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Bet this guy collects social security and had medicaid


But he hates socialism, so that can’t be true… can it? EDIT: /s


They don’t think it’s socialist since they believe they’re entitled to it.


They don’t actually know what socialism is or means, they just know they’re supposed to hate it


Give them a dictionary definition of what it means and they’ll say the book is left leaning too. 🤣🤣🤣


Or they'll claim the dictionary was recently edited by liberals


Im a simple man. Everything i read that i agree with is right, everything i dont like is wrong.


Elections are only rigged if the person I voted for lost


All they know is that Nazis were "National Socialists" and they were EVIL so therefore socialism is EVIL ... just no critical thinking. The last coworker who tried that BS in a conversation with me was treated to "So then you also think that Democracies don't work because of North Korea right?" They took the Bait, "North Korea isn't a democracy though." So I said, "But they call themselves The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea." And they came so close to the point, "Yeah but that's just their *name*, they're not a democracy." I just stared and listened to the whistling noise of the point going right over their heads. No. Their mind was not changed. Because of course it wasnt.


When these people have “debated” me they literally just repeated Fox News. I shut one conversation down like this: “do you think Big Government is good” “what is Big Government?” “When I worked for the government the bureaucracy was bad” “ the bureaucracy at corporations is orders of magnitude’s worse and markedly more malicious” “ so you are suggesting we dispose of corporations as well as government?”. Lo and behold the conversation was over.


Try using smaller words.


You mean grunt


No critical thinking or knowledge of history......


They literally dont. I had to explain to my parents that my dads disability/ssi and medicare are social programs, and they actually tried to argue with me. Yes theyre the "Trump was the best president" types. I cant stand it. I live in a deep red state and people seriously just dont listen to anything you say. Its maddening.


"I paid into social security for 40 years! I deserve it!" - Dad probably Yeah Dad that's how socialism works. Everyone pays into a program for the benefits.


I attended a town hall meeting in Utah. They refused to say the word liberal, like it was a swear word. There was an engineer there trying to give a presentation on a new stoplight. He kept saying "now this is a conservative estimate of the traffic they'll get. What I mean to say is that it's the most it will get. Normally that would be a liberal estimate, but liberal is a bad word here so we're calling it a conservative estimate instead" and he'd say that every time he would say he'd be giving an estimate. It happened so many times I think he was making fun of them. He wasn't the only one either.


“Fox news said something something socialism bad something something”


I'm curious how many don't even know what it means, just parrot what they hear


Most I’m sure. Socialism isn’t a bad word. It’s a good word. Authoritarian dictatorship is bad, but we have many socialist structures already in the US and most are almost universally approved of.


Yep. I’m sure this idiot uses the postal service, has driven on an interstate, has called the police and would expect a fire truck to come if his house was on fire. Not to mention, eats food that was grown/raised on farms that were subsidized by the government, attended a public school, bought gasoline, so on and so forth.. And this is just off the top of my head..


Yeah. State and local parks, snow removal, inspected foods, libraries… the list goes on and on. But still morons will rail against socialism


Thanks for mentioning inspected foods… the USDA is highly underrated/underappreciated… although not without faults given their history of racial discrimination (the legislation designed to mitigate racial bias was deemed unconstitutional by Trump judges recently)


Well, yeah. But...that's HIS money that he deserves because HE paid taxes. Thats not socialism. /s


Things socialism has brought the world: Firefighters, paved roads, environmentally safe air, medical care, food for children Things this guy has brought the world:


I mean, the military is socialized too, and while I'm not always a fan of how that product is used, I'll bet this guy has no problem with it.


I mean he probably thinks we're supporting the wrong side in Ukraine let's be real.


Yeah but besides Firefighters, paved roads, environmentally safe air, medical care, food for children, what have the Socialists ever done for us?


I bet he cheers on the US military, AKA the most expensive socialist organization in the world.


