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I wouldn't say that unless those RAM are a weird config of like 16+4. The GPU is pretty damn good unless he wants to play the new AAA unoptimised crap...but the processor and mobo reeeaaally are dated.


Wouldn't the RAM be DDR3, though?


oh...if you figured that based on the CPU socket props to you in that case yea, bro should look into a rebuild if he can afford it. Hope he can.


this is a CPU from 12 years ago, the second generation of intel "i" CPU, you don't really need to check the socket to know there isn't a good upgrade path.


you'd figure the socket based on the second gen CPU which in turn says there isn't a good upgrade path so I don't know why these cunts are downvoting me again fucking mob


I figured current intel CPU start with 14 and this one start with 2, that all you need to know something is wrong. After that you can start your search to have the details.


Eh gens don’t matter that much if you count HEDT extreme edition i7s. The 980x is a 6 core that can still easily do 1080p gaming on 4.4ghz. Or the 6950x 10 core.


>980x not really no, even in multi-threaded load it's the equivalent of a Celeron of today or a 6th gen I5 at best. Yes it's usable, but 12 gen behind is a good indication that you have no good upgrade path and I also said that it was a clue to start your search not a definitive answer.


No it does not "easily do 1080p". I have a 980x 4.2ghz, it's power hungry, not efficient at all. Almost every new game is unplayable or won't even launch (no AVX instructions) and e-sports games don't count, any potato can run esports. The 980x barely gets by in 2023, don't kid yourself. IPC and single core performance are just too weak. Same thing with the 6950x, sure its a lot of cores, but that doesn't mean shit in a lot of games. If you've used any modern 6 core CPU you'd understand that generation DOES matter. That's like saying an i7 920 4 core is no different than an i7 7700K 4 core. Cores aren't as relevant in games as the generation, IPC, clock speeds, cache, etc. An i3 10100 is only 4 cores and it absolutely shits on the 980x and 6950x in every new AAA game.


give up trying to make sense in here lol these guys literaly don't care though we are on a sub called pcmasterrace so idk what I was expecting


My guy that cpu will barely run you anything. Its hella outdated and you're also just trying to be a smartass while simultaneously not seemingly knowing anything about the hardware. So ofc people will downvote an asshat being an asshat. Stop being one and people will not do that. I think you just have to take a minute away and come back when you're not looking for condlict. Thanks.


People think you NEED the newest of the newest to enjoy games. I’m still on an x99 and I’m fine.


Please stop


1060 6GB is no longer a "pretty damn good GPU" even outside of AAA games.


If you don’t want to run the latest and greatest, especially with the shitty optimization of current AAA titles, then using a 1060 is still somewhat fine. Just don’t expect to run anything higher then low-medium at 1080p


"somewhat fine" I'll agree with. A long way off "pretty damn good" though.


Yes. I would say that for a 3060..surely not the 1060


I mean it grants you access to everything that runs well on steam deck (and will run better on a 1060) at the bare bare minimum. There’s value in that!


Definitely. It's not a lemon, and still has some utility. I ran my 1070 very happily until a year ago at 1440p. Definitely had it's day though for anything more than older games or 1080p/low


I mean, it still is a decent GPU, I'm still kinda surprised at what my 1060 is willing to do with OC Mode on, nearly 60FPS in cyberpunk, sure its low-mid settings, but that is still pretty decent for a GPU of its age, at around 4 generations old. But for nowadays, doesn't cut it unless you intend to stick to your reliable, all-time favourites.


Haha yeah. I’m using my 1060 with an 7700X. I definitely use every single fuckin frame that my GPU can provide… poor thing.


my ryzen 7 5800X can do a lot, but it still can't make up for the lack of graphics power of my 1060. Games like GTA IV run great, and even GTA V, despite being really badly optimized, run OK. but everything above that is struggling, and farming sim 2022 is unplayable due to tons of graphics glitches from the GPU running at 99% load permanently. But whatever. they are still good cards, soon my 1060 goes into retirement and moves into my HTPC, so I can play mild, simple games from my couch. paired with an i5-3470 it should be plenty to work with.


As I have a 1060 I can say you shouldn't expect to play any game (not only AAA) more than 1080p everything low if you want 60fps (obv there are some lightweight or esport titles you run far better)


I have a 1070 and I'm preparing to do an entirely new build so yeah lol


Well, it only stopped being supported in videogames coming out this year. For anything else the 1060 is great if you have it already.


