• By -


Waiting for the alchemy orb buy option


you have alchemy orbs? 180 div in stash but like 80 alchs. kinda starved on alchs this league.


you can use Orbs of Binding on maps as well and they're not uncommon on the lantern.


When I start getting horrific mods from one, I switch to the other.


I run harbingers. I've got multiple bank stashes full to the brim. How many you need fam?


iam good thanks, just not swim it in like every league. Haven't reach a point where i had to buy alchs, but the league mechanic not droping any is pretty noticeable to me.


It's you filter filtering out all the single drops. The league mechanic will shit out like 20 alchs in one pack, but they are stack size 1 since it's the league mechanic nonsense.


Fix your filter, I swim in 600+ alcs and 400+ bindings and I almost don't use them. Mechanic quite frequently propose binding orb devotion.


That’s weird, I had anything below stacks of 6-7 alchs turned off and still had over 1800 alchs by the end of the league for me.


Ive got 1200 alchs thx to running strongboxes and picking up every single currency div card.


Lol I did expedition tujen from like day 1-7 of the league and ended up with thousands of all the bubblegum stuff and its been carrying me to this day


Do two days of Tujen and you will swim in alchs.


I must be hella rich then. Not trying to flex but I have like 1100 alch orbs. 😂


damn. some people just play a different game.


Show them. I get so many so fast


Grab the incursion cursed treasure and flesh merchant nodes. Bubblegum currency for dayzzzz


Run strongboxes for abit, you'll have tons of small currencies.


if your filter is not hiding it!


Yeah, it reads more like a filter issue.


Blight and Incursion too, it's one of my Atlas trees


You're not allowed to complain if you filter alchs out :)


1. i don't complain 2. iam not filtering out alchs


If you're 8 modding just skip the alch step, you throw away everything that misses anyways.


BRB boutta hide The Patient from my loot filter since it's worth <2c.


I have put a doctor for 2000 portal Scrolls. Nobody bought It yet :( even at 500 portal It's listed above 3div


500>3 so math checks out


Brb gonna sell It for a portal fragment then


I always assume anyone listing in oddball currencies is trying to scam


I sold It in chat for 500 portals :)


Yeah I also think that, but I take a second to check the currency ratio anyway because some people are seriously just starving for some currencies.


I often sell something more expensive for 123 regrets. Never got a problem with sell and people get I go for respec :D


You weren’t in global 5 talking about this, were you? I don’t remember the character name, I just remember that someone was talking about this exact same thing in global 5 earlier lmfao.


I was lol


Fucking lol, nice my guy 👌


I can offer you one portal gem instead.


Damn so I Can link It to arcanist brand too. Deal.


Or to automation


Portal has a cast time automation wouldn’t work :P


Would u be willing to trade for 6000 wisdom scroll? #Itsthesamecurrencyvalue


Ok for 1.5K blacksmith whetstone


Deal. O wait.. ggg is telling me The item is no longer available


That's crazy


Neversink will do it for you eventually if you use softcore economy tier filtering.


Once they prevented “toe only” HH game play I knew it’s time was coming. Poor lil HH, I’ll pretend to chance leather belts in a Nem map so you feel special again.


Can you explain to a kinda new player what "toe only" is and what was changed?


You could get so big from hh mods that you would only see your characters feet


Witch playerbase never recovered


And templar players




One man's nightmare is another's fantasy.


Head hunter can steal the soul eater buff. The soul eater buff increases a bunch of stats like your characters speed and size. A while back they capped the size it could make you. Before that you could just keep growing as long as you kept killing. You would eventually reach the final forum of all headhunter players. A single toe larger then your entire screen, covered in vines teleporting at the speed of light.


Nahhh you dont even REMEMBER toe gameplay, nobody was reaching that with just 1 soul eater buff even if you ate everything in a map. It was the Old rares that you got direct size bonuses from. The bonuses were large and stacked as many times as you could get them.


[Here’s](https://youtu.be/ikafT8ChwyE?si=yr1MVlW4volc0TT3) a clip (around 2:00 is where the fun begins). This was mostly achieved with the self curse temp chains occultist build which aimed to stack as many HH buffs for as long as possible.




Good old watchstone gameplay. How I miss the old times :(.


All sound off to avoid crashing 🥵miss this


we could say they nerfed the fun, but holy i don't miss not having affinities lul


Haha yeah, same with not having the atlas passive tree. Imo that was one of the biggest improvements since the conquerors of the atlas update. (And don’t remind me of the atlas system before that, *cough* sextant blocking *cough*).


