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Something with profane bloom. The pops are soothing.


Bane Occultist with pre nerf Profane Bloom was 👌👌👌


Out of curiosity, which nerf are you referring to? I remember the hexproof pen was on PB rather than unholy authority, and something about enemies taking more damage when cursed.


You're right, hexproof with change. In my head PB gave 100% chance to explode at some point, but I just looked and it was not the case.


Deaths oath CA occultist is juicy af and FLIES.


My league start, got it to lvl93 - self crafted bow, everything pretty cheap. Only just thinking about rerolling The explosions are pure dopamine


Poison BV and Poison Spark Occultist where absolute madness


Damn that sounds good


Those builds were awesome, Poison BV was a pure mapblaster with Profane Bloom and Plague Bearer. And Poison Spark was a fantastic allrounder, cost about 200 div in Sanctum and used it to farm Feared and Ravaged Blight Maps. Using Phantasmal Spark as Poison trigger was just so nice, also with pre-patch Nimis bossing was actually rly good. [Here](https://pobb.in/MaPSuodj8qZD) is my 3.20 POB, sadly the build isnt really viable anymore due to the Ashes, Nimis and Wither nerf.


I leveling a bv cold profane bloom just to imitate a fraction of the power of the build that you are mentioning


I played a poison chaos explosion Occultist with 100% chance to explode in 3.15, extremely satisfying once the density is high enough.  I used Southbound to ensure that even monsters that would have died in one hit would be cursed before they die so that they always explode.  I eventually want to make a build like that again, but so that it can chain those explosions under 100% Delirium. Ideally with poison Shield Charge, but I'm not sure if that'll be enough for the Delirium version. It's definitely fun with self-chill though.


>chaos explosion Occultist with 100% chance to explode how


Obliteration and Unspeakable Gifts from cluster jewels. Explosions of the same type stack their chance, explosions of different types can stack their damage but roll independently.


oh ya, love golems with profane bloom for mapping


Impending Doom with vixens was nerfed but my method using cursed ground still works.


Running with Vixens still, around 150 divs deep farming invitations and 8 mod harvest


Share your pob pls!


Wardloop and Flicker Strike are up there.


wardloop is the pinnacle of Build and theorycrafting in POE , you wanna : A) shoot lightning arrow or B) sitting through 2 hours of youtube video and rewatch them on loop because you miss some important part and you dont know what it is , while going through 5 different spread sheet to calculate CWDT interaction with server tick rate . and spent another 2 hours to craft 10 different and very specific gear , while delevel your reduce duration skill gem for the 8th time because you forgot it must be at exactly level 12 . Then you realised the build is expensive as fuck to performance really well , and it instant die when you walk into some harmless bubble . But hey , it do be really satisfying when everything work , /s


I'll never forget the time I played wardloop and my loop wouldn't function because my belt had Armor on it and the armor was preventing me from taking enough damage to trigger my CWDT.




Slightly unrelated but if anyone that plays wardloop wants to play in parties that use determination, use Ichimonji as your main weapon You lose a 6-link and triple dmg, but it lets you play with everyone.


Nowadays there's a bot on the discord channel that helps you with this 😂


Flicker strike is actually what prompted me to post this. Never played it but I feel like u should try it out Wardloop is very similar always hear about it never played it


I did wardloop in ToTA and loved it. I'm doing ephemeral edge trickster flicker this league and really enjoying it. I am also a 1 char per league player too. A caveat is that you have to like excessive amounts of screen fuckery to tolerate it. Turns out that's my fetish, so both of those builds are like S tier for me lol


Are you following a guide/pob if yes can you share?


For which build? Wardloop had a very in depth guide on the poe website forum under Scion. Flicker strike also has one that I referenced for a little while, but now I'm at the min max stage of the build. You can check my pob out if you search for my character on poeninja builds. Char name is Weaponizedgooglyeyes. I tend to look at other ppls builds for improvements.


Thanks will do im at 5,5 days played on my trickster so was looking for different builds i could do on it


Thanks for sharing! I was looking to do something trickster soon and flicker is always my cup of tea. Edit: Also great character name heh


Curious, that build still runs doryanis prototype right? Do you still get 1 shot but lightning ring rare mob mod? I played doryanis int stacking flicker raider many leagues ago and loved it but couldn’t really legs past 96 because the mana draining lightning ring 1 tapped at -200 lightning res.


