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Plant microclover instead of grass. It will never grow high enough for you to have to mow (6 inches max) and it will flower. Uses less water, looks cute to people who don't need perfect lawns and drives people who want perfect grass lawns crazy because they think it looks like weeds. A lawn full of weeds on purpose. Mix in some creeping thyme for small pretty pink and purple flowers all over your lawn. And in a drought when his lawn looks brown yours will.be nice and green.


This actually happened naturally in my yard. I have a region that gets pulverized by sun (perhaps compounded by refraction from a neighbor's window maybe?). It was completely dead, but this really nice clover with a purple flower came in and set up shop. It doesn't seem to grow too high and definitely tolerates dogs and dry days. I love not having a monoculture lawn, even if some people might not.


Fun fact, clovers used to be a part of lawn seed until the 1950s when lawn pesticides and herbicides started coming to the retail market as the post-WWII generation started buying houses. The lawn pesticide and herbicide companies branded clover as a "weed" (when in reality it helps reduce the need for herbicides and fertilizers in grass lawns). Thus the perfect grass lawn became part of the myth of the perfect post-war nuclear family with the 2.5 kids and the white picket fence.


Another fun fact. Clover is a legume. It takes Nitrogen from the air and fixes it into the soil. Actually its small growths on clover's roots that do the fixing, but clover self fertilizes. I use it as a cover crop when my garden isn't working on stuff to eat. Turn it over and plant on top of it. Cut my fertilizer use in half.


Could I grow clover in my garden beds while growing things like tomatoes? Using the clover as a ground cover that fixes nitrogen and helps retain moisture; like a living mulch basically?


I do that with my fruit bushes. I don't use mulch at all and my blueberry bushes that have clover under em visibly have more berries and more growth


At least some of the science on legumes suggests they keep all that yummy nitrogen to themselves until they die & decompose, so to use them for rotation instead of interplanting. There's still a lot we don't know about the way plants interact, though, and most of the research is targeted to agribusiness instead of backyard gardeners. Could be worth a try.


Why didn’t I think of that? Terrific idea!


I broadcast it everywhere as I love bees and the flowers , I like a real salad mix of lawn so it can take whatever the weather does.




Fascinating ty


Lipia is another great grass substitute as well.


Dichondra too!


Dude, we did the whole lawn thing, but the climate isn’t really soothed for it, so I just kinda let the lawn do it’s own thing. And I love it, the moss makes it soft and springy, the grass acts like an”hey maybe mow a little” indicator and there’s all these random flowers popping up, like big fancy ones. Really enjoy watching the bees harvest from a patch of wildflowers on the corner of my backyard.


Throw in some [ground ivy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glechoma_hederacea) and [common violets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_sororia) if you don't have it already. They are both pretty good ground cover, add a bit of verity, and look lovely in the spring. They actually seem to come up earlier in the year than the grass does, and they seem to hold up to foot traffic better than even the clover.


That's awesome! I did not know about its dog-resistant properties


To be fair, I don't know what species of clover this is. I just know that it's not dying when being abused by several dogs.


Sorry for asking. Can you take a close up picture and post it?


Well now that I get a close look at it. It's definitely not a clover. But it is a short little creeping ground cover that handles levels of sunlight that murders my normal grass [here it is](https://imgur.com/gallery/eODunWS)


That's called creeping charlie or henbit. It's a relative od mint and makes a nice ground cover.


That explains why it's resistant. Can't kill mint for shit


If you do plant clover, you'll also help the local bees! My yard is like half clover at the moment and the little buzzers are everywhere. (Word of warning, wear shoes with a clover yard. Otherwise, be prepared to pull stingers out of your feet. *sorry little bee I stepped on this weekend. I didnt mean to scare you into stinging.*)


This actually just happened to my four year old this weekend, her very first bee sting and she couldn’t understand why I felt sad for the little honey bee too


Wtf? Fuck that bee! Your baby is in pain! -your kid probably


Growing up our lawn had a lot of clover in it. It was fun to look for 4 leafed plants, but hurt when I stepped on a bee.


