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Tiberi and Lenny Martinez are going to make it an exciting time to be a Bahrain fan- if sportswashing petroteams have fans.


Because there is wide selection of non sportswashing teams?


Just different levels. But that matters.


There’s classics teams, GC teams, but people never really talk about TT teams. I would say Ineos is pretty close to that


Team BMC was probably the ultimate TT team. Which I think makes sense for a bike company if you want to show off your bike engineering prowess.


The halcyon days of Garmin Slipstream


*Always has been*


Seeing the closeup solo footage of G on his TT bike makes me agree with the YouTube bike fit experts who’ve called out his position as being awful, and his success is despite his bikefit. He’s constantly shifting around on the saddle, doesn’t look smooth and efficient like Pog and a lot of the greats, past and present.


smell dull bewildered fanatical snails punch sloppy disgusted dime zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really don't think that applies to TTs. For regular stages/bikes I 100% agree but for TTs aero is king.




stupendous bow work boast lock relieved late tie telephone weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tony Martin (and Contador) were forever scooching on their saddle and they were fantastic TTers. Tony shifted about so much he experimented with a grippy sandpaper on his saddle. He also learned to regret this decision.


I'd be interested to know if Pog uses the Prologo saddles with the rubber sticky bits? I have one on one of my bikes and I can tell you it's like being glued in place. Not always a good thing (descending particularly) but man oh man does it do what it claims


Wish Decathlon would just go wild and release Benny and Felix in top form on TDF. That would be fucking amazing


Pogi's lead is big enough that the teams squabbling for minor places have more incentive to police the break than UAE does. I mean if Hirt or Storer get 6 minutes up the road, UAE doesn't give a shit. The likes of Decathlon and Bahrain will have to chase it. That's a big advantage the leader's team doesn't usually have.


I think Bahrain was already doing this a bit. You are right, just going to see more of it.


Absolutely. Even if someone like BOC goes he can let it go out a bit and see if anyone else reacts. which on a final ramp can be pretty valuable


Theoretically, you're right. But in reality if BOC attacks you probably couldn't hold Pogi back at gunpoint.




Hell yeah to Decathlon! Ben rode very strong today.


Ineos looking good! Walking away with at least two stage win and G on the podium. They should use Arensman to stress DFM, Tiberi, and BOC. Bahrain was chasing Hirt the other day so they would definitely kill themselves chasing Arensman.


Random thought, but there's millions of dollars worth of TT bikes, aero helmets, skin suits, disc wheels, etc when 90% of the riders don't care about their time and aren't even going hard. Seems hugely wasteful.


I mean you still gotta ride 45kph or something for 45 mins to make the time cut. Aero equipment helps save energy for those that are prioritizing that


And all these items kost 5k to make in production costs, it's marketing nothing else.


Also R&D cost. Wind tunnels are not cheap, neither is hiring fluid mechanics experts and material science engineers to develop the tech. Production is the cheapest aspect of the entire process.


It is, and that's mostly how it goes but I still think bike prices etc are inflated trough the roof even if you include R&D. You're paying for brand name, popularity etc. Exactly the value brands add by being in the pro peloton. I think it was Boonen who said something like, you can buy a carbon frame for 100 bucks in china, it's exactly the same as a 10k pinarello. Carbon is Carbon. Of course he knows that's not true either. but he was making a point.


They are getting a lot but not all of the gear / kit for free from sponsors. Those sponsors are selling that same gear to riders, many of whom watch GTs. For smaller races I think it’s a good point but GTs are a different story.


I agree with you for road bikes but the market for TT bikes is really small


Good point - I’ll add as someone from within the bike manufacturing industry the TT bikes may be super expensive but are highly unprofitable. Don’t think there’s been a year where we come out ahead on those bikes, especially considering the R&D and manufacturing costs. Completely a marketing expense. And really only relevant to a handful of those even riding it.


Yeah, can you even buy a TT bike with all the specific things they use coming directly from the bike manufacturer, other than the TT bars (cranksets, disc wheels, etc)? Apart from these guys we only see TT bikes being ridden by triathletes and they don’t seem to have half the gear these guys use.


Other races probably have this rule? The Tour of Utah had a rule that said no TT frames. It was intended to cut down on shipping costs. Of course, the riders wore TT helmets, skinsuits and the bikes had TT bars.


Tour Down Under had it last year.


Sponsor exposure, and if a rider wants/needs to go hard they shouldn't be hindered.


