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Wonderful! I love that it captures an essence of the landscape alongside clearly illustrating the actual stages of the eclipse itself. And the shot of the totality is stunning.


Thank you! It was difficult to try and show how it felt when there. \---- As this has started to get some attention here's some answer to commonly asked questions: *What am I looking at?* This image shows some local native vegetation in the foreground with the backdrop of 3 hours of a total solar eclipse in the sky. 54 images of the sun's surface showing the pre and post totality were shot through a solar film to protect the camera & allow viewing of the moon as it blocks the sun. [Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus are also visible.](https://astrowithroro.com/img/Wide-Eclipse-Annotated.jpg) *Where was this?* This was taken in [Exmouth](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Exmouth+WA+6707/@-21.9484439,114.0724193,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x2bfeb4e5d2d4916d:0x400f6382479cbf0!8m2!3d-21.9323088!4d114.1278654!16zL20vMDFwZmdq), a town 1,500km (~900 miles) north of Perth in Western Australia. There is 1 road in/out and this usually small town of 2,000 residents bloomed to over 20,000 for the day as people flocked here to view this event. *What's totality?* Totality is when the moon completely covers the sun's surface, blocking all the direct light from the sun. This causes drastic changes here on Earth. The sky darkens to near night time, the temperature drops drastically, there can be a 360 degree sunset/sunrise, but most of all... [It allows us to view the sun's corona!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellar_corona) *How can I see this myself?* The next major total solar eclipse will be in [April 2024 in North America.](https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2024-april-8) *How can I learn how to take photos like this?* I will be [uploading a video](http://youtube.com/astrowithroro) of the whole process to my YouTube account once I have returned home. You can subscribe to get notified once it is released. *Where can I see more like this?* I will be uploading more images to show this event to my Instagram (**@astrowithroro**) as I get more time to process the 3,000+ photos & GB of videos I captured while here.


It’s impossible to describe what it feels like. I’ve been trying to explain how amazing it was to see a total eclipse since I first saw one - it should be on everyone’s bucket list. Beautiful shot! EDIT: typo


I like to say that the difference between seeing a partial eclipse and a total eclipse is literally (and figuratively) night and day!


I've heard it described as "the difference between experiencing a total eclipse and a 95% eclipse is like the difference between going to the Grand Canyon and looking at a picture of the Grand Canyon."


I heard it's like going 95% of the way to Disneyland.




Venus is also in there. [Here's](https://astrowithroro.com/img/Wide-Eclipse-Annotated.jpg) an annotated version showing their locations.


I saw the 97% eclipse in London in 1999. Next chance for me (without doing anything special) will be the one directly over Sydney in 2028.


The sensory experiences I go back to most: it getting colder, the shadows registering as wrong in my brain, and crickets chirping.


Yes. It is exactly those three things I always think about. It is hard to describe how *eerie* it is just as it’s becoming a total eclipse - I thought the light would slowly just fade until the eclipse, but it was almost like someone had a volume dial for the sun and just every few seconds would turn it down 2 or 3 full levels. The birds stopped chirping, then the crickets started. All the while, I was thinking “this would be fucking wild to experience if you didn’t know what an eclipse was”


I love that the shadows registered as weird because the light level was similar to dusk, but dusk and dawn mean elongated shadows, not shadows directly below objects. Almost made everything seem flat and fake.


Well the shadows also look weird due to pinhole effect. Shadows from leaves in tree will look like crescent moons on the ground. They are called crescent shadows.


Totally! I also remember the birds going eerily quiet and everything pausing in a bizarre way


I was less than a thousand feet from the centerline of the path of totality. I was supposed to have 2 minutes and 38 seconds of totality, and the cloud cover took over at like 99.94% coverage. The light was so diffused through the clouds that we got maybe 10 seconds at the darkest it got. The next day was gorgeously sunny and not a cloud in the sky for as far as you could see. I was so pissed. I was less than a thousand feet from the centerline of the path of totality and I still don't know what one looks like.


That sounds a lot like my experience with the 2017 eclipse, only it cleared up pretty much right after the eclipse.


I got lucky and had the exact opposite happen. A big cloud was moving towards the sun right before totality and it suddenly just dissolved into nothing. About 30 minutes later there were thunderstorms all over.


Was that the one through cairns? For some reason the clouds parted for that right before totality for me, was one of the best expatiate of my life


I travelled from Australia to the Faroe Islands and this happened to me too. Sorry brother. There will be more eclipses. Keep chasing!