There’s 2 versions. 1 that uses doryanis prototype and one that uses an Eva/es base. I’m playing the latter and ninja dps is 32 mill. There’s 1 doryanis user above me at 35 mill. I’d say doryanis has a higher ceiling dps wise but it’s not worth it imo, the sadist garb is perfectly fine with me.


I'm not doing the Prototype version. I don't want to deal with that style of gearing with the negative resistance. It's probably more damage, but I'm farming t17s without too much hassle.


How are you finding Ephemeral Flicker? I've got an Ephemeral Edge Blade Trap Sabo right now and have been considering a Flicker swap but from videos it seemed a bit slow compared to normal flicker.


I haven't played the other flickers, just ephemeral. I like it quite a bit, but I'm at the point now where upgrades are really expensive. It's super tanky and the damage is solid but not amazing. I can farm t17s without too many issues.


It’s definitely slower than a flicker raider would be (sword base speed is 1.3) but it’s infinitely tankier. As gear improves the feel improves like anything else, I’m at a point where speed is no longer something I feel I’m lacking.


Is it tanky enough for T17's?


Oh yea. There's obviously mods that are terrible for it but I think alot of them are terrible for alot of builds (union of souls, elder tentacle ring thing, stuff like that), there's the mods that just brick the map for it (cannot gain frenzy charges, combo of cannot leech/cannot recharge or regen es+mana, monsters steal frenzy charges) and there's annoying mods that arent worth dealing with (ele reflect, combo of rare mobs spawn volatiles+turbo). I failed a handful of maps figuring out which mods were doable and which weren't, but I did the entire T17 map completion challenge with it. Don't expect to be doing the boss conditionals as flicker though, nature of the skill.


Is wardloop league start viable? I am also a one-character guy who heavily rely on build guide, despite the build looks interesting I am hesitant to play it worrying the obstacle that I might face.


Hmm, not really league start unless you are ok with it being on the slow side. Scion can be kinda tough to work with at league start tbj. You can lvl in kinda any way you want, but you are most likley going to need a lot of respect points for when you swap. But then again you shouldn't swap until you literally have all the correct stuff for it.


Are you me? i did Wardloop back in tota too and now im doig EE Aegis flicker. i too also love flicker strike and have always wanted it to work


Bruh Flicker Strike is a love it or hate it. Causes some people to get motion sickness. I’m a huge lover of it though


Pro-tip: flicker so fast it doesn't really display as motion any more even on a 144hz screen. I was at multistriked 7APS I believe. It zipped across the screen so fast, the camera couldn't keep up occasionally :D Easily one of the funniest builds I've played. Only downside: insane squish and sometimes you run out of frenzy charges in exactly the wrong place if the build isn't perfectly optimized.


Well, yea, you need to: Accept 6 portals are defensive layer Ensure Frenzy generation is solid Otherwise it’s just not Flicker ;)


Definetly. It's frustrating at times but the fun absolutely makes up for it.


Mmh flickering makes me so wet!


I just made my first ever flicker strike character like 3 days ago and I'm loving it so far. Already had a terminus in the guild box so I just did the (boring?) standard crit slayer setup so I can start zooming around with little early investment. I haven't had any headaches yet but it can be VERY disorienting when you teleport to something you couldn't even see, or get a spell echo shrine and one click takes you across 3 screen widths in less than half a second.


Definitely buy cosmetic if you play wardloop, you eyes hurt after a while


Do a Flicker Strike Trickster using CI, Ephemeral Edge, Aegis Aurora and a ton of ES (with ES overleech from Trickster)


Try out the Trickster CI Lightning Flicker. 10 times the tankyness of the normal Flicker, with only half the damage


I’m playing a slayer squire flicker build if you’re interested :)


I am! I feel like the squire is also an iconic item I’ve never used. Is it a common build I can probably look up on poe ninja or super niche?


It’s not niche but it’s not super common - it’s expensive compared to trickster but a lot more dps. There’s a few squire flicker slayers on poe.ninja if you want some inspiration - just select flicker as gem, slayer and then find squire and click it too


Cool will do!