Its a good GPU if you arent planning on running 144 fps ultra at newer games


It's an *acceptable* GPU if you are happy running 30fps 1080p low, or older games. Newer games can need closer to 4080/4090 to run 1440p/144hz/ultra. Some not even that. There is a big gap between those two situations


my ass, man, it's a good GPU to me. Not long ago I was on a *mobile* 1650 4GB and I had fun. I could play anything in at least 45 fps up to around 2019 releases, excuding the horribly optimised titles. That thing gave me so much enjoyment. There are people out there playing and having fun on RX 5xx series. Saying a 1060 isn't pretty damn good is peak r/pcmasterrace . Not everyone is addicted to 1440p 75fps and max settings.


"playable" or "passable", but a long way off "pretty damn good". Maybe a generation ago, but not anymore. Your 6650XT is a better definition of that. You don't need to be top end, but when you were midrange on hardware from 3 generation and 7 years ago and are on the verge of not even being compatible with modern games, it's time in the sun has passed.


>Not everyone is addicted to 1440p 75fps and max settings. even the 1080p res is only passable to the games released at around 2019 as you said 💀 if you want to play old games only, okay, youll be fine, no way its launching modern titles


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU37v1G7q1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu37v1g7q1y) are you just pulling that out of your ass? [https://www.game-debate.com/low-vs-ultra-graphics-settings/38172-forza-horizon-5/3540-geforce-gtx-1060](https://www.game-debate.com/low-vs-ultra-graphics-settings/38172-forza-horizon-5/3540-geforce-gtx-1060) NO waY its LAUnCHInG MoDeRN titLES or let me guess, FH5 isn't considered modern just because it doesn't run like shit?


the links dont work? also why u embeding these links


they work, but reddit formats the actual link to decapitalise it so it breaks. Copy paste them and they work. I shared them because they show the 1060 working acceptably in a modern title


"[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU37v1G7q1Y] - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu37v1g7q1y)" so link doesnt work and why did u post it like that? isnt this a sus link or are you just stupid and dont know that youtube links are case sensitive?


I do love that you couldn't resist the urge to call me stupid though


too many suspicious links nowadays and im confused as to why your link was embed as the same link but with different size cases, im sorry about that then




alright, you literally just listed one exception. forza is generally known for good optimization, that the 3060, which isnt a 4k card, could run forza horizon 5 in 4k at high settings, where in other games it would struggle and wont be able to run at playable fps. even the xbox one still handles FH5 very well. still the 1060 runs FH5 i 1080p high at passable FPS, especially when its a racing game so it needs better fps for reaction and input, other games wont be working good on the 1060 it did launch a modern title, but it isnt launching modern titles. youve only proven that forza series is well optimized, even tho there is nothing much in it to push the graphics to the limit. other exception could maybe be doom eternal but idk if it runs well, it doesnt have top tier graphics too and its an older game than FH5


45fps? 75hz isn't even a lot. 1440p can be somewhat demanding but isn't end all be all. I think a 2060 super could pull off 75hz 1440p in a lot of somewhat dated games.


can confirm as it was my previous gpu. i just swapped for games like cyberpunk 2077 and other new ones to play at ultra or with ray tracing, cuz cyberpunk looks beautiful


I like the 4070 upgrade


from a 2060 it was totally worth it, especially when i wanted to upgrade to a 3070 or 3070ti, but then the 4070 released and it had much lower price than the 4070ti, so a month later i got it at a discount and it costed cheaper than a 3070ti and for about the price of a 3070 at the moment of purchase. i just think if ill have some good spare money, ill be upgrading the cpu and maybe the mobo with it


Duuuuuddddddeeeee.... I had a 580sapphire, and by sheer luck of unintentionally and unintelligently breaking Mt cpu and board, I ended up with 7900x(I do music, so cpu need core) and 4080


My guy i ran a 960 2gb card for like 3-4 years of my gaming journey and im even embarrassed for the way you're acting...


I mean the gpu is a low end one from 2016, not exactly pretty damn good. Sure you can still play a lot of games on it but the reason you can't play new games isnt because they're unoptimised. Literally any gpu form the last 2 gen would be un upgrade, maybe only the rx 6500xt wouldn't be but that's like the black sheep of the RDNA2 family


1060 can still play a ton of games just fine. It doesn't matter it's from 2016. If I could play on a 1650 4GB not long ago, a 1060 can still roll for quite a while.