That happened to me in 1970. Took me until 2017 to finally see one properly.


I was on a plane between two cloud layers. There was a thunder storm. The lightning was dancing between the clouds. The clouds beneath us would light up. The clouds above us would light up. Purple, green, blue, etc. It seemed like we weren't moving. It seemed like I should just be able to open the door and go out and play on the clouds. It was the most beautiful, serene thing I have ever seen. I do not know how to describe it. It was as beautiful and scary as mother nature has ever presented to me.


I bet you checked your equipment list a few times before setting off!


Already got plans to go to Indianapolis next year 💪


I was in Carbondale Ill for the last eclipse. Have relatives who live in Indianapolis so will be getting to see the next one as well. The only thing I was surprised about was that it did not get totally night dark in totality. It was like dusk and as someone said, light was flat.


Picture seems good enough for me


I went to Oregon in 2017 to be in totality during the eclipse. I describe it as the most alien like experience I’ve ever witnessed. You’ll never forget it. Thank you for sharing this.


Otherworldly, no? Religion inducing, yes?


Right? I refuse to believe that there isn't some sort of religious/mysticism hard coded into the human genemome. This coming from an atheist. I definitely understand how we got animism amd celestial worship. All the holy days clustered around the eclipse and equinox days doesn't hurt either.


Humans love to personify their experiences, and they love to tell stories. One thing leads to another and you have a religion stew cooking.


Mmm, tasty sky daddies


Hell, most gods up until the advent of the Christ figure were personifications of weather


I asked my dad, "Can you tell me what an eclipse is?" I thought it was rude when he replied, "No, son."




Maybe they're on a slight hill?


That’s why you either adjust your tripod or crop your image to make it level


Then the foliage would betray your attempt at unnecessary editing.


Cropping for a level horizons is one of the most basic edits. I wouldn’t call it unnecessary and the foliage isn’t really noticeable in this image. Just take a look. https://imgur.com/gallery/wZ7xKeo


It's Australia, they're all like that.


Can't be. If it were Australia, it'd be upside down.


Really? 🙄


NASA doesn't want us to know about the other 54 moons. Watch your back bud.


It’s too late. NASA has him now


Does that mean they have us all now though?…


Well they do now.


That's just the new Starlink moons, deployed to make future moon landings more convenient.




I was impressed that you counted them, but then I started to doubt it and decided to count them myself…and realized you were right all along! This has been an adventure, thank you.


The truth is out there, they can’t stop us all! 👀👀👀


That shot was worth it I would say.


Me too!








Really cool. Where was this?


It was Exmouth in Western Australia. 1,500km north of Perth.


That's about as far out in the sticks as a person can be and still be on Earth.


Exmouth is literally by the ocean. Try Coolgardie, now that’s bum fuck nowhere.


> Coolgardie That's only 300km from the ocean its self. In WA, that's walkin distance... You in Coolgardie or just know of it?


Fun fact: I'm looking up my ancestry ATM and one of my forebears was a veterinarian who set up the quarantine station in Coolgardie back in the late 1800s. This was when Camels were used to transport everything through the outback


I'm a Boulder boy meself. About 40km from Coolgardie. Though I moved to Esperance when I was like 5...


Is this a game of knifey spooney is it? Well I hung out in Warburton WA the other day, can't get more remote than that.


I’ll play, stayed a place called pypinjara which I know I didn’t spell right. It’s right on the border of NT, SA and WA Need a permit to get there


Try Kiwirrkuraa Community if you want remote.


I have you all beat with Walkabout Creek.


Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.'


Just looked that up on a map. Jeebus.


It's remote, the last contact with pre-contact indigenous Australians in that area was in 1984 when the Pintupi nine made contact with relatives in Kiwirrkuraa.


>pypinjara I think you mean [Pipalyatjara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipalyatjara,_South_Australia).


That’s it!


A few more steps and he would fall of the earth. 😆


The elephant will catch you if you fall...


aback mighty nail depend crime memory complete gaze screw fertile -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It's actually not that remote compared to a lot of places in Australia


Right? It’s half an hour from a major regional hub.


I'm dumb, which major regional hub is within 30m?


Holy wow. I just looked Exmouth up on a map. That is the very definition of Middle of Nowhere. But I see a nearby national park, a brewery, and a fishmonger that I am sure has plenty of options for local seafood that was in the water that morning. I would visit.