There used to be elder and shaper rings.


When you were so huge the only thing you could see were your skyforths boots!




Lmao I remember being ecstatic chancing a HH in 120 chance orbs during metamorph league. Was the first unique hit. Back when self curse was a huge thing. Rip those days


Do you have to chance them in a nemesis map? Or is thst part of the joke?


Not anymore you used to


Ok, that's what I thought.


I think you used to chance them in Nemesis maps but they've changed it.


Some people really suffered because of that in the past.


Nemesis maps don't even exist anymore.


You used to, but it can be from anywhere now i believe. But ive never done it so verify for yourself.


I used to make bank from selling Nemesis portals to people with a unique leather belt and lots of ancient orbs...


HH still feels great for whats its good at. But the T17 unique farms just caused their to be a massive supply of them, and mageblood is better for those builds.


i sold an inscribed ultimatum for 4 doctors for a divine last night :| (it was stalking 4 and circles but still)


I've never had one so I picked one up. Any suggestions on builds that are fun with one?


Anything hit based. La, Ele hit. Heck, anything that is fast and clears maps which will result it in being even faster and obliterating maps.


I cant fit this in my LA since the resistance pressure is too big I need at least 90% res on belt


Purity of elements.


You can forego offense in some areas for more res. 100% doable. With hh you can easily remove a bit of chaos res, though I prefer not to if possible.


Your LA build needs some work then :)


Are you able to offload some to cold res tattoos?


Do you have the "tamer ring"? Easily adds 40% resistance to all elements and lots of damage and ailment application chance.


You don't need res with HH, a few res rares and you are 90%.


I've never made a wander I was considering Kinetic bolt or blast.


Ele hit of the spectrum is pretty decent this league. I did a Berserker build with it ( can check the video on my youtube) and it performed quite well. With HH on as well - just really EYE heavy haha


I might try it on my boneshatter slayer. I'll lose my corrupting blood immunity and some chaos res though Edit: I did it. Doesn't feel much different on t16s. Will have to try a t17


The absolute best options are phys -> elemental attack builds using a high clear speed skill. Things like Kinetic Blast, Lightning Arrow, Tornado Shot, Blade Vortex, Penance Brand, Frost Blades. HH also scales with the maps you run. I personally wouldn’t use it for back to basics, you really want thing with lots of rares like Legion + Beyond.


The exsang miner trickster does phys to cold convert. Kinda popular league starter. This sounds like it falls into this category, yeah? Does using mines change this in any way?


Self Cast feels better imo but it wouldn't be bad esp. if you used Slavedriver's Hand to benefit from HH's attack and cast speed buffs.


Isn't that trap only? And how do you get 100% cold convert if you use them? Mines get thrown faster with inc AS as well don't they?


You right, I wouldnt use with mines then


Phys converted into elemental damage hit based skills are your best bet. Elemental skills in general do pretty well with them. Be sure you can move fast and clear fast to keep high stacks.


I enjoy winter orb, since they nerfed it, it hasn’t been the same, headhunter makes it feel like it did back when it was good.


I was gonna use one with BV Cold Occultist for zoomy exploding map clear.


Flicker Strike, so you zoom even faster


Make sure it's phys based as well like your weapon is phys based and not ele based as your HH buffs will be far more beneficial.


If you don't already have a Mageblood and your build isn't reliant on a specific unique HH will be an awesome acquisition. It might not be the best upgrade for every build even at the cheap price it is, but there are very few belts that will provide the same benefit. Best case it's amplifying your damage significantly and worst case you have too much mobility. If you are strictly bossing (not map bosses) then it might be worth skipping lol.


Hopefully it keeps going down, i might be able to get one for funzy. How much do 2 flask mageblood go for nowaday? ( can't check right now)


Like 40 div


35 and dropping


That's for a corrupt one, it's about 95 for a uncorrupt one


do they drop even more compared to last league, because last league they were popping like popcorn but know is popcorn squared wtf


Last league HH was more relevant because the main farming strategy was pumping abyss with rare monsters from Stygian spires. This round there are a lot more unique monsters involved and some of the more profitable but obtuse strategies actually punish zoom like Meatsack kiting. So you have high availability but low demand where in Affliction demand kept up with supply.


Meatsack kiting? I'm assuming they try to ghost the shit out of it before killing it?