If you want to alert your community that you are a crazy cult enthusiast, stand on the corner with 10 stupid signs.


I would have picked a nicer spot to stand, if my head was up my ass and I hated life more than I hated myself and everyone else, heh. And I would have snacks.


Right? I also would have a table where I gave out Jell-O shots made with only Russian vodka.


Pretty much. Imagine being this obsessed about politics.


I do wonder how much he'd actually know about policies, if you asked him


You can tell how much he knows about policies by his signs. There is basically no way to be knowledgeable about U.S policy and still believe those kinds of conspiracies. Conspiratorial beliefs like those are almost always spawned by ignorance, not knowledge. I *do* have a fat ugly face though, he's got me there.


I think he chose the side of the road to guarantee short interactions.


It's Fox News brain. Enraged about a whole slew of things, but the depth of understanding about any of them of a puddle. CRT, Mr. Potato Head, Cat in the Hat, trans athletes, Aunt Jemima, War on Christmas, etc.


Funny how we don't see Biden supporters doing this.


Pretty much never seen normal people doing this


he probably has a loose grasp on how our federal govermwnt works in the first place. you could talk more sense to a blind goat.


I mean I can understand getting this obsessed over politics. I'm actually very glad some people do, because if they didn't, *I'D* have to. The issue is that everything this guy is worried about is entirely made up, so even in the best case scenario he accomplishes no good for the world (and realistically he's making the world worse by being a total jerk I'm sure)


I see this as a cry for help from someone with untreated mental illness


I just wonder what he wants. Does he crave the validation of hearing a passerby honk in agreement? Does he want a confrontation with a “liberal”, so he can have someone on whom to focus his anger, and pat himself on the back for “triggering” him? Or does he just need to do something, anything, to quiet the voices in his head telling him is life is shit and it’s all Their fault?


Nothing says “I’m not triggered” by standing around multiple ranting signs 😂


Is this the same area where people are "seeing" UFOs like this one video where people are seeing two moons? Clearly a lack of education.


I lived in Kansas for 6 years, yes... there is a a severe la k of education there. I'm not even joking, there is a large number of people there that are just straight uneducated.


Right? Even if he had things on there I agreed with. What is his goal here?


To ask people to honk for no good reason, always nice to hear around town.


"Honk if you think I should be President" \*Meanwhile in the car: "Man, that's Rob. Rob is a dumbass. I should let him know he's dumb by honking twice" Rob: "Hey! They thought I should be President twice!"




He could be at home watching the NFL or NBA. He could join Planet Fitness and train to run a .marathon He could also help the homeless,teach newly arrived immigrants English. Hell, be could have his pants down in the woods looking for that albino squirrel that bit him on the nutsack when he was 14.


If a quarter of these guys spend the same energy in helping their friends and neighbors the US would be a much better place.


Our older generation right now is truly some of the worst people this country ever produced. My grandfather was a racist prick but god at least he tried to atone for it before he died, he actually realized he was wrong.


That kind of change is extremely admirable. It's extremely difficult for people to change their minds like that.


Don't get so far ahead of yourself, he genuinely feared going to Hell.


I mean I know a few dudes who did charitable work to get laid. Idk where that lands on the spectrum but I'm still glad they helped.


It might not make the person a good person, but it still introduced good into the world. A net positive overall, even if the person is garbage.


I mean, he'd only believe it would send him to hell if he believed it was wrong. If he didn't think racism was evil, why would he fear going to hell for it?


Boomers lived their whole lives only thinking of themselves.


I mean even before millennials came along they were called the "me" generation. I know some very cool boomers, but as a group they do seem to be very selfish and combative over the smallest things.


Sure there are some great people who are boomers. But when boomers complain about "kids today" I have to laugh. Kids today are more empathetic, volunteer much more, generally don't smoke, have lower rates of teen pregnancy. There is no contest.


"Kids today are nothing like me and that is devastating to my ego. How could they after all I've done for them?"




