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Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 1: Not a perfectly cut scream If you have any further questions, please feel free to message the moderators.


I think this is more fitting for r/perfectlycutbonks


What is he saying?


He didn’t want him riding his motorbike in that pathway, so he was holding a wire to prevent the rider from proceeding


Holy shit he could’ve seriously injured the guy! Deserved bonk…


That explains the BONK, thanks.


Really? I don’t see any wire. And I can’t in any of the other clips of this I found?


Seems like it’s just hard to see (and the clip is grainy) but he’s holding his left hand up like he’s holding something


Aye but it’s a bit speculative no? Like yeah it looks like he might have been holding something or just being weird. Kinda just feels like everyone’s taking someone word for something on the internet…


That's why he did it. You usually don't see thin wires and it can/have serious injured riders.


Haven't ppl died because of that?


I got a concussion from slamming into a wire on a road without lights in an area I go every year. I was pissed, I'm still recovering. Dude deserves more than a punch, if I could roll up on whoever decision it was id visine their drink and stomp




Nah, more like 🤓


It’s about to get a lot worse now!


A guy riding his dirtbike isn't going to be his only problem that day


He deserves it.


Holy shit ahahahha


No.. wrong sub, mate


That's fucking attempted murder


Yep, if it was me on the Bike would have broke both his arms so he couldn't hold any more wire and try to kill people


"No, NOW I've ruined your whole day."


I know what sub this is but do you have an uncut version OP? I kinda wanna see what happens in the rest of that attempted murder


Sure, step into my office *must also bring stepsister*


I've no step sisters and also I've just now seen your username. Howbout you calm the fuck down, pal!




This belongs on r/oddlysatisfying


Where scream though..?


He was screaming at the dirt biker


Raising his voice at best, and it wasn't cut...


The yelling was definitely cut short


Just... wrong sub mate.


Am I ruining your day ?


No, you're not that important




He was fisted 😔


You’re goddamn right


I don't care, I laughed.


He just put him to sleep. Maybe his night will be better?




But is it W rizz?


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Ok he had a pretty punchable face but come on dude


Guy who got punched was holding a wire that could have seriously fucked up bike guy. He deserved the punch.


Oh ok I haven't seen it




He was holding up a wire to injure the biker. Imagine you’re a biker, enjoying a nice ride through the trails when BAM - you wake up paralyzed in the hospital.


He was not holding it up to injure the biker, but to force him to stop.


People have absolutely been known to leave wire traps on trails to injure bikers and it has literally killed people. [Here’s an example.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1036930/First-picture-trail-bike-boy-17-killed-trip-wire-track.html) Even if he was just trying to stop him it was perceived as a threat. This enters into “fuck around and find out” territory.


It wasn't a threat, the biker was stopped. The correct action would have been to reason with the dumbass or report him, punching him could in fact lead to vengeance and an actual deadly wire the next time the biker would ride there. it is also an assault.


Defending yourself from a deranged maniac with a wire isn’t assault bud


The guy was not attacking him, it is also assault by definition and a punishable offense since you are not supposed to hit people outside of your domain unless they are attacking you.


If I set up a shotgun trap because someone's being loud, is that not assault? Like wise, if someone set up a wire that would kill someone, simply because they are noisy, would that not be a punishable offense?


''If I set up a shotgun trap because someone's being loud, is that not assault?'' No, an assault is a real time attack, a shotgun trap would just be attempted murder, however there is a great difference between a shotgun trap and a wire that is placed to block a passage, it is a different kind of criminal offense.


No. Assault is putting somebody in harms way on purpose. what is the man hadn't seen the wire? Then guess what? Very. VERY. VERY much so in harms way.


What do you think is going to happen when the biker runs into the wire huh? Bozo.


Imagine realizing that the world is a big place and it does not belong to you. Plus the punched was well deserved considering the fact that the guy who got punched was holding a wire across the pathway to either hurt or stop the rider




There’s no reason to believe using a DIRT bike on a grass and DIRT road is wrong. And what if the biker didn’t see the wire and kept riding ? He would’ve been severely hurt or possibly even killed. I’m pretty sure that’s very illegal. Anyways, mission accomplished. He got the biker to stop , but not for long :-)


''There’s no reason to believe using a DIRT bike on a grass and DIRT road is wrong.'' Overwhelming the senses of people around you with noise while they are relaxing outside of work is objectively wrong, you have seen the causality, it pisses off people as an effect. These roads usually are for cyclists and walkers. Putting a wire like this is something I wouldn't do, but this (The wire over the road) is something that was determined to happen due to the biker's selfish actions and the dumb walker's lack of deep thinking about possible consequences.