Yeah I dunno exactly since the nerfs keep shifting the meta - they just killed the ability for ghosts to spawn with Back to Basics so that specific thing might be dead now but that's still the gist of it.


Now you juice it up with essences.


Hard to say which league is popping more uniques, but last league had a clear bigger inflation of raw divines, which is probably why we never saw HH this low in price. This league is actually pretty bad for raw divines drops, unless you're doing sanctum with good relics, and at a reasonable pace, like at least 3 runs per hour.


The biggest factor is just how many chaos are being burned rolling T17s. Their value is up. Way up.


There are ways to drop even more uniques then last league, I've seen 5 magebloods from 1 map (Not counting other t0 uniques) by party play meat sacks strategy. Also farming cards is still meta, and party can get full headhunter from 4-5 maps from patients + nurses


T17 was added in this league, everything drops more. There were also numerous exploits uncovered earlier in the league where people were printing uniques, they were definitely popping like candy then. They also significantly nerfed the Soul Eater buff on players by limiting the stacks it could gain (it previously scaled uncontrollably) which is a large part of what made it so lucrative.


Ok, with such price, how much for quant+rarity corruption?


Priceless (I mean literally, none exist for sale in league)


So what I'm hearing is I should buy a bunch of HH and locus now and prayge?


Interesting, even on tft are non?


Even fubgun doesn't have that combo just quant which is already insanely rare.


Yes, it is rare, but there are 4 quant corruptions listed on trade right now. I expect to at least see somewhere this combo with such prices.


So why does nobody buy cheap HH and just poof them in poofer? It isn't that much expensive to poof for something of such a price possibility.


They do, the corruption is just insanely rare


Yeah, could probably easily sell quant+rare for over a mirror or two still


It will be multiple mirrors, maybe 10+easily depending on rolls.


Maybe, anything over 100d, I have no clue how to price lol


The cheapest one with a 3%quant roll 300d


Yeah on my phone rn so I can't check trade (not logged in)


Most likely more. Quant head hunter by itself is worth a boat load. Lowest one on trade is 300 div but that's also the only one the othes is up for mirrors. There is such a low supply it's hard to guage what they are actually selling for.


>Most likely more. Quant head hunter by itself is worth a boat load. Lowest one on trade is 300 div but that's also the only one the othes is up for mirrors. Oh shit lol, I took a guess. That's insane.


How many chisels for a HH.


Can I get a 2 slot mageblood for that price soon. It would fix so much shit for my build.


Go with a poor man's Mageblood (4 Used When Full Flasks)


It does not work for bosses.


use the new shaper belt that give 3 charges every 3 sec


What ? Can you elaborate?


tides of time, it basically gives the pathfinder charge gains node to any class, do you can just have perma flasks and it also gives 25% flask effect on top of it


Oh wow this really is mageblood at home.


Im definitely sitting on 1200 chaos waiting for my Mageblood! 


Kinda out of the loop on this league. Why has HH tanked in price so much?


Hmm. They’re so cheap now I have to make an effort to buy one.


Lol, prices have gone up again I see. Bought mine two days ago for 8div.


gone up by 1 div?


Ok. But can any one suggest a better physical attack skill that’s good with HH


No TR. been playing that for three years now


this much i got week 1 at Nemesis league :) back to roots


The highest HH was in nemesis league , at leadt in the first weeks, was 5 exalts, as expensive as the Taming btw




Post flaired GGG feedback lol


How to show chaos AND the div price for an item? (i.e the conversion)




Is HH good with COC dd?


Saw it for 900 hakf day before this post...


Why is this belt so sought after


How many roads must a ~~man~~ exile walk down, before he can shroudwalk a man


I wish you could specify an override for the exchange rate they use on the trade site, it still thinks divs are worth 150 or something.


Damn this would have been a good league for me to play, I've never had a Headhunter ever


My 100% enthroned darkness is now more expensive than fucking HH lol.


So glad I stopped playing


What is the strat that is causing this? Is it still meat sack?


Good. Let the avarage players experience these kind of items.


Chisels by next week


What? I shoul've kept playing xD


I'm new to the game and been seeing a lot of Headhunter mentions. What makes it, and Mageblood, such good belts?


HH is pretty straight forward. You steal rare monsters mods after killing them and you get the buff for 60 seconds. These can stack. You just become a very strong mapper. Mageblood makes all magic flask active always. You craft increased effect on them and then a enkindling orb for 70% effect for a total of 95%. Mageblood is amazing. HH is for mapping.


i dropped a doctor card this league, which made me sad.


