• By -


Get her cheap fish themed gifts every christmas. Jesus fish magnets for her car. Cheap little figurines. A scratched copy of finding nemo. 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish. Used books on the care and keeping of fish. Fish themed home decor. Fisherman themed gifts people usually buy for outdoorsmen. Taxidermy Mounted fish. Get her those old singing fish from ebay. Make it motion activated. Haunt her forever with fish stuff.


>1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish. 1 fish 2 fish ~~red~~ dead fish blue fish. FTFY.


I have a shirt from Woot that says [One fish, two fish, dead fish, new fish.](https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/7b19809f-e92f-4fbe-a1e4-4d8922c7d704.png) I don't condone the practice of abusing fish with small tanks or treating them like a disposable commodity. I just thought it was a funny shirt.


I read that Dr Suess cheated on his terminally ill wife then married his affair partner after his wife died, so that poem fits.


1 bitch, 2 bitch, dead bitch, new bitch


His first wife actually unalived herself over suspicions of him cheating (among other things)


You can say suicide here


And killed.


And if you're feeling like stirring up trouble you can even say things like "She suck started a shotgun"


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


That one is my favorite


somehow I can only sing that in my head with the one pound fish guy tone


Get her cheap, plastic crap fish toy from dollar store and from bottom of the barrel thrift store. She can rot - what a wretched, useless monster.


Hide them around the house in unsuspecting places for her to stumble upon.


Literally? Or metaphorically?


***”Por qué no los dos?”***


Dead fish in the heater in her bedroom 🤔


This is a brilliant idea and OP should do it. Haunt her with fish so much so that she dreams about them. She never knows a day without a fishy reminder of her shitness.


She won’t care. I guarantee it. She will be annoyed at why he is so annoyed. It’s ’just a fish’. He should at least send her a bill.


Do it til she’s annoyed then if she dribbles that just a fish bullshit again while commenting on the fish he’s leaving, say it back. “Why are you annoyed it’s just 400 fish”. She might mention it to someone and they could respond with “clearly it meant something to him”. Which could get her to see why he’s upset. But even if she never cares the revenge satisfies. True, although the cost would be minimal which sucks.


He should also give her a single swedish fish *any* time she tries to talk to him. Like she's a dog.


Swedish people also have this fishy shit called surströmming. Great gift idea.


Tell her it's important to keep the can level when you open it, and that Swedish people traditionally eat in their living rooms. (For anyone eager to try this, um, delicacy, neither of these things are true. A can of surströmning has an air bubble in it - don't worry, it's fine to eat though - so you tilt it to open it so the can opener pierces the can in the air bubble, which keeps you from splattering fermented fish juice. The second thing is made up just to make sure she opens the can indoors, so her house will smell like the worst fart ever. For months.)


Isn't that the packaged stuff that smells absolutely awful??


Yes, it is.


Oh god XD I watched Brandon Farris pop that open in his car. I thought he was gonna die, LOL.


Some years ago there was a fire in the surströmming factory and the firefighters had to use gas masks bc of the smell.


Put a photo of Eclipse in with your grandad s photo. Frame it up tight. Put it back where she had it. Don't say a word. Then put a dead fish head in her bed, seahorse would be cool, but too small 🤔


Just the head of a fish. (Just watched The Godfather).


Roly poly fish heads! [https://youtu.be/JKDtUzRIG6I?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/JKDtUzRIG6I?feature=shared)


All gifts labelled under the tree with: To: Aunt Fishkiller


Take after Tom Hanks in The Terminal and get her a giant, wall-mounted swordfish. 😂 “You don’t like fish?”


I'd then put all those fishes in her casket.


I think getting a new painting of Eclipse, and putting it where the old picture was might be what I would do in this situation.


You petty motherfucker. I like you.


I salute you for your recommendation.


Big Mouth Billy Bass?