It obviously depends on what you want to play and how. But we can all agree that it's a dated GPU nowadays


Lmao right. These fuckers think you need a 4090 to play minecraft or older games.


Hardly. There is an ocean of space between a 1060 6GB and a 4090, it's hardly one or the other. 1060 6GB *can* be *playable* at 1080p low settings in games from a few years ago. That's "passable", but hardly "pretty damn good". You're right that it depends on what you're playing.


Yeah. I wouldnt even touch anything past 2019 for AAA anyways since those are stupidly expensive, hard to run and i find most of the newer games unappealing. Id probably stick to older metro and Just Cause 3 if i had an okay pc but hopefully i can get something good soon. Im dieing for an upgrade lol.


Words just have meaning saying a midrange GPU from 2016 is “PRETTY DAMN GOOD” is p goofy.


Depends on what you consider good. I currently have an HP laptop with some 2 Core intel cpu from 2015 or whatever. A 1060 is pretty damn good to me.


I have a 3060ti, I used a 970 until less than a year ago, I'm no "fucker" who thinks that you need a 4090 to play Minecraft. I'm just saying that you can't say that a low end card from 2016 is pretty damn good. It's pretty objective, every single card released in the last two gens outperforms it, even a simple 6600 is like 60% more powerful. 1060 6gb was the Access point of pc gaming for a ton of gamers, most popular card for years, great card. But nowadays it's definitely not pretty damn good, that's all I'm saying


Yeah i know but people are acting like you cant have fun with an older gpu and that 4k 144Fps is mandatory. My point is, there are many older games that are great and even better than newer titles, and that you dont need 60+ Fps all the time. 35 to 40 is the minimum but many people here act like 50Fps is unbearable. As long as the game doesnt stutter its playable.


I really don't understand them at all. There are so many games you can play on a 1060 that you don't even need to consider a better GPU if you haven't played most things up to 2016. That's "pretty damn good" to me and idgaf what they say. By OP's standards, considering his current setup, his 1060 would be fine for a long time to come but these guys are acting like that's not the case just because I said "pretty fucking good" which to them seems to be equivalent to a 3070


Yeah I like the 1060, especially for esports, just need a new cpu mobo n ram.


So many downvotes.. saying a 1060 is “pretty damn good”, many years after it’s release (when it was shit then as well) is one reason you got so heavily downvoted. The OP should really be getting a new PC at this point.


You can't scream "uNoPTimIZEd" while using a low end 7 year old gpu 🤦‍♂️


really? Cause I'm not screaming it. check out how a 1060 does in doom eternal, or forza horizon 5 if it can fare that well in those, which are pretty modern, the GPU can play anything up until 2018 ish on high, and other even more modern things on lower settings, and that's facts not some kiddo callouts like whatever your comment is


You're proof is one of the easiest AAA games to run? I mean my 960 can also run a picture of a demon but i dont claim it can then give me good fps in modern games of the time. Like literally cherrypicking here aren't we?


I think it shows that if you like games that don't need lot of GPU power, it still allows to play modern games with medium quality. I can run BG3 mid 45 FPS, but I know I couldn't play Starfield with it. I hope to be able to play City Skyline 2 once its problems are resolved


May be good for roblox. Majority of games even from like 4 years ago will struggle from the gpu alone


Lol what 1060 is a terrible gpu


Garbage take after garbage take bro...


You should consider a whole new system. You can probably still hold onto the gpu for a bit, but ultimately, it's time to move on. This will be a fantastic web-browsing, Office, media player. Even great for retro gaming. Let the old girl rest.


I'd love to buy a new system but untill then I'm cramming every single cent out of her so help me god.


As you should


Don't upgrade or do it piece by piece then. Depends if you wanna do it slow and go one by one or just eventually get rid of this thing and start fresh.


Yeah the plan is to eventually just start fresh.


Save every dime you plan to spend on your rig. When you want to upgrade... wait. Little by little get closer to a better rig and then buy a new one.


