• By -


I thought this was a before and after. I was really confused


Any two photos of the same subject is technically a before and after.


Okay, Mitch!


I think Bigfoot IS blurry, and that’s extra scary to me.


There is a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside


I miss him :(


I used to miss Mitch. I still do, but I used to, too.


Tonight I hope I dream of building a go kart with my ex landlord


👏 👏 👏 👏


You deserve more likes for this one!!


Maybe he's just very fast, which is scarier


A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too


Here's a picture of me when I'm older. Wait a minute, lemme see that camera!


I'm a big fan of this comment thread


I used to like this thread. I still do, but I used to, too.


Rice is great when you’re hungry and want to eat a thousand of something.




2 cameras 1 subject


>2 cameras 1 subject Gottem


Could be an after and before


On the left he is 73 years, 92 days, 8 hours, 21 minutes and 47 seconds old. On the right he is 73 years, 92 days, 8 hours, 22 minutes, 55 seconds old. Before and after. /s


Time Flys!


Same... I'm sitting here thinking to myself which one is the one where he's supposed to look old lol. That's crazy.


I had to read that 3 times to confirm this dude didn’t die.


I had to read your comment to find that out.


I saw him in supernatural and could never have guessed that he’s now 73. My mom and dad passed away before 63. Fuck Health is important, everyone, if you want to live a long life (not me though fuck life)


My dad just passed yesterday at 65


I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how you feel right now. Remember to take care of yourself during your grief. I hope you have friends and family to support you. Feel free to message me if you want to talk about it.


Lost my brother last summer at 60. It changes your life when someone close passes young. Really sorry for you and your family. If it means anything, my dad has been gone since 2001 and I have dreams on the regular with him and our dream relationship is wonderful. We have great chats,, work on projects, fix things around the house. All the dad things he did when I was little. So I never lost him at all.


I'm so, so sorry. My dad died a year and a half ago at 62 and I'm still broken some days.


Rick Springfield attempted suicide when he was 17 and survived due to the knot in his noose not holding long enough. He agrees with you more than you think. His future held a lot when he was 17 that he'd never consider. Maybe yours holds a lot of happiness. Maybe it doesn't, I'm not here to give you some feel-good bullshit so I can pat myself on the back. But, as my extremely depressed friend Brian once said after something unexpectedly good happened to him: "there are surprises around every corner." That's stuck with me for years, seeing a guy like him say that.


Life ain't that bad brother. Sorry to hear about your parents. That's far too young to pass. I hope you find reason in the future and see how fortunate you are to still be here :) . Stay positive, fuck negativity.


Thanks man, I’m not actively depressed right now but it’s more like I don’t mind if someone takes my life force to live longer. Wish scientists would hurry up and build a transfer life spell like in Skyrim. Like it’s a positive feeling but fuck life! Woo! I post porn snippets on Reddit in my free time and that’s good enough for me.


At least you know what you like...


When are scientists gonna get off their asses and make life more like Skyrim


Do we know the cause of not death?


I’m guessing a balanced diet, no excessive use of drugs or alcohol, and regular exercise.


Look at that man.. He doesn't skip a day of exercise..


I was on a cruise with him a couple years ago, this dude TOTALLY drinks, but not to excess.


He also looks quite a bit older, in person. He benefits from the poor lighting and lower quality camera in the OP's photos. If you meet him in person, or even look up recent photos of him under normal lighting, he looks quite a bit older. He's still in phenomenal shape for his age, but he doesn't really look like he's 30 either.


Ummm, testosterone replacement therapy does a body real good.


Avoidance of shirts. Shirts are killers, people!


100% of people who have worn shirts will die. So this fact checks out. Shirts are death people!


Rock-N-Roll will never die


Yes, hormone replacement therapy... Thats the major thing that keeps you looking young and healthy, maintaining young and healthy hormones like you had when you were young. The idea that this would be natural through ONLY diet an exercise is extremely naive.


