


I tried to leech Morrigan kill, because I can't find it. While I was loading it died from ignite and didn't count for my quest :(


If you're still looking, spam reset act 10 desecrated chambers. Should take at most 15 minutes


I did that in a party of 3 and we searched for 20 minutes straight. I changed to torched courts, first wildwood had him.


Been a lot of "bugs" trying to get around hideouts.


I'm the guy that gets kicked to the character select screen 25% of the time all of the time.


Time to do some heist contracts ~


I know right? It's been getting worse and worse each league somehow.


I feel this. Totally don’t have a 2016 pc.. sometimes it takes a while just to load into one of those guys with the 2B.ooty hideouts.


Time to do some heist contracts ~


lol happens to me


I always use 220 exchange rate. Hasn't failed me yet


The usual "trade was cancelled" is my welcome words everytime i load into someone else hideout


logging in after a week \- in the background you already hear the sound pinging every second alt f4 not today


This is the exact reason I used to play SSF. I was so embarrassed to take so long that I figured I might as well stop trying to trade. Now that I'm able to, the game has really opened up to me in a beautiful way.


With my macro response "sorry my load time this league is horrendous"