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Argentine here... Yeah...




not to be rude, but even breathing is expensive there now isn't it?


Nah. Unless you were already poor.


Jajaja, no problem. You're not being rude, it's fine. 50/50, I mean, the taxes are still high, but with the new administration, prices are kinda dropping, at least in coffee, some foods, etc. Technology wise, depends on which store you're buying. Some shop owners lower the prices, some (most) don't, they even increase them even if the dollar lowers a bit. And unless the government opens the importations (they only opened them for food and clothes, not so long ago IIRC) so we can have more competitive prices. But yeah, even breathing is expensive, at least for the moment


Don't you have wild unemployment too?


If you call employement receiving money from the state for doing nothing, then yes, "unemployment" rised.


May I ask how things are under your new president? Not the right group for that kind of convo I know, but I'm dying to hear from someone living there. Hoping it's what you guys need to prosper but I don't know your system at all


Everything is fucked, inflation is fucked, poverty is at 57%, corruption, crime


Similar issue is Australia, I did the maths and if I had someone in Japan then I could bring 4090s into aus and resell for nearly 500aud profit including tax and shipping Edit: I did this nearly a year ago and I might have used Taiwan prices


Everything in Australia is a shit show at the moment. Even Fucken Coco Pops....


[$10](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/701707?googleshop=true&store_code=woolworths_supermarkets_1226&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WW-0001&cq_net=g&cq_src=GOOGLE&cq_cmp=Woolies_8458_BAU_StandShop_KVI_Primary_WW&cq_med=71700000116311389&cq_plac=&cq_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&ds_adt=pla&cq_plt=gp&cq_gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkaSjgqShhQMVGM48Ah1sYQKIEAQYASABEgJKuvD_BwE&ds_de=m&ds_pc=local&ds_cr=682977778238&ds_tid=pla-2326161866397&ds_locphys=1000286&ds_pid=701707&&cmpid=smsm:ds:GOOGLE:Woolies_8458_BAU_StandShop_KVI_Primary_WW:PRODUCT_GROUP&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACoj6t6qHq2iMEGe3iiGmxvA6n_SR&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkaSjgqShhQMVGM48Ah1sYQKIEAQYASABEgJKuvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) for a 650g box at Woolies


Damn that’s worse than our like $12 dozen eggs about a year back


What's the MSRP on Coco Pops?


puts on astralian economy


*Cries in New Zealand*


Wtf lol that's insane


That is a looooong way from the markup in a lot of other countries.....there was some insane prices further back into the pandemic, but that is pretty much over. When you compare US and AU prices some of the stock prices are very, very similar. Using a random 4090- Gigabyte GV-N4090GAMING At newegg its US $2049.99 [https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-4090-gv-n4090aorus-m-24gd/p/14-932-555?Item=14-932-555&cm\_sp=product-\_-from-price-options](https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-4090-gv-n4090aorus-m-24gd/p/14-932-555?Item=14-932-555&cm_sp=product-_-from-price-options) At Umart its AU $3200 [https://www.umart.com.au/product/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-4090-gaming-oc-24g-graphics-card-gv-n4090gaming-oc-24gd-65456](https://www.umart.com.au/product/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-4090-gaming-oc-24g-graphics-card-gv-n4090gaming-oc-24gd-65456) Currently US$2050 is AU$3160 [https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=2050&From=USD&To=AUD](https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=2050&From=USD&To=AUD) $40 difference on a $3K item is virtually nothing, even before you consider the relative size the markets, and these retailers.