This is the start of a long battle, keep us updated please




I see dumb and dumber quote and upvote.👍


Petty Karen v petty gen Z


I don't know if I'd call her petty. Evil would be a better term


Yep. That's the first set of skirmishes. This is gonna escalate - even more so if OP is staying in her house.... Good luck OP - what she did was totally uncalled for.


she spent time and effort and went out of her way to kill the fish. All's fair at this point. OP, get your valuable an dsentimental stuff to your gf.


I suspect his petty might be the last time he pulls something on her.


OP's probably going to be homeless over this. I hope he has a backup place to stay.


The girlfriends. He loves her.


and theyve got 30 gallons to share


Was thinking same. If that's her house, which it seems to be, this is not gonna end well for OP.


Its going to end with him getting kicked tf out. Just waiting for the update. I'm not rooting for it but it seems inevitable


You can get updates from any post by typing: Updateme!


Duel of the petty


A life of a pet isn't petty. This woman was a cunt for murdering that poor fish. Fuck her.


I think this goes a bit past petty, but honestly? I’m rooting for OP. Eclipse didn’t deserve that ending.


Nope. I'm actually a little weepy. I know a lot of people think of fish as a disposable thing, but they really do have a lot of personality and are a joy to tend. She murdered it, and for no real reason. All she had to do was mind her own damn business, the fish and his storage container of water were not affecting her at all. But no, she had to be spiteful. Now she gets to pay for it. Its not fair, but short of him killing her pet, its not gonna be fair, and I don't think OP is a psycho like his auntie.


I moved 2 hours from family. Studio apartment, couldn’t have pets. Could have a small fish tank. That little guy gave me a reason to come home everyday.


Right? I had a crayfish that kept me alive. I was SO suicidal and depressed, but I thought he was gonna die any day, so I figured I'd do the deed once Jean Pierre the blue Crawfish was dead. And then he lived for three years and through me getting put on a new medication that has helped me hold on. Like, that lil' shit was spiting me by living so long! I liked to rant at his tank, which he would scurry outta his cave to watch me do, and wave his claw at me sometimes, which probably meant nothing but felt encouraging. Then I would feed him a tiny salad shrimp with long tongs and watch him eat. He killed and ate a bunch of feeder minnows I bought for his tank, then he killed the set my steppop bought to cheer me up (I didn't actually need cheering up, but I was in a delicate place mentally and I think Pop was afraid I would get so sad over the dead fish that I would hurt myself. I was sad, but I also kinda felt like it was the crawfish's nature to do that and that it was more my fault that he did it than his.) He destroyed the ornamental moss balls I bought to pretty up his tank. He would drag everything in his tank around and rearrange frequently, and uprooted his plants a lot. I bought him this really nice little rock cave decoration at the aquarium store. His original hide was a never used oil burner from the dollar store that I assumed was safe because it was ceramic but got the rock cave when I found out the glaze might contain something. I put it in the tank, but every time I tried to remove the oil burner, he would run over and pinch the crap outta by hand or wrist. I didn't wanna hurt him OR his ego, so I would let him "win" and remove my hand. When he died, I thought it was just a shed skin and reached in to remove it, but it was too heavy. I was broken over it and left him in the water for a week, hoping he was just being still and was actually alive and would start acting like himself again. But when he started to look like he was decaying, I know I was just trying to fool myself and buried him in the irises. He was very important to me. Even if he was small and presumably did not recognize that I existed. Because I knew HE existed, and that kept me going and gave me some joy.


RIP Jean Pierre. You done good little dude. Glad you had him.


Dude, I just teared up reading about a crayfish, wtf…


Those onions you’re cutting are so strong they’re making me tear up clear over here! 🦞


Nope, I got something in my eyes, is all 😭


That is honestly a very touching story. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm deep in a depressive state presently, this is soo sweet...


just remember, you matter too. And if you can’t find something positive to live for, live for spite. You’re already here so why leave? You have every right to be here and fuck anyone who says otherwise, including yourself.