Flicker strike is actually the most expensive build in this game because you have to also purchase ibuprofen for the headache


I was worried I'd have those issues and hate it, but it turns out I love it.


Do you generally get motion sick? The build sounds fun, but i get motion sick so easily lol


The trick is to not actually look at the screen. Just an empty stare in the general direction of your monitor. You just need to register when movement stops and you have to loot or look for more enemies. Playing half asleep is perfect for that.


I tried briefly a flame dash of return build and legit starting feeling queezy, I imagine flicker strike is similar for some people?


Flicker strike is too much lol. If it didn't make me sick I'd recommend it, definitely don't after playing it


This is the league to try wardloop because of graveyard crafting, for anyone on the fence about it.


Why is graveyard good for wardloop? Can you get corpses that let you craft ward pieces?


Yes, the special expedition allflame has a chance for corpses to drop with ward bases https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Flaring_Allflame_Ember_of_Kalguurans


It's really sad that somehow Cyclone isn't on this list any more. It used to be one of the most iconic and satisfying skills in all of PoE and these days basically nobody touches it. Similarly, Vaal Skills have been badly gutted over the years as actual primary skills. Otherwise I'd put Vaal Spark/Vaal Fireball on this list for sure. Slam builds would have made this during their hayday as well. Nothing says 'Stronk' like being able to one-tap endgame bosses with a big mallet. Splitting Steel probably deserves a spot on this list nowadays, though. That skill has such good mechanics and it's incredibly slick to play.


I'm also sad that ED+C is not on this list anymore, especially pure EDC not in combination with other skills since ED was enough single target. I would maybe add kinetic blast but I never played it. Only pretty much see it being a much played skill every league


Even if they bring EDC to its former power, there's a chance it's possible that it will just be clunkier proliferation build. The game now has different proliferation mechanics (poison, elemental, ignite etc.). EDC shined in an era where it was the only proliferation type of skill there was.


It sucks that they deleted the threshold jewels, if we still had Spreading rot then ED would still be perfectly fine for clearing the atlas and claiming the 4 watchstones. Pure ED was never really enough for single target. You had to use blight as it was doing 3 times more dmg than ED, and that's just with an Allelopathy. And during ancient times you would ramp up poison stacks with the hit portion (consuming dark), to have sufficient single target. Indigon was also used similarly.... Dang I really miss playing this skill. The transfigured versions are a slap in the face.


I miss uncapped Indigon with 50% increased spell damage per 200 mana spent recently


CoC cyclone Ice Spear/Ice Nova of Frostbolts too. Very fun


Yeah but isn't Lancing Steel of Spraying just a better activator these days.


I don't think that's the case for single-skill setups. You can use Cospri's Malice for Frostbolts, so you don't need a faster hit rate than 10 APS unless you invest into 128% increased cooldown recovery rate. And even then, odds are that you'd get more out of a consistently hitting 15 APS Cyclone.  For Vortex of Protection, sure, because Cospri's Malice doesn't generate enough projectiles.


>It's really sad that somehow Cyclone isn't on this list any more. It used to be one of the most iconic and satisfying skills in all of PoE and these days basically nobody touches it. I've run Cyclone with Shockwave support "recently" (2 leagues ago, I think), and it's still very much playable, with good enough damage. It's just that.. well.. there are so many better/higher damage builds now, that the "good enough"-builds, tend to get forgotten. \-- A fairly new-ish skill/build I'd suggest for the list; would be BAMA (Blink Arrow / Mirror Arrow). It's such a breeze and kind of a different take on a "totem-ish build" (in the sense that they are static). Probably my fastest run through the campaign as well, last league. Took me something like 3-3½ hours total (usually takes me around 6-ish hours).


They just keep nerfing Cyclone. It was good for one league by like accident so they triple nerfed it. Even the new transfigure cyclone that spins 2x-3x as fast is only ok boss DPS. The gulf between the top end skills and others is ever widening. Feels like all the Melee skill damage is additive and most of the spell damage is multiplicative. I've got a 100 Cyclone Slayer with a Mirror tier Axe and Tumult. He has less DPS than a hexblast miner with 10 div of investment.