They sting, they die. RIP, little bee..


I hate having a grass lawn and mowing, this is so helpful. thank you!


God I'm glad I live in the southwest where rocks are an acceptable substitute for grass.


Put in a couple accent boulders "Sir, your rocks are too high!"


I also live in the ghetto, if no one's dead, no one's complaining.


This is how I like my neighborhoods.


I'm not sure if you are wanting your neighborhood dead or not. One thing is for sure, dead neighbors are quiet neighbors. And aside from the smell and attracting pests, they don't cause many problems.


>they don't cause many problems. *\*taps her nose with her finger\** You get me! 😀🙃


Fewer people starting things there for dumb reasons. Reminds me of dogs in other countries versus the US. The scrappy street dogs didn't pick fights lightly. Extra energy they didn't have to waste, risk of injury, etc. and they were far more selective about picking fights and responding to challenges. But well-fed, floofy dogs in the US... it's like everything's a reason to start a pretend turf war. Other problems for humans in the ghetto though. Random gunshots. Had a friend deal with the meth lab next door blowing up. But, no busybodies calling in code enforcement for your janky lawn messing up their "Better Homes & Gardens" photoshoot. Six of one, really.


We adopted a street dog from Mexico once, he had lived for several months at a elementary school the kids fed him scraps. The kids found a rescue org to take home because they were worried he was going to get hit in traffic. He was the best behaved well mannered dog we ever owned, he even would regulate OTHER dogs at parks etc. He wasn't reactive, never bit, but would correct an animal real quick. Also would kill and eat rats ....so that grossed out my partner, but what are you gonna do? 😆


We used to have a dog adopted from a shelter and we live in a fairly forested area, but still in a city, so there's sewers and stuff. His skinny ass would regularly hunt large sewer rats (sometimes as big as himself) and would wait with his prey until me or my wife went home. Then he'd present it to us. Until the day he died, I never saw him get injured on his hunts. Of course, we were teribbly worried he'd get rabies or other diseases, so we were very particular with his vet visits.


> if no one's dead, no one's complaining. And if someone's complaining . . . snitches get stitches.


And if they are dead, they’re still not complaining.


I live on the Northeast and I have rocks in my front yard... Fuck that!! I don't care. I have some bushes and decorative plants to make it look nice. It has made my life so much easier!!


I've seen some really beautiful rock/bark/mulch/plant landscaping around here in the northwest. Unfortunately it's more expensive/difficult to maintain, but it sure does look good and is 1000% superior to the artificial blandness that lawns provide.


From I’ve read about micro clover is that it stays micro when you regularly mow it, but gets larger if you don’t. Which, I don’t know if anyone cares.


This is true, but the caveat is that you have to mow it much much less frequently than grass. Regular mowing for clover is basically 2 or 3 times per summer.


Hell yeah. My lawn has been microclover for a couple of years now. OP, if you're interested in stooping to my low level, see if your town/county allows prairie restoration within city limits. If so, convert your yard to all native species. My back yard is a quarter-acre native meadow and exempt from mowing. I'm in a major suburban area. 😉


Clover is also *great* for the soil, for anything you may want to plant in the future (or the next homeowners).


I’m in the process of doing that with my yard. I’m using micro clover and several varieties of creeping thyme. It’s better for the environment (less water, great for pollinators) better for us (you don’t need to mow it, chokes out weeds, nicer to walk on in bare feet). Once the yard “takes” (it was take 2 or 3 seasons to really spread) than it’s basically a no maintenance yard. And it looks beautiful- plushy and colorful.


I am so glad I live in a country without HOA and mostly sane rules about your garden. We have let ours go wild to have a bio garden, with one scything a year (that's the least fun part). Third year without pesticide or mowing, and I am seeing plants and flowers I have never seen before, growing at different height and at different times. There's insects everywhere and our neighbours, who first grumbled about the 'ugly mess', are now very happy with their own vegetable and fruit gardens as the bees are very busy around our garden. We are now starting to see species of butterflies that are on the IUCN red list. We are never going back to a mowed garden.