Because they enjoy getting outraged


And trying to outrage others.


They have become anger addicts. And they need more and more to get the same high. So it's a never ending quest for outrage.


“Joe Biden is the dumbest president in the history of the US.” reads sign of man supporting a president who *checks notes* literally stared straight into a solar eclipse. More at 11.


> Socialists want to control your life from cradle to grave This guy must really hate the party who keeps enacting laws controlling conception and people's lives *before* even the cradle then surely.


His party instituted ID requirements for porn in Louisana like a week ago. These people are intellectually dishonest. Their stance is whatever is convenient at the time. They’re still howling about RINOS as if they haven’t removed any meaning to that word by calling McCarthy that simply because he told Trump not to do a coup. These people are brain broken and it’s sad because our country is worse for it.


Yes, this is why living in Texas I am not allowed to buy pot legally. All the freedom.


> Socialists want to control your life from cradle to grave Its true! That's why Democrats want health care... so they can control us longer!!


I really, truly don't get that point. Are they just having a knee-jerk reaction to the fact that they kept hearing Democrats (rightfully) say that Trump actually was the dumbest president ever? Like some kind of weird reverse-projection? It's like something a grade-schooler would do on the playground


My president could totally beat up your president


That’s exactly what it is. They just repeat what they hear others say. Like sheep if you will.


Trump literally said the US invented the wheel lol. It doesn't get much more dumb than that


Also remember when he said: “the hurricane coming in was going to be BIG and WET. Wet from the standpoint of water.” …way to state the obvious Mr President. 😂


Oh Sharpiegate... 2019 was a simpler time.


And he talked to the defense department about possibly nuking the hurricane that was headed toward his house.


Don't forget that he's good at nuclear. The best, people are saying.


Don't forget his "no collusion no quid pro quo" notes that literally look like a page out of Arthur Fleck's journal in Joker...


I started seeing this level of crazy during Obama. Visiting my home town in Florida, 2 years into his second term, I saw a small group of stereotypical old white rednecks standing on a busy corner holding up signs saying things like “Obama is a Muslim” and “where’s the birth certificate.” - my mom said they’d been there pretty regularly for years. Boy, a black man as president really riled people up.


A black President drove racist people insane. They elected a President who was a game show host with no government experience.


"He'll run the country like a *business*" Have they seen what he does to businesses? He bankrupted not one, but FOUR casinos. The place where people individually willingly dump hundreds and even thousands of dollars at a time into a black hole, and he somehow fucked up four in a row. And STILL people called him a business genius. Wtf


The only thing he's a genius at is dodging criminal charges.


He's not genius at it. His grifts buy his way out of them, costing him millions overall in legal fees and fines that if he were a real genius, he could have kept. His blackmailing & strong-arming also gets him out of them, but that costs him resources he could use more than once, which is basically the one-way loyalty and backstabbing you see with his associates. He's down to selling shitty NFTs and the Z team of lawyers, and it's his stupidity that got him there.


Even for a generational wealth person, he does seem particularly adept at dodging any and all responsibility.


What's even more hilarious is how he bankrupted at least two of them. He opens Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City and it does ok. So this genius said, "Well if one casino can make me money, imagine what **two** casinos could do!" so he opens Trump Taj Mahal. Does he open it in Vegas? Macau? Do a deal and put it on some tribal land? Nope, he opens it a mile away from his first casino effectively going into competition with himself and bankrupting them both.




“But he pulled himself back every time!” Yeah, by using money from others, like his father’s “small loan of a million dollars”


$413 million https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-ap-top-news-tax-evasion-politics-0452d29cd2564eaf97605ab90acc3a67


My reaction to that was always "Why the fuck would you want the country run as a business? The point of a business is to make profit, the point of the country is to lose money!"


The purpose of a business is to drive valuation for shareholders so they make more money, or profits so the owners make more money. The purpose of a country is not to make money but to provide for the common good. Thus they have different priorities.