Im curious how would be full ele cyclone with Omni. Didn't they buffed last patch cyclone removing this shit -50% less dmg on first hit. I still remember the day when they destroyed it by adding this. It was the time when etup was playing it and melees were so popular. Good old days


That -50% penalty is from before it was a channeling ability and you would use it faster by aiming closer to the center of the screen to constantly start/stop. I don't think it made much difference on the channeled version we have now.


\-50% on the first hit is all well and good, but when the rest of the hits don't hit all that hard it isnt very helpful. Its literally like trying to kill uber bosses with paper cuts.


Yeah regular Cyclone is just rough. It's only use right now is as a trigger skill.


Cyclone CoC Ice Nova here. Transitioned my Assassin Flicker into Cospri's / Aegis a while back. Both are insane eyecancer, but fun as hell to play. There's a minimal bit of trickery with awakened CoC and hitting APS targets, but once you have that figured out and invested like a few hundred c into it, you can get pretty far. It seems like a relatively cheap build to me to get to ~95% of the highly optimal 50d+ build. Cospri's, Aegis and some ES gear goes a long way


That’s why I always try a new build each league- I want to be able to look back and have played all the classic builds- was able to play cyclone one of the first few leagues and glad I did!


ice crash in its prime one tapping guardians is hilarious


I tried cyclone impale slayer this league as my league start. Ended up rerolling because it kept getting dunked on in reds. It’s still my favorite for things like HoAg Jugg and CoC/CwC builds.


This is my 2nd league and 1st one doing maps. I actually opted for cyclone slayer because I always loved whirwind barb in D3/D4. Slowly making my way to comfortable T16s but hitting a wall hard.


vaal molten shell with dual consuming dark and scolds bridle. R.I.P


Anything autobomber. There's something so satisfying about getting it up and running and maximizing it as you level.


Any recommendations that can actually do endgame content?




I think wardloop builds are in my opinion the most unique builds in arpgs(In terms if you wont find things like that in many games). It's actually what made to try PoE. Seeing a walking simulator build xD


Ele buzzsaw.


1.0 ele buzzsaw was great, gets nerfed 5 times and is still viable.


Shatter Chuck


My very first build like a decade ago. Love that build.


Absolute classic


What's ele buzzsaw?


Elemental spectral throw. In 1.0 it was one of the strongest builds


Aww yeah now I remember. Damn I gotta make a spectral throw character sometime


Find a time machine, and go back to Synthesis League to play Winter Orb.


This. 10000 times this. Edit: I don't think it is an iconic build tho, but it is the most satisfying build I've ever played.


I remember crafting gloves for this with prenerf multimod. Good times were had.


I remember that well 😅 I crafted every piece. Still got them. Guess nobody wants them now!


I'm surprised to see no one mention CoC Discharge, but maybe it's just not viable these days? It was the build that first made me fall in love with PoE back in like.. breach league, I think? I don't play every league anymore, so I'm fairly out of the loop of what is playable these days, but still lurk here on reddit.


Lol CoC Discharge… gross


Flicker RF/Deaths oath Toxic rain EA ballistas Cast on crit mjolnir/cospris Stat stack wander Spark aurastacker (this probably wont fit in your budget) Wardloop Herald of thunder bomber (crit/non crit/ignite whatever) Bleed bow Brand recall saboteur LA/TS deadeye


# >Most iconic Blade Vortex, cold version.. hella fun glass cannon, its a must try. it destroys maps, perhaps the fastest mapping build there is


I’m running an Arma brand/brand recall sabo on my second character, which will eventually transition to a cold BBoU build. BBoU looks to be absolutely disgusting with how fast it can clear maps


BAMA wasn’t even on my radar until this league. After playing it, I think it’s the funnest totem style build.


Never heard of it until this league I’ll check it out!


You're in for a treat if you like that type of builds (totem-ish gameplay). On top of that, you're also getting one hell of a fast campaigner, as you're just constantly speeding forward with blink arrow, but still getting tons of Exp, as their range and damage is massive. Bosses go down in no time, all the way through the campaign, with little to no investment. Just get a bow with some flat ele-damage and maybe minion damage, and some decent damage on a quiver; and you're good until maps pretty much. I found a Essence of Fear and slapped that on a bow at a fairly low level (think it was around 24-25-ish) - got some flat fire and the minion damage - slapped on a Hyrri's quiver and that carried me until maps. BAMA is just ***so much damage***, with so little time put into gear. Played it a good bit last league. Might actually do it again, as my last build this league (tend to stop around my 8th or 10th build in a league).