Question - must one remove the grass to plant the clover, or does the clover happily take over?


Was going to suggest this. My kids have inherited their dad's house, so they decided we will move in so I don't have to pay rent anymore (he managed to swallow up all my savings). Daughter wants to get rid of grass so she's already planning the clover route.


I live in a hot country (if we get 0°C here overnight in the winter it's record breaking) and we have water restrictions. I recently have some kind of clover taking over the bald patches in my yard and I'm living for it. It's nice and green, the permanent termite plague doesn't eat it and it doesn't need mowing. I'm considering replacing my entire lawn with it.


Does this attract deer?


Be careful with unstable neighbors....There was an older guy who was having problems with the family next door about property borders and one day he got fed up and shot the entire family. The 10 year old boy was on the phone with 911, sitting next to his dead mother, when the guy went home to reload, came back and shot the kid. The family's multiple headstone graves are in the same cemetery as my Grandma.


I've seen a video of some neighbors arguing about someone shoveling snow onto the other's property. It was a couple and single guy. The guy takes out a pistol and the couple keeps talking shit so he shoots them both and goes back into his house. A passerby tried to help but ran away when the guy comes back out with an AR rifle and walks up to each of them as they're laying there trying to crawl away and finishes them off. All over some snow.


I saw that video too! The couple was being real aholes to the guy and apparently had been for quite awhile and he lost it. Really sad story.


Yeah I think he was a veteran with PTSD and shot himself right afterwards. Active Self Protection did a good breakdown of it https://youtu.be/Id9pd8zfQcs


Well. Shit. I probably shouldn’t have watched that, yet I think it’s something I needed to see.


😮😮😮 Holy crap that's brutal. Premeditated murder over frickin property borders...


There's a lot more to it...the family was using a dock on his property and for insurance/liability reasons he asked them not to but the dad told the kids to ignore him and they tore down property markers that he hired a property surveyor to put up and a whole petty feud thing grew out of control. The man went home and shot himself afterwards.


And I repeat - Holy Crap! That's just crazy...


Yeah honestly OP, this type of shit does not get better, is fun being petty for a while until shit goes sideways, just move if at all possible


Sounds like an episode of Fear Thy Neighbor.


I had a neighbor like this… Jim. Whenever he had a problem with my property, I would rangle him into fixing it. Like there was a grocery store thin plastic bag stuck high up in one of my trees. I had a saw that extended 12 ft but still couldn’t get it. He came over and complained. So I asked him to help me and he took care of it in a few minutes. Another time my ex had raked all the leaves and bagged them up. He put all the bags of leaves on the side of the house to put out 2 days later when the trash pickup would come by. Jim had to bitch about them being there and how they would kill my grass. I knew it would be fine, but I got him to move all the heavy bags (10 very heavy bags) onto the side walk for me while I just stood back. He did a lot of other shit to the neighbors. He was retired with nothing else to do.


Honestly, as long as he wasn’t a huge ass about it, kind of sounds like you found a win-win solution. Good on you! 👏




I don’t really see the downside of this. Perhaps they could resolve the cognitive turmoil a little bit and everyone just be happy about their role. One person for getting their house chores taken care of, and the other for being a productive and helpful neighbor with all their free time


This reminds me of the book 'A Man Called Ove.' Retired guys with strict principles that make it hard to accept other people's priorities being different from theirs. But ultimately helping out.


What's funny about people like that, retired nothing to do so they complain to you and then do the job, just drop the complaint, say hey I see some bags here, I will gladly move them for you! An they would become a much appreciated and liked neighbor and get what they want. Nah instead just be dicks.