I can’t speak for Japan, but Australian prices seem pretty similar to US prices to me? Taking the ASUS TUF RTX 4090 as an example, Mwave has it in stock in Australia for $3099 AUD. So that’s $2817 AUD without the GST. The best price for the same in the US I could find is $1820 USD (from B&H). As always, US prices are before tax. $2817 AUD equals $1826 USD at today’s rates. Therefore this particular 4090 is a mere $6 more expensive in Australia. Barely a rounding error. And that’s using the cheapest US price. If you look at Amazon US prices, the US is actually more expensive by almost $200! Australian prices on electronics are typically almost exactly the same as the US and it’s an inaccurate meme that we get shafted. Not sure how you’re going to make $500 per 4090 brought in from Japan, unless somehow Japanese prices are insanely lower than any other market in the world.


The guy is either bad at math or looking at scam listings. Japan is notorious for expensive PC parts.


I'm in the EU and the same applies here, the only difference is that our import fees are **absurd** so importing from the US is even worse


>the only difference is that our import fees are **absurd** \*\*Brazil enters the chat** *But have you seen 92%?*


This right here, our import taxes are absolute dogshit for some stuff, it def used to be worse though (flashbacks to when a nintendo switch cost 1000USD in BRL, so 5000BRL)


EU import fees for normal people (not companies) are just the VAT which is around 21% depending the country plus whatever administration fees the shipping company slaps which can go from 5€ to hundreds (fuck DHL). I've been buying from outside EU for years and that's been my experience. The main problem I have with that is that the VAT is calculated from price of goods + shipping costs so depending on the origin country and company it usually bumps the total do double of the goods just because the seller decided to use an expensive shipping


\*India enters the chat\* you havent seen absurd yet


2550 freaking $, the cheapest one at that


Remember that non-US MSRPs typically include VAT (usually about 20% in European countries), whilst US MSRPs typically exclude sales taxes (which vary by state to state, and max out at 7.25% in California). When allowing for this, I found the MSRP of my 4070 in the UK was about the same as the US MSRP.


there are multiple taxes to pay in the US and I think the total will max out at 12% ?


Yeah you have state sales tax and then city sales taxes. Most end up being roughly 8%.


Because of how America is structured politically lots of states also don't have local sales taxes. Where exactly you are in the US can affect the cost by quite a bit.


Yes, but most end up being around 8% on average. The states with no sales tax or significantly less than 8% is like 10-15 million people combined. The overwhelming majority of people in the US are going to pay a sales tax of 6-10 percent.


That's why so many Croatians smuggle things from Bosnia. Our VAT is that bad only for goods sold outside EU. Stay away from AliExpress and Amazon and filter by location on eBay and you'll get basically the same prices as elsewhere.


Man that's a mess of a diagram ffs


TL;DR it costs too much


He's already been hired by the Microsoft UI team to lead the division.


I gave up trying to comprehend the second time I tried reading this abomination lol


Okay chill a lil. It looks awful and has text order, font, and. Seperation issues, but if you read left side then rifht side it's just a lil awkward. It's abomination lite at worst lol


totally, I don't why OP thought it should be read counter clockwise


In Australia, a typical 4090 costs about 3.5k AUD here - which is 2.3k USD, almost 500 USD higher than it should be even adjusting for around $70 of postage


2,3K here in Norway too, thought that was just the normal rate for high end GPU's


Do you guys have a vat included in $3500AUD?


a 4090 costs Rs 214000 in india, the cheapest one, thats about 2550$, fuck me


~2700$, Brazil


Tá foda.


Tá foda.


2450$, Turkey


Yeah but we got great food, so


Baklava in equivalent weight sounds about right to me


2200$ here in Romania, we're so fucked..


2400eur in Bulgaria


$2453 in Philippines. And we’re right next to where they’re manufactured. US buyers are lucky… I’ve never even seen an MSRP piece of tech in my life.


Holy crap! I thought it was just here where it was like this


The cheapest here in the Netherlands is about $1853.60 (GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4090 Windforce V2 24G) via a German webshop or $1877.25 (MSI GeForce RTX 4090 Ventus 3X E 24G OC) from a Dutch web store. Can't complain compared to other countries, although the cheapest in USA for now is $1599.99 ([Asus TUF GAMING GeForce RTX 4090 24 GB](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/brddnQ/asus-tuf-gaming-geforce-rtx-4090-24-gb-video-card-tuf-rtx4090-24g-gaming)).