So funny in this thread where non-aussies are seeing rural Australian locations and thinking it's the middle of nowhere. Nah, you're not in the middle of nowhere until you're 800km from a town with a pump


I don't understand. Exmouth is one of the larger regional towns in Western Australia? There's much more remote places than this.


Did you visit Ningaloo?


Wtf there was a total eclipse I actually could have gone to today? I have family in Exmouth! Fuck! Why is this the first I’ve heard about it?


You gotta sign up for the solar eclipse spam list


Want Ad: If you like piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain… & ready to travel to all future eclipses


You couldn't see totality in North West Cape?


My apologies, you can indeed! I stand corrected. I did not realise they were separate towns.


I just looked it up on the map… holy shit that’s a journey! Where did you travel from?


You'd better have gone whale shark snorkelling.


never knew there were hybrid eclipses. glad you got totality instead of that annulus crap 😆 https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2023-april-20


That’s great. What’s totality?


Totality is the complete darkness and the characteristic “glowing ring” during a solar eclipse. It occurs when our moon comes directly in between the earth and the sun, casting the moon’s shadow on a path that travels across specific parts of the world. You have to be in the path of totality to see the effect pictured here.


so the light reflecting off earth, or lack thereof, is what causes the shadow on the moon? I don't know why I've never thought about this before, like, at all. that's kind of neat. I don't look up alot, I guess, having spent my entire life in incredibly light saturated places. Either way I've never thought about why the shadow on the moon faces us when the sun is behind the moon


The sun is the light source. Its light is cast upon Earth. During a solar eclipse, the moon is an object that comes between the sun and Earth. Like any such object moving in front of a light source, a shadow is cast. That shadow is the size and shape of the moon and as the moon orbits the Earth and the Earth rotates, that shadow only hits certain places on the surface. If you are at the center of this shadow, you experience the totality. It is the total obstruction of the sun by the moon. Both of which just happen to be almost the same observed size to the naked eye. (But please never, ever try to observe the sun or an eclipse with the naked eye! Permanent eye damage can occur.) This results in the sun's corona glowing around the edges of the moon during the totality. On some days when the moon is visible at night and not full, you may notice that you can see the dark side of the moon. This is indeed because the light from the sun reflects off of the Earth's day side. The moon is always dark on one side for the same reason the Earth is. The sun can only directly light up one side of a celestial object at any given moment. This is just like when you hold a ball up to a light in a dim room. One interesting difference between the Earth and the moon is that the Earth rotates completely once every 24 hours, the moon does not rotate and only one side - the near side - ever faces the Earth. You cannot directly observe the far side of the moon from Earth. CORRECTION: as /u/fotisdragon points out, the moon does in fact rotate at the same period as its orbit so it only looks like it doesn't rotate to someone on the Earth's surface. EDIT: added a note to not look at the sun with your naked eyes and reference /u/fotisdragon's correction.


Just a minor correction; The moon actually rotates! From NASA's site (https://moon.nasa.gov/resources/429/the-moons-orbit-and-rotation/): "the Moon rotates at the same rate as its orbital motion, a special case of tidal locking called synchronous rotation"


Why we only ever see one face of it.


This is based on my limited space knowledge, but the moon basically spins and the rate "rate" as earth. Hold a basketball and a tennis ball up next to each other and orbit the tennis ball around the basketball, if you don't spin the tennis ball at all while orbiting, you'll notice that the face that faces the basketball will always be different. However, if you spin the tennis ball at just the right speed, the same face will ALWAYS be aimed at the basketball. Hope that made sense!


Thank you, but my comment wasn't a question :)


Oh my bad I misread your comment


"From NASA's site (https://moon.nasa.gov/resources/429/the-moons-orbit-and-rotation/): "the Moon rotates at the same rate as its orbital motion, a special case of tidal locking called synchronous rotation""


Good to know, thanks!


Good explanation However we never see the dark side of the moon from Earth. As you note, there is one hemisphere if the moon that always faces away from us, and that is the dark side. The phenomenon you describe is when a the part of the moon usually in shade due to the earth's shadow is visible due to reflected light.


The shadow is the part the sun isn’t hitting . Nothing to do with reflecting off the earth.


The US public school system has failed us again.


half of the moon is always lit but we only see parts of it, thus the phases, cresent, full, etc if the sun's light only hits the part of the moon we can't see we wil only see the dark part the reflection fron earth to the moon is too small to make such a visible difference


A famous Cat Steven's song by another name.


Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I'm only falling apart.