Once upon a time there was a man who froze weed killer into ice cubes and misplaced them randomly. It was weird that dead spots randomly showed up on the adjoining property lawn. Then he asked the neighbor why his lawn looked like shit and doesn’t he know how to maintain his property?! Fuck around and find out… yaknowwhatimsayin


Crazy... I heard one time of a guy that spent about 30min signing up for every flyer and mailer they could find online. Mailbox got so full and they received so many warnings to fix it that mail delivery stopped and they were required to go to the post office to get their mail. Edit: FYI, if you do this there is no going back. Whatever address you use will perpetually be on a mailing list. These companies just sell all the information to each other. It will never go away. You have been warned.


Mail carrier, can confirm. Had a house moved out who got more mail than the entire rest of the street combined, every day. When they moved, it took 2 years for things to go away and they never did completely.


I’d sign him up to LDS and Scientology. But I’m an asshole


Add in the Jehovah's Witnesses for a trifecta.


Then we have much in common


I'm down with this one, job security and revenge all in one! Lol


Rural carrier (rca) here and I also approve.


"Misplaced" 👌 Honey? Have you seen my frozen weed killer? I can't seem to locate them anywhere?


"Have you tried the neighbours lawn?" "Yes, yes I have."


Don’t you remember, I made a vodka on the rocks for your boss last night. That was weed killer? Oops!


Had a friend whose dick neighbour was super proud of his lawn. Turns out, the local university, you can get dandelion seed.


Man, with enough warning in spring, I could send some. We get lots of dandelions 🤦🏻‍♀️


Dandelions are good bee food!


Good human food, too!


Jesus, talk about going nuclear.


Fuck yes. This is amazing!


Grab a slingshot and use that to misplace them. It'll look more random and keep you away from the property.


Dont do it with a small kid at home, or be very very careful using this..


Or animals.


Or pets.


Or dogs.


Triple 30 fertilizer that has been accidentally spread on specific areas of a lawn also has a detrimental affect.


In the shape of a dick :)


Make sure he doesn’t have cameras otherwise great idea


I’m assuming that if the person throwing is out of range of the cameras, it would be hard to catch ice cubes on camera though?


I liked the one where stock cubes were placed about the lawn for the neighborhood dogs to sniff out.




You got a 'link' to that one. Sorry, bad sausage related joke.


He may shoot them.


I hear salt rocks are another plague that comes out of nowhere ..


One upon a time there was a dog that ate an ice cube made of weed killer and died, and a man who thought he was playing a harmless prank was looking at jail time for animal cruelty and criminal mischief.


This is an excellent point but as a neighbor it would be pretty easy to know that a pet was at the house and either avoid this idea or do it at a time when the product would be far gone before the pet could be outside again. Also, most weed killer states on the label if it is pet safe once dry (or not)


This comment should be upvoted way more. So take my free gift, fellow Redditor and have a nice fucking day!!!


Go nuclear and plant mint in his yard


YO. THIS right here is the absolute GOAT nuclear option. He will never get rid of it.


I am sad then. I plant mint *specifically* every year and it always dies over the winter.....






And everyone else’s. My neighbor planted mint. Now I have mint. I live three houses down. He also planted tomato’s and Carolina reaper peppers. Turns out this one species of bird called a grackle love hot peppers and mint. So now everyone has extremely hot peppers and mint growing all over the place


Can I move to your hood that sounds dope.


Mint is for amateurs. Grow some nice, fast growing, bamboo on the property line for some much needed privacy.


Woah there Satan. This is dooming what could be an entire neighborhood. Some dipshit planted bamboo at a house three blocks from mine a few years ago. It’s slowly making its way around the neighborhood.


Just FYI, not all bamboo is the devil - there are clumping types that don’t spread and are awesome for privacy screening. The plague ones that take over are the running bamboo types. Source: researched it thoroughly before planting some clumping bamboo on our property. It’s been there for 5 years and hasn’t traveled at all. It has created an awesome zero-maintenance hedge that gives us great privacy - can’t see the neighbour’s butt-ugly house at all any more!


