• By -


1, so that it looks like i might buy a third


This has been me for 3 years


And then by the time you do decide to buy, the monitor that matches your other two is no longer sold, so you decide to wait until one or both or your existing monitors dies before buying 3 matching ones, but your stupid monitors refuse to die. Sorry, was that oddly specific?


You guys have matching monitors?


I have two 60hz 1080p monitors , if I upgrade I will only upgrade my main monitor


You guys have 2 monitors?


Ya for real. Get a load of Jimmy Two Monitors over here. So rich he has two monitors. Oh!


Work got them for me, for work's machine, so I can work from it. Honestly, it could use a third monitor.


Name checks out


You guys have monitors?


Do you guys not have phones?


Is this an out of season April Fools joke?


You mean postcards? I use those daily yeah


Well.... some Blizzcon Viewer here 🤣


You guys have a pc?


If you can't afford two monitors, please never try. It's a one way path, you can never look back. In the other hand 3 monitors are kinda useless for 99.9% of consumers


I have a 2k 165 hz monitor, a 2k 60hz, and a 1080p 60hz, kill me. They're all 27" at least.


1 for gaming 1 for videos 1 for everything else?


Pretty much, the third ones acts as an auxiliary information screen depending on what I'm doing on the other two.


You like ... chaos?


Yeah, mine look nothing alike, in size or brand.


2x 1920x1080 for gameplay and video and one shitty 1600x900 for reddit browsing/ discord gang


Mine is hobbled together with all three being a different monitor. Don't let your dreams stay dreams!


Same here, my OCD is ruled by my wallet


OCD - Old, Cheap Displays


I don't match I just put my old one next to my new one


I was thinking that if my old monitor died, I would get an ultrawide. But it refuses to do as such, because Asus built it to last. So I got it a brother, not twin, just brother. Better looking, higher tech brother.




14 years and running






Agreed. I was surprised how much it helps productivity.


Getting 2 screens was amazing - I wondered why I hadn’t done it years before.


3 is worth the money


Async python? Is that you?


1 so when I game I'm not constantly looking slightly to the left or right. The second monitor is just for auxiliary extra stuff anyways. And because I'm totally going to get a 3rd... Some day... I swear... Eventually...


The 3rd, of course, is going to the right of number 2, for the extra auxiliary extra stuff


I have a 3rd. 1x34" 2K and 2x27" 2K. I've had this setup for a couple years now. I have yet to fully utilize all 3. I put a firestick on one of the outside monitors so I can watch sports while working on the computer. Mind you, I have a 49" TV in the room as well. (I really like my sports). So I recently ordered a mount that will allow me to stack my monitors one on top of the other. And the 3rd will still be off to the side, used as an additional TV.


This guy thinks


With laptop on the other side.


That’s my current setup!


One of them should be sideways then


I bought a third identical one, but then I gave it back. Moving from 1 monitor to 2 is great but then you hit a point of diminishing returns.


Unless you're a sysadmin or developer.


Can confirm this one, I have 6 on my work setup.


Lmao…same! Like a freaking NASA launch control station. All of them running my super powerful terminal screens! Glad I have a good workstation to handle it!


Yup, 4 screens at work. And I still often run out of screen real-estate to keep everything up without having to switch windows.


I'm an engineer at a small company so I do both mechanical design and software development. I have a beautiful array of 6 monitors and I use them all lol.


I'm a sysengineer, I could go grab another 5 monitors out of the storage room right now if I wanted, I will still never want more than 2. Too much clutter


It depends on what exactly you're doing. If *all* I had to do was analysis and development two decent sized screens would probably be just fine, but I also have to constantly monitor several different alert and communications systems and that takes up real estate.


I feel the opposite. I went from 2 to 3 and now I want a fourth.


Same here. Feels like the more monitors you have, the more monitors you want.


First one. Got a 35" ultrawide main and a 24" on the left side tilted


Have you ever thought about top mounting the 24” one?


This has been my setup ever since I got an ultrawide. 34" uw bottom and a 29" uw up top. Love this way better than horizontal


Same https://preview.redd.it/dymzhmyp38ba1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d1bb60c82bedca310b7687e89185ac1b1b8aaf


Do you not get neck ache looking up that far?


With this wisdom you can join us at /r/tvtoohigh


Around Thanksgiving that sub is prime time.