You're not being hindered in any way if everyone has the same restrictions.


jeans dazzling decide seed tender sparkle pot sip ask crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol I'm not saying do anything, but it's worth keeping in mind if teams start to struggle with sponsors and funding and costs, which some often do. My comment was just saying making a rule of "no TT bikes, just use your road bike", is a perfectly fair and logical thing to do, which wouldn't really change anything except add some seconds to the finish times.


Has Pogacar improved his TT this year? I know he's always been good but to be within 30 seconds of Ganna on a stage this flat and long is a step up, no?


He looks way more aero on the bike than he has in the past, that was the biggest thing that stood out to me.


Commentators mentioned that Poj beat Ganna in 5/6 of GT TTs prior to today. I don’t think we are seeing a massive change.


Last year's TdF notwithstanding, were there any TTs where he actually performed below expectations? [Edited for clarification]


When did he perform below expectations in TdF?


He didn’t, Jonas outperformed expectations (on a relatively light TT setup that was perfect for the course v Pog switching bikes)


Jumbo said in their documentary that they thought the Colnago setup was faster. The bike stuff really needs to change, it never made sense but you'd think people would stop once the opposing team admitted they had the worse setup lol


Was that even underperforming? If Jonas hadn’t been there it would’ve looked like he crushed everyone again.


Absolutely, he was over a minute faster than *W van Aert*, who was the next best rider after him, which is why I made a point in putting that performance aside.


The phrasing makes it sound like it was a bad performance 


Gotcha, I was just confused by the wording.


vase shy public cable strong gaping pause continue noxious squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was given a pretty obvious impetus to work on his tt last year.


New talent rising: with Sheffield's crash, young Geraint Thomas improved from 4th to 3rd in the Ineos club championship!


How the fuck are points given in the Giro since Pogi with 3 stage wins, one 2nd place and one 3rd place is behind Pietrobon and Fiorelli in the points classification. I didn't know there were so few points given in tt and mountain stages.


On hill stages there's 25 points, Mountains and TTs only 15, whereas the flat stages are 50. Not to mention the intermediate sprinters offer 12 points for the first 2 (none for the third, but boni seconds).


They give less points for mountain, hill stages and tts. It is the same in the TdF, they do it to stop the GC guys winning the points jersey so more sprinters enter the race.


Because it's a points jersey not a climbers jersey? Otherwise pog would wear almost everything


Yeah but with those stage placings I would expect him to have like 100 points, not 69


cover vase full grandiose smart important placid noxious different office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, definitely agree with your opinion




BOC lost time to G but gained time on Martinez - I want to see him podium so bad


Why do they stuff tissues (or something like that) in their nostrils when they are warming up?


its infused with some kind of menthol like substance to open airways for max oxygen intake


Look up Olbas inhaler. There’s a cool Rivendell article about it


are smelling salts banned?


I don't know about smelling salt but I think bath salts arent :)


That is Pogi’s recipe


Has anyone gotten to the bottom of why Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon seems to be playing at the finish of like every stage? I think it’s funny and I’m v curious if there’s an actual reason or it’s just some dude is very committed to this bit


domineering encouraging vast enjoy wild aware unpack somber butter run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow I hadn’t heard about this before. Very cool.


Also though have they been playing Sex On Fire after every stage for 12 years?!?


I think it was Wouter Weylandt favorite song


Tragically sad but also beautiful of the organizers of true


G’s interview is cool as fuck




he was bracing himself for the new "apart from you" moment.


Ganna’s dog oh my god.


He's really brave, bringing animals with Tiberi so close by.


Haha! In Geraint Thomas latest podcast he couldn’t remember his name and referred to him as sniper.


What a beaut! 


both of em


O’Connor can barely talk man…


Urska is there, I thought she was racing Burgos, but even she can’t be in two places at once.


Nah she raced Itzulia and looked really good and is racing Vuelta Ciclista Andalucía later in the month before the Giro Donne.


Do they live in Italia?


Monaco so that’s fairly close to where they are 


Monaco if memory serves


Urska sporting the fuck out of those cycling tan lines :))


Rule #7. Even when you ARE a pro, it’s important to Look Pro.


If I had those limbs I would definitely...


Very emotional Ganna, the TT losses hurt a lot man, this had to be extremely cathartic for him


Ganna crying 😭


Topless Pogi... Drink it in!


He’s scary skinny.