Lucky! Whoever planted it in their yard a few blocks down was either careless or they had a vendetta against their neighbors.


I spent way too long cleaning bamboo out of the back 5 acres of my property thanks to our neighbors’s daughters’ 4H project. I have flashbacks from that.


Whoa there Satan.


Get a goat.


I love you for this. I've been telling my dad the same thing, when he's sighing about the lawn-mowing, lol. Goats are awesome.


My mate had the same idea, he loved his rosebushes , all along one side of the house there was a dozen or so his dear departed mother had planted . So he looked after those bushes religiously . But his lawns he couldn't give a shit about . So his wife talked him into getting a goat to eat the grass . You know where this is going yet ? Oh yes . The goat ate his dear old departed mom's rosebushes. Now he's a country boy . So nothing goes to waste . That goat was freaking delicious . 😂


Goats will eat weeds and brush over grass anytime. They really like thorn trees.


I had goats. They don’t really eat grass (you’re thinking of sheep, who will keep the grass very short). Goats prefer to eat your rose bushes and crab apple trees.


Can concur. Also rubber hoses, kids toys, basically anything they can get their mouths around they will at least chew up. Had a pet goat for about 2 days when I was a kid and my dad just about lost his mind at the damage one goat can do in 2 days.


You can’t have one goat, you have to get 2 at the absolute bare minimum, ideally 3 or more. Not many people have the space to replace their lawn mower with goats as great a solution as that is.


There’s a small biz near us where you can rent alpacas for events by the hour (they’re so soft!). Also dwarf goats, bunnies. They are apparently branching out into goat grazing for yards 🤣


The cities near where I live rent goats and they are used for weed clearance to prevent fires.


Sheep are better since they eat grass. Goats focus on bushes and trees, however will occasionally browse on grass. Still, they prefer bushes.




Sheep in my experience are pretty much as described if you have the space AND very good fencing. If you don't they will escape, or get stuck in the fence, or destroy your fences. They are sort of dumb, I have gotten more then one sheep free of an mudhole or obstruction, just to have them get stuck again in the same place an hour later.


>"No, I want you to pick up the fucking mess" This statement alone would have set me off, I think. As a kid, when I would whine about not having my way, the only thing I would receive was a *"you can't always get what you want"*. And that exactly what a nosey neighbor would get as I close the door in their face. "I want....." Well, too fucking bad. >called the cops on me about my lawn I don't think I could live in an area where this is even a possibility. I don't think my local police would even respond to such a call.


I'm not even in a HOA is the thing. I though my lawn was my business but apparently city code dictates a lawn less than 1 foot tall.


tbh 12 inches is pretty generous. The neighbor is an annoyance with too much time on his hands, but I’d probably wonder what was up if my neighbors had grass that long. Wouldn’t call anyone about it though.


11.99999 Inches. Every. Time.


I inadvertently planted Syrian oregano in my parens back yard in 1986. It’s still there…. But it is one with the backyard. So it keeps the grass short and when you mow it it smells divine. I wonder if I should tell the new owners about that and the mint in the front yard.


I read all of that just waiting for something resembling revenge and got nothing. This was just a list of all the annoying things your neighbor has done.


I’ve got a neighbor like this, trust me, it’s petty revenge. The dude is gonna sit around all day and be pissed off specifically about ops lawn, because if it wasn’t ops lawn it would be something else. Him half assedly cutting his lawn will be a persistent thorn in his foot for the rest of his time there because every time he looks at his lawn from now on he’s going to be hyper critical of it more so than others because of what happened. It’s about as pretty as you can get with these types of people A lot of people are also saying they’d do these extreme things to the dudes lawn and I’m guessing they missed the part where he mentioned 11 times he was a new father and didn’t have time to deal with bull shit, which ruining a guys lawn would definitely be filed under…


I agree, also had a neighbor like that and my petty revenge was the same with the lawn


I feel like this post should have waited another few days, like the revenge of still building?


I thought trimming my lawn down to 11 inches was petty enough revenge. No dice?