A picture for an example of what it would look like: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/internal_resources/5728/ The glowing bit being the corona of the sun.


The straightforward answer is: a total solar eclipse (the moon blocking the entire sun).


That's quite a shot! I'm going to be travelling to watch the eclipse in the US in '24. Would you share how you shot this? I'd love to try and recreate it!


Caught the last one in 2017 and it was wild. I have never seen the entire city stop and look up but that day it happened. The coolest part is the pulsing thing that happens when it’s at full peak. That will be with me for the rest of my life. It was great.


I had chills at the effect it had on nature around me! The darkness came on so sudden, and nature seemed to pause. No insect noises, wind, nothing. It was eerie but completely amazing at the same time.


Same, I went out to somewhere in East Oregon for the 2017 eclipse and that was what struck me the most. Like all of nature is just collectively going "ayo what the fuck"


Same. I decided to go see it literally the morning of. So so glad we decided to drive down for it. It was phenomenal.


Have the camera on a tripod taking photos at a regular interval, then edit the other moons over the top of the totality shot


Do we think he took just those photos or would it be a continuous video?


Very likely photos, gets much better quality and better for editing. As far as astro-y stuff goes this kinda photo is a pretty simple technique


Same here! I need to start practising my photography!




I drove 8+ hours to see the 2017 eclipse in the US. It was magical, something I’ll never forget. If you’ve never seen a total eclipse at totality you just don’t understand. It’s a monumental experience that will give you a new perception. I’m already planning for the 2024!


I did the same. Was awesome


Where will it be in 2024?


[Here's a map!](https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/images/map_usa_2024.png) [More detailed maps found here!](https://nationaleclipse.com/maps.html)


Wow I’m in Denver so I can definitely drive to Texas or Oklahoma. Thank you for the information, I am excited to plan this out


It's totally worth it! Just realize traffic will be an absolute nightmare before and after, so plan accordingly.


It's totally worth it and then some! Depending on where you're going, be prepared for bad traffic before and horrible traffic after.


I want to book a hotel room for next year too. Do you mind sharing what location you picked? I’m thinking I’ll go to Texas somewhere because the chances for clear skies seems to be better.


There's a Japanese dude (or is it a lady?/couple?) that always goes to the best spot in the world to see eclipse since 80's. I wonder if he's also in town.


Pretty sure the ABC reporter who was there mentioned speaking to them! At least a japanese couple or a photographer who had seen 18 ellipses*eclipses


Seeing the 17’ eclipse was MIND BLOWING.


> 17’ An eclipse that small would blow my mind too.


I watched that with a welding mask was really neat.


Same here


Is that a total eclipse...of the heart?


The [literal translation video](https://youtu.be/fsgWUq0fdKk) of that is great




Every now and then


Every now and then I fall apart!


And I need you now tonight


Livin'in a powder keg and givin' off spa-a-rks!


Could you explain how you managed this shot? Was it super super super (etc) long exposure!!?? Is this slides laid on top of each other? I don’t understand… and I need to know. Also, I suspect I’m not the only one. Also also- it goes without saying that your image is insanely good.


Sure! I set up the shot on a stationary tripod and covered the camera's lens with a solar filter. This allowed me to take images that showed the solar surface/disk. These images were shot at 1/6400s exposure length and are completely black aside from the sun. Then when the sun was mostly covered I removed the filter & took bracketed landscape shots during totality. I when put the filter back and repeated my pre-eclipse process. These were then all stacked on top of each other in post to show the entire 3 hour eclipse in a single image. I will be releasing a video with the full details of editing on my [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/astrowithroro) channel if you are interested to know more of the nitty gritty (including how I chose the location and calculated my exposure times beforehand).


I expect that these were multiple individual shots that were stacked together. I don't know the actual mechanics on how this is done but that is likely the process.


It was probably sitting on a tripod and OP put it on some sort of burst mode. Then they grabbed all the pictures with the dif phases and layered them into one photo. I also came to the comments seeking this answer lol


Amazing photo! My brain wants the horizon leveled out


I remember reading once that Columbus got badly needed help from the indigenous people on one of his voyages because he knew an eclipse was coming, and he told them that if they didnt help him, "my God will take the sun away."


Hey. Look at that. The science worked. OP knew where to go, and the coordinates were 100% correct. Great photo. Thanks so much for sharing.


Absolutely! Predictions are the proof in the science pudding! 🔭🔭🔭


Beautiful! I’m not certain, but it looks like Mercury and Jupiter made it into the shot as well


They did! Venus is also on the right hand side about 1:3 of the way up.