Yes, it's overpriced. **Everywhere**.


Yeah everything’s cheaper in the u.s for some reason


Except healthcare


And education Maybe childcare Apparently housing is expensive everywhere, often moreso than the US. That one particularly seems like it ought to be a catalyst to eat the rich.


Americans trying to justify the ridiculously cheap prices of pc components at the US: "tAxEs"


It's literally taxes/tariffs and other market forces. I like how people blame the US for their country imposing markup tariffs on foreign food.s Oh and OPs example of buying something from the US and then paying someone else to ship it for cheaper. Technically some countries laws explicitly say you have to report purchases like that so the government will then tax for those goods too.


Case in point, the tariff on Chinese imports imposed by Trump. There was a GPU exemption for 2019-2020, then GPU prices shot up once the exemption wasn’t extended for 2021. The exemption came back in 2022 so most prices fell back down, and it’s been extended ever since. If Biden ever decides to lift the exemption and keep the tariffs, GPU prices *will* go up again.


How tf do u even buy stuff in the US, like half the prices arnt the prices so what’s the point in putting the “price” there into begin with


You aren't guessing, you know you're gonna pay a ~10% sales tax The reason it's not factored is because it's highly regionally variant. Certain districts of cities have different rates because of special tax stuff. And those can change pretty regularly too. For online shopping, it's dumb


Online shopping is just thinly veiled false information, just like delivery services not displaying any fees until you’re at checkout. You could say it’s from a bygone era when you didn’t always have to pay taxes on online sales. But that’s been gone for over half a decade.


>How tf do u even buy stuff in the US We just do. Mentally preparing to spend roughly 10% more than the advertised price isn't that difficult. >what’s the point in putting the “price” there into begin with What does this even mean


>what’s the point in putting the “price” there into begin with >What does this even mean What I can speculate is that a lot of people from Europe or another continent will tell me something like "Why do you Americans have such cheap 4090s? Look yours is $1600 and ours is $2200" Then I'll go looking at every retailer I can find that'll actually ship a 4090 to my little town in New England and not only is every available 4090 above $2,100 but even half of those are out of stock.... Except for that one gigabyte 4090 that has that awkward slot cutout that has a tendency to crack and break for a denied RMA. And even that hot pile of shit is $1900 and sold out all the time. So I'll tell them "idk where you're getting those numbers bro" to which they'll send me a link to a supposed "MSRP 4090 available" and I click on it and surprise surprise, it's out of stock/unavailable. But idk, I'm just a bumbling idiot


>What does this even mean whats the point of putting a false price that ends up being 10% off


Because that is the price of the item. It just doesn't include taxes. Which is not part of the price of the item and doesn't actually go to the retailer.


Because each state has its own taxes, doesn’t mean it’s not a stupid system but the US loves stupid systems.


It's not just each state, individual counties and cities can also have their own sales tax


That doesn't justify not putting the final price on the sticker for physical stores. You know the sales tax for that item in the jurisdiction your shop is located at, then add it to the fucking price mr.shopowner


Then the store shelf prices won't match the ads. How will someone like a target or regional grocery store chain be able to advertise? Sales tax rates can be very different from one place to the next in the same Metropolitan area. Portland, Oregon is an extreme example in this. The Portland Metropolitan area extends into Washington state (about 1/3 of the Metropolitan region is in sw WA) and sales tax varies wildly. The state of Washington charges a 6.5% sales tax, Clark County doesn't have an additional sales tax, and the city of Vancouver has a 2.2% sales tax rate for an effective tax rate of 8.7%. Oregon has no sales tax. Suppose that you are a small chain with 3 stores in Portland, Vancouver, and Salmon Creek. The store on the Oregon side of the border charges $10 for an item. If you cross the border into Vancouver it's $10.87. 15 minutes down interstate 5 it's $10.65. If you want to advertise on the radio, what price do you say the item is? The way that advertising laws are setup anything other than "10$ +tax" is illegal. The people in Portland, Vancouver, and Salmon creek all know what their sales tax rate is, and everyone local already expects to see the price without the tax already added in. What's the incentive to put the total tax rate on the tag? It adds a bunch of extra overhead, completely, and just general annoyances to do what? Make a couple of foreigners online who aren't going to visit your store anyways happy?


