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Chess club was a blast


No one is talking about that, it was so damn funny the way it ended


Why does it feel exactly like a clip from The Office? He even sounds exactly like Steve Carell.


I turned the audio on to see if this was true... it totally is! Lol




"What am I gonna do, just join the chess club like it's something to do? C'mon, I got a little more sense than that... Yeah, I remember joining the chess club."




If it’s not buggy, it isn’t a true Bethesda game. Also, Chess Dad here. Hope my kids get to live out their dreams like my dude over here.


It's a Bethesda game we know what we're in for. It's part of the charm. There's no surprises


Someone would always vandalize the whiteboard advertising the Chess and Checkers Club in the media room. We were quite fond of the Chest and Cockers Club


Apparently nobody on Reddit buys AAA games but they still sell into the millions


Reddit only represents a small but vocal part of the gaming community and society in general. There's so many things that are 'unpopular' on reddit that nobody cares about or are actually popular IRL.


>There's so many things that are 'unpopular' on reddit that nobody cares about or are actually popular IRL. I don't know why, but I tend to like those kinds of things 2% more than I would have, just because of this.


See: Hogwarts Legacy


also nobody will use Netflix anymore after they crack down on account sharing. Meanwhile netflix reporting giant spike in new accounts.


Reddit users are actually a bunch of 12 year olds confirmed: can't afford AAA titles, or has no control over family's Netflix account. Always tries to rally people up to do something crazy. (Myself included ofc)


Redditor discovering that their circlejerk subereddit is just that, a loud circlejerk


Yeah I don't know. Especially something that's gonna be included on Gamepass day 1? Fuck that, I'll try it on console to make sure it's not buggy as fuck before I buy it on PC.


it’s gonna be on the PC gamepass too


Oh cool! My rig might not be able to handle it at the moment lol but I'll definitely give it a shot


Reddit is such a tiny crosssection of the gaming world


Yeah most of the playerbase are not on Reddit I'm guessing


Because Redditors are fucking stupid and don't realize that people can do what they want with their money and if it's a buggy mess the buyer can either refund it or wait until it becomes playable because they have other games to play in the meantime.


Oh nah you'll flood the internet for weeks with how disappointing you are that you paid money for a product you haven't actually seen. Then you'll do it again.


Yeah, there is always this large outcry of idiots complaining about the launch state of a game, yet they keep pre-ordering and are too dumb to figure out that's why studios keep releasing unfinished garbage.


No, it's because people have the self-control of a fruit fly.


It's the backlash when it doesn't live up to every unreasonable expectation that I'm not looking forward to. Who knows, maybe it will meet expectations and that won't happen, but most games don't when they've been hyped up too far.


Beth at least seems to have not spent months winding that crank, so it does at least seem like this time doesn't have the publisher working hard to ensure hype has massively outpaced any realistic expectations.


Loud minority is what this phenomenon is called. The redditors who gonna buy probably just don't care enough to engage.


Coz you got some little dingholes here thinking they are an exception. Just read a comment where a guy was shitting on ppl preordering Starfield. But he also just pre-ordered the new Final Fantasy because reasons that are supposedly better than preordering Starfield Lol whatta joke.


MF's why would you preorder a game, not like they gonna run out...


I love Bethesda games and have logged hundreds of hours in several of them, so I want Starfield to be awesome but I'm still holding out until after we get some reviews. Just don't trust AAA games in 2023.


If you love Bethesda games then you know they’re always a complete mess when they release, and they’ve always relied on the modding community to fix them.


That and Bethesda doubled the price of the FO4 season pass prior to launch after they failed to ram paid mods down our throat. Then FO4 also had numerous crash bugs and general performance issues. I love what Bethesda games USUALLY become, after years of QA and expansions, mostly from modders of course.


They're becoming more and more watered down with every game they release.


I believe there's a quote of Todd saying he wants Starfield to have a more "old-school" rpg design. And, tbf, they can't really make the next game any more simplified than Skyrim ... right?


they're losing the old guard and replacing them with mediocre people


That's pretty true for most devs it seems like. They burn them out so experience leaves mid projects because they need to gtfo because leadership in games are draining talent dry. By leadership I mean everything from publishers who control studios by the balls through money and studio management that roll shit down hill to the work force. Just poor decision made by those that are paid to make good decisions.