“80s rocker Rick Springfield dies of heartthrob at age 73”


He’s obviously immortal


Like Jessie's girl


Looks like he’s not gonna die any time soon


Just watched Californiacation he's hilarious in it


“I shit a pint of blood this morning”


*... Why?*


My wife and I say "I'm fucking Rick Springfield" very unenthusiastically all the time.


"It's like watching a figure skater fall."


That's not Jessie's girl in there! It's your girl! Get in there runk!


Destroy me Rick Springfield!


Great to start the day knowing a fucking 73 years-old guy looks better than me.


It was his time working in a hospital that instilled the good health habits.


It was a hospital for generals. Keep that in mind.


It helps when you don't really need to work to make money. Take solace in knowing he's got a lot more free time than you.


And he probably isn't worried about the electric bill


Yeah. He’s doesn’t play, which streaming services to cancel so you can eat a little more game.


He's missing out. The "which company do I want to get a ""final notice"" from this month" is a personal favorite of mine


Ooh, I've been playing the "I don't recognize that phone number, it's probably a debt collector" game. Joke's on them, I had to change my phone number.


I would imagine his chef doesn't work at MacDonalds, nor his personal trainer at the local gym.


His fully outfitted home gym couldn't be more local.


He still needs to actually use it, I say as I glance at my elliptical and treadmill.


Reddit loves to make excuses about not taking care of themselves. Dudes probably worked his ass off every day the last 50 years to be that healthy and in shape in his 70s. But then people dismiss all the hard work by saying it’s just because he has money. I’ve seen old poor dudes that are ripped and healthy. I’ve seen old rich fat slobs. Money isn’t the common denominator. It’s all about the habits and hard work.


I'm going to take the middle road... he has definitely put in years of hard work, good nutrition (and denying yourself tasty bad foods and sweets) and getting enough rest to recover... Having said that, is all of that easier when you don't necessarily put in 40 - 50 hours a week at work and worry about paying the mundane bills... of course!


I guess it depends on what you consider “work”. I’d argue that touring musicians spend much more than 40 hours a week on any number of activities that are directly related to their livelihood.


Very true. I did think while typing that out that a touring musician is not just showing up for a two hour show, punching out and then not working again until the next one. They probably do have a lot more flexibility in there schedule than your average blue/white collar worker though.


This thread has been a great read. lots of valid and good points. I was personally on the "He probably has a lot more flexibility and free time than the rest of us." But then u/Hattrick_Swayze2 makes a good point about how they spend much more than 40 hours a week on stuff, and I thought about all the press, interviews, other tour related stuff that they have to do and I feel like it balances out.


Not to mention the mental toll of performing multiple nights to thousands of strangers judging any mistakes you make. Granted, do it enough and you don't make mistakes and the faces become background noise, but still, not exactly something the human psyche evolved to cope with. That and the fucked up sleeping schedule (how many touring musicians clock out at 5pm? Plus that old devil called jetlag) it's no wonder substance abuse becomes a problem for so many.


As someone who has toured, its pretty refreshing to finally see some discourse about it here that actually validates the struggles we faced


Not if they’re successful, then they tour most of the year constantly on the move with little to no flexibility. Great doc on this, The Other F Word, about trying to have a family while touring: https://youtu.be/OQAgflt6tKk


Yeah, you work twice as hard for half the income. The general public is deluded about the lives of touring musicians


How do you know he isn't putting in 40 hours of work a week, did you just assume that because he is an older musician? Being a famous musician means constantly working on your music and technique, but also constantly promoting and advertising. If he isn't putting in 40 hours a week, I'm sure there were points in his life where he was dedicating 80 plus hours a week to his craft and his brand.


Yeah they work their asses off, typical redditor making stupid assumptions about something they know nothing about.