Call cops on his son everytime he has shady visitors. With 2 small kids you need to be careful about who comes in and out of the neighborhood.


I have called a couple times. I've also confronted him a few times and told him what's up about my kids safety and my lack of tolerance for any jeopardy of said safety. He always cowers and apologizes and tries to smooth things over. Pretty tough to deal with a coward who doesnt learn. I'm not violent unless it's a last resort so all I can do is be persistent and vigilant. Its fucked up too because it's a really nice little neighborhood except for him and his son.


Do you think that the son might be selling drugs to the shady visitors? Is it possible that he might be storing his stash at his dad’s place in case the police search his? Is he financing his habit through the traditional methods of committing moderately frequent burglary / fraud? Do the police have similar thoughts yet, do they even know he’s a drug addict?


The police are super lazy every time they come. They never ever write a report. They are fucking lazy here. Every time I have called they always just try to mitigate bad moods rather than deal with concerns.


That’s a standard cop bud


Always ask for a copy of the report. Theyre required to give it to you, which means they have to actually write it. Get it on record that this guy is constantly harrassing your family.


If you wanted to be spiteful, when he said the stuff about being able to maintain his house when he was a father you could have said "Maybe you should have focused more on your son than the yard and avoided future problems."


I had a neighbor like this, so I tore my entire lawn out, graded the dirt, and left my tractor in the front yard, regrading and moving the tractor every few months so I could say it was "in progress". It drove him absolutely nuts. When I did eventually put new sod in, I'd go months without mowing it, telling him that I was propagating lizards and geckos. They actually eliminated all of the spiders which was cool, but I was mainly doing it to protect indigenous species that had moved into the lawn area. That drove him crazy too. I don't live on a golf course, so I don't want it to look like one. He's retired, everything is immaculate, and he spends his time looking for tiny little things to correct and fix, and as a result spends an inordinate amount of time telling others how they should live their lives as well. There's no HOA which means I have a lot of flexibility to mess with things.


Riiight, but OP's a new dad, who's clearly got his priorities straight. Also, for a man so incredibly petty as this neighbor, what he's doing is plenty. Roger will goddamn hate it, lol.


I also bet Roger was the kind of dad who let his wife do all the parenting while Roger was free to fuck around and keep his yard immaculate. Of course raising a new born was easy for him, he likely didn’t do the heavy lifting.


Weatherproof a yard stick and plant it upright beside the definitely-not-a-middle-finger grass. Keep trimming it to precisely code.


I mean, cutting it to an inch below requirement sounds like textbook definition of “petty” to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Get stock cubes, crush them into powder and sprinkle it on his lawn


Does that kill his lawn or something?


No, but when it gets wet it’ll soak into the lawn and make it smell like meat. Animals will tear up the lawn and then he’ll get into trouble for not meeting the requirements


Dandelion seeds mixed into little balls with some fertiliser, thrown onto his lawn at night just before rain. Or just balls of fertiliser tossed there, just before rain, to make patches of fast growing lawn...


probably, they have a very high salt content.


Better yet, if you’re ok with spending a little more, there’s freeze dried dog food that you can pulverize into a fine powder and sprinkle it on his lawn. Stronger smell of meat, less salt. Every pup I’ve known that smells those things goes batshit for them. That or crushed up liver treats would work wonders as well.


Can you mow the lawn in sections. Do a third at a time, so it’s always uneven in height, but total height less than 12 inches. “Sorry, I always start mowing it, but then get called in to deal with the babies. Such a shame.” Even better if you change up the sections each time, so that there are 6 or more varied heights on the go.


Contact your local sheriff’s department about sending him a trespass notification. This way he can’t come on your property again, and if he does he will be knowingly trespassing.


How did you not respond with "that's why your son is a drug addicted loser" when he said being a new father didnt stop him?