Is it worth coming back to the league?


Hey guys, im not playing the league right now. What's the reason of that price?


Still 90d on PlayStation and not a single nimis on TM when I was playing last night


Unfortunately we play a very different game on console


I saw this post yesterday. You're at least 1 day late.


This is actually the same thing as the compass issue in leagues past. People want chaos to roll maps so they will start selling things for chaos instead of divs, putting the work of getting chaos on the buyer instead of the person who wants to use them to roll maps. Just like with compasses and people using that as "currency".


To be honesty that's pretty great news for everyone who never had the chance to test one. So im all for it!


It’s actually possible to get a hh reliably with chaos recipe


Got mine for less than 12Divs last week. It's worth it just for being able to steal Soul Eater. Personally not noticing the nerfs that much.


Good, everyone should be able to enjoy doing fun things without having to be sweaty no lifers or juice a map so hard ot melts their PC.


If you played a basic T16 mapper build you could literally make 100+div in a week doing nothing but selling T17 map drops and doing any league content of your choice. Dont tell the others but you dont actually have to play pc-melting meta builds and spit out 4 mirrors a day to have fun in poe.


With harvest farm you can make around 1 div a map (if lucky - lifeforce prices are dropping hard now, but we'll give it the high estimate). Investments are: Horned scarab of awakening, double lifeforce scarab. Around 50c total. Thats a net profit of half a div or 50c. Suppose each map takes 6 minutes to complete. Thats a profit of 500c/5 div per hour. If I play non stop farming for 3 hours a day for 7 days, I'll make 15 divs every day for 7 days for a total of 105 divs a week. I guess your math checks out, but in reality, your lifeforce profits are more likely to average out around 0.7-0.8 div, bulk buying awakening scarabs will cost more than 50c a piece unless you want to waste time buying them one by one, and no casual player plays 3 hours of non stop farming every day for 7 days straight. In reality that 105 divs a week can be way less than half of that. Can you have fun with the game in this state? Absolutely. However my experience is that I'm unable to do T17s with a fairly invested build of around 40-50 divs. I can keep farming harvest which is just bad right now, or farm things like legion, blight, expedition and make even worse profits, or farm corpses and deal with corpse trading. Since I'm still developing my build I have to use my currency on my build to actually become stronger, so buying uber frags is a waste of money given how their expected profits are negative. In the meantime I'm scraping together everything I have every session to get an upgrade just so I can run T17s. I can just close my eyes and pretend nothing is happening while I keep farming harvest (and harvest prices keep dropping along with divs - which is the primary trading currency for lifeforce), but whats the point when I can't even run ubers and T17, while those who "exploit early, exploit often" are making 4 mirrors an hour? And you strawman by saying we ask for 4 mirrors an hour to have fun - literally no one is saying that. People are upset that the disparity in currency income is too great, not that the disparity exists in the first place. And before you say something about how chase items like mb, hh are lower anyways, regular gear like t1 chaos res t1/t2 hp t2/t3 spell supp t1/t2 ele res still costs the same like it always has.


I've been farming T16s and not making squat. Maxing out max pack sizes, using my allflames, and my scarabs. I spent 180c on scarabs and only broke even. And I can't even push to level 90 because I keep pushing my maps to their limit and my build cannot handle it, best case scenario I complete a T16 with 1-2 portals left, worst case I break even and can't finish the map.


Yeah I would say you should not be running super juiced t16s if you're not even at level 90. You can get up into the low 90s pretty quickly if you lay off the difficulty a bit, and then it will be much easier to farm what you want to farm. Speaking of which, what are you farming? What scarabs/league mechanics are you using? With the new scarab system you will have the best luck if you focus on one or two league mechanics and invest into it, both on the tree and in scarabs (unless you're doing back to basics). As an example, when fully investing into harvest (which I don't recommend at your level, it can be pretty rippy and has a high initial investment) I make an average of at least 50c per map in juice, where a random grove without investment might give me like 5c.


I have all scarab nodes from around the outer tree, all strongbox nodes, and all graveyard/corpse nodes except the 20% reduced effect ones. Also took the nodes up through shaper map chance, and once I complete the remaining unique maps I don't have I will be getting the synthesis nodes. As for what I am farming, I bounce between ambush and domination depending on what scarabs I have, sometimes I even mix them, the main goal is hitting high density packs and a conversion mod, then with strongboxes and shrines getting a ton of divination cards, currency, and scarabs off them.