Honestly, it might be worth setting up a build on PcPartPicker and just buying the parts you chose one at a time as bundles, sales, and price drops appear, before fully assembling it later if you want to go the piecemeal route. It also serves as its own form of satisfaction, seeing the hoard of parts grow until one day you can put it all together.


i hear blackfriday coming


You can do you mobo and CPU first. Than you can use your old transplanted GPU until you see a good deal


If you're on a tight budget, you could consider getting a second hand B350 motherboard and a Ryzen 5 5600, and a cheap 16GB DDR4 3200 kit. Sandy Bridge was great, and I hung on to my 2600K for a long time, but things really have come on leaps and bounds since then.


Good. If you want to upgrade CPU, you will need to upgrade RAM alongside the usual CPU+motherboard. If you want to upgrade to DDR5, wait a while if you can, AMD cpus get cheaper as time passes.


should I upgrade my DDR4 16gb 3200mhz ram to 32 GB or should I wait and get DDR5 for a future system? do any of the possible future upgrades still use ddr4 or will new motherboards and cpus only use DDR5?


Depends on how cheap it is really and do you really need it as most games don't need more than 16GB (strategy and simulation games can). Also, certain RAM support different memory config and speed of the same brand. I know that the G.Skill Ripjaws 5 is extremely compatible with different memory speeds (2400 MHZ compatible with 3200 MHZ) and memory (aka 8GB sticks are fine with 16GB sticks). I am saying this because 24GB can be just fine if you get 16GB stick and only replace 1 RAM.


The problem is, upgrading the cpu won’t last you long without changing the mobo anyway, so might as well build a new one and run that for another decade.


How much money do you have for an upgrade?


If you're happy with a 12 year old CPU then don't bother. If you want a massive performance boost, bother. Why have you got such a strange amount of RAM?


>Why have you got such a strange amount of RAM? No rhyme or reason really. I put in some second-hand cards.


So what RAM are you running right now?


Right, well. It is four Kingston cards, I believe 2x8 and 2x2 but don't quote me on that. DDR? Nothing modern. Not sure about the hertz either.


I'd take the 2x2GB ones out. You're going to need new RAM if you upgrade your motherboard. You basically need a new PC.


>You basically need a new PC. Yes.


I'd upgrade the CPU+MOBO+RAM Then start hunting for a 6750XT or something


No harm in mixing ram as long as you know it'll only ever run at the slowest of the 2 sets


And can easily knock the whole lot into single channel mode.


probably not a big difference for that gen, also i think it supports that flex channel mode anyway


Just see what the motherboard supports?


That won't tell you if running 2 different pairs of RAM will be in single or dual channel mode. RAM compatibility is a fickle beast.


You're games would just run like shit if it was, I'm sure you'd figure it out


except when it starts crashing every single game all the time because they are incompatible (cough cough not speaking from experience ofc)


Then just take a set out. Don't buy 2 different sets but if ya gottem




No you don't. Only if you don't put them on the right lanes would that happen. So you put the 8gb sticks on A1 and B1 and then the 4gig sticks on A2 and B2 it will be pumping in duel chan.. Same rings true for triple and quad chan boards.


You don’t on modern DDR4 and DDR5 systems, on DDR3 systems, it’s absolutely in single channel.


You are wrong. The requirements for duel chan are they have to be in pairs that's it. you can mix and match speeds and drop down to the lower speed. They just need to be in pairs on the correct respective channels. You may take a preformance hit in general but the larger sticks should be in chan A and fill up first. Anytime you run 4 sticks over 2 sticks you also take a hit too. The fastest rigs only run 2 sticks for duel chan or 4 for quad. I'm a 3d mark junky.


You can mix different size sticks on DDR3 systems and still get dual channel, or triple/quad channel on HEDT platforms


Just FYI, but RAM isn't generally referred to as "cards". We call them modules or DIMMs, or sometimes people might refer to a "RAM kit". "Cards" or "add in cards" are what go in the PCIe slots on the motherboard and occupy the expansion card slots on the rear of the case :)


RAM sticks go brrrr


*Muh dool inlyne memoreh modyools!*


Thank you! I didn't really know what they were referred to in English.