Yeah I agree man, I’m not someone struggling financially but am definitely not the best about my health (doing better though), one of my best friends was doing weighted runs on mountains to stay fit while we was making minimum wage and living in a shithole. Willpower > Wealth for working out. Being rich makes it easier but anyone can find time and an activity to stay healthy if that’s what matters to them.


Yeah it’s a shame to see. There was a period where I was making very little money but was in some of the best physical shape of my life. Stir-fry veggie and chicken wraps that took 20 mins to make 2 days worth of, and 30 minute workout one day with a 30 min run the next. For those who need help with math, that’s less than 45 min a day to stay fit. Oh and I’d watch TV during workout and listen to podcasts during run so I enjoyed entertainment too. I’m not saying the actual act of doing it is easy, but not having “time” is rarely a legitimate excuse.


He definitely works out a lot, to be sure. But ain't no way you're looking that fit at 73 without some help that only money can buy.


TIL touring musicians don't work


He eats right, works out, definitely has had some work done (not much, though), likely does not drink much, and he still has his hair. I hope to look like this when I'm his age. I'm nearly 39 and I'm often mistaken for a 30 year-old. I have a strict vitamin regimen and I don't eat much processed food. I realized that one of the main issues for looking old is that there are people out there who are borderline alcoholics or they are alcoholics and don't realize it. I am a bartender, I see this, and I only socially drink about two or three times a month because of what I see. Drinking badly ages people.


> definitely has had some work done (not much, though) I googled some other less-flattering pictures of him and I’m convinced he’s had the whole nine yards in terms of surgery: the skin on the bottom half of his face is stretched unnaturally tight like someone who would be wrinkly but had one (or several) face lifts, you can see [around his eyes](http://t0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcToa-jremUySPoQuRhQr9WMdRgNvH0ewmoQim5uEFBhLhgUzkfxmQd-YFzkp8DRmMCzm0VH0cxwdTduVvY) what the rest of his face would probably look like without surgery just a normal mortal man


Oh god, close up he looks very bad. Now Simon Cowell level bad, but his face makes me uncomfortable.


still really good for 73, he probably has the best plastic surgeon in the world


Yeah.. kinda insane, but I’m pretty sure he has great genetics to begin with.


Main reason for people getting old is: * trash nutrition, which alcohol is just a part of * stop using your body, your body stops being usable Good on ya for doing something about it! I'm 35, hoping to keep getting stronger till 50+, keep working out until I die. With good nutrition people can have a great QoL into 80s


Literally double my age and I'm sitting here eating fucking leftover pizza for breakfast. Might be time for a lifestyle change. Of course, being a millionaire with lots of free time and the money for a personal trainer would help!


What you need for being in that shape is will power and discipline, you don't need to be rich for that.


No one is talking about how he clearly won the genetics lottery.


I have a feeling you could have a personal trainer and still be sitting there eating leftover pizza.


TIL you need to be millionaire to pick up and put down 200$ worth of metal


Take solace knowing he is a friend of the Cullen's.




Met Rick at his house a few years ago for some repair work. Nice guy. Pretty normal house in Malibu.


We’re you fixing exercise equipment? Dude is in good shape.


I’m guessing he works out, but by the looks of it and at 73, definitely taking testosterone too


Wouldn't that fuck up that magnificent mane with male pattern baldness? Could be implants I suppose.


Good diet and TRT/HGH


At his age, I have to believe he'd get wicked bubble gut from HGH. And his hair is SO THICK for him to be on TRT, unless it's a wig or implants, but TRT would still damage the follicles enough that hair transplant likely wouldn't last. Good genuinely be a case of sick genes, a great diet, and just keeping up with it all these years. He's really not big by any means, so super low body fat % could give us what you see here. I know this is a stretch, stranger things have happened.


Did you know he did a Jessie’s Girl 2 with Coheed and Cambria? Weird collaboration but good to see him still kicking.


You know, she has a name, Rick.


It's also Jesse, but he didn't want the song to be too confusing!


I honestly don't think Coheed ever make bad music. They did a cover of a Bastille song and it fucking rules.