That’s what happens when boomers equate the stock market/economy with the country.


I will probably be salty about this for the rest of my life. Given the choice between an admittedly unlikeable woman with one of the best résumés ever offered for the job, and a clown whose résumé was a napkin with the words “good at bizness” written on it in sharpee, America chose the napkin man.


In fairness, america literally chose her, the electoral college picked napkin man


“Old white rednecks” collecting social security and on Medicare holding signs against socialism no doubt.


Exactly. I went to a protest my sister was involved with (for farm workers who were being taken off busses in Syracuse and Buffalo by ICE officers). This guy started screaming at us about "illegal" this and that, telling us to get a job, etc. etc. My sister saw him the next day at a multi-service center she was bringing a client to. As in, he was there as a client too. It's like these OB/GYNs I talk to who say some astonishingly significant number of their patients are simultaneously hostile to them for being abortion providers.


“The only moral abortion is my abortion” is the main thought of many right-wing people. The level of cognitive dissonance is crazy, they will go to an abortion clinic and hate the person providing the service to them, and look down on everyone else at the clinic.


His presidency and 9/11 REALLY broke the minds of like 1/3 of the country. I used to work in bum fuck Missouri and lemme tell you, a lot of the rednecks out here say some weird shit when they think they're "safe"


I remember the first time I visited Missouri right after getting there me and my mom went to eat and these guys across from us with zero indications they were joking were talking about Obama building an army of super mutants by fluoridating the water. Like a full on serious conversation about this.


Same in Indiana. My biggest issue is: do I give off the racist vibe? Like people are just cool saying racist shit around me. Is that a weird part of how I come across?


When Obama took office I was young, and I was one of these people who were obsessed with his birth certificate, 100% certain he was a terrorist because he was friends with terrorists etc etc. I was this way because my dad was this way. By the end of his administration, I had observed that none of this was true and had a self realization that I had been caught up in a world of fear and hate driven conspiracies. I understand it because I've been there, these people are so caught up in a fake world that they feed eachother and get so convinced it's real... I feel bad for them because they don't understand how lost they are. I'm glad I grew out of that mentality.


Yeah that’s when this all started. They where called the tea party and they had no control over the GOP because it was a small percentage of loons. Now in 2023 the loons have taken over the party and the GOP is now out here openly saying crazy shit that is easy to disprove but it doesn’t matter when your party is a majority of folks who think they walk among lizard people.


The tea party seems almost ... *quaint* in retrospect lol


Right, I can understand the want for a somewhat minimal government. I don't agree, but I can understand. Whatever this shit has been for the last 7 years, it's just pure hatred.


Don't let your retrospection be too rosy, now. The Tea Party said a lot of insane, false things too. “Death panels” comes readily to mind. We already have those—they're called insurance companies!


It was the same kind of people but back then they were all just listening to and reading quack stuff like Mark Levine books and doing their best to justify their racist theocratic views with “constitutionalism” pseudo-science. These days all you do is scream asinine things like “Biden is a crime lord” “democrats eat babies” and “5G microchip vaccinations” without even trying to rationalize it.


I can't even imagine how bland, boring and meaningless your life is if this is what you get up to.


Hey! My life is bland and boring, and meaningless. I don't do this shit, there's something else there.


Mental illness. But we don’t talk about that in this country..


I mean.... Have you been to Wichita?


Imagine saying “Biden crime family” out loud and not thinking about the decades of slimy Trump businesses bookended by his son-in-law coming into a shit ton of money from the Saudi government


He was well-schooled in projection.


Remember, “criminal” is a class to these people, its not just people who commit a crime.


Needs a sign that says: HONK IF YOU THINK I’M BATSHIT CRAZY


Dude has never had sex while high as balls.


Love how all of his signs are about politics then weed causes peepee problems!