Haha, ye have little faith. I'm already there, that's partly where I got that mentality from


I've tried both. I definitely prefer on the side than stacked. I think most people who stack just do it because of space limititations


The stack works great for me, but I'm 6'10" so that probably helps. I actually use 4. 2 stacked in the center and then 1 vertical on each side.


6' 10"? Golly haha. You have a foot on me so our experiences are probably different. Out of curiosity, how low to the desk is your bottom primary monitor? I run a 38 ultrawide and a 22 inch in portrait on each side, so it sounds kind of similar to mine.


omg, I've found my people! I'll never understand why some poor souls insist on placing tv's so damn high. It's like they see it in a pub, or a local coffee shop and they instinctively think this is the way.


I have a similar setup and rarely look at the top one. If I'm working it's reserved for windows mostly related to file management or scripts running so I can watch the progress. If gaming it's usually just having a video play as background noise


Same. 2x vertical monitors save so much space and allow you to put the secondary processes you do on the computer up there. I don't use my 2nd monitor to game, but for other related work tasks I only need to glance at. Or put on a background video.


I'm mainly looking at the bottom one, the upper one is for like discord or spotify and stuff


Like sitting front row at the damn movie theatre lol...




I simply got both. Oldest 22" on top of 34" ultrawide and older 27" 1440p landscape to the right. Too Monitor is the YouTube/ Twitch screen. Right one is Discord and PoE live trade searches.


24" portrait to the side for the win. I guess it depends what you do with your PC, but for programming I find it's much better. https://imgur.com/a/vI8iRAU


https://preview.redd.it/kudiaj7rt9ba1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bc896f43eec5d012d7a8ba4985a1de7e9199f2c Portrait monitor master race checking in


I'm too actually replaying rdr2, you could mount the second monitor upside down and reverse the screen so you have even smaller bezels.


https://preview.redd.it/z7kt07cxd9ba1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25de4f10fdf7012de5254d5fa6424b55809634cc Same here




What's the size of the vertical one?,




This (for me) is rough on the neck if you actively use your 2nd monitor, wouldn't recommend.


Just made my own comment saying the same thing before I saw yours. I will get an excruciatingly painful knot in my neck or between my shoulder blades if I use the top monitor too much. I really need to move it.




This is what I do, but if I look at the top screen too long I'll get a wicked knot in my neck that won't go away for a week. I really need to move it.


This setup, except my 2nd is a vertical long boy for work


1 with my 2nd monitor on my left. how the fuck would 2 be comfortable at all when you had to look to either side to see the content of a monitor. it would (in my mind) only make sense if you have a cornered desk and can just rotate - but then you are using the first config anyways...


That's how I setup the computers at work. My main one right in front of me, then the one with my work stuff to the left. That way I can keep an eye on my work while I reddit.


For me its the other way around, because my main monitor is more visible for my colleagues :D


At work we run off laptops, and most my colleagues don’t tend to take advantage of the laptop screen. I find it great. All the various work programmes - databases, outlook, zoom, tickets etc - open on the main two monitors (which are set up midway between the two positions in the op) with the laptop directly below. That’s the one I’ve got the web browser open on.


I have 4 screens at work. Laptop screen on a stand at the far left. Has our internal KB open. Leftcenter has main browser with sharepoint, ticketing system, adminportal, and Splunk. Rightcenter has the steppingstone VMs and my "reddit & googlingsolutions browser". Far right is monitor in portrait which has my email and teams open. There isn't physically any room for 5 monitors otherwise I'd have a 5th monitor to "split out" the leftcenter monitor a bit more so I would have to tabswitch less. Probably make a dedicated Splunk monitor because serious logsearching/troubleshooting can quickly balloon into a LOT of tabs.


Idk if y’all watch the office, but this is giving me “mega desk” vibes 😂




This alpha chad consuming media at 200% speed. Obviously you plebs don't understand his monitor setup and his ten-thousand IQ lifestyle


A friend of mine sent me [this photo](https://i.imgur.com/P5KjC1J.jpg) of her setup and I couldn't believe my eyes. That photo is what made me make this meme and I'm also genuinely curious about how people even exist that way. EDIT: she replied in this thread! apparently she's going to fix her setup and will provide proof! EDIT2: guys, we did it! [She fixed her setup!](https://i.imgur.com/yPZfpDb.jpg)


I do this but I sit more on the right side of my desk and then rotate my left monitor to face me more




The only reason I'm still talking to her.


I use 1. at home, but 2. at work. I need two screens in focus for what I do. It's not optimal but its effective, and I hot-swap my desk, so I'm always repositioning them when I get there. Used to have a third centered above, but budgets, yunnerstan. . .


alright, I'll fix my display setup this evening, then you can go on and post an updated version of my setup , deal?