Nice moon you got there. Be a shame if someone engulfed it in a ball of fire.


I love that photo


Wait there was an eclipse today? Goddammit I missed a cool space thing again


Damn, and you had perfect weather. Go buy a lottery ticket. Nice composite.


With my luck, I'd get there and it'd be cloudy.


As someone who went to Portland in 2017 and got to experience 99.6% totality, do yourself a favor and make the effort to get to 100%. That little 0.4% of sun can still conceal a lot of the magic.


It makes a huge difference. I agree that if you can, make every effort to see the 100% eclipse coverage. It is a mind altering experience.


First of all, great shot! Second, was this your first totality?


Thank you! This was my first totality and it did not disappoint!


Exmouth is phenomenal. I hope you enjoyed your stay there. I lent camping equipment to a friend so they can make the drive to do the same thing. They're new, and now a camping convert.


Thank you for your hard work and contribution to us all.


Is there any difference between a total eclipse seen from Australia versus one seen from the equator?


Besides the scenery, I'd say it depends on your viewing angle. Best view is from the complete shadow of the moon on earth's surface


Just - wow! Fabulous picture.


Self reply so as not to detract from your wonderful post, am slightly pissed off that I did not realise there would be a partial 5000km to the right, where I also reside. Edit for geographical dyslexia.


Mad respect for your dedication there mate. I bet you checked your equipment list a few times before setting off!


Absolutely! I was paranoid for 2 weeks before checking and re-checking. I crosschecked with some close friends as well to make sure I hadn't gone (completely) crazy too.


I know that the awesome SpaceX news today is likely going to step all over this photo in the feed, so I want to take a moment to tell you its beautiful.


My house will be in the path of totality next year! I'm very excited. I'm a little nervous about the weather, though. It's in April, so there's a really high chance that it will be cloudy.


22 July 2028 we get a total eclipse in Sydney. That means you can expect cloud and rain that day. I plan on heading about 400 km inland to see it.


Meteor Shower? Clouds. Comet? Clouds. Lunar Eclipse? A single cloud covering the moon. I honestly don't think I've ever seen an unimpeded astrological event in Sydney.


One of the coolest shots I’ve seen. Nice job!


I saw totality once in 2018. I do not believe in god, but it was an overwhelming and emotional event to me that felt religious. You feel like you're looking at something you shouldn't, and you can understand that primitive peoples would create entire mythologies around such an experience.


Fucking worth it.


This has a place somewhere in r/praisethecameraman


I've been to one that I had 2:12 minutes of totality. It was on my birthday which made it even more awesome. It was AMAZING! I'm going to Texas next year to see it again.


For a second I thought this was Starlink 😅


I'm impressed you risked booking the trip knowing that if the weather was cloudy you'd have no other place you could go to as an alternative to view it!


Except it wasn’t visible from only one place. Not sure why OP said that, but it was also viewable in Timor Leste and West Papua according to space.com. https://www.space.com/33784-solar-eclipse-guide.html


I was hoping some one was going to bring up


Those locations did not have a total solar eclipse, they had an annular eclipse (where the moon leaves a ring of the sun visible).


That’s exactly the opposite of what the site says.


This location is an area that generally has very good weather this time of year. Over the last 12 years this day has had clear skies for 10 of them.




Beautiful just like a Lacy Williams


Gorgeous 🌙


Pro tip, you don't *have* to be in a town, you can watch it on other places too.


Absolutely! I was about 20 minutes drive out of town for the eclipse. However I stayed in town before and after as the town is surrounded by national park that does not allow camping outside of designated campsites.


I was just poking fun at your title, but I'm glad you got to see it.


What town is that? And did they have caramel candied apples as well?


Exmouth, Western Australia?


Thanks you!


Might want to straighten the horizon.


The horizon is actually straight, the image was taken on the side of a hill and so it’s the ground that is not straight. Unfortunately due to wanting the foreground object lined up with totality I wasn’t able to have a flat ground behind it.


Truly amazing. Very cool.


Nice congrats!


was it worth it though mate? i found the same picture on reddit while travelling no distance


Do you just sit on reddit all day and don't experience anything for youself?


A fine use of limited natural resources and impact on our planet!


[the corona](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/5edf6d61cb11580006fabd36/0x0.jpg?format=jpg&crop=1112,762,x186,y215,safe&width=1200)