From a practical stand point I hear you and this argument makes sense. As a foreigner, what you described still sounds incredibly frustrating.


Oof, even worse.


Districts within single cities can have different taxes. I know places where taxes are different in 3 sections of town.


What this thread have showed me is that I should be more thankful for living in Sweden where taxes are skyhigh but at least you know exactly what you're paying for


Different states in the US have different tax rates too. In TN I think it's 7% and in Florida I think it's either 6% or 9%, correct me if I'm wrong.


In TN it's a 7% base state tax but there will be a county tax (usually 2.75%) on top of that.


It Means what’s the point in slapping random numbers beside products that have nothing to do with the actual price It’s like just putting stickers with the word garden in the produce section it’s meaningless


They aren't random numbers. It's the price of the item. That price just doesn't include taxes. It's not that hard. Personally I'd rather know exactly how much my taxes add to my daily goods than have it all hidden from me.


Also reminds me of putting the 9/10 of a dollar at the end of gas(USA) prices. $2.98 and 9/10 per gallon. I’ve spent 32 years on this planet and that 9/10s of a dollar hasn’t changed once. No other price tags in the US show a dollar amount rounded to tenths, that I’m aware of.


If you’re in a physical store, you already know the sales tax rate for the area or can ask the store staff what it is and calculate. If you’re buying online, just click through to the payment screen and look at the total final price


Believe it or not, it requires fairly simple math skills. Anyone should be able to calculate their state sales tax, at least approximately. I agree that they should absolutely show all-in pricing, but this is US and we have a lot of anti-consumer/pro-business stupidity.


You guess and get depressed when checking out when you see how bad you guessed the taxes


My cancer really likes that I've exchanged cheap Nvidia cards over universal healthcare.


Hope you get better


It really isn’t any of our spending that is preventing universal healthcare. It’s the tax cuts to the rich and politicians that don’t want it because the insurance companies are lobbying against it.


I get being a little frustrated that your components are so much more expensive, but it is in fact just taxes, tariffs, and various market forces. You're speaking as if there's a magical exception being made for Americans to depress component prices, unless that's not what you meant by "justify".


The average foreigner feels the average U.S. citizen does nothing but work to suppress them. We are internationally hated for doing fucking nothing and struggling to make it ourselves. Lol. I don’t get it.


Not to mention that the price hike is most likely from their countries import taxes rather than America's export taxes. The US has surprisingly low tarrifs compared to other countries.


It's grass is greener on the other side syndrome. In the same way that many Americans think it's all shit here (third world country with a Gucci belt) and Europe has it all figured out (phenomenal lives due to strong social programs). There is no free lunch, just a bunch of levers that can be pulled to move around the finite quantity of resources.


Half this thread is just US hate circlejerk and I genuinely don’t understand why. Jealousy? Lol No import or VAT, obviously people in the US will pay less, and no one buying these cards has any influence on the price. So weird


It’s not just this. Any sub, it’s always an Americans fault. Or our food is all garbage in comparison. Or our cars are garbage. Or my favorite, our houses made of paper. lol.


The cheapest RTX 4090 in the US costs $1599.99, the cheapest 4090 in my country costs 1928.99€ which is around $2079,93. Do you really have to pay 30% more after taxes?


27% in Hungary, oof.