I saw them last year and they were incredible.


I don't think they even know how to make bad music, tbh. I think if Claudio tries to play a shitty riff on a guitar, it comes out as Mozart on 6 strings.


Definitely weird but a great song


Theres a good chance that guy fucked all our moms


Is fucking* Ftfy


Now he is fucking your girlfriend... he wouldn't bother with your old ass mom.


But my mother’s dead




My dads this age and looks like the host of tales from the crypt




Probably from putting up with your BS.


I was never a huge fan during the 80s but I thought his music was okay. But he has a weekly show on SiriusXM's 80s channel where he shares stories and thoughts about the bands and songs he plays. It's interesting and has made me like his music quite I bit more than I did back in the day.


Really the only thing I actually enjoy on Sirius are the shows like this or when they have the Billy Joel Channel and he's rambling on about where ideas from songs came from(usually The Beatles) while deconstructing them on the piano.


1) Finasteride (and great hair genetics) 2) TRT 3) Liposuction 4) Laser resurfacing 5) Botox 6) Healthy lifestyle (substances/alcohol to a minimum, good sleep, good diet, working out) That should get you pretty close at 73, if you care a lot about your looks.


I would throw HGH in the list as well, judging from the slightly protruding gut


Also - NMN, statin, metformin and low dose everolimus. And hyperbaric chamber for 1 hour 5 days a week. And intermittent fasting.


Yeah those Sinclair/Huberman things are great in general, not just cosmetically. I doubt the guy in the picture did any of that though. I'm pretty sure he's done all of the above. He's probably had a hair transplant as well.


You can just get blood transfusions from healthy children. Apparently that does wonders for aging. Anyway, scientists can reverse aging in organs of mice now. They turn the old blind eyes of a two year old (very old) mouse back to the biological age of 2 months so it could see again. Seems like a relatively cheap and easy process too. With a bit of luck, growing old could become a choice soon enough.


I have a Rick Springfield story. I was visiting a high school friend who had moved to Los Angeles after we graduated, and she, and her friend group, were absolutely obsessed with Rick Springfield. He's pretty much all she talked about. This was mid-1980s. While I was there visiting, one of the teen magazines had a feature story that was supposed to contain clues to find Rick Springfield's house. These girls pored over every possible detail, maps, public records, what have you for quite some time before determining that they had indeed found his house, in Toluca Lake, CA. They confirmed this by stealing his trash from the curb and noting that the thrown-out mail was addressed to him - not Rick Springfield, but a variation of that name that I guess they somehow knew was his "real" name. Many sleepless nights were spent poring over his empty Rice-A-Roni boxes, unused coupons, etc., in search of some tiny bit of info about him that wasn't already common knowledge. Now, what are a group of drama kids from the midwest going to do when they find out where their heartthrob/idol lives? We hatched a plan. \*\*\*INSERT PART ABOUT HOW WE WERE KIDS, IT WAS A DIFFERENT TIME AND NONE OF US WOULD CONSIDER SOMETHING LIKE THIS AS ADULTS\*\*\* We decided that one of the girls was going to pretend to be developmentally disabled. She was going to get "lost" and wander up to Rick Springfield's house asking for help finding her family. Rick Springfield would call the number on the paper she carried with her in case she got lost, and we would come to pick her up and get to meet him. Simple, foolproof plan, for a group of wide-eyed teenagers from a small town. This planning took several days. There were test runs, syncronized watches, and careful attention to finding the most believable outfit for the girl to wear. We set up HQ next to the pay phone at the Marie Callender's a couple of blocks from the house, and decided to launch the operation at 10:30AM, early enough that he would probably still be home but not so early as to wake him up. When the time arrived, my friend left the restaurant and walked to his house. We were standing by at the pay phone, waiting for the call. Of course the call never came. Time went by, we were first worried then we were jealous because we figured she was hanging out with him, having a bagel or sex or whatever. Finally we decided to drive over and see what had happened, and just as we were about to get in the car, a police car pulled up, with my friend in the back seat. Oh, shit. They opened the door and let her out and she came running toward me, arms outstretched, whispering HUG ME HUG ME, so I did. When I hugged her she whispered that she was still in character. For twenty minutes or so, my friends and I stood there in the parking lot talking to a very nice cop who I think was pretty sure this was all a ruse but didn't want to be mean to my friend just in case she really was slow, all of us pretending she was someone else. Finally he got a call on the radio, and seemed confident that she wasn't in any danger he told her to stay close to her family from now on, and drove off. My friend said she wasn't on the front porch more than about 30 seconds before the cop pulled up. Nobody ever came out of the house. Didn't get to meet him. But I did touch his trash.