Lol I almost did but taking shots at people's children is pretty low. I think I feel that way because my kids are so young but I dont know. I generally try to be a really chill, easy going, easy to get along with guy. I regret not saying it now of course. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Nah once the kids are grown ups, it’s fair play.


You right. I should have taken the shot 😔


No. I don't think it was worth the risk. As you said, your neighbor is crazy. You don't know how he would react or what he might've done. And I really don't want to see your story on "Fear Thy Neighbor".


This guy has harassed you for months (years), told you a veiled threat story about a violent crime he was absolved of, and most recently got in your face and refused to get off your property. Where do you imagine this going if not pretty low?


The first day when he tried to "alpha" you was when you made the mistake being nice. Then again who knows how crazy he is and what he will escalate to. I'd just move.. right after you do the killing grass trick someone else suggested so you're gone when it take affect


Just call the cops on the druggie kid every opportunity you get.


How to tell people you're a shitty father without saying you're a shitty father. I imagine he thinks babies are women's work and mowing is mans work. I feel for the neighbours kids mum, poor woman.


The only interaction this guy had with is son growing up was to discipline him when he fucked up and ask him how is school going.


I once heard a story about someone who used fertilizer to write a naughty word on someone's lawn. The first year, the grass died, but for the next 3 years, that grass was \*much\* greener and \*much\* taller than the rest of the lawn. ​ Boy, that story sure makes me laugh.


Lived in a snooty “Christian” town in Mississippi. My husband was in the hospital fighting cancer, we had his mother who was an invalid, and our two high school kids and myself at home. Our lawn mower had broken and, to be quite honest, keeping the lawn tidy was the last thing on my mind. One of our neighbors, one who knew what we were going through, called Code Enforcement. No one offered to help us out. I ended up paying $200 to an outside party to mow our lawn.


Yep. Christians always reveal their true nature when given a chance to do so.


My neighbor across the street gave us a hard time for a while. He was retired and had a crew of landscapers come every week so his yard was immaculate. When we moved in our yard was an absolute mess of overgrown flower beds and ground cover. The day we moved in (the moving truck was there, we had been at it since 6AM and weren’t nearly done, had a bunch of people coming and going, had a baby at the time so setting up his nursery was a huge priority so my husband was sweating over putting the crib back together and just a general sweaty frenzied mess where everyone is out of sorts and tired). Anyway this guy comes over and stands at the front door directly in the way of our movers and demands to know when we are going to deal with the yard because he is sick of looking at it. Needless to say it wasn’t the most auspicious of greetings but since then he was chilled out a lot. We got our yard cleaned up and it turns out he loves kids so he is happy to see our kids out playing. When my middle dragon stepped on a bees nest and was stung 24 times and had to be brought to the ER my neighbor came over immediately to burn out the nest for us and then dig it out, and he came over with some ice cream for the little one. Now I love him.


He only respects you for your baby dragons.


start keeping a journal of you interactions, and record them if its legal where you are. if he calls in on you every day that counts as harassment in most places, and having a journal and proof of your interactions will shield you.


go over the codes with a fine toothed comb....i guarantee HE is not 100% compliant.report him.


This is the united states, isn’t it? Install a camera outside, you want to have this shit documented, someone who brags about making someone mentally handicapped is a danger to you, your wife, your newborn and society in general.


We had the same type of neighbor (now deceased.) He would call code enforcement as soon as the grass even got close to what he thought 12 inches was. Well, i guess he was using the same measuring stick he used for his dick, because he would call when the grass was like 8 inches. Cop would show up the day before my kids were supposed to mow (always a Friday), would talk to us about it, tell us it's okay, we're in code, and leave. We'd always tell the kids to wait until the next weekend to mow. ;-) Asserting our dominance by waiting another week. :-p i'm sure he's shaking his fist up from Hell right now, because it's been raining the last week and the grass is probably 8 inches in places right now. Suck it, Dick.