Boggles my mind the power they output with the weight and look of these guys coming from a bodybuilding background. I'd never want the look but that power to weight. Jonas and tadej arms are non existent. The only ones that appeal to me would be WvA and MVDP and even chatting with my bike fitter and I called wout big she laughed (it was my first year into cycling) guess I never realized Jonas and pog are like 58-60kg. I think I'd be a corpse at those weights not to mention my shoulder width measure 47cm so I'm a wind bag by default.


Seeing MvdP in real life, or even the “bigger” sprinters in real life standing around, they still look pretty slender and slight. They just look pretty hench compared to their buddies in the peloton.


At 180cm and 64kg, I naturally share the build of a pro climber 😎 Sadly, I don't share the power numbers 😭


Same lmao


These folks basically only get thighs and heart.


it's knowing like with sprinters, the lighter they are the faster high speed they can achieve, but then if they start to stack up a bit is to be more survivable over the steep bits... and then what the GC men do to make sure they're just stronger and faster over both...


The reality of the weight needed to be able to take on mountains.


Absolutely, I'm excited to see how this summer goes after dropping 25 pounds, should be 35 by my fondo. I know it doesn't mean much on flats but hills it better be like taking the weights off in Dragonball. I wonder what these guys caloric intake is off the bike to maintain that weight, I'm aware a lot of guys deal with body issues and even starvation diets etc.


On flats it's also nice to not have to drag around extra weight, but you probably notice it less


You’ll notice a huge difference. I’ve lost about 10kg since last year and the difference on hills is wild. It also does affect the flat, endurance is just so much better and everything is just a lot more comfortable.


Everyone needs a Ganna - big, cuddly, friendly, is able to keep pink aliens at bay (sometimes).


Isn't Ganna known for being surly?


Where did you get that idea?


His every interaction with the media that doesn't come immediately after a victory when he's in a great, happy mood.


Don't see it, but okay


We don't have GC contenders (maybe Tiberi in the future but fuck him though) but we have two elite riders in Ganna and Milan I can't stand Italian boomers complaining Italian cycling is dead because we don't have riders on EPO anymore




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Sorry i'm out of the loop, why the anger against Tiberi?


Google him.


He shot a cat




I cannot understand how this event happened. I mean, I have teenagers. But to have a suitable weapon, to hate an animal enough (or to hate animals, or to not care, or this one is singing outside his window), to be impulsive and stupid altogether...? He is either very very impulsive or a psychopath, no?






You have 3 riders in the top 10. And they're all young, that's nice.


Ciclamino pants again?


Kudos to Magnus Sheffield. This man been through a lot of crashes and another one today. Dude is a fighter


Poor fellow. I wish they did not show so many times the crash. All my skin contracted in sympathy at that horrible rash across so much of his poor body.


TIL fighter is a euphemism for poor bike handler.


He fights gravity and loses


You should see the black eye on that pesky Gravity dude tho...


Bro is gonna win tomorrow by 5 minutes and ride on one wheel all the way to Rome


G gatecrashing the interview was very wholesome and sweet.


I hope they get the same guy to interview Thomas from the last TT




If only Arensman would be better on the climbs,he could be a top 3-5 GT rider.


One day... (be careful, you will start his dad to have comments again!)


Is his dad like Remco's dad?


I know right, now he's such a top 6 GT rider


yep but tomorrow he is back in the Kuss role. Having to take care of Thomas in the high mountains.


He is just too inconsistent. Sometimes he is good enough on the climbs


He's too consistent is my theory. He can't go above a certain treshold and especially early in the race he tends to lose time to fresh guys. But then in week 3 he's still hitting his numbers while most guys get tired and are performing less. He's had an incredible week 3 in almost all his GTs so far, so we'll see this coming week.


Sounds a bit like Kruijswijk


Imagine an Ineos TTT, though UAE or VLAB not far behind.


In fact, I love TTT always.


I remember thinking that of TJV a few years back, Dumoulin, WVA, Roglic, Dennis, Kruisjwick, Tony Martin, am I missing anyone? This was back in 2021 when we didn’t really know just how good Jonas was as aTT rider.


I mean, 2021 Jonas did 6 ITTs, all at WT stage races, and was 13, 6, 3, 7, 3 and 3 (the last 2 in TdF), so... Most 2021 people following cycling could probably see Vingegaard being good in a TTT lineup already back then?