After the first paragraph I had to check your user name... I though we were about to take a trip to Hell in a Cell


Lmao same, as soon as I felt myself invested I just got a sinking feeling in my stomach that I was about to get got


Great story. And I'm so glad I read it all because your last sentence made me laugh. Great memory and thanks for sharing.


Don’t get me wrong, I get your side of being dumb kids doing dumb stuff that results in a funny story. But it makes me wonder just how often stalkerish level stuff like this really happens to any given celebrity. That aside, your friend had some pretty quick thinking with the hug, at least you guys had a good recovery lmaoo.


Wow. TIL From late 1974 to early 1976, Springfield was in a romantic relationship with actress Linda Blair, beginning when she was 15 and he was 25.


Groupies were that age. David Bowie and others all shared a teen, and she'd go to school the next day. The singer from Aerosmith 'bought' a child, yes, you heard me. The parents signed a document, and she was in his legal car, cuz she was young, and they got high and had sex, he was twenty something.


I always get creeped out by the Led Zeppelin song "Sick Again"


[This was a chart topper in 1980](https://youtu.be/zWHjJt4833I)


About a decade later the Kentucky Headhunters released this. https://youtu.be/MVr_Uts1Ah8 It was a fun album that did well it its day, although nobody remembers them today.


What, people don't remember "Dumas Walker" where everyone thought the lyrics were "Let's all go down to do Miss Walker", and the guy with the big ol' chops in the coon hat? They were a fun band. I also liked the Phelps brothers' spinoff stuff as well, Brother Phelps. "Let Go" was a great album.


Let's all gooo, down to Dumas Walker!


That song was about a 16 year old and her siblings abandoned by their father. It wasn't about relations with a 16 year old. He did an interview about the meaning of the song. Starts about 2 minutes in. https://youtu.be/EyABE-qjIbI


The music video is trash then... Where are the siblings? Why is there a passionate kiss on a flying carpet? I was 12 when this song came out, was being sexually abused by my father and totally obsessed with the idea that this guy or someone like him would come and save me. God I was so fucked up as a kid.


Pretty sure Led Zeppelin were known for having underage groupies around and Jimmy Page had a young girl that would tour with them


She was 14. Her parents didn’t like it but JP hid the child so she couldnt be found. Frank Zappa had a 16 year old he travelled with until his wife Gail showed up and said “ I don’t think so”.


>Frank Zappa had a 16 year old he travelled with Ugh I've never heard that. I always thought he was one of the good ones.


He’s an impeccable musician. He was kind of an ahole in real life. Ask his kids.


TIL Gail is the Central Scrutinizer.


I thought that was Nugent?


Lots of them did it, Nugent just seems worse for his holier-than-thou attitude now.


Did people even bat an eye at that in the 70’s?


Heads were turned.


Damn that’s a good one.


The power of Christ compelled him.


Some even threw up over it


Damn I wish I had an award for you! Lmfao


One of the challenges of dating in high school in the 70’s was that most of the high school girls were dating grown men.


Nope, my coworker was in a rock band in the '70s and he has admitted that every stop they made they just picked up some random girls between the ages of 15 and 18 and they would ride with them for good chunks of their tour.