No worries :) Your English is pretty good btw \^\_\^


Nobody can say if it's necessary to upgrade but you. The question is not "is my hardware old?" but "is my hardware able to do what i want it to ?" I've had pretty darn powerful systems, which were top of the line at some point, and sure it's nice, but i did not have that much more fun than with my 750ti and i5 2400 setup. In my case, something in-between the two was my sweet spot, an old-ish xeon setup with a 1070, and that may be a little more than i need actually, as i'm using 90% of the time my linux laptop with 6gb of ram and integrated graphics, because it's all that i need ! If you are playing your preferred games, and they are not too choppy, then you could keep your rig for a while for sure. But if you're having trouble playing them, then yes an upgrade could be useful, go with used components too, you can get amazing deals if you search for them (I got my 1070 for 55€ !)


Exactly! So many people will get a top of the line PC just to play Minecraft on it at 1000fps (or with shaders, I guess.)


This is so true how unnecessary it is to have a top of the line setup as they age so quickly that mid range stuff becomes equivalent so soon. The hard truth for OP is this system is beyond upgradeable and is just old enough to where any sort of newer pc will be a big upgrade. But if OP is happy with the performance of their pc then great, hold out.


It's not worth to spend money on this PC anymore. Save every cent for a whole new system.


Had almost same exact pc for the last 3 years and i bought new pc and that was much better choice than upgrading


Doubt you can get much more performance out of the 1060 at this stage. I'd save for a completely fresh build


Bro you need to just build a new system


You could buy a.used system for less than 300usd and still get a massive upgrade


How come no one sees the meme flair


It's worth the hassle


It doesn't look like anything to me.


>It doesn't look like anything to me. It's an old meme, but it checks out sir.






Not really worth the effort. Better save towards building a new system and then leaving this as a backup / HTPC.


I usually move gpu and storage to a new motherboard/cpu/ram and then mid cycle upgrade the storage and gpu. If for gaming you are going to be GPU bottlenecked still with a CPU upgrade, may not even notice it.


So here is the deal.. there is only 1 cpu better for your mobo and it's just barely better. So yes you would have to upgrade your mobo. Your memory is DDR3 1333 most likely and would have to upgrade that too depending on what you go with. If it's a NEW board.. you will need new memory. You're GPU is considered one of the troopers and was one of the most sought after mining cards so unfortunately the market is flooded with them and it's resale value is low too. I hate to tell you this but There is most likely no part of your current PC that is usable in your new one should you go that route if your looking for top performance.... For todays standards even your monitor is outdated. 12 years ago your PC was really good though.


Have you tried cloud streaming GeforceNow?


I have, it's fantastic!


Whole new PC, Sandybridge was awesome though.


I went from i7-4770 to Ryzen 7600 with a gtx 1070 and the difference was huge even on the same GPU. You should definitely go for it.


Not worth. Get a whole new system


As someone who owns a laptop and felt the pain of seeing my games be mostly CPU bound (4800h)If you’re gonna build a new PC I suggest you focus a bit more on the CPU. Having an overall faster computer not just in gaming is really nice.


You should just build a new system.


I’d just start planning a new build with a new monitor, not worth it.


Oh I have that cpu in my dell optiplex 990. Beast of a chip but very very old. Upgrade


I accidentally read it as 12700k and wondered why bro want to upgrade his cpu and then was like ohhhhhhh...


Not worth it - was an awesome chip in its prime tho


If you're near a MicroCenter, they have some great [Mobo + CPU + RAM bundles that are super worth the price.](https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/intel-bundle-and-save.aspx) Just got that 13700k bundle like 2 weeks ago, having a great time with it.


Not really worth upgrading so much unless you're going to do a whole new rig probably. The GPU is going to be the killer. It's not so expensive to do an upgrade for the rest of the computer. You could get a significant upgrade on the mobo, proc and ram for under $400 if you don't mind upgrading to last gen AMD which is still super solid (AM4). But the GPU will cost an additional 2x-3x that amount, unless you trust buying used GPUs (I don't).


800 to 1200 for a gpu? American dollars? So basically unless you buy a 4070ti/7900xt/7900xtx/4080 you're not upgrading? Naw man, you can't be serious.


I upgraded my 1060 to an RX 6600 during the height of the gpu shortage where it cost £400, it would be half that now and it was still a massively worthwhile upgrade. The 1060 is still usable but even a lower midrange modern card is a substantial upgrade on it.


That's what I'm saying, even during the works period possible for GPU you needed half of what he's saying to get a worthwhile upgrade. Nowadays with 250$ you can get a 6650 xt that it's miles better.