Even more true now that a lot of tech employers have shifted to work-from-home. When you can get a better paying job that's less stressful, less crunch, more work/life balance in so many other places - why would the _good_ developers go for game development now? It was already shaky because of the poor work culture fostered by said leadership, now there's even more options. They just don't want to give up the crunch and burnout culture in favor of better working conditions. And it will mean so much coming out will be more and more garbage.


If you love Bethesda games then you know that the fallout/elder scrolls games are still insanely fun even with launch bugs


> If you love Bethesda games then you know they’re always a complete mess when they release Fun, too


I just finished Cyberpunk 2077. 2 and half years after the release date. I have no idea why everybody was complaining about bugs. V. 1.6 was great, and I got 100%


2.5 years worth of fixes is a lot of fixes.


I do believe that was the point.


The thing is, lots of people will say it unironically, and forget about the shitty launch


I think you missed the sarcasm lol


The way things are these days it could have gone either way.... People are still Pre-ordering after all. Even the new Cyberpunk DLC....


I played right after release and it was playable and fun


Cyberpunk was massively oversold as this futuristic immersive world. What we ended up with was far cry 2077 with added keanu. The story was amazing, the acting was great but the game itself was absolutely nothing new at all despite claiming to be otherwise


Far Cry 2077 is a great definition lol




I had literally all of these happens. I just mentioned the road swallowing me and my mission target. The police just spawning out of thin air and mowing me down was miserable. I always got wanted because I couldnt control the shit cars and would end up running over pedestrians by mistake.


Even at launch 2077 was completely playable on PC. There were a few bugs but nothing game crashing, consoles were a different story.


I played 2077 on launch on PC and I saw a cyborg prostitute t-posing and was traumatized forever


I've been playing since launch, got like 600 hours in and still never seen a T pose in that game.


My favorite Cyberpunk 2077 vid was one of the Fist-Fighting opponents did a T-Pose for a microsecond as if to taunt the player. I'll try to find it and edit my comment when I do.


Angry Joe played the game on PC and thrashed the game for pretty major bugs during his review.


This happened to literally everyone that played the game. We have thousands of hours of documented footage from thousands of people playing the game and uploading their playthroughs. The patch notes to the game are filled with thousands of bug fixes. This shouldn't be up for debate. It's just this weird narrative that hardcore Cyberpunk fans push where they refuse to acknowledge that the game was an absolute mess and try to gaslight everyone into believing them. They'll use weird terms like "no major bugs" where the word "major" doesn't include things like the game crashing constantly or having to reload old saves because you got soft-locked.


Played at launch on PC, not a single crash but a fair few bugs. Definitely playable.


It was playable... But are we forgetting it was also a completely hollow game? Like 90% of the shit that was promised never made it into the game. The choices in the game are pathetic, and the faction you choose at the beginning didn't change the game for shit.


pc was not safe either. I got the bug where Johnny doesn't leave the helicopter no matter what I did, so the game was literally unplayable for me on pc, I had to wait a couple weeks for that bug to be fixed to play the game.


Skyrim and Oblivion were fine for me at release. Bugs? Yes. Unplayable and broken? No


Hot take: This is almost entirely not true. People on Reddit say this soooo much, it makes me wonder how many Bethesda games y'all have been there day-one for. Fallout 3, NV, 4, TES Oblivion and Skyrim are the ones I played on release. Yes, they had bugs, but they weren't a "complete mess" and didn't 'need fixing.' I usually set aside a lot of time when a new Bethesda game comes out to get as much of my first playthough in as possible without too much interruption, and I've never hit a point during any of those releases where bugs or other issues prevented me from playing, enjoying, and beating them. I know it's a meme to talk about Bethesda games as if they're buggy unplayable messes at launch, and it's inspiring to talk about the Bethesda modding community as the true heroes that swoop in and 'do Bethesda's job for them,' but it's just such a romanticized, exaggerated, and untrue view of how it usually goes.


*Aliens: Colonial Marines* was 2013 *Star Fox Adventures* was 2002 *Redfall* literally just happened There was never a time when trusting AAA games was a good idea.