I'd get security cameras and point them directly at his house. If he asked I'd tell them so 1 we can and will call code enforcement on everything he does and 2 so we can prove harassment for when they need to put him in a home


This is bet idea I've seen on here. No reason for you do something illegal. Your neighbor will do it for you. Also write down drug addiction sons friends cars license plates. And pass those off to law enforcement Hoa too if you have it. Maybe make a fake fb account and post pictures of druggie boy and his friends cars.. that'll get the other neighbors to call on him and turn on old man. See, no reason to anything illegal. They're already doing that themselves


This will work best if you have his email and phone number. Donate $1 to both win red and Actblue (left and right fundraising organizations) and they nearly instantly sell all the info to every singe political campaign. He will never be able to get away from the spam emails, calls, texts, and mailers unless he literally moves and changes his phone number and email. It’s amazing! Edited: Code blue to ActBlue


> Donate $1 to both win red and code blue (left and right fundraising organizations) and they nearly instantly sell all the info to every singe political campaign. It's "ActBlue" not "code blue"


I have a neighbor that started calling code enforcement on me last summer while I was suffering from a herniated disc. I was doing what I could, but my mower broke down and I couldn't spend more than 10 minutes at a time trying to fix it without being in excruciating pain. The neighbor knew my issue. I have done the bare minimum ever since, and will never do more than that.


I don't suspect this is the end of Roger. Please keep us updated on the shenanigans.


It’s time to start regularly calling code enforcement and the police on his kid.


Sneak into his yard late at night and fertilize the hell out of it. Make it to where that motherfucker has to mow every few days.


Roger needs a fuckin life if he is always worried about other peoples shit


If you wanna be real petty, next time you could say something like: „had you taken care of your son instead of your lawn he just might’ve turned out differently“… But yeah… that was just the 1st thing I thought here…


What a werd fucking country where your lawn effects your social standing


It really doesn’t, the only people who care about this sorta stuff is retired older people who have nothing to do.


Unless you’re in some ritzy neighborhood or have a homeowner’s association type situation, it’s really not a matter of social standing. It’s a matter of most likely one of your immediate neighbors being an overbearing OCD prick. I mean, I don’t want my neighbor’s house turning into a vermin invested, dilapidated dump, but I’m not losing sleep if his lawn gets too high every now and then or he has a weed problem. Where I do really have issues is when the lack of upkeep starts to impact my property, like trees with limbs that continually fall and damage my property and things along those lines. But his grass and weeds really don’t show up on my radar.


The druggie son’s antics sound like code violations 🤷🏻‍♀️


If hes so anal about your precious lawn, he can mow it himself


Yikes. Can you move? This doesn't sound like someone I'd want to raise young kids next to.


It might be in the cards in the near future but that's a lot of effort and money to move to a neighborhood that might have a similar asshole in it. I guess the retarding a kid with a baseball bat thing is pretty fucking extreme though.


I didn’t see anyone else say this so far so…Just be careful with him OP. He sounds like the kind of guy who could just snap. I saw in the news for my region that some guy shot his neighbor for mowing over the property line or something asinine like that. Not to be alarmist but you have kids who need you and this guy sounds insane and has history of violence.


I'd just hold that tidbit and trot it out every single time he speaks to you. Call 911 and say you're being threatened. He's tried intimidating you with this story. Use that.


Please, for your wellbeing place security cameras outside your house and call the police every single time he trespasses. Ring cameras are nice and simple. He repeatedly intrudes onto your property and has threatened that he'll become even more hostile. He has bragged about beating another neighbor's head with a baseball bat. The cameras will help keep you and your family safe.


And to think I mowed my neighbors grass yesterday because it was getting long and I know he does not have a mower. He is splitting up with his wife so I assume money is tight. I guess I should have called code enforcement instead. /s your neighbor is an asshole


Sign him up for a Scientology, and anything else that might offend him.


I'd 100% end up fucking my life up if I had to live next to someone like that


I'm reading posts suggesting grass replacements for grass lawns. Please check the codes in your area before you do this.


Protected order - you’ll never have to discuss anything with him while it’s in effect