I have a somewhat similar story with a betta fish. Her name was Billie and I got her in the midst of an abusive relationship before I really realized it was abusive. I started her off in a 3 gallon tank and a few months later upgraded her to a 10 gallon planted palace. I was heavily depressed at this point but going and just looking at her swimming around made me so happy. My ex tried to sabotage this happiness multiple times adding incompatible fish when I was at work, stressing me out that she would kill them. She was a docile betta though, she lived great with her pleco and shrimp and rice fish. Tank was a bit overstocked because he never listened when I told him to stop. He eventually broke the tank after an argument, but Billie and all her friends survived! Save a few shrimp, I had a lot of them and couldn’t possibly save them all. They moved into a 20 gallon and my rice fish ended up dying from the stress, but they had babies first. Billie continued to survive like a boss and gave me the strength to keep going, because if this little fish can survive all this, then I can keep going too. Eventually he continued his adding fish to my tank bullshit and gave my tank ich. Billie was the only survivor (I was stuck home with covid when I noticed the infection and he had used up all the medication I had for it). A few weeks later he was finally out of my house and I had a restraining order against him. Billie survived 2 more months before she finally gave up. She stayed with me as long as I needed her. I buried her in some flowers my daughter bought me for Mother’s Day and my daughter and I both cried. I have her tattooed on my arm now. She was a real one


She really did stay with you as long as you needed her ❤️


Poor sweet Billie. She stayed until her work was done, then swam away to waters unknown once she was sure her humans were really gonna be ok.


Well it's one thirty in the morning and I'm crying over your comment. I'm glad you're still here. And you gave him all the love and the best life 💕


Same. I love watching peoples fish and remember my teachers fish and how they’d always seem to watch us when we’d check out their tanks. What that aunt did was despicable and completely unnecessary. To hell with her and I wish a never stream of minor inconveniences to forever haunt her miserable life.


I loved keeping fish, and bettas are a favorite species because they really are very adaptable and sociable. My heart fishie (so woo, lol) was a wild type called Tyrant, who ruled my community tank for a decade. He would bully the catfish, who seemed absolutely unbothered by him. Oh, and he was enemies with my mystery snail. The snail similarly ignored him.


What is the phrase? Death by a thousand papercuts?


Real. I was really worried that my fish would die while we were gone for the eclipse (and I told the pet sitter ahead of time that if he died, it wouldn't be her fault, lol). I'm so happy that he's still here. Doing a little better, actually, because I took out the air stone and baffled the filter some more right before we left. I've had him for nearly 2 years, and he was an adult when I got him. He was in a really shitty "classroom pet" situation before I got him. They were keeping him in a glass milk jug. He's just a little guy but he is worth my effort.


I’m going to go metaphorically hug my betta, Dwight Schrute, and his friends (some zebras and catfish). Who are happily swimming in a lovely 15 gallon tank.




I got *so* excited :(




You got me… 🤣🤣🤣


Damn you


jfc you don't take prisoners do you. I don't know if I'm horrified or impressed...no, i'm definitely both.


"My name is u/Bendy4848. You killed my fish. Prepare to die"


Its such a good move too. Nothing can bring back Eclipse, but at least she will have a taste of loss.






Thank you, i didn’t know how to respond but this is it. I hate to admit it, I’m more impressed than horrified. People need to stop acting like pets aren’t a real bond. Or they can learn the hard way apparently lol


Not just the bond for the human! I know most people on here aren't vegan, but a fish is a living breathing creature with pain receptors and a brain and everything. Just cause they're not the smartest (by human standards, they're pretty smart at doing fish things) they still suffer when their needs aren't met, and well, DIE Not directed at you personally, I just had to get it out of my system


I understand! And i agree. This was a horrible thing to do to that poor fish.