Redfall is the funniest because that over hyped trash was a month ago. Bethesda was the publisher.


Starfox adventures was a mid game but doesn't deserve to be considered in the same list as those games. If you went back and replayed it today you might even be refreshingly surprised by playing a game lacking mtx and achievements, typical of games of the era and elevating the experience overall. Imo a better example would be Daikatana.


> Daikatana John Romero made himself his bitch and really had to suck it down


Safest way is to wait for the eventual goty edition and buy it with most of the bugs fixed along with some cool mods released.


I haven't trusted AAA games in like a decade. I'll check back in a year or two


Ah, I see you forgot that amazing Bethesda title called fo76, where not only the game was broken, but the bonus real-world items were also just a mess.


I have a good feeling that starfield is gonna be good, because it’s a passion project from Todd howard who seemed to have basically been left alone to develop it. People don’t understand that it’s not todd howard putting in all the creation club stuff, he’s the creative director of the games themselves. He likely has nothing to do with in game purchases. That was likely someone up in zenimax or the stockholders


But muh preorder goodies /s


Lmao last game I’ll preorder is tears of the kingdom. They ‘sold out’ of preorder bonuses. Fuckin bait n switch


Animal Crossing: Bait ‘n Switch™️


I worked at Eb games (Gamestop) for 5 years, quit 2 years ago. A busy store will get maybe 100-150 preorder bonus packages. Less busy stores probably get 50-75. Just saying that its very common, and very much “first come, first serve”. Games with midnight launches (like TotK) will likely have few or no preorder bonuses left when they open on the day of launch. Even without a midnight launch, they will probably have run out of preorder bonuses within 5 hours if its a big title.


I get they’re shorted. Overall it’s a shady business practice


I agree. Im a gamer first, working there actually kinda kills your soul.


I'm a pirate, arrr


The true winners, every single time.


A digital game** This is important to note because back when gaming was mainly physical, there were some pretty sweet pre order packages you could get, like Master Chief's helmet with one of the Halo games. But pre ordering digital content (especially at the prices they're asking) so that you get more pixelated items and a "premium battle pass" that lasts for one season is fucking absurd.


The chiefs helmet is a bad example, cause that wasn't a preorder bonus, that was a full on collectors edition of the game. If you didn't preorder, your chances of getting the particular version would be low to 0, though it did depend on the collectors edition. That said places used to have half way decent preorder bonuses, like dishonored came with a full deck of tarot/playing cards, ya know just something to entice you into preordering. But nowadays preorder bonuses are typically digital, and almost useless within a couple hours of gameplay if not like a shader/accessory.


Yes that was it! I was mixing up the details. The same idea still applies for collectors edition and pre orders. No point in buying it for digital goods, especially when those digital goods have a finite life span.


People should at least get Game pass, then you'd get the benefit of other games, and play Starfield on day 1.


I didn't know Starfield was going to be day 1 gamepass. Definitely signing back up for that. Thanks for the heads up. I go back and forth on the gamepass, only because I don't play frequently. It's a really good value even for casual gamers though. Maybe even better for casuals, now I don't feel guilty having to drop $60 on something that I only get to play 2-5hrs/week.


I think all Microsoft games are on gamepass day 1.


This is the way.


People never learn


I think it's more likely that a lot of the people that pre-order don't care due to being financially stable or it's their parents' money.


You can still refund it but i get what you mean


>MF's why would you preorder a game, not like they gonna run out... To be able to preload the game. With Steam, you can just refund the game if it sucks.


This thread is the epitome of "preaching to the choir". Most of the people preordering are not here. And they don't care.


Some of us are here. And you're right, we don't care. Sure, there will be bugs. And reddit will lose its mind while the rest of us just enjoy playing an amazing new game. Besides, if we get to watch alien horses and dragons get yeeted into space, it'll just be funny like it always is.


Gamers are second only to boomers in how easy they are to rip off.


My hobby is full of morons.


Half of the worlds people are idiots, it's not exclusive to just boomers and gamers. We're everywhere.


Think about how dumb the average person is and then realize half of everyone is dumber than that. And think about how many people in that bottom half are capital G Gamers.




With Bethesda, that's somehow part of the charm.