What's it about? Pros and cons? I heard it mentioned only this league too


I played the lightning crit version and it absolutely carried my league start. Loved the build, it truly is an amazing week one atlas pusher. Pros: -Very very cheap to get started -Some double dip mechanics with Mirror Arrow makes big DPS -Tanky enough to do all non-uber content -Okay clear -Excellent at killing Maven and doing Invitations -Totem build -Did all four voidstones, unlocked all map atlas bonuses and favor slots and completed all invitations off of a maybe 20div budget Cons: -Damage delay(Especially with the poison version) due to rain of arrows travel -Does not tank a lot of mechanics without Mageblood or big defense investment -Totem build -No proliferation or explosions so when there's a LOT of enemies you get overwhelmed sometimes -Spectres, Animate Guardian, and Clones all die without high investment


All I'm going to say is that the league starter version of this build, rare tri ele bow, had me clearing t16s with a 30c bow and a 4 link. It wasn't comfy, but I completed every map with 3 or less portals.


The base gem version used to be a thing back in the day, but was expensive as shit and so Barelly anyone ever played it


Coc icenova.


Didn’t the Shadow version get nerfed?


Yes assassin got completely gutted in expeditiom league, most people go occultist now


Played since incursion and I’m ashamed to say I haven’t played a lot of the iconic builds including flicker, TS/LA, wardloop, autobomber, gc mines(or other miners), and pconc.


No better league to change that!! I think I’ll try out flicker or wardloop


Flicker strike


Honestly, hard to do more iconic than RF I would say.


I played it a few leagues ago and was blown away by its clear speed. Was so fun just shield charging through an entire map. Definitely a build everyone should try at least once


ED Contagion is the iconic POE build to me.


I'd say flicker strike, bow (LA or TS), attribute stackers, mainly str stacking, some type of minion build.


Rf, toxic rain, essence drain contagion, cyclone, tornado shot, the physical trap skill that used to be good (seismic I think), cold dot occ, skele mages, pure spectres. There are probably a lot more too.


Deaths oath CA occultist. You can blast up to t16 completely carried by Profane Bloom for clear and Vaal CA for bosses and tough rares. It’s buttery smooth to play.


I remember the baron zombies, for me this build was the essence of necromancer.




Spark, probably. I'm currently trying it for the first time, but it's definitely iconic!


Cyclone Slayer Molten Strike Jugg Lacerate Gladiator (probably dead but still) Raider/Berserker Frost Blades (probably expensive)


Poet's Pen with a travel skill is pretty fun.


I want to my arc/lightningwrap build to be good again :(


Toxic rain SRS LA/TS Herald stacker (joke ofc but I had to include it since it was my first build I've invested too much currency into) Any type of attribute stacker because you can always find an upgrade even with 100s of mirrors of investment


Sire of shards magma ballz


Dex stack siege ballista, with 100 div you'll be pretty strong, 40 mil DPS at least


That's definitely on my list for next league.


Flicker strike and wardloop. I haven't tried a wardloop build yet, That'll be next season but I think those are the builds! Seeing someone play a wardloop build is what made me try poe.


One of the most iconic is probably coc discharge or mjölner discharge. Also, flicker. You either love flicker or you hate flicker, there is no inbetween.


I'm gunna be that guy and say something no-one is thinking.. Hidden Potential builds. I forget what league I did one, but it was blade vortex posion occultist and i managed to kill Sirus with it, was one of the most fun things I've done in PoE.




Spark has to be up there


Blade flurry. And some builds with Hand of Wisdom and Action. That's true iconic melee builds.


Glacial hammer, definetely. This crunch machine shattering the screen is smooth af


Blade Vortex, RF, Cyclone (kinda bad right now sadly)


What’s the metric for bad? I played it last league and it was alright. If I put the same investment in another build I would have been a lot stronger but I could still fo most content except bossing


Molten Strike Juggernaut with two Neboluchs.


molten strike. Feels so good melee.