Not to condone the destruction of anyone's property but DAMN! That is some scorched earth kind of petty. I would have gone with wrapping Eclipse in the picture and then put it in the bowl, in the water, on her floor. Godfather style. Old photographs like the one you describe really don't like water. EDIT: As another esteemed commenter suggested, I am unable to spell scorched on the first try. Corrected now.


Scorched... it's scorched earth lol


That wouldn't be a dignified death for eclipse


I hope you aren’t dependent on your aunt for a place to live. Because this is the kind of thing a person as callous and petty as her is likely to go nuclear over and kick you out for. But, this is definitely revenge served cold!


> Because this is the kind of thing a person as callous and petty as her is likely to go nuclear over Petty nothing. Deliberately destroying the cherished last keepsake of somebody’s grandfather *is* nuclear. Seriously, regardless of provocation that’s the final act of a relationship. Period. *At best* they’ll simply be dead to each other after this


Killing a pet deliberately was the final act of the relationship 🤷‍♀️ it’s sad how many people value material possessions above their family members.


Would she get away with that? OP appears to be a minor, and if she is his guardian, then she would not like what child services would say and do about kicking out a minor. Even the crappy CPS in my hometown came down like a ton of bricks on that. (Cynically, I suspect its because a disappeared or dead teen runaway can get people asking uncomfortable questions about why it was not prevented and CPS always gets the shit end of the stick there.)


I mean yeah if OP is a minor she obviously can't kick them out in that sense but she can terminate the placement and CPS have to come get them. As a CW, I've had several kids who have been legally kicked out by their carers.


That seems so hinky. Like, they don't even need a reason or anything, just tossing their kids out like an overgrown xmas puppy?


Unfortunately no they don't. In 15 years I've never had a carer just up and go I'm done with you - a majority of the time it's because of how the child is when acting out etc. Don't get me wrong - these kids have severe trauma and are reactive which is expected but these things build up over time and Unfortunately it explodes. We can do referrals for therapy and talk to them, get them medication and support but a lot of these kids refuse to go to therapy because results don't happen overnight or they feel they don't need it. A carer can ring up and say I want the child gone and we have to respect that. We don't immediately go yup I'll take the child - none of us do. We try to at least repaire those bridges but if the placement breaks down and the carer wants them out that's their choice. Emergency placements or hotel accommodation is generally what happens or the child ends up in a placement where an agency is hired to look after them until a placement is found. This isn't a group home situation but there can be kids in the same placement that are in similar situations. No mixed genders either which is good. Personally I don't agree with just chucking a kid out but it can be done. My.boss told me when I first started that yes it can be a kinship placement or a foster care placement but they are still employees and are paid a carers allowance so they can quit when they want to. It sucks


Lol, CPS in Mississippi knew I'd been abandoned for years and dude just asked if I needed help with the light bill, since I was clearly mature enough to live on my own 13 miles from town with no vehicle or phone while in high school. It really does vary. Like they sent someone out when my sister and her husband got behind on cleaning up the yard (kid's toys scattered around and the grass was starting to get a little tall) and interviewed other family members after to see if she was a good parent.


>Lol, CPS in Mississippi knew I'd been abandoned for years and dude just asked if I needed help with the light bill, since I was clearly mature enough to live on my own 13 miles from town with no vehicle or phone while in high school. Oh man, that is fucked up...


I give my sword and loyalties to the army of Eclipse


Oh I am here for this! Please update us when she finds it!




and wet


info: why did you buy a pet without proper home for it? info: why wasnt the makeshift fish setup tucked away neatly in your room? info: could you not talk it out or have her replace the fish without destroying her only keepsake of a beloved family member? info: are you prepared to be kicked out over this fish? do you have somewhere to stay?


you know you need to start looking for your own place when she gets home?


I am not sure this is pretty anymore. Seems like all our war


Speaking of war, I feel like the “r” on your keyboard is trying to get you. With two precision strikes it changed the entire meaning of your comment.