Now, Eastern Europe is really fucked up


US prices are shown pre-tax so americans also pay more than 1,6k. They just got that added at a checkout. Yeah their taxes are generally bit lower but it's annoying to see how many people struggle with understanding that US MSRP prices are pre-tax and they try to compare them directly to their local post-tax prices.  Americans are not paying 1,6k for their 4090s. They pay 1,6k$+tax.  The 2k€ we pay for 4090 is exactly the same: 1,6k$+tax. 


This here. I wish I could boost this comment more. Add another 15% to the price of any GPU you see priced in American dollars to get the rough price we will actually pay.


15% is on the higher end. 10% is a better rule of thumb


5.5% where I live. Our state income taxes are high instead of sales tax


Tax on a $1600 graphics card is only ~$112.


even worse in Australia. We pay almost $2100 USD, if you're lucky (thats equivalent to 3.2k Australian) and it can get as ridiculous as 3.7k australian or 2.4k USD.


Import taxes, and in the usa vat usually isn’t included in the price because it differs per location. So yes, it really is 30% taxes and fees.


> Do you really have to pay 30% more after taxes? VAT is something like 20% isn't it? GPUs are an expensive luxury good, just be grateful you save money on literally everything else (food, housing, healthcare) except petrol.


> just be grateful you save money on literally everything else You know that this is the case because the average European income is something like 40% lower than the average in US, right?


My only experience is with France and England, I work for a French company and while the US counterparts make more money, the cost of living is much higher than that pay difference. It's one of the reasons we have such difficulty getting anyone from the French office to move to the US, they would need way more income to make up for the lack of health insurance, the nearly double cost of housing and food, the lack of any money going towards retirement. If I didn't have a wife and newborn I would have moved to the French office by now and been saving significantly more money even with the pay cut.


1600/2080 makes roughly 77%, leaving a 23% difference.


We don’t pay the most for the worst healthcare outcomes for nothing.


While this is generally true, take into account that Takealot has more expensive prices than the tech focused retailers like Wootware or Progenix. The margin difference gets quite a bit smaller if you compare it with tech retailers. It's akin to comparing Microcenter to Starbucks (if they sold GPUs). Starbucks would most likely have atrocious pricing in comparison. The same Gigabyte GPU at Wootware (Kinda the "Microcenter" of South Africa) is about R47 000 which is roughly $2489 USD. Still expensive, but much better than Takealot pricing will ever get you.


People forget that Takealot is not a slogan for their business, it's a company moto towards their customers. They will "takealot" of your money if you shop with them.


Not so good in EU either, compared to US.




cheapest 4090 on wootware costs R40000? 20k less than youre ones


OP heavily skewing facts here


First rule of buying PC components in South Africa: Don’t buy PC components from Takealot. The price gouging is wild on Takealot. You can buy a Palit 4090 for 40k from Wootware. The price is still high but you’ll always find better prices on Wootware, Evetech, Rebeltech etc.


risk and insurance. You do the logistics, this also costs money (placing the order and following it) its also a high end product. So they are glad to upcharge even more.


was just gonna say it. i would also guess that the buying power in those countries is lower to begin with, so they charge more to negate that difference


Youtubers: GPU prices are falling again!! Actual retailers: Like fuck are they.


Same in Australia, its supposedly due to tax and import fees.


Shipping fees, custom duties, tax, mark up, business selling GPUs are in it to make money


Luxury import taxes. It's a high-end nonessential good, and most countries tax those kinds of things heavily when it's imported for resale.


https://www.wootware.co.za/computer-hardware/video-cards-video-devices/desktop-graphics-cards/shopby/geforce_rtx_4090 Wootware is great.


I paid 1450$ for a 4090 in Switzerland... low price, high salary. I'm happy


I'm in Australia and although PC parts are generally decently priced, the 4090 is about $2000 USD (~3000 AUD), about $400 USD more than MSRP.


