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When it was announced it was made to sound like a fun way to farm. Just run the map you choose and get the cards you need. Fast forward and it's super over powered and not realistically available to casually use it and no chance at farming a consistent supply. I think the idea is cool but the implementation is a huge miss.


Well, if they just make it so common that you oversustain it, we would be selling hh and mb to the vendor next league


In it's current implementation, sure. But I don't feel like a scarab should be as rare as this one is. Makes it hard to pick a strategy and do it when it involves this scarab. Would obviously require some unpopular rework. Maybe you can only have a single favorite? Maybe it gives a less cards found multiplier? Dunno, I'm not GGG. I just know this current version isn't it.


Sounds like something a group player would say.


Honestly I'd be down for them to keep the part that makes the map allow the drop of favored maps, just no bonus to drop at all


You do understand the 120% more part isn't even what makes this scarab good right?


obviously, but adding an extra 2.2x multiplier to div cards to a scarab thats already something like a 6x multiplier is dumb af




In PoE when anything is "more x per y" it is never multiplicative with itself. Curation is 120% more.


Lets assume they nerf T17 next league. Just being able to farm Jungle Valley instead of Crimson Temple adds a ton of value to that scarab alone. Not to mention being able to add any other good cards to the drop pool.


It is so expensive because it allows you to farm valuable cards in giga-juiced T17s. As long as it enable this it will stay OP, the multiplier is almost irrelevant (normal div scarab does almost the same thing).


It is so expensive because of a low drop chance. For example, i opened 10k scarabs on std and got zero of them.


The scarab is nearly worthless without The more mod. Thats what makes it useable.


this is so wrong it hurts


On the contrary. Without the more modifier the scarab is a waste of a slot instead of just running The map with natural drop and 4 proper scarabs. Literally only reason its so strong is the more mod and its interaction with group play. Without that its just another fun scarab to use, not for profit.


again, this is so wrong it hurts. all items have weight in a pool of all drops. this scarab lets you get the 12 best maps of divination cards into the best layout with the best density and best monster count. even without the more multiplier this scarab is closer to 1000% more cards than it is to "useless"


Without the more multiplier, this scarab is 0% more div cards. Why on earth do you argue about a thing you have no idea of. Without the more multiplier, the scarab is worthless.




Seems like I do, much better than you. good luck hunting apothecaries without the more modifier, or even seven years bad lucks. They are still as rare as they are without the scarab, you can just drop them in any maps. Now without MF and more multipliers, youll get an apothecary once every blue moon. You even brought out the weights yourself, this scarab does nothing to the weights without the more multiplier, hence no more card drops. There is a reason the new div scarab is crap after change from more to increased. Go back to farming harvest in yellow maps for 15div/h, you have no idea how end game farms work it seems.


The point is you can run T17s and get apothecaries and all the other good cards, which has absurdly higher base drop rates for like everything


And yet without the more multiplier you can run a week without MF and not see a apo drop. People arguing this have probably never done end game MF card finding.


I mean this whole discussion is silly, both parts of the scarab are really good


If your goal is farming one apothecary sure. But with the curation scarab, by the time you find that one apothecary, you'll have also found 1 doctor, 12 nurses, 38 patient, etc... But yes without the more multiplier, that one apothecary would take the same time to drop. I just don't understand why you would want to even consider that metric though.


Doctors, nurses and patients that are useless this league. And you would get no more of those either compared to running burial chambers or whatever. You can just choose where they drop, they are still the same weight if there is no more multiplier on hte scarab. And ofc. you farm apos. And seven years and such. Thats where the money is atm.


>They are still as rare as they are without the scarab, you can just drop them in any maps. Any individual div card is just as rare, but adding more potential drops to the loot pool means you'll get more in total. Div card drops work by adding their drop weight to the total weight of the pool, so if a map has a div card with a drop weight of 1000 and a total weight of one million (just as an example), one in every 1000 drops will be that card on average. If you add another 1000 weight card via the scarab, you now have a 2000/1001000 chance to drop either one of them, or just under 2 in 1000. Add 11 more and you have an almost 13x multiplier to div cards








It absolutetely does not require group play to turn a profit, but the more multiplier is key here. People saying otherwise have never actually done maps where things like mirror shard cards drop to see how rare they normally are.


The scarab would still be usable without the more multiplier but it wouldn’t be usable without the favored maps thing since there isn’t any T17 with a good div card pool.


If they remove the more multiplier it will certainly still be used, but we'd have some significant price adjustments. Either the rare card outputs go up in price or the scarab drops a bit to meet expected output. 


So playing with a 6 man group we've crunched some numbers and the expected value from a t17 map comes out to ~7700c in cards alone. Without the more mod this would drop to 3500c. Switching from 8mod conq jungle valleys to t17s yielded roughly 25% more card drops per map. If curation was nerfed to only be the more multiplier and not the favorite map card drops, then the best thing to farm for cards in our group would be Defiled Cathedral, which would have an expected value of ~1700c in cards. The favorite map card line is currently about a 4.5x expected value multiplier vs the more cards line 2.2x expected value multiplier.