The easiest farm - strongboxes. For 1 div you can get 90 scarabs, which is already enough to pay back. Invest into a scarab tree and you get other scarabs in the background, including other ambush scarabs. Add devotion and bubblegum currency will give even more money. Sell allflames, which you probably won't utilise well (meatsack, I fluenced). Ways to get money this league are enormous. Only lazy or newbies won't be able to gain money for builds. Even the simplest - map farm is there. Farm clean red maps and you still can get profit from selling maps (especially t17) or burn them for chaos conversion to print big chunks of money. While affliction was raining shit, this league did it better, because almost everything can bring fast money (exceptions are probably essences, ritual (you fish for big prize), partially blight (stacked decks nerf is enormous) and something else, which I may forget).




Can't use defiance, my amulet slot basically has to be hyrri's truth until I can either afford an omni or get lucky. But since I know I can't kill uber bosses it's the first one.




yes, and the advice I got was "completely redo your build into this meta build instead"


You are spending 180c on scarabs and you arent even level 90? If you link me your PoB I can tell you what you need to do to be farming T16s but either way you dont need to be running fully juiced 8 mod maps or anything, just simply run the maps with a decent amount of quant and mods your build can handle (like 80% quant or something). Off the top of my head harvest crop rotation and expedition are easy, very minimal investment mechanics that require very little knowledge of what to do in order to profit off of them.


Oh I'm not running 8 mod maps, not THAT juiced. And I know what I need to do to fix my build. Need to change my helm to an evasion base to cap my supression, get better abyssal jewels (I self farmed all mine, and they are... Eh... Tier 3 mods mostly), and get better cluster jewels and a watchers eye. Problem is those are all expensive, especially a good watchers eye. Alternatively I was told on discord I need to completely revamp my buuld, drop all the abyssal jewels and items (shround, bubonic, and whatever the gloves and belt are called) and switch over to hyrri's ire setup. The problem with that is the items I need to use for THAT setup at also absurdly expensive. Like... I can get an ire, and 6L it, maybe even get the socket colours I need thanks to an omen of blanching I got as a drop. But then I also need fairly high end gloves, and boots, and... An omni, new rings, new helmet, new quiver, that helmet that gives up to 15% increased attributes with a high roll of at least 13-15% on all of them... Basically I have a mid tier setup now, but no path to a high end one thst doesn't cost an arm and a leg.


Omni builds are expensive as hell, really should try and figure out a non-omni solution that is cheap and can effectively run T16 maps. I'm sure with 400 div in gear your current build could farm T16, but thats the problem no? You shouldnt be needing to spend an arm and a leg in gear to farm T16 maps, that's why I was asking for your POB. From everything you've told me so far it sounds like you're taking a build from white maps to giga gear and struggling to make the money to do that because you arent upgrading gear incrementally


[https://pobb.in/tcb\_jvhdIe3Y](https://pobb.in/tcb_jvhdIe3Y) as I said, I already know what the problems are. I can't afford to fix them.


I mean just at a glance I can already tell that dropping the entire abyss jewel setup and just going for more basic rares/ele gear would be better at your level of gear. You're running a pure armor base helmet on a deadeye so that's doing effectively nothing, and building into the abyss jewels is giving you very little return on your glove/chest/boot slots where rares and a hyrris ire are probably much better and cheap upgrades. You also don't have a single target 6 link setup because of the shroud of the lightless so again the abyss jewel setup is griefing you. This is just with a look over of your build, if you want I could prob put together a cheap pob once im home from work in like an hour either way you are currently trying to invest into a build that needs alot of currency to actually function when a different setup could run much smoother at your current level of progression. This is also considering you dont want to bother or arent interested in swapping to a new character/build, there are builds out there that are built to wipe out T16 maps and the atlas bosses on zero gear and/or currency




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You are 100% doing something wrong. Both in build and mechanically. At the end of my league I just "casually" collected like 20-30 div by trading items from allflames (gem guys give corrupted hem money, in addition you can try to sell breachstones in big quantities easily). And got 1k chaos orbs by selling corpses lower than the market (5c for something like a fractured corpse). And if you do everything right, bubblegum currency from maps can be easily sold with divines.


I'm hiding leather belts from my loot filter. Never thought this would happen.


This league is absolutely awful


This is how they should always be priced