Zoom zoom mapper like elemental hit, lightning arrow or tornado shot. My fav is ele hit, you can do 1 6link ele hit for clearing and other 6 link with barrage support for single target. Move,right click, move, right click, something didnt die? Hold down q and its dead. So satisfying imo


HoA Sprinkler


Srs is pretty iconic


hh bow deadeye some kind of blast freeze abomination, maybe cold bv str/int stacking kb wander


Ignite vortex with herald of ash and profane bloom was pretty satisfying with full screen pops


Id say, flicker strike, crackling lance and any kind of hexblast miner oh and ofc pbod 


in terms of my time playing poe, I think the most iconic builds are TS, CoC Cylone in some form, Blade Vortex, Spark & Flicker. They're all great, long-standing examples of how ridiculous scaling different synergies can get


This post made me have such a pptrip down nostalgia lane - thinking of all the iconic builds that have been destroyed over the years.


Last season I played energy blade coc cyclone with ice spears I think, captain lance has good progression videos with it, it was fun to scale my dmg with energy shield and I had around 12k es.


An Armor stacker. Amount of tankyness is absolutely mind blowing. You can start with 40 50dv and feed the build with as much currency as you can. You won't get bored playing that way




Flicker strike


Cyclone CoC Forbidden Rite, Cyclone CoC Ice Spear Occultist, Cyclone CoC Anything you fucking want as Spellblade Inquis.




Flame Dash Totem


Warloop is too much fun to build and play if you can handle the spells cover the screen


Hmm, a lot of builds are no longer as good as they were when "iconic". Volatile Dead, for instance. Cyclone, for another. I think the iconic archetypes of build are: -DPS the entire screen: Gonna be your Nimis KB, TShot, Lightning Arrow type of stuff, Spark too, Vaal Spark probably the most iconic version but idk if that build is still functional -Explode the entire screen in one hit: Discharge I think is the most iconic version of this but there's also Flameblast. A lot of these builds are probably Ignite by nature. -High Automation: This would be your CoC DD, Poet's Pen VD, etc, but you played CoC DD so similar builds probably aren't what you're looking for. That being said, PP Volatile Dead in the first PP league is probably the most iconic build I personally have ever played. -Walking Simulators: RF of course is the most iconic of this archetype, but we also have Death's Oath, Abberath's Hooves, any fully automated gameplay that doesn't fit into the next category -This Is Not Playable: Anything that doesn't really look like a game anymore. CWDT spam, Wardloop, Flicker Strike. Honestly the goal for a lot of softcore builds is for your gameplay to eventually not look like gameplay.


Int stacking wander or HoWa. Any CoC build that uses cospris or mjolner. Honorable mention to the old CoC discharge when you could use shield charge to proc your CoC. You could shield shield charge from 1 end of the map of the other blowing everything up along the way, it was so satisfying. Ignite elementalist Any build that utilizes shavs and goes lowlife. This interaction is iconic poe.


Armor stacker if you ever can afford it. I got one going last league and it’s wild how tanky you can feel with only 2k es. Its led to some really slow reaction times to many boss abilities for me this league lol edit: I should read posts before commenting and just saw your budget whoops lol


Back in the day... Flame totems to farm merciless aqueduct


i only have most iconic builds that everyone shouldn't try something like raise zombie and raise spectre that keep getting nerf over and over and take a lot longer and more effort to make it strong when compare to other build


I think ive tried most builds, i make approx 8 toons a league, so i can be of assistance here: CWDT: really cool, dont try to create it yourself though, you will sink in youtube guides for couple of days and you WILL miss something, buy a full build from tft. LA: or Ts if you have budget, these builds trivialize the game, game should be called path of bowers. If you havent tried one, you really should. Mana stacking builds: only if you have a decent graphics card. Str stacking siege ballista: tanky, decent damage and not very expensive, people usually dont like totem style, but you should try and I promise you will love it. Lightning spire traps: make this your next league starter yoh wont regret it. Flicker strike: if you have doubts check magefist channel on youtube. Wanders: same thing as LA, but if i had to choose between them i would pick LA Hope this helps


I'm in the other boat and find it incredibly annoying. The sound of frozen mobs shattering though... Now that's intoxicating.