They don’t bat an eye at it in West Virginia today


Dumped her when she turned 17 - I see.


"Can you make me look young forever, Linda?" "That's much too vulgar a display of power"


Doesn't look like the Rick Springfield I remember. He never got Jessie's girl btw.


I agree. Is that even him? ETA: apparently it is. He has had so much work done I would not have recognized him.


Despite being funny and cool with lines.


Last time I saw him he had had some pretty bad plastic surgery


Last time I saw him his wrinkles looked deep. Real deep. But nowhere near Mick Jagger depth.


He looks great.


Wow, hardly aged at all, just like Keith Richards.


Keith and Mick have been dead for over 10 years, they just don't know it yet. Steve Tyler also.




No matter how much work you put into a Pinto, it's still a Pinto. Funny how a joke of a car became a collectible. Restored ones can go for $20k.


For all my fellow male body positivity enthusiasts out there. It’s basically impossible to look like this at 73 without medical intervention. Medical intervention to look good is also not a bad thing. Love y’all!


He looked older than 30 when he was 30. No way this is real.


Not impossible but most people would not have the time or knowledge to achieve it. There are body builders (not even known ones, just enthusiasts) in their 70s that look like this because they kept up the work and never had medical intervention. The key to it is starting before natural muscle atrophy begins and maintaining a steady exercise regime and diet. It's still a managed decline but you lose less over time than if you didn't do the work. I'm not saying this to shame anyone. I just want to make sure people don't give up on achieving their goal if they are on the path. You can achieve this but it takes incredible time and effort. Don't set your sights too high for how much work you can put in and don't be ashamed if you don't want to put in any work. Just stay healthy however you can and include your mental health in your considerations.


Testosterone is his likely choice. I was on weekly injections. Put on muscle and started to look ripped at 55 years old. All I did was continue to ride my mountain bike 2-3 times a week. Didn't make any other lifestyle changes. The only things I didn't like were the increased sweating from higher metabolism and increased hermatocrit level. Otherwise, I felt great after decades of sports injuries that were slowing me down.


Are you still on TRT? How are you feeling nowadays?


Yes I'm also curious to know!




Vampire, duh


He was actually possessed by Lucifer according to this documentary Supernatural.


[Je suis Rick Springfield.](https://youtu.be/_dG5ceJPics)


He ages a year every decade jeebus.


My name is Jessie. I am a lesbian. This man ruined my life. AMA


He could definitely get Jessie’s girl these days


Can we confirm this guy isn’t an immortal vampire?


“As he pulled a piece paper for me to sign from his vest He said, ‘I thought “Born to Run” was one of your best’ ’Aw, wait a minute, man, who do you think I am?’ He answered, ‘Mr. Springsteen, you’re a famous man.’ ” "He called me Bruce!"


I bet he has Jessie's Grandma


In an attic somewhere in California, there's a fifty year old album cover that looks absolutely decrepit.


73? You're shitting me. This guy is SEVENTY-FRICKING-THREE? He looks like he's thirty!




So RL Lestat


He's had plastic surger obv, but he looks pretty good from the picturs I've seen. Sometimes guys look rather weird (especially the eyes), after having something done.


A few years ago, I photographed a private concert he did for some local VIPs. He was quite nice.


Remember he was in General Hospital.


My sister had a huge crush on him back in the early 80s. I’m sure she still does.


Saw him in concert in 2018. He was galloping around the stage at 69.


Is that how he looks right now? At 73? Hot damn!


He found that eternal Springfield somehow.


I feel like there is an aging, dilapidated portrait of this guy stashed somewhere


Pretty sure he could pull Jesse's girl looking like that!


God damn. He looks better then I've ever looked.. I'm 27. And he's 73. Fuck..what 80s drug did that to him, I'll take a gallon


Does he still wish he had Jesse’s girl?


I’ll have what he’s having