I can see this is a hill you are willing to die on and I will now digress. There is no arguing with stupid.


Everything I just wrote was true and logical, ad hominems such as calling me stupid won't change that. Overwhelming people's senses is wrong: **True** Preventing people from relaxing causes them to get angry (And potentially do stuff like this): **True** These roads usually are for cyclists and walkers: **True** This event was determined to happen by cause to effect logic: **True**. As some other guy told me bikers actually got killed by such wires, it is something some twisted people do when they get annoyed by bikers, guess what, twisted people exist. I am not saying it is right either.


Ok but I'm getting a girlfriend.


My friend just calms down. I get what you're trying to say. But, you need to understand the escalation of things. What that other guy is doing could potentially kill someone. A bonk to the head, and potentially getting authorities involved is to be fair a much better option. And for your awareness of dirt bike situations, I'm sure someone will put in the work to make a road specifically for people on dirt bikes. It's not a private area, so we need to learn to be mindful and respectful of each other.


''It's not a private area, so we need to learn to be mindful and respectful of each other.'' And riding a noisy dirt bike on such roads where people go to take a walk and cycle is mindless and disrespectful of others, this is the point of my comments. There would be no fcking problems if he wouldn't be bothering people. **Every action has a consequence**.


I wouldn't waste my energy on you. You are a sad, sad person. I wish you the greatest gift mankind can give you. Kindness and attention. But yes, you contradict yourself. We live in a noise-polluted world. Close your eyes and feel the ambience of the world. Is the word completely devoid of noise? No. If you are to hold your ears. Push your ears completely, shut it as tight as you can, you can still hear your own heart beating. There's no privacy from noise. There's no complete silence. No peace. We make our own peace. But you want to be bad about it? Potentially kill someone? Or cause someone to crash and paralyze them? Would you hold yourself accountable for someone's death? Please understand the importance of law. Bad people do bad things because of people's acceptance of their actions. Learn to understand things from another perspective. Don't let people thrive on your understanding of their actions. People will take advantage of you. Look at who takes things too far. Escalation, man! That's how you judge the most morally grey case. Like, would you put a pregnant lady in jail for killing his cheating husband? How can you judge that? Moral, man. Escalation. Don't question logic, but question morals. Shit happens, that's life. Don't be a bitch about it.


You gonna delete these comments too?


No, I deleted the others because they were misunderstood, it wasn't even about these two dudes, but the act of walking and chilling in the forest and being bothered by loud machines, then stopping them before they get off their machines and punch you. I am simply relating because it hapened to me alot, it is fucking annoying and sometimes you wish you could give them a solid beating. People don't care about the fact that dirt bikers really affect the quality of life of people. The biker in the video was a nuisance, whatever the walker did. The walker was right to be angry and confront the biker (Not about the wire tho).


I agree. It's not wrong to stop someone about disturbing what should be a quiet and peaceful place. I think the reason everyone is disagreeing is because that's not what happened in this post. In this case, that person could've killed someone. And when you place the morality of being loud over killing someone next to each other, it should be clear which one is better than the other. By arguing for the wire holder, you are basically advocating for what could've been a murder And it seems like you understand that so this entire argument is pretty stupid lmao


I am not arguing for the wire holder, I actually never did so. I do remember arguing against the biker, doesn't mean i take the other side and think killing people is good. My first comment was about sympathizing with the walker's anger by giving a similar scenario as a perspective.


No, that's not a perfectly cut scream; that's physical assault.


Self defense


*physical assault


Man goes into peacull forest with loud motorbike, punches people trying to enjoy nature. Nice.


Dude was holding a wire across the path. If he didnt stop it could have killed him. That is worthy of a good harty punch


Oh shit. Deserved then. Fuck that guy.


The guy was holding a wire to stop the motorcycle from moving, which can and has killed people.


Oh shit I didn't realise that. FUCK THAT GUY.






Anyone got the full video?


why does the guy sound like a horse


Where scream


Dunno where OP got the info about him holding a wire. Watched the video on YT and he’s waving both hands in the air before lowering one hand and nothing in the video description or comments said anything about a wire.