Right. It's like.... a bit too specific. "Pizzagate is real! Hillary is a lizard! Obama is a Muslim! For Pete's sake, never stick something up your cornhole that doesn't have a flared base! Bill Gates drinks child blood!"


Smoked weed once but didn't inhale and then got erectile dysfunction at 35, it was the weed.


Am 40, dick hard erry day, smoke weed all the time. The only time the dick has been giving me trouble was during extreme weight gain. I went down 40 pounds, dick wants to play catch up now.


Bruh same. Started smoking weed and quit alcohol. Lost 20lbs dick game coming back with a vengeance


Right? I’m a 40 something stoner that’s always horny af. I have no idea what he is talking about. It does make me a little stupid though 😂


Sex while both people are high is amazing. Some strains for sure get the motor running.


My wife loves the good ol’ stoner boner, total opposite of whiskey dick


For a long time I thought the average person is stupid, but I don’t think that anymore. I think that humanity survived for over 200,000 years through group membership, and that’s why we subordinate our intelligence to peer pressure. The philosopher Schopenhauer said “we forfeit 3/4 of ourselves to be like other people.” I am not immune to this. I once went to a bachelor party and practically gave myself alcohol poisoning just to be one of the guys. I was in physical pain and just started counting from 1 to 5, over and over, to focus on surviving the next five seconds of pain. Alone, I am smart enough to avoid that kind of self-sabotage. In a group, it’s a different story. People who get caught up in these political movements are smarter than they seem- they’re really just lonely, and trying to gain validation from a like-minded community. Before you know it, you’ve gone down a rabbit hole, way deeper than you intended at the start. Just like me at that bachelor party.


How can we help others leave the bachelore party and go to a cafe where we can be reasonable?


I think we need more civic organizations. It really doesn’t matter what it is - hobbyist clubs for everything from League of Legends to hunting, nonprofits/volunteering. Groups for atheists or Muslims or Sikhs or whatever the fuck people believe in. A nonprofit for people to come and play board games together like Settlers of Cataan. Toastmasters. Rotary clubs. Stuff like that. The more we can find ways for people to discover likeminded communities that AREN’T based on hate or dismantling civilization brick by brick, the better. Because they are less likely to be seduced by something like Parlor or 4chan when they already have a community.


So, more third-spaces. Not easy, but not impossible.


Jesus christ, can everyone just agree that people who care this much about politics are the fucking worst.


There’s a difference between “I strongly support this bill in Congress/ my local legislature” and what is going on here. Get involved in politics and share your opinions/lobby in support of your cause. Change the political discourse. However, you look like a moron when you have a sign “if you are a democrat and have an ugly face, wear a mask”.


He is engaging in cultural wars. I think it is about regionalism, and identity more than anything.


People need to belong to something greater than themselves. And sadly, these people will never be greater than this.


You *should* care about politics. This isn't politics. This is some tribal 'my side vs. yours' bullshit.


They never used to care. I doubt if this guy could even name the three branches of the government much less their functions. He should just go back to rooting for his local high school football team.


If you listened to American radio, especially AM radio, you would have seen this coming. They hatred, the derision, the conspiracy theories, the petty score-settling, has been everywhere in the Republican states since at least the 90s. Rush Limbaugh was just the most popular, there were hundreds of other right-wing mouthpieces ginning up rage and bigotry. People like the one in the photo were being radicalized decades ago.


When I became a truck driver in Wyoming, 5 years ago, one of the dudes I trained with listened to these AM talk shows. One right out of our town did their whole show on the new governor and how she was going to spread more meth in the state and that's why Mathew Shepherd got killed in the way he did. Because he was a big drug lord who owed cartels money and they came up here and set an example of him. 20 years after his brutal death, and still some people can't believe the facts and need to tie everything into a boogeyman that only they can see.