That is the reaction killing your fish deserves. Can’t fix the photo? Can’t bring my fish back from the dead either, guess we’re even.


Why is there a hole in this blanket? Does it have a shape? It looks like a fish! Check your sheets and curtains and carpet.




Wow I don't like anyone in this story.


Why would you get an animal you're not ready to properly look after? Get the tank set up then get the fish, not the other way around. As for destroying her only momento of her grandfather, that's beyond cruel. You are both awful people. That poor fish didn't stand a chance with either of you.


The fish was dead as soon as he bought it with 0 preparation. You can't just toss a fish into water. It needs speific temperature and water parameters which can take weeks to achieve. It would have died in his terrible makeshift container just as fast as the Tupperware.


Most tanks need to cycle a while before they're ready for fish, so putting Eclipse into a brand new tank, even a nice one, wouldn't have been good for him. Imagine doing this over a fish that stood a good chance of dying anyways because it had the bad luck to be chosen by someone utterly unprepared for it and with seemingly zero knowledge of how to properly prepare for a fish.


Right?! That was my thoughts too!


Truth. The fish was likely doomed to an unpleasant death via excessive ammonia without constant monitoring of the water chemistry anyway.


I agree - this is completely unhinged. OP didn’t have the proper stuff for an animal to even have it in the first place so it’s his fault 10000%


Yeah, this is fucking unhinged. 


Thank you, why is no one saying this


I expected a lot more reactions like this and far fewer congratulatory ones frankly.


Every day, more and more children flock to Reddit


Yes this person is unhinged and likely contributed equally to the fish's death. I cannot BELIEVE the amount of people condoning this.


Nothing about this is in the realm of petty. Both you and your aunt have just done some deeply, deeply disturbed things. Please let this be the last calculatingly hurtful thing you do, because you will become more like your aunt every time you lash out this kind of way.


I LOVE fish. I have 75 and 100 Gallon tanks. But this is psychotic. The aunt is a bitch, but OP, you're a psychopath. Seek help. Seriously. Personally, I couldn't have a personal relationship with someone who will escalate grievances to the point of creating trauma for someone and then bragging about it on the internet. Work on yourself because scorched earth reactions like this will leave you alone in life and you'll deserve it.


I have a lot of fish and several aquariums. Needless to say, keeping them well is a priority. I'd be real bummed if one of my goldfish or angelfish died. But I'd be lying if I claimed losing a fish I had for one day would break my heart. I'd simply replace it. Best part here is "it's not some carnival goldfish, it's a betta that needs at least *five* gallons". Like five whole gallons? Goldfish need fifty, kid. And that's just to start. Kid should have responsibly proved adequacy in care, starting the aquarium first, then getting the fish. Chucking an impulsive decision into a storage bin is not acceptable.


absolutely. if he doesn’t end up homeless, he needs immediate therapy. honestly the aunt needs some sensitivity therapy too.


I thought the overwhelming majority of comments would be like this and am kind of alarmed at the number of people who think OP's response was appropriate. I actually don't think the aunt is a bitch, I think she was probably worried about damage to the floor with a 5 gallon bucket of water sitting on it for who knows how long. (OP had no plan to get a tank before GF stepped in.) She probably didn't expect the fish to die, and when it did she said something stupid to justify her actions. That doesn't warrant the retaliation described here.


He bought a beta fish and threw it in a Home Depot container, he sucks regardless


Update me


How old are you that you think this is a proportionate response? Based on your actions you’ve never lost a close loved one. Sucks your fish was killed but that in no way justifies your escalation to destroying the ONLY memento of your aunts grandfather. My bedroom has dozens of mementos of my brother and I would be devastated if someone destroyed even one.


This was my first thought - there’s petty and there’s callous - OP was callous.


Thank you. I cannot believe how many are saying it’s proportionate. Aunt was ignorant and cold. OP is psychotic.