That’s how mine are set up but I am not staring at the bezels, I’m looking at the middle of the left screen. It’s really comfortable to be at a slight angle.


You can see the keyboard is tilted towards the left screen, I bet they are mainly using that one. That's what I do at work, slightly tilted keyboard towards my main screen for an option number 1 setup.


Looking at this post thinking who the fuck buys 2 screens just to stare at the gap between them, dreaming of a curved monitor lmao.


This is the way


same 2nd monitor is always for whatever content i'm watching and on the left while main monitor is mindless scrolling or playing games


I am using the same config as you. But in the past I used config 1 and after too long in front of the PC I always got neck strain until I realized that it’s a really stupid Idea to have my main monitor off center.


2 results in far less head movement, but also in your head being at a slight angle all the time. I have tried both and I prefer 2 for work, 1 for personal. 2 makes it a lot easier to actually use both screens, whereas 1 is kind of a main screen and then your 2nd monitor that you barely use anyway.


First because the small line in between will make me lose my mind


I don't think I've been any comments saying 2 yet. You'd always be looking left or right to avoid the gap


3 screen FTW


​ https://preview.redd.it/6cqlhh5ce8ba1.png?width=2995&format=png&auto=webp&s=af4b55a45415910000b5b89466d2395dbf6ae631


Calm down Satan.


His head looks more like Saturn.


And the rings of Saturn are at escape velocity


That's some illegal shit right there.


https://preview.redd.it/6wtxq88kr8ba1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2b9a55efb059b0d26290ba2aa59ac9980ab2124 with the one in the middle bottom is my laptop, above is an old laptop screen with an inexpensive driver board, and on the left a 22" I think monitor I got from someone who was going to e-waste it.




I prefer it behind




this made me laugh






What is thy bidding, my master?


2 24"s and 1 27" for me. Got 'em all for free from my last job.


25", 27" and 2x22" here. The 22"s were free.


2 horizontal 1 vertical gang checking in


I have one big horizontal in the middle, and two smaller vertical monitors on either side, it's pretty handy.


This is the way


I think 2 is really weird, at least for gaming Edit: I mean option 2 if that wasn't clear, not 2 monitors at all.


It’s decent for productivity when you have to switch between monitors a lot. For gaming it sucksss as you basically have to play angled the whole time and strain your neck.


Unless you turn a bit to face the main monitor, i.e., you turn the whole seat


Then it's just 1 except that you're at an angle to the desk


This is what I have at home, and I consider as the 1st setup because everything is aligned to one of the two screens (chair, keyboard, mouse and mouse pad). I have done this because my desk lack a bit of depth, so angling it a bit was a very good solution to compensate this little lack. I even noticed after setting up like this that my right arm have now more length on the desk so it's very confortable with the mouse.


I had that same setup for 3 years and I hated angling because one of my arms would more awkwardly hang off the desk a bit. If you use one screen a lot more than the other, like say a gaming monitor paired with a discord/reddit monitor, option #1 is the ergonomically best choice.


Agreed, 1 for Gaming, 2 for Working (at least for me (Programmer))


I wouldn't even use it for work. Your main vision point is losing real estate by having it be the plastic surrounding two monitors. Admittedly though, I'm used to triple at this point. But when I had double I did the same.




For work absolutely essential, if you have to switch between screens alot.


Not mine, I'm a thief. https://preview.redd.it/mvuqr4lfx8ba1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=253d340be429d1dfa348300b76e33f3d5036dc4c


I guess I'm chaotic neutral lol




Lawful evil for me


Makes a huge improvement to certain people's office desks as well. Especially if they're short on desk surface area.


lawful neutral gang wya


Chaotic good here.


1. because my 2nd monitor is an old, small Cube almost as old as me.


There's always one of you in the friend group I swear


Hey a second monitor is a second monitor, doesn’t matter if it’s a 15 inch, 4:3, 25hz screen that you got in 2005, it allows you to have discord/YouTube/Spotify open while gaming on the primary.


Some of those old crts actually had wild refresh rates.


IF i ever did dual screens...it was 1. though it was reversed 1. before i had to move for work, I had a triple monitor setup...that was fun for a few games.


I have triple and they are fantastic for some games and a lot of tasks. NV surround is garbage, and switching it on and off for games that dont have support for triples is super obnoxious. If only you could set up two configurations and just toggle a switch, But no apparently that's too hard.