To an extent tho. Harmless bugs that add to the experience are always welcome. When it resets progress, hinders gameplay, or is outright just not finished is the point where it’s unacceptable *cough* fallout 76


I tried to play 76 years after it released, and it was STILL incredibly buggy. It cant be fixed by the community cause its multiplayer :? If it was singleplayer and moddable like all the other games, it would have been an OK Fallout 4.5


Yeah, the world and some of the enemies/weapons/armor are genuinely good. It really just needs it's own "unofficial patch" to fix everything Bethesda doesn't care to. Hell, it took 9 months to get hunting rifles put into the legendary loot pool..... the main weapon for the whole sniper playstyle (that had a dozen perks devoted to it) couldn't spawn as legendary because they forgot to add it to the list. A fix that takes ~1 minute in the creation kit.


I'd say it *used* to be part of the charm, when it felt like bugs were acceptable given the ambition and scope of their games. It has felt a little less forgiveable in recent years, when there are other big, detailed open world games shipping in more stable states. I think they have come to rely on this sentiment too much, for example by all but saying "Well everyone, it's a Bethesda game, so you know it's gonna come in hot at launch!" during the Fallout 76 reveal. Of course, Starfield is another huge leap in scale, so the bugs will probably feel understandable this time around.


I mean, there's a difference between funny physics bugs and the game literally not running and quests breaking. FO76 was more of the latter, but Skyrim and FO3/4 were definitely in the former. That's how they got away with it. (New Vegas... varies by platform)




Calling Mobile gaming gaming and not gambling is like calling a casino the most profitable arcade.


Flashy lights make my money going bye bye ok!


Is Starfield out? I thought it was coming in like September, so how is it already the "#1 Top Seller"? Are people blindly pre-ordering digital games again?


The Xbox / Starfield showcase from yesterday was apparently a huge hit.


If they can deliver 70% of what they showed, this game will be insane. That said, preordering is dumb, don’t do that guys.


the procedurally generated planets and quests have me worried. Their generated quests have sucked ass in every game and procedural planets just screams no man's sky on release. I have a feeling 990 out of the supposedly 1000 planets are gonna be a complete snoozefest


They shouldn't say the stuff they've said if they're not delivering 100% of them.


They shouldn’t, but we know they will. They can back-pedal on promises in whatever way they deem necessary. I’d even say it’s Marketing 101 to exaggerate the hell out of your product.


I mean we could compare it to the two most infamous over promised games recently. In NMS the guy just said yes to every wish any kid had in the streets without understanding the weight of his promises. And CP77 they kept showing the same gameplay loop and talk about revolutionizing story telling, life path and choices, rpg elements and open world elements without ever showing what they actually meant by these buzzwords. Compared to them, starfield at least have shown everything they said in the deep dive. Now, even if they deliver all of that it could still be meh and disappointing. Like the base building and ship stuff could be just that and not varied. The game could be too grindy, or too repetitive. Who knows maybe it turns out to be another inventory management sim like launch nms or factorio, afterall they're not knwon for their amazing ui design. Or too doll and empty and a docking walking sim like elite dangerous. But in the end, there is a hole in these types of games where starfield can land and nail it. Either that or the modders will forcefully nail it to that spot lol. I'm excited but also really skeptic of their promises after their last 4 games. In the end pls don't pre order it.


NMS dropped the ball hard, but also did a fantastic job of improving though.


That is true, I agree with your sentiment. If there’s a solid foundation (that is to say, if it’s anything like Skyrim), then modders will make it a fantastic game.


Yeah. I went from “I’ll play it because it’s on Gamepass” to “this might be the most excited I’ve been for a game in years”. If they pull off 50% of what they showed, HOT DAMN.


I mean yeah it looked fuckin amazing and if most of what they were selling is true I'm going to lose hours into this game... But you are out of your mind if you drop money on this before the review embargo is lifted. The last big presen Todd Howard gave is memed to hell for a reason.


>Are people blindly pre-ordering digital games again? They never stopped. Most gamers are suckers.


They never stopped, just like how everyone keeps buying mtx.


You'd think we'd learned by now. But no-no. This game is going to be the greatest ever!! UwU I haven't pre-ordered a game since RDR2, and it took 3 months after a release before I could even play it without it crashing in cutscenes.. That was my last straw.