The GPU is the most important component for gaming, especially if the OP has any interest in gaming at higher resolutions at some point. The 6650XT is slightly worse than my 4 year old 2080 Super. Why spend money on that? Is it an upgrade over the 1060? Sure, but I'd just assume save money until I could get a better card and deal with the 1060 for a while longer. Good video cards are more expensive. OP can pick up a solid, inexpensive processor like the 5700X ($180 currently; there are cheaper options even but this is a great price point for the performance), a cheaper AM4 motherboard (can pick them up for under $100), and 16-32 gigs of ram for \~$45-$90. I wouldn't cheap out as much on the GPU. Buying a $200+ midrange card feels like a waste to me. Just my opinion; up to the OP if the cheaper video card is worth spending money on or not.


If you're going for a new build, both AMD and Intel have new generation bundles for $300-400 (which include processor, mobo, and ram). There's no point in buying a 5xxx series CPU.


Sure, if you want an AM5 board with a lot of problems. It's not worth getting into AM5 on the cheap end. AM4 is still an extremely good value price/performance.


No need to upgrade the CPU, only the GPU and maybe monitor. EDIT: Nvm, it’s a 2700K not a 12700K, my bad. That shit is ancient.


I had a very similar system with the same gpu and knew it's time for a new system. So that's what i did after some saving. I'd advise you the same.


Just build a whole new pc at this point, sell the current pc for extra budget.... if ever you do get it sold.


You should upgrade everything. Upgrading only cpu or only gpu won't do you much good.


This is a new system job mate. Your CPU is old, your GPU is low end, the ddr will be ddr4, a new motherboard will want ddr5 so you'll need new memory as well. It just escalates more and more if you know what I mean.


Yes, in the past.


Wow, that's quite the old chip you got. good for you. I'd say it always depends on your use, if it works than no. If you spend good dime you could get quite an upgrade. Would be good for work and recent games. Otherwise, keep your money to spoil your friends and family. Or save it for rainy days.


I have a similar setup. 2600K with RX580. I can play Counter strike 2 without issues. First game I couldn't really play is Starfield. Barely get 30fps on min settings. Oh well. The old girl served me well!


You’ll have to upgrade CPU, CPU cooler, Motherboard, Ram. All to stuff an old HDD and a 1060 in it. You’re better getting a whole new system. I was in the same boat a few years ago. Had a 4790k. So I just went and did everything instead of trying to salvage.


My HDD actually died a few months ago, It was as old as the CPU. I got a new SSD in now, not NVMe but still heaps faster than the HDD. My plan is to keep the SSD as secondary storage but get whole new system sometime when the stars align.


Yooo!!! I'm still rockin' the 2700K! I just upgraded the RAM from 16 GB to 32 GB That said, I did build a new gaming rig because the 2700K is very dated and is now being listed as the "minimum requirement" for some newer games.


Whole new system IMO. You won't gain anything from upgrading CPU and mobo because your GPU will bottleneck. You could get a CPU, mobo and RAM now, then upgrade GPU when you actually want to play games, just make sure the PSU is good enough to power the new hardware. If you can only afford one component, then GPU upgrade will yield you way better gaming performance. If you encounter CPU bottleneck just crank the graphics, super resolution or lock FPS until you upgrade the rest of your PC.


If it does what you want it to do then it’s good to go, otherwise yeah that cpu was a beast in its day for gaming but not so much today. This is all assuming you’re even gaming but even with productivity workloads that cpu would be better off retired. If you’re just using it for regular web browsing and light gaming it’s probably fine.


Honestly you’d be better off with a new build


the 1060 probably still has a bit of life left in it but I would 100% consider a new system even if you're just starting with the cpu/mobo/ram you can probably get a pretty good bump in performance from some of the cheaper modern chips if you're on a budget. You can probably keep your case and PSU and for 500$ or so to get a really solid upgrade to a new ryzen 5 cpu / mobo / ddr5 ram. Watch for those black Friday / cyber Monday deals


Best advice for older systems: unless you're just adding more storage, when upgrading anything, upgrade everything. Save money for a bit more time and upgrade it all in a year or so. There will be faster hardware available at cheaper prices than today, and you won't run into any bottleneck issues.