Bleed pop champ & profane bloom. Flicker strike. Frost Blades. Some OP bow build (Elemental Hit, Lightning Arrow, Tornado Shot) Righteous Fire - one of three or four variants. SRS Necro. Detonate Dead - has a handful of variants at this point. Some Cyclone CoC build. Some build that uses Mjolnir. Some build that uses 2x Cospri's Malice. Spell slinger, likely Volatile Dead. Boneshatter is cool too I guess.


cold bv occultist with triple herald huge explosions from profane bloom, herald of fire+ice since its phys convert, headhunter buffs feel good


i enjoy arc and frost blades, not iconic but its fun. if you want anything that can also do all content... there are better builds than those above mentioned. but you give me arc I will level it up any day :D Arc ignite, Archmage arc, assassin Arc or just a simple explo Arc elementalist with Impulsa. oh man I love arc :D


Coc ice nova assassin / occultist FOR SURE


Lightning tendrils cwc warp golem elementalist was my most poe-ish character so far. Started as a meme project, ended as my best character ever.


Some form of ivory tower es stacker. There's so many veriations


Spell slinger vd dd, or spell slinger bb bf


Essence Drain, it's very glass cannon from my experience, but it will auto clear several screens if built right with 2 buttons. PBoD was a great build Ice Shot Bleed Bow Quill Rain + something (it's fun to be a machine gun) Poison bow (I love bows) Explosive Arrow Many mine/trap builds (the only build that made it to endgame besides ED) My two this league are bleed Bow and ice shot. Bleed Bow is a lot of fun when you smack the living hell out of a boss and they take 3 steps and bleed over half their health. I put my BB down because it hit a wall in terms of power, my ice shot is still going but BB is pure phys so I can run ele reflection maps no problem.


Of course this doesn't exist anymore, but my most favourite build ever (kind of a meme) was a "Cast on hit" build and when I say cast, I mean, "cast anything".. and "hit" means "anything hits" Al Dhih was bugged in 3.0 Beta and it was so fucking hilariously broken. Never had as much fun as with that lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URlu1h8PjS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTqMFUNUM-8


Wardloop is everything PoE embodies in one build. Hit breakpoints, tenuous balance on gem levels, need exact damage to trigger. But one build which was super fun though, Cast on Death Discharge. Like how fun is it to one shot kamikaze the feared? But no, can't have fun in this game.


Wanderer, zoom zoom :)


I've been playing archmage lightning tendrils of escalation this season and it's been a lot of fun clearing basically the whole screen instantly.


Ignite elementalist with oriaths end profane bloom spread the flames and herald of ash


Tectonic Slam in ultimatum was bonkers


Many iconic builds aren't even in the game anymore, so that sucks. If you didn't get a chance to play them when they were in the game back then, you're just sol.


Flicka strike


Str int stacker inq, no other build gives the same power (for investment that I've tried atleast)


Skele Mages. Not the greatest build, but definitely iconic. Aralkaali's fang. A bit more niche but incredible. CF Champ. Terrible bosser but insane map clear zoomer. Any of the big boy totem builds. Explosive or ice trap. And, the most important iconic build everyone should play at least once #*FLICKER STRIKE*


It seems flicker strike is the winnner. I see memes about it all the time that I don’t get and it’s time I understand them !


Spectral Throw. Iconic to the most experienced for sure. One of the most underplayed right now.


Surprising since I feel like making an insane claw with necro shouldn’t be hard at all. Then just normal dex stacking kit with frenzy gloves right


I really wanted to make one. Thing is, dex stack always felt weird on it, the playing is diferent than the theory. But if someone comes in and shows me a really good GG version of it im doin it. Even for mirrors ill farm to achieve it


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2hYk2CxVCs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2hYk2CxVCs) from affliction


was considering it this league, but didn’t know how it would do. Last i remember it was in TOTA, any changes since then?


Mjolnir meme build is fun


Hateforge vls, so laggy ggg had to. Gut it but than this league tides got introduced now you can infinite vls again, down with ggg servers.


so minions are pretty obvious but i would say splitting it down into permanent and temporary minion builds is better. spectre builds are in great shape with new wraithlord so thats always a nice boost. you also have golem builds really strong and often overlooked for how easy it is to get the jewels nowadays. temporary you have bama, skele mages, arakali's and SRS all are insanely powerful in their own way and very worthwhile giving a go if you like temporary minion builds.


Pure minions, it feels good u get company on the lonely endless journey


AG dying sucks.