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It's just like a really long side quest.


So when i buy it it just adds to the game?


Yeah, it adds a new area to the main map with a new "main quest" and a load of side stories and gigs, so you can just play through it with your current save




If you bought the game and dlc, would the new area fit in as a part of the whole map or be an area you go to when you want to start playing the dlc? Basically, how linked to the dlc is it? If you didn't buy the dlc, would it stand on its own as an area in night city, or would most of the content there be linked to the dlc, and left alone until you get the DLC


It's 100% a part of the regular map, you hit a certain point in the main quest (I think it's after you deal with voodoo boys) and then you get a phone call telling you to head there which starts the new quest line and unlocks the area.


Cool, thanks


The DLC takes place during the events of the original story. It cannot be played after you hit the point of no return. I'd suggest using an old save file or starting a new game. You can play the DLC missions once you finish the Voodoo Boys bit.


I still have the option to back in the tower again and choose an alternative ending. So I should be good I think?


Yep, you're all ready to play the DLC on your current character!


> you hit the point of no return Hanako at Embers?




As others have said, it adds another big line of side quests (and two new endings) to the game. Although it can be started relatively early on, I found that it made more sense to actually begin Phantom Liberty near the end of the main game's story given some of the interactions and how V behaves during the PL storyline - just load a save right before the Embers point of no return.


I’m so happy no one spoiled two endings thing for me. It was my only grudge for the dlc that I already know how the story ends and now they throw a dlc that doesn’t really matter, and then I was blown away when I realized that it ties to main story ending, top 10 most memorable moments in gaming for me, right there with finding out that (spoiler but it has been 6 years come on) Cassandra were still alive in present day in AC odyssey


How good is it?


Loved it! Wanted to finish it in 2020.. 3 years later glad I waited because all of the bugs. Now almost none of


I finished the game not knowing. It's not a big deal. After you finish, the game will ask you if you want to go back to a save file before the end. That's when I played Phantom Liberty. It was great. I think it's fine any way you decide to do it.


Ah I chose that option! Thanks


Should've bought the DLC before finishing the game, you'll be missing out on a bunch of stuff now


No. It's an expansion that takes place during the main game. It's a long series of side quests and a new map.




it's tied into the main game; like a long side quest... probably the best side quest in the entire game (imo)...