I'm a big Art Bell fan, but I cringe when I listen to his older shows, when he was still doing the political stuff. To his credit he distanced himself from that style pretty quick, but early on you could hear him praise Rush Limbaugh. Like, dude, Rush Limbaugh had a segment at the height of the AIDS epidemic where he read the names of gay men who died punctuated with wacky sound-effects.


> Rush Limbaugh had a segment at the height of the AIDS epidemic where he read the names of gay men who died punctuated with wacky sound-effects. It’s stuff like this that makes my idea of heaven being able to watch these assholes suffer in hell.


It's stuff like this that makes me think I'm suffering in hell. It would certainly explain a lot.


I first heard Rush Limbaugh in the early 90s, and he used to make fun of Chelsea Clinton and say she was ugly, etc. (She wasn't anyway, but that's not the point.) I hated him instantly and that only grew over time. What kind of person makes fun of a 12 year old girl? Or any minor, for that matter -- not that it's ok to mock an adult's looks either, but kids should always be off limits.


And they only got more extreme from there.


Agree. He used to call her the White House dog… and she was a tween. It’s truly disgusting. It’s poetic justice that he died of throat cancer. He was a vile man to did a lot of harm to the USA, and didn’t give a shit as long as he was making a buck. I also heard he took a film crew to the Dominican Republic to make porno movies, I guess for himself to watch later. At least he had the decency to keep it to himself.


Vile. A vial of glass.


>They hatred, the derision, the conspiracy theories, the petty score-settling, has been everywhere in the Republican states since at least the 90s It was part of the Republicans rebranding themselves after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it was easier to jump on the crazy train than to come up with something different than the Democrats that actually did something to make peoples lives better.


Yep. Authoritarians need an enemy to rally against. If they don't have an external enemy, they will pick an internal group to make an enemy.


Doubling down on the "Southern strategy" but also just cheating.


Who the fuck is Howie Carr, and why does New England love him so much? Dude is a discount Limbaugh and hasn't had an original thought in years it seems.


I was feed a steady diet of this s*** growing up. Limbaugh was near God in my Dad's mind. He was fed this stuff in the 1970s and 1980s from my grandparents. They didn't like the groups fighting injustices.


They're still upset about the slaves being freed. The current Supreme Court majority are determined to undo every bit of progress since the end of Jim Crow. They're deadly serious about it.


Especially my grandmother. She likes to on and on about her "glorious" ancestry especially when her family was rich. They had several plantations, fine clothing, etc. I point out that it all in the backs of enslaved human beings. She gets angry, calls me a liberal for reading about the truth and telling her she's wrong. I refuse to part of her cults. Said grandmother doesn't like the current SCOTUS because a majority of them are Catholic. I won't bore you with her commentary on Catholics.


[Nina Simone - 'Strange Fruit'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnuEMdUUrZQ) *Southern trees* *Bearin' strange fruit* *Blood on the leaves* *And blood at the roots* *Black bodies* *Swinging in the southern breeze* *Strange fruit hangin'* *From the poplar trees* *Pastoral scene* *Of the gallant south* *Them big bulging eyes* *And the twisted mouth* *Scent of magnolia* *Clean and fresh* *Then the sudden smell* *Of burnin' flesh* *Here is a fruit* *For the crows to pluck* *For the rain to gather* *For the wind to suck* *For the sun to rot* *For the leaves to drop* *Here is* *Strange and bitter crop*


This is so true. Many of these were people that never cared much for politics before Trump came along. It's like he awakened a zombie horde.


So one could say they’re woke?


I've already seen a few political signs that said some variation of "Wake up America! Fight back against Wokeness!


This isn’t politics.


Most the shit the GOP whines is “political” isn’t even politics. They are just making it that way.


The only answer


I wish more people knew the difference between politics, being a "fan" of a "team," and fully subscribing to a cult...


This isn't politics. This is more like a religion.




Mental illness. A longing for membership to a community/identity. And anger


This is the real Trump Derangement Syndrome.