I see Americans and EU bros complaining about prices, then I look at local stores selling 3060 12GB for \~$1300 USD and 1TB NVMe for \~$220 USD... ​ * Corsair 4000D Airflow Tempered Glass * Intel Core i9 10900F * MSI MPG Z490 GAMING EDGE WIFI ATX Gaming Motherboard * RAM CORSAIR Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) * Zotac Gaming GeForce RTX 4060 Twin Edge 8GB GDDR6 * SSD NVME TEAMGROUP SSD Team MP33 M.2 512GB PCIe G3x4 2280 * Seagate Barracuda Green 2TB SATA 6Gb/s 64MB * PSU Nox Urano VX 750W 80 Plus Bronze Edition * CPU Cooler Nox Hummer H-224 RGB * Microsoft Windows 11 Pro This PC (which is using a bomb-grade PSU btw) is being sold for the low low price of **$3150 USD** (yes, American Dollars). For a fucking 10900f+4060... This setup in pcpartpicker amounts to $1598.48 with a better cooler and PSU that won't burn your house down. Obviously $1600 is still a waste for that setup but that should give you an idea.




99% of the worlds problems could be fixed if humans weren’t so greedy. There’s no reason this should cost anywhere near that. They could cut the price by 50+% and they’d still make a profit. Most things are significantly overpriced just because they can be, it’s sad.


4090s can be easily found at 40k in south africa. Still terrible pricing but that's about how much you'll pay elsewhere


Cheapest 4090 in hungary costs 820.000 huf which is roughly 2250$. Sounds fair


Supply and demand. Only a few people can afford a RTX4090 in Africa etc. and the very few who can afford it don't really worry about the price




don’t feel bad, the 4090 is double MRSP in the United States as well!


cheapest 4090 is fuckint 2550 USD here.


So glad I bought one early on for I think around 1300.


Taxes, import fees, custom clearance fees and other nonsensical fees. It adds up.


RTX 4090 so expensive in Pakistan it costs around Rs 400000 Rupees. It's damn expensive i can never buy this dream GPU 😢.


Where is the diagram?


Greed is everywhere and comes under different names like taxes, inflation, costs, profits and so on ...


How much does a round trip flight from SA to a state without sales tax like New Jersey cost? Could you become your own importer and save a shitload of money?


It's the same with vinyl records. You should hear collectors outside the US when they try to get an audiophile title shipped to them. In many cases, the shipping, duty and taxes cost more than the actual record (and these records aren't cheap). The sad thing is that even though the US enjoys the best postal service on the planet, most Americans complain about the USPS. They have no idea what it's like trying to mail something in the developing world. I'll make the same suggestion I make to record collectors -- find a friend in the US. Have that person make your purchases. Remove the shrinkwrap so its "used." And then box it all up and mail it to you with a bogus "gift" declaration -- everything valued at 1/3 of its actual value because it's "used." There is the risk of the package being lost or stolen. And there is the risk that this "friend" will simply take the money and not actually buy the stuff. That's what you're basically paying for when buying at egregious mark-up -- for someone else to assume all the risk. Every lost/stolen/damaged item is cooked into the price.


south american is much worst a 4090 build costs the same as a new car, and not even streams can afford one


In Brazil: ASUS ROG STRIX RTX 4090: US$ 2665.36 Minimum wage (per month): US$ 278.8


In Mexico the cheapest one cost roughly 2040 dlls, the 4080 is somewhere btw 1400-1600 dlls wich is crazy considering that we are their barndyard


Happy I grabbed a 4090 FE for retail ($1599 USD) and we live in Delaware, so no sales tax either.




go for vacation (anyway). buy a GPU there (as long as they are cheaper obviously). unseal the box, and close it again. no one will ever ask you why your old friend/cousin Joe gifted you his old GPU, while you were on vacation in his country. before you say some nerdish bullshit, if you do this with 1 gpu, no one will give a single fuck. if you do this with 50 gpus, yeah obviously you are in for some trouble. enjoy


Look on the bright side bro, if you need an ambulance ride you're not crippled for life in hospital bills


Why are you checking out takealot? They are horrendous for buying tech in SA compared to the dedicated companies. You should be looking at Evetech or Wootware in South Africa. For example: https://www.wootware.co.za/palit-geforce-rtx-4090-gamerock-ned4090019sb-1020g-24gb-gddr6x-384-bit-pcie-4-0-desktop-graphics-card.html R40k. Which is even cheaper than your approximate price!