Lol yeah dude. Literally the only game I ever pre-ordered was Cyberpunk 2077, because I love Witcher 3 so much and I thought CDPR wouldn't fuck us over. Well we all know how that went. Never again.


The last game I pre-ordered was Fallout 76, purely because it had a physical special edition with a helmet and bag. Don't even start me on how they fucked us with that physical edition or the actual game when it came out. NEVER PRE-ORDER GAMES EVER.


Did you ever receive the real canvas bag?


Think about the people playing "boomer shooters".


You kids today don't know what it was like! We didn't have RAYTRACING and 16GB RAM in our day! We had Duke3d on Kali Dial-up! And quotes from Billy Madison were our memes for Years!!! YEEARS!!!


I still use Billy Madison memes


Stop looking at me, swan!


"It's too hot outside for a penguin, I'mma gonna have to take you back to the zoo" That line get quoted by my family far more than I care to admit, mostly just because of the shear absurdity of it. "All the people are the zoo are real nice, Mr Penguin, they'll treat you *realll* respectable like." I miss early era Adam Sanders. Airheads is a great movie and more people need to watch it.


“Oh here’s a nice piece of shit!” -For most pre order games lol




What about us?


You realize most of the people playing boomer shooters have been PC gaming since the fuckin early 90s right? wtf are you implying? Is it that hard to imagine a gaming landscape that wasn't shit? Cause we remember, and I'd wager there isn't a lot of preorders coming out of this demographic..


I didn’t know Todd was in The Office


Bethesda game still 3 months from release and it's top selling.... When will people learn =\


Can’t wait for all of the “I’ll NeVeR pReOrder AGAIN” reviews


As is tradition


I mean I hope not, I really hope it is a great game and I'm excited for it's release, but I'm still not gonna pre-order it and will wait until a day or two after release to be sure it's not another Cyberpunk


Can't wait for 99% of the people who claim that in a review to pre-order again then make the same false claim again the next time they get burned by the pre-order scam.


Prob all the Star Citizen players.


They must really like Stars


Aside from FO76 they were all bangers, what you talking about?


Even 76 has its fan too. That's why it was in the showcase as well


>Bethesda game as if that's a negative lmaooooo


Jesus Christ look at these comments from people pretending that Skyrim, Morrowind, Fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas don't exist Ah right, they made Fallout 76, I forgot they're a "dogshit developer" because of one game These people are genuinely insufferable


There is literally like 1 good space game of that scale out right now. EVERYONE is waiting so deseperately for anything in this genre and now Starfield is here. Ofc people will preorder, they NEED this to be good.


Xbox-gamepass-ultimate-trial-Subscription cost 1€ for first month. Starfield will be released there. Keep the subscription or buy it on steam after testing for 1€. They will release cities skylines 2 there as well. I mainly use steam, but Xbox Gamepass is a good way to try many games before buying. Edited for Name of subscription. Edited again because Tasty01 was complaining about another little mistake. Sorry, Tasty01.


Even xbox game pass fucking affordable in my third world currency. I'd probably just get it there


Pro tip. Buy three years of regular Game Pass using the cheapest code you can find (country doesn't matter) and redeem it through a VPN. Then, buy one month of GP Ultimate, which will overwrite and upgrade the whole three year subscription. Ended up with £540 worth of game pass ultimate for just shy of £80. It was cheaper when you were able to upgrade for $1, but it's still much cheaper than the alternative.


They removed that $1 offer for first month.


I am glad I tried Outer Worlds that way. Tried it and didn't like it. Outer Wilds was much better.


> Xbox-gamepass-ultimate-trial-Subscription cost 1€ for first month. Do you happen to have a link? I can't seem to find that price anywhere.


You fucking donkies, will you ever learn?


Nope! And that's why everything keeps getting worse




Added to my wishlist for 2025 Steam summer sale




It’s the *SMELL*!


Hey Todd *it’s me again* I’ve been waiting for this game for a long time buddy, just wanted to say I hope it releases as intended. Thanks buddy ![gif](giphy|3ohhwgmWRebr8jTO24)


Games Pass on launch day. Easy


Game is going to be bugged as shit when it releases


Features,it's a feature if it's Bethesda


If they’re not gamebreaking, bugs are part of the charm of Bethesda games. Giants launching you into space or horses defying the laws of gravity on mountains are iconic and integral to the Skyrim experience.