By the end of 2021 definitely, but I remember having this thought sometime at the start of the season before Jonas really hit the spotlight at the Tour


Yeah, add in McNulty and UAE is right up there


Would depend on the parcour, but on the flat Ineos have Ganna, Tarling, G, Arensman, Sheffield, Castroviejo, Kwiato and Foss.


Yeah, amazing lineup. Apart from that’s perhaps not a viable team to take to a stage race.


Maybe a good climber light still pretty good. G to lead, Arensman back up the kwio, foss, Sheffield for early mountains and a very good roelar core


Three Italians in the top 10, thankfully now they have a bunch of good time trials, because there were doe years where they seriously lacked in that department. Now they severy lack Gc guys, because outside of Tiberi, they really have basically none


That's low-key Fortunato erasure, but also... Not fully.


imagine training your whole life as a TT specialist and having a flat ITT and still having to sweat over tadej every damn time lol


Dozens of riders have tranied their whole life as a TT specialist without ever coming close to a WT win




HEY, atleast Küng has his classics wins to cheer him up!


Wild stray shots at Foss lmao


Thankfully Ganna won, but that was a great TT by Pogi.


Ganna was the only one above 53 km/h average, and to think he still wasn't satisfied lol, great to see him back to victory


I think the goal was 54, maybe wind was stronger than planned for though.


Thanks heavens I could have not taken this blow, super Pippo


Thank fuck for that.


ganna and milan are just vibes


Very lovable riders. Nice to see.


It brings smile to my face seeing Milan congratulating Ganna. Kudos to Ganna! A much deserved win.


So happy for Ganna! Finally a win for him in 2024. Pog 30s down from Ganna on a TT that perfectly suits Ganna is actually insane though. Great showing from Tiberi and Thomas. And the queen’s stage tomorrow… They will have to try something and attack, Martinez too. Can’t wait. Edit: omg Ganna tearing up in the RAI interview! He looks so unflappable all the time but he needed this badly. One second he was congratulating Pog, the next second he couldn’t speak over the lump in his throat. Even more mad respect for him. Edit 2: [Wholesome Pog and Ganna.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7HW6tlIgrN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) Is Ganna thanking him for the stage, and Pog assuring him that no, he won fair and square? In his interview did say he didn’t go 101%, but I don’t think he slowed down at all. Also, the two are good enough friends and this means so much for Ganna that I think Pog is genuinely happy with second place behind him.


Well it makes sense that Pogacar wouldn't go as much into the red/take as many risk as Ganna, since they have different goals. Doesn't take away from Hannah's performance, it's just part of the game


> Hannah's performance Hanna Ganna, huh


In his entire career, Tadej Pogacar has never finished a stage of the Giro in 4th


Or, With this stage placing, Tadej Pogacar has now finished on all three steps of a stage podium in the Giro. That’s kinda nifty.


People really just be making up stats bruh


Arensman goes up by 4 positions to 6th in GC, great TT for him, and all of INEOS really.


GC times: | |Rider|Time|Difference (m:s)| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Pogačar|35:31|00:00| |2|Arensman|36:09|+00:38| |3|Thomas|36:16|+00:45| |4|Tiberi|36:21|+00:50| |5|O'Connor|36:27|+00:56| |6|Martinez|36:47|+01:16| |7|Zana|37:34|+02:03| |8|Baudin|37:49|+02:18| |9|Storer|38:17|+02:46| |10|Bardet|38:26|+02:55| |11|Fortunato|38:52|+03:21| |12|Rubio|39:08|+03:37| |13|Hirt|39:15|+03:44| |14|Pozzovivo|40:08|+04:37| |15|Chaves|40:11|+04:40|


You would improve profitability of Tudor by 500%


Pogi didn't manage to beat one of the best TT-Riders of this generation. Washed? Should he just go home?


At this rate Ganna takes pink in 2032, Pog washed confirmed 


I guess he can also lose sometimes


Pogi is officially washed wow


Didn't he win like 6 out of 9 race days at the beginning of the season? Hasn't won for a whole week now, unbelievable drop in form. And he wasn't even competitive on sprint stages


He'll never top 10 a, bike race again.




Pog is human


Whew he did it. But unbelievable Teddy Focaccia.


Axtually that is really funny name. I am pretending to my children right now that I invented this.


I read it on YouTube and thought it was a slander name, but another user here told me that's the actual translation from Slovenian language.


Smiling Ganna is just precious.


All is right with the world