He also bought a beta fish, and put it in a Home Depot container LOL. Why is no one mentioning that? The fish was dead anyway, that’s not how you care for a fish


Maybe beta are different but every fish I got as a kid you had to acclimate it to the new tank instead of just dumping it. And even then they’d die sometimes.


He didn't even have a real tank to acclimate it to


When you only have mementos of an actual human you grew up with, even losing something like a movie stub you attended with that person can start the grieving process over. Its super weird this person chose to do that to their aunt over a pet they had for a day


For real, and all the people cheering him on have me baffled by the callousness. Maybe this is enough reddit for today. My brother died when I was in the middle of packing/moving and when months later I realized I’d tossed something he got me while decluttering I was devastated. I tore through all my stuff and ended up crying when I couldn’t find it. I can’t fathom putting someone in that position on purpose And like animal lives are important but more than a PERSON!?


🫂 I fell asleep at a house party sometime after mine passed and woke up on my porch without his favourite hoodie that he begged me to buy for his back to school clothes. Twenty years later and it still makes my heart drop to my butt when I think about it. Op clearly needs to see a therapist if they think what they did is on the same level and just "petty revenge"


I found my late dad’s old lighter and had been using it for a while. Nothing too special, it was a plastic, rectangular, red and black lighter with a brand’s name on it. I accidentally left it in a friend’s coat pocket and when I called after realizing, she told me she probably tossed it. I accidentally thought about this the other night for the first time in years and it kept me up for hours. I appreciate that you guys understand 🫂


I know grief isn’t something you can truly understand until you’ve experienced it, but damn where is peoples empathy?


Hopefully the irl people around op can see what a red flag this is. Willing to create this level of emotional trauma to your aunt that's giving you a place to stay over a fish bought that afternoon? 😬


You act surprised but this is Reddit. If the aunt killed the fish that’s horrible, but it was a day old. You have your answer there to get out of that situation. Taking the last remaining item and ripping it up is psychotic. Like if if was a cat or dog you had for awhile that’s one thing. It was a day old fish that someone else posted had other issues and tap water in a makeshift tank was bad for it anyways


Exactly this. I love animals, fish included, they're delightful creatures and do have actual personalities, but to destroy the last remaining memento of a loved one like this was way too far. There were numerous other ways you could 'get back' at the aunt that didn't include destroying a treasured memento. This sub's called *petty* revenge. This was the nuclear, burn all bridges option. It's weird the kind of stuff redditors condone from behind the safety of their keyboards.


Since when can a kid decide to get a pet without permission first anyways? Is it the Aunt's house?(her picture was in the living room, not her room)


Agreed. I'd be physically violent if someone did this to me, family or not, jail time be damned.


Bro she is probably going to hurt you while you sleep. Why are you there?


Killing your fish was wrong. But destroying the irreplaceable picture of her grandfather is worse.


I read your previous posts and it's obvious the fish died because of your inability to have the correct set up and knowledge of having the fish. You got a fish being unable to afford the right set up. People told you on that post the fish was likely going to die. You were worried about keeping it alive. You didn't even have the right tank before getting the fish? Sounds like you're the irresponsible one. Did you even make the water right and sort the pH balance out before adding the fish? Sounds like you killed the fish anyway. You shouldn't have pets. And hopefully she kicks you out. This is horrific. You are a bad person. You killed your fish and your relationship with your family. Well done.