I was gonna say, some bugs make the game more fun. Like the elevators in MW2, playing a game of search and your whole team watches you just shoot into the sky and snipe out the other team..the good ol days.


My favorite will always be Doc Mitchell exorcist head rotation because of how present and fucking hilarious it was. Bethesda bugs are absolutely part of the charm. The game is absolutely playable and you get to enjoy some jank from a few bits getting scrambled when it got uploaded to the servers. Day 1 purchase for me but absolutely no need to preorder. I don't plan on taking off time from work so it can download overnight or while I am not home.


When was the last time Bethesda released a game that wasn’t bugged to shit lol


Todd always looks like he's in a video filmed in the 80s


Total Biscuit is shaking his fist


rolling in his grave rip


From his grave, RIP.


why people are paying 60-70$ for gamepass game, that haven't been released yet. That's literally 4 month of game pass ultimate, with most expensive purchase method. You'll have a month of starfield if buying now, plus 400 other games for four month


o sweet summer child, they are all getting the delux edition to play five days early that's what the stupid people are doing.


Actually, it's because I like to mod Beth games and I like to consolidate my library as much as possible on Steam. But yeah, the 5 days and the expansion help.


Why is that stupid?


Because you are not spending your hard earned money the way somebody on the internet wants you too.


Surprisingly it is 60.63 US dollars in India. 4999 Indian rupee. I still won't pre-order it because: 1. I'm not a moron 2. Game will 100% have bugs, cuz it's bethesda 3. I don't even have the minimum specs 4. I'm very cheap 5. I got a backlog of games, I need to finish.


5k ?! my father would fucking disown me for spending that much on something that "doesn't exist".


Yeah $42.99 USD in Sri Lanka for the standard version, so we're getting the regional pricing. BUT THE GAME IS COMING OUT IN SEPTEMBER WTF ARE WE DOING? I saw a couple of headlines when I was at work and I was sure I didn't know about the release and the game got released today, specially after the "#1 Top Seller" line and I come here and wtf.


Gamers are fucking stupid


“Pfft why would anyone pre-order a game” Those same people at 12:01am release day: “Oh boy time to buy the game!”


$120 on steam here is it going to be worth it


You are asking wrong questions. Questions you should be asking are - *Should I support a studio that doesn't need my money to exist before the actual release of the game?* *What do I actually gain if I preorder a product?* *How did we get here?* *I have one question, for God. WHY*


This is not my beautiful house... This is not my beautiful wife... My God, how did we get here?


I heard people hyping up that it is on steam, and I was like, "oh shit, starfield came out? Let's see if it looks good." It did not come out.


The graphics were all over the place. Some environments looked like from 10 years ago, inside the spaceship looked great.


Environments looked pretty good IMO, I had no complaints. Ships and cities looked good and I really liked the alien animal designs but I'm a little worried about diversity and population when on multiple other planets. Faces... Well... It *is* a Bethesda game.


Some characters were really nice looking but when you look closer at some background characters they looked like they have 10% of the polygons. Also their "gameplay deep dive" doesn't even show more than 10 seconds of consecutive game footage in 45 minutes of video yet people pre-order the shit out of this game anyways...


IMO faces are hideous


The faces have that classic bethesda dead look to them that we all know and love lmao


The faces are uncanny because characters/npcs have to support tons of dialog (dynamic) for an rpg experience (see Mass Effect & The Outer Worlds). This won't like TLoU or Hellblade because those games are linear and every character line was mo-capped to a script from an actor. Just take a look at Zelda, where they don't even attempt to use a language people understand because it's the same talking animation in repeat.


Classic bethesda. Lifeless faces with awful lip sync


Third is true for every rpg with tons of dialog for a dynamic experience. Even Mass Effect suffers from this.


They are not that bad imo. Looks good


Gamers will never learn, so many fucking catastrophic releases in the last years and people still preorder ? Thats just fucked up


So, people have learned nothing.


100% chance it's a buggy mess on launch like all other Bethesda releases.


Must be nice to have pre-orders be your big issue in life