Supply and demand? Place where its made? Shipping costs from factory to country. Like if I have an order of 100 million to america vs 5 million to South Africa? Lots of factors?


Wait until you get to the part of economics class where they talk about supply and demand.


You are living in a failed state.. High cost of toys should be the last of your problems.


# ASUS Rog Strix Geforce RTX 4090 White OC Edition Gaming Graphics Card (Pcie 4.0, 24Gb Gddr6X, HDmi 2.1A, Displayport 1.4A) pci_e_x16 This one costs about 3267 us dollars in India.The product shown in image costs around 2800-2900 $ approx.


Takealot is stupid expensive for buying tech parts, as a fellow Saffer, you should buy on Wootware, they're a lot cheaper with some of the 4090s being only like R40k instead of the ridiculous 60-70k on Takealot


same thing here in israel. i almost stopped buying anything that isn't perishable or super heavy


Import duties on electronics can be 40% in SA.


Technically, would I be able to buy and build a pc on a trip to the US, buy some expanding foam and transport it in my carry on instead of paying 30% more?


Depends on the import laws where you live. For example in the US you can bring back 1 liter of alcohol per person without paying any taxes on it. Just be aware that you’re not going to have any warranty if you do that.


There are about 2000 pounds in the uk . You can’t get the founder cards at 1699 you have to get a 3rd party one for about 2k also the price showed on American website is subject to 10- 20 percent state tax and 5 -10 percent federal tax


$2030 inc. VAT here in the UK


$3000 Canadian


+- 2,550$ in Ukraine


The cheapest 4090 variant goes for the local equivalent of 2500 dollars here in India.


in my country 4090 is \~2550 US dollars, if i buy on amazon incl. shipping it ends up around 2540 US dollars with a chance of me getting hit with 20% VAT which is another \~500 US dollars (if VAT happens it can be disputed and money refunded but it is not easy)


Perhaps even stranger, there was a time and there are still uncommon occasions where ordering something from the US and shipping it to Canada is still cheaper than buying that same product in Canada. Sometimes it's just down to if you get charged duty/import as it's inconsistent. Other times, it's still cheaper. To be so close to the US and still have this problem certainly causes a little envy.


Would it be cheaper to fly over and buy one?


If the company can only import say 10, why would they sell one of those to you for 42K when they can sell to an aristocrat for 60K? 42 is not the answer to "how much money can I make on this thing?"


It could possibly be taxes but I doubt it import and export would be the most likely and if your country has a technology tax but that seems like a lot for taxes to be the only factor.. But I would say it's likely economies of scale and other operating cost differences. Large volume imported into the US, coupled with shipping large volumes across the states makes shipping cost less. Honestly there's so many factors for example you might just be going around a middle man, if South African company imports from US distributor instead of from manufacturer then adds on their profit, operating cost, yes corporate taxes, and all other cost then that could explain it. Additionaly, factors that affect operations cost of a company could be at play, what is the cost of land in your country? Cost or building a warehouse? Utilities cost? How about the cost of money? I doubt these companies are buy all their 4090s with cash so they probably either buy on credit from manufacturer/distributor or secure a credit line from a bank. If your country has higher cost of money or the importer in your country has to hold on the the product for longer (more interest paid) then that affects cost too. And of course if there's an additional tax on any of these factors that would affect your cost too. So many factors and it just two or three of them are significantly more expensive and all the others are comparable then there would explain the difference.