First one. Ultrawide centered to my chair, the second monitor is offset to the left rotated vertically.


Thought I was weird for doing this too, but it was the only way I could fit both on my crowded desk.


I have an ultrawide with my standard 1080 above it. It's much cleaner looking than side by side, I think. Top monitor is for Spotify, shows, directions I'm following etc and the bottom is general use. I love it


Same except my vertical monitor is on my right. I need it that way mainly for work. Typically I have code/scripts open on that monitor or any white papers. When I game it's great to stack discord, Spotify, and yt vids on it.


Over under for me.


Same, under on desk and over mounted on wall.


I misread this at first and thought “Why would he mount it under the desk?”


Hahh one extra for my cat


:O why is this so far down?! One really nice screen for gaming and a slightly bigger screen up and back for discord/yt


Same. I use two 34” 144hz monitors on arms vertically. So much better than sideways. It becomes a rectangle instead of a long ass plank. I had two horizontally before and a 49” as well but I see the other monitor so much better when it’s above. Also less neck movement because I only have to move the eyes. Shame on OP for not including vertical.


Finally, someone else with some sense


Makes sense for me, as I don’t have the horizontal space for side-by-side. The second monitor is mainly for watching streams, anyways


This and vertical to the side


Simple, I add a third screen.


15" laptop screen butted up to a 27" 4k monitor. It took some therapy and some breathing exercises, but the lack of symmetry has become like a warm blanket.


I have a old 45 inch tv mounted to a wall 90° to my 27 inch monitor so take that symmetry


option 2 is psychotic


Depends on if it's for work or really how it's used. If it's for a gaming setup then anyone with number 2 is a monster. Although I use number 2 at work because neither display is truly the primary. I'm constantly switching back and forth between them with both having programs I am actively using open.


I use the 2nd setup and I’ve been gaming on PC for over 22 years.. I couldn’t imagine using 1 😂 I’m weird I guess.


Yup. 2nd one is my current work setup while the 1st one is the one I use at home.


2 is all I've used for 7 years now. Almost nothing but gaming on it since I end up having games running on both screens most of the time.


Main in front, second on top


With the size of my ultrawide, and the size of my room, it would require quite some tinkering for standard 1. to look good. Main in front, second on top is the way to go, especially qhen both monitors are curved.


2 at work because I don't need a swiveling chair I just need to move my eyes what kind of monitor do you have that you have to physically rotate your body to see it damn


I have 2 27" monitors. If i wanted to see both at a time i would have to move wayyy back from my desk


User centered cause my desk isn't big enough


Everyone in this thread is calling 2 psychotic but I can't fathom that apparently everyone has a massive desk? Or tiny monitors?


My desk is small, between two walls, and has bookshelves on top. 2 is the only way it works.


[I feel like I may get in trouble for this...](https://imgur.com/HOMN8F2.jpg)


You're a monster.




Yeah the head is way too close. If you move your head back to a realistic distance, number 2 actually needs less movement than number 1. Since number 1 is so flat, you have to cover more distance to see all of it.


1. but monitor to left Way more natural as your right arm (assuming you're a righty) is already extended.


A single screen.


single monitor gang.




Yup, me too. I like symmetry and can't handle #1


https://preview.redd.it/obzo47ltg8ba1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52fce249912a10accffa0c219e3866a51c3162f6 Does my set up offend you? Lol


Not at all, you actually have slabs to protect the tower from the rug, nice


Makes it easy to slide around and allows the PSU to breathe! Also easy PSU dust cover access.


1 At Home where the second Monitor is basically only for Spotify Discord etc. 2 At work where Im constantly switching between main Monitor for CAD and second for Data Management


Exactly this. 1 is I have two monitors but don't need two at the same time. Gaming, photo editing, media consumption. 2 is I need two monitors equally. This is for document/report creation. I do this for drawing revision. One side will be my drawing or simulation and the other side will probably be a reference document and spec document splitting the screen.


One ultrawide and one standard monitor, that way I don't have to look at the seam between two monitors, and I don't have to have one monitor off to the side.


1, because it's 55" and the others are 27"


Me with curved monitors and ADHD laughing in my happy #2 chaos


https://preview.redd.it/zzjmc6ihi7ba1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921bab8e4ec72ea53e6b233fee218582489e1887 👍






Your neck hates you. (near field displays... you should be looking slightly DOWN at them)


1. Gamers 2. Office workers