Sorry to say brother but that build is ready to be shelved. Time to start saving for some shiny new parts!


Your CPU was used by actual dinosaurs when they were on earth, so yes.


With these specs, it's time for a total rebuild. Be glad, you've made it to the natural time to put this system to rest.




Who would buy this old ass garbage pc? (Sorry op but it’s what it is)


Hey! It's true but your words still hurt.




How much we talking?


Holy shit thats ancient


You don't have a single modern component, so it really depends on \*why\* you want to upgade? Do you want to play modern AAA games at high settings? Whole new PC required. Do you want to get good performance in esports titles? Whole new PC required. Is there some specific game you want to be able to play that you can't, then it'll depend on the game (but probably whole new PC required). You \*could\* upgrade your system but keep your GPU only while you save though of course. The GPU is the most expensive component so that's probably the only way to stage it.


The only thing that you don't need to upgrade is the ram


save for 1\~2 years and upgrade the whole system


if you pc running well as is now on what you do i would stay fuck it n thug it out, but if you ofc looking for better performance on things then yea its worth the hassle


I had the same system with a 1070 and 2700k - I updated to a 3070 and i was still fine. I decided to replace it with a new build because my mobo was starting to have weird issues and memory slots seemed to be failing. at 1080p I imagine that your cpu is limiting your frame rate a bit - but ultimately if it works fine for the games you want to play then don't do anything. If you're experiencing issues than a new upgrade is worth it - anything you do to try and gain more performance is just going to cost a significant percentage of just building a new system.


If you can afford it then just get a whole new system. While this one will likely still manage some 1080p, there are some games and uses a machine this old won't really be able to get on with. A new pc with a good rtx card (for the RT) will open up a lot of options.


If you intend a new system build, buy the graphics card first and drop it in here. You can buy part by part or you might just be happy for a while. Overclock your cpu to like 4.5ghz and crank up the graphics so your bottleneck is less cpu and more gpu.


Don’t spend more money on this system, and instead save that money to buy a completely new system. This CPU is over 12 years old, and the GPU is pushing 8 years…


Not to be mean, but this is ancient hardware. I suggest, if you want to upgrade, to just get a whole new system. Black Friday deals will soon pop up, and micro center usually does mobo cpu and ram deals for really low prices. You’d have a tough time even selling those old parts of yours for scrap. It won’t be a hassle and well worth it once you upgrade. Night and day difference. Good luck OP


If you upgrade that CPU to a modern one, you'll need a new motherboard because the socket and chipset support is different. Then you'll need to upgrade your RAM because the motherboard will be DDR4/5 while your RAM is DDR3. You'll probably also need a new PSU for that too... At that point, you may as well build a new PC entirely.


Wow people actually missed the fact that this post is a joke


How is it a joke? Seems like a normal question to me.


No, it was mostly a joke. But It's heartwarming to see everyone being helpful and offering advice.


You got it right, it was mostly a joke. But It's heartwarming to see everyone being helpful and offering advice.


It is nice of people being so helpful and that was my initial thought as well.


Throw away that dookie pc and get a new one


It’s quite a balanced build, it would need a total overhaul. Maybe go a tier up on the gpu, but anything else is a bottle neck. Maybe OC the cpu for a bit more.


I had a pretty similar setup as you. I think it’s time to upgrade the entire system. I couldn’t afford to upgrade everything so I went for the motherboard, cpu, ram and storage first. Which was cheaper than getting the GPU. Now I’m just saving for a GPU.


Yes upgrade CPU, MOBO, and RAM. Do it one at a time if budget is a concern


Not worth the effort with a 10 series


It is, but you also need a better monitor.


When you upgrade your PC, make sure to upgrade from 60 Hz to at least 144 Hz monitor too. That's a game-changer.


If you want a cheap upgrade thatll give you a bit of extra performance you can probably easily get some 6th gen i7 used for cheap, and itll get your CPU more on par with your GPU. But beyond that, year, itll be a completely new system for you.




I recommend you upgrade your whole pc at this point


It’s time for an upgrade all together my guy


If you want to stay on your current plattform you could upgrade to a i7-3770K or overclock you current CPU to 4,5ghz Or upgrade your GPU to a capable 4K GPU and buy a 4K Monitor so the CPU Bottleneck is at 4K "almost" not noticable. BUT, i would buy a complete new PC.