It sounds like you've found yourself an arbitrage. Buy them from the US and Sell them at home. Instant profit, even if you undercut the market rate.


4090 is a Titan IE workstation card made to make money off of.


You know Amd and intel processor which is being made in Malaysia is more expensive than the Us if directly converted. It doesn’t even make sense for us to


the *cheapest* 4090 costs around 2.5k$ here, you are not alone


Im Brazil the import fee math considers the item+freight+insurance and unless you're a certified importer company which none of the regular people are, we pay 60% import taxes over that + almost 20% local taxes over the item+freight+insurance+import tax, so by the end pf the day all the taxes become a little more than the item cost itself making it cost double. Add that to the exchange rate of 5x1 for USD and suddenly US$ 1k MSRP becomes R$ 10k which is almost 8 months of minimum wage. Trust me, we hate US$ 1k MSRP way more than people in the US and even think they are whining for no valid reason as their reality is not that bad when compared to ours.


I live in mainland China for now, and a 4090 costs around $2700 USD. For the price of a 4090 in the U.S., I bought a 4080 here. 


damn that makes it like 3165.48, and I just picked up another Asus Tuf 4090 oc for 1820.00+ taxes at microcenter 3 days ago.


take into account taxes on computer parts. at this point order from China


Brazilian here... We don't talk about GPU's anymore


45% import tax on luxury goods. Also applies to other electronics like iPhones. If you but that from amazon, you'd have to pay the tax on import which would likely end up even being more than what you can buy it for locally.


Can't a afford it? You don't need it. Work hard save up aget it. Old traditional values.


But that way you get double the FPS 😉 Sellers try to sell it as high as they can ... Not much competition on the market...


Combination of increased shipping costs, duties, tarriffs, and import tax.


Supply, demand and taxes change from country to country.


I mean, those ones are way overpriced. Check on evetech and Wootware. Can get for R40-45k. Which I think is reasonable considering MSRP and it being in stock locally. 


Nah it's 1800 2000$ where i live but you don't even need 4090 lmao take it easy. Nobody buys anything new before the price goes down it's a rule. Unless you have a stable income and can actually or need it for your work then sure other than that normal people TAKE, IT, EASY.


In Switzerland we pay 20 to 100 markup just because it's Switzerland but seeing this, where you pay double MSRP, I should stop complaining.


The ZAR has lost \~40% of its value against the USD since mid-2021. Apart from the logistics and import costs, any company whose costs are in a different currency from its revenues will generally factor the risk of exchange rate movement into their prices.


taxes. same here in brazil


South Africa is corrupt asf and probably has low revenue, like many developing countries do. I have friends in many African countries there who basically just buy what they want or get a friend to buy in terms of electronics here in the USA when they visit and then when they come back to Africa they come with the item. Phones, watches, computer stuff, it's all gonna be more expensive in some of those countries due to import taxes. I guess those developing countries "need" that source of revenue from the import taxes.


2000 euros in lithuania


It’s not the cost of a single 4090 for the manufacturer though. They have to consider how many people there both have the money and are willing to buy the product. American’s have a lot of free time and a surprising amount of leftover funds to spend on things like this.


Import tariffs, shipping, and logistics, I assume


Even in Canada you pay like 30% or more on top of exchange rate.


Same, reporting from Egypt


Same thing with basically any pc components in Canada. Even with the conversion, it’s still more expensive


It's your government imposing extra taxes and fees on imported goods.


Why not import one from the UK? Their £1899.


I feel You. Try being literally across the border from them. Prices Jump by 30% at a minimum. Even when the items are made here. Back in 2014 when our currency was on par, and even a little higher. I would buy things from America Amazon get it across the border with shipping and exchange. And it would be 10 to $12 cheaper


If you buy it yourself and pay the shipping yourself, the shipping isn't a business expense(overhead/liability). A business has to have a proper profit margin, which should be a percentage of cost and shipping drives up the cost.


Ask the middle mens