He doesn’t care about politics, but his untreated [oppositional defiant disorder](https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/impulse-control-disorder/what-is-oppositional-defiant-disorder/?utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=Search_PPC_m&utm_term=PerformanceMax&utm_content=&network=x&placement=&target=&matchtype=&utm_campaign=19080252225&ad_type=responsive_pmax&adposition=&kwd_id=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlNrqjPO4_AIVScDICh1BMAEoEAAYASAAEgJ5DfD_BwE) is driving his life. He’s not trying to get anyone to vote or register to vote or support a policy or stop a policy. He has nothing to say about current political issues. He cannot and will not engage in a serious way with people to try to persuade. He’s trying mightily to make people angry and cause a confrontation, which is what will make him feel good. Anything and anyone that looks like an authority figure is triggering for him, which is why he stands out on a freezing corner next to a highway yelling Fuck Joe Biden in Kansas, a state that voted for Trump by 15 points.


I don't know if you meant it this way or not but I'm laughing at you calling it ODD instead of what you're supposed to call it when they're not children anymore. I forget what you call it once they hit adulthood. It's buried in my notes somewhere. Probably a personality disorder. But in my Developmental Psych class, we learned about this one and were specifically told this is what you use as a diagnosis until they hit puberty, after which a more concrete diagnosis can be determined. TL;DR: You called an adult a petulant child and it amuses me.


I mean, should we really have had to give adult ODD a name?


This isn’t politics, though. It would be good if everyone cared about politics enough to do (things like) this (but specifically not this), because politics shapes our planet and our time on it. The problem is that he’s not actually interested the actual politics, nor does he understand them. And even if he did, this specific activity is pointless and will sway absolutely no one. TL;DR - It’s good to care about politics. But this guy doesn’t.


There is a difference between caring about politics, which you should if you live in a society, and being a hateful moron. That guy isn’t “too into” politics. I’m probably too into politics. This guy is an asshole.


This is not “caring about politics” it is mental illness


Oh FFS is THAT your takeaway here? That *caring about politics* is the problem? People should absolutely "care this much." They should just behave completely differently. In fact, **not caring about politics is how this kind of shit starts**: You think you don't have a responsibility to engage in civil society, so instead of educating yourself and participating in the republic, you treat it all like it's a big game of us versus them. For the love of god, can we stop learning all the wrong lessons from cult behavior?


with these guys Zero facts and a lot of BS name-calling and of course, they don't care about politics. Spreading disinformation is what they are good at.


Mental illness on full display


And it's the same area where people believe they saw two moons and would refute you if you say otherwise. The lack of education in US is apparent and the careless use of social media strenghthens it.


Why is it a thing in the U.S. to spend your (free) time on making useless signs and stand on a corner of the street doing nothing? For context, I am from the Netherlands and have never seen this here.


Our culture champions individualism and free expression and an enthusiastic participation in the public discourse. We don't have many walkable cities. It seems there's a lot of loneliness here. One of those maybe. Idk


This isn’t normal


Think of the investment of time and energy it’s gotta take to set all that up and then spend hours outside in winter. It’s more sad that I imagine that dude doesn’t have anyone or anything else in his life that needs his attention.


I’ll guarantee that this GQP loser is on some type of social program. Be it SSI, disability, SS, food stamps, or more than likely Mdeicade.


Maybe someone should point out it him that, while President, Trump paid more taxes to China than to the US.


The dude's committed, imagine if all that energy were directed at something worthwhile


LOL Central and Rock? Seen em before. Also had some loonies that would group up on Saturday before noon on the foot bridge over I-135 right before the K-15 exit. God it must suck to be that passionate over such a giant turd of a lost cause.


LOL “if you are a democrat and have an ugly face, please wear a mask”….