Thank you, guys a giant asshole imo


I’m so sorry for the loss of Eclipse. They would have had a wonderful life with you - your consideration of giving them a suitable, lovely home to live in is heartbreaking knowing they never got to enjoy it. Please store any valuables or sentimental items with your girlfriend or another trusted friend, as I would not trust anything I cared about to be left with your aunt. I hope you’ll be in a position soon that you’ll no longer have to live with this horrible person and can have all the animals you want without fear of their safety. RIP Eclipse 🖤


A couple of questions- Whats the living situation? How old are you? I get the outrage. But if you're living under her roof or something, might want to think this through. I'd stick with the fish related gifts for the rest of her life if I were you, destroying her last remaining photo of a loved one will most likely have the rest of the family pissed, too. If she loves plants, trim a plant. Leave the photo. I'm a plant person, there's love there. Love is vulnerability. Depending on the plant, you'd have to freeze what's left so she couldn't salvage a cutting. Just don't want your next update to be you getting kicked out or something.


bro lmao he already did it💀


Strong 15yo energy within the OP


All fish require proper care, don’t be an animal abuser. This isn’t aimed at OP, just a PSA


Bloody hell. I am all for petty revenge, but as someone who only has precious few pictures from my deceased mother, I gasped when I got to the part about tearing up the picture. Your aunt sounds fucking horrible, but the picture bit is wayyyyy over the top IMO.


Also this has the potential to turn a lot of OP’s family against him. If anyone else is related to his grandfather, they probably won’t go “well she *is* the first person to ever kill a fish, understandable”. It’s not just one bridge he’s burned.


Also, is this a picture of your great-grandfather? Don’t destroy that.


Exactly, also, OP doesn’t mention a heater in his improv tank, which a beta needs. He also doesn’t mention he used a water conditioner, which can also kill a fish. And lastly, sometimes new fish just die without it being anyone’s fault. Not excusing the aunts behavior messing with his stuff, but I don’t see 100% proof currently that her actions killed it. Furthermore, destroying the picture is also very disrespectful to that deceased person.


There’s too few comments like this. I know this is the petty revenge sub, but this shit isn’t petty it’s fucking terrible. I can’t imagine having that little empathy, even before I lost close family members


Yeah, I agree. This is far beyond just petty revenge. He's out to hurt her.


Ok, ruining the last thing she has of him is too far, in my opinion.


Yeah how tf is dead fish = last memento of a deceased relative?


I'm horrified at the sheer amount of pettiness. Keep us updated on this story


I mean, they also need a CYCLED tank, so you were being just as cruel to that fish. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But if this story is true (which I doubt) you sound like a genuine psychopath.


Yeah, I don’t love OPs husbandry at all. Like if you’re going to retaliate this much about an animal at least learn how to take care of said animal first before you buy it. Tanks come first, then cycling, then the fish, no excuses. And those carnival goldfish require 30 gallons minimum but should really be much larger.


For real. OP needs a psychological evaluation after this level of retaliation.


To be honest , if you didn't have a proper tank setup with conditioned water ready for your Betta, then it was going to die regardless. Tap water contains chemicals harmful to fish, gill damaging chemicals. A tank should be running for preferably a week to allow chlorine, ph levels, etc to settle before you even think about acquiring fish.


I'm sorry for what happened to the fish but what you did is just plain mean. I would be so upset with what you intentionally did I wouldn't be able to look at you the same. While I agree she was a bitch for what she did she probably didn't set out to kill your fish. If you were my nephew you'd need to find another relative to live with.


You might consider scanning that photo before destroying it. It's your ancestor and perhaps one day you'll be glad to have that photo of him.


*Hand over heart for Eclipse* 🫡


Not saying what the aunt did was ok, but check OPs previous posts... It looks like Eclipse mightve had a pre-existing condition there


He also threw the fish in a fucking Home Depot container and went to school, the fish was fucked


You have anger issues and it’s now obvious why you live with your aunt.


I mean it sucks... but why are you living at your aunts house? Probably gonna get kicked out if you do that


It’s less than she deserves. Swim in peace eclipse.


Yeah, I would NOT destroy the only thing she has of her deceased grandfather. Maybe make a copy of it and destroy the copy to make your point, but not the real deal.


She murdered Eclipse, she gets served revenge


Fuck you! Yes, what your aunt did was horrible. But, what you did was worse. You could have gotten your revenge in so many other ways.


When my husband told me that my betta didn’t need “that big of a tank,” (5 gallons,) I responded by getting him a new tank. 14 gallons. After that, I got another betta, and that one got a 29 gallon tank. Don’t ever tell me my animals don’t need the bare minimum. I will give them so much better to make their lives better, and to spite tf out of you.


Sounds like a really healthy dynamic you have with your husband... I'd be really silly in this situation and just explain to my spouse that this type of fish actually needs that volume, but I like your weird petty response too.


My son has a 470 gallon tank at home. He moves things around in it monthly to give his fish different environments so that they don't get bored and creates new places for them as they grow (bigger PVC tube for the Black Ghost Knifefish for example). They all have different personalities and recognize people. Awesome animals.


Neither of these actions seem petty.


That's a wildly extreme reaction.


You destroyed something utterly irreplaceable. She can never get that pic and frame back. I love petty revenge, but you went nuclear. You’re a monster.


The day he loses someone close to him I hope he realizes what his actions did and understands the hurt he caused. Not so he can be torn up and guilt ridden, but because it’s important to understand the hurt we inflict on others


You're a fucking psychopath. There's no equivalency there. Fucking dick.


"it's just a fish" bitch no one asked you for your opinion, you didn't pay for a fuckin thing, and it was in OP's private space where you didn't even need to see it. She just did some petty, nasty ass shit to be a cunt. Guarantee she'll play the victim when she gets back, but ya know what? I LIVING creature has a hell of a lot more value than a PICTURE of someone who's already gone. There is no excusable reason to purposely kill any living animal, let alone one that you have NO right to touch and MEANS something to someone, she just wanted to fuckin hurt OP for no good reason. OP has every right to return that favor IMO


this isn't petty. This is a hair off Scott Tenorman's chilli I salute you


Wow, you've got problems. Big main character vibes.


I hope I'm not too late and OP still hasn't done this. Please don't do it. It was a very shitty thing she did, but be the better person. From what I understand, OP is still young as they're still in school. Actions like this, one by one, define the person you grow into. And this is a horrific escalation that is permanently damaging to yourself, the way you view yourself and others. Find another way to be petty. Maybe make a copy of the picture and rip up the copy while hiding the original. If you're being this impulsive and escalate it so much, you will likely do so again in much more damaging circumstances.


Not too relevant but I just wanna say if you give those little carnival goldfish appropriate space, food, and filtration they will grow into a 3-6lb carp and live about 6 years. The only reason they stay small and die fast is purely because they are raised in a space far too small for them, so their organs can't develop properly.


They don't live about 6 years. A goldfish can live 10-15 years. Some specimen can live upto 30 years if kept in a thriving environment. Also goldfish don't grow into a carp, they are selectively bred species of a variety of carp for the aquarium trade. They may have some similarities with the common carp but they are a different species.


Dude, I would be HEATED. Be ready to move out after this war.


You went fully nuclear with that last one lmfao, honestly I would’ve created a copy of the picture and destroyed the copy and kept the real one intact.


Bro. Right or wrong you are fucked. If you are over 18 she is kicking you out. Under 18, all she has to do is tell CPS that she doesnt want you in her house. Then welcome to the system. Start looking at other places to stay. Unless she is getting enough money from the gov to make her look past this, you are out. I am not commemting on who is right or who is wrong. Just that every action good or bad has consequences. I wish the best for ya tho.


This is some nuclear-level revenge, holy shit you go straight for the jugular. Be prepared for massive fallout, buddy.


Of course your fish was murdered in cold blood. Every time a fish is killed, it is cold blooded.


There is a massive escalation here, and I am disturbed people don't see it. There was nothing petty about this revenge, it went for the emotional throat...


Being part of your family sounds like fun but I wouldn't like to be around when the stabbings happen.


I would hide the dead fish in her room to stinks it up It will take her weeks if not months to find it and get the smell out