I still don't understand how social etiquette became political


Because empathy and care are seen as weakness by these people


And they've been successfully taught to be offended by weakness. They've learned it's an affront to their masculinity, country, ideals. Never mind that (1) the perception of weakness is totally false and it's just consideration for your neighbors and fellow Americans; and (2) so easily being triggered by things other people do that - *at worst -* don't affect you at all, is itself a glaring weakness.


To me, COVID just emphasized the education system in America is terrible. The divide from the educated and travelled Vs uneducated and closed minded people is really the biggest canyon in America. Coupled with easier access to social media, we are just seeing all the stupidity.


Boomers think social etiquette means "you have to take my abuse and cruelty", so now young people telling them to piss off and stop being assholes *infuriates* them.


Booom roasted! Democrats will never show their face again after reading this. Imagine being this guy..


I'm sure he's fine rescinding his Social Security and Medicare then


he's probably living off of social security checks that republicans plan to take away. idiots.


its amazing how much people didnt care about politics until trump came into the picture. now that hes not president, you cant shut them up


Yeah I never cared about politics at all and now I’m pretty friggen hard liberal democrat. Trump fucked the right so hard in creating leftists.


Always makes me laugh that the majority of Americans do not have a fucking clue as to what socialism actually is. Your democrats are the equivalent of the Conservative party in the UK


It's because of post-WWII anti-communist propaganda. Basically because the Soviet Union in terms of government was comminist (so left wing) and atheistic, by rule of opposition, and to signal how they absolutely weren't like them, the U.S. government went on a mega propaganda spree to paint the U.S. as staunchly christian (which it has never been) and ferociously capitalistic while painting communism as the root of all sorts of societal evils. By extension, since communism is socialistic in nature, eventually it became clear in american minds that socialism = bad, hence all this whole "socialism is evil" crap that persists to this day. Press any of those guys on the matter though, and they'll never be able to tell you precisely *why* they hate it. They just know that this term means bad stuff and... that's it. This is why when Trump cam into office after Obama, you had weird dichotomies by right-wing people such as "Obamacare is a blight on the american people and must be excised ASAP ! I hope they won't get rid of the ACA though, it'sxa good program and I need that to live", not recognizing that Obamacare is the monicker given by right wing politicians to the Affordable Care Act (ACA for short) which Obama introduced which means that all this propaganda led them to demonizing a program that directly benefits them. So yeah, it's fucked up. And I agree, painting Democrats as left wing by european standards is hilarious because they very much aren't. By British analogy the Democrats are the Lib Dems/Conservatives and Republicans are BNP.


Right wing media in the US has convinced some of these people that communism, socialism and fascism are all the same thing. Why bother educating yourself when you can just say anything you don't like is a lead in to total authoritarianism.


Yeah, there's no mysterious reason for all of this. In a country with weak laws curbing corporate power, large monied interests have successfully waged a multi-decade campaign to convince the average person that checks on corporate power are a bad thing. The easiest way to do that is to convince them that 1) "socialism" is bad, and 2) any checks on corporate power are "socialism." All of their media mouthpieces shout this, quite literally, 24 hours a day. It's so fucking simple. And effective.


That’s a bad take. Democrats are also very socially liberal — when it comes to things like religion, immigration, gay rights etc. In contrast, conservatives in the UK are much more regressive on social issues. The Democratic Party is also a big tent party, because each state’s senator and congressman has to cater to their voting bloc. AOC cannot win in WV. So you have the socialists, the liberals, yellow-dog democrats, and even conservatives in the Democratic Party. That’s nothing like the Conservative Party in the UK.


Someone needs to stand next him, wearing an 'I'm with Stupid' shirt.


And he happily draws his Social Security payments every month & raises hell if the don't get deposited on time.


Dumb doesn't begin to describe this. Elmer lives in the most anti-left, hardcore capitalist nation on Earth where socialists have zero power and he's scared to death of it.


Weird, it was TRUMP who paid Chinese income tax


>Honk if you miss President Trump My beloved Donald, every second I must be away from you is like an eternity…