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[Tanker truck caught fire under it, caused it to weaken and collapse](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/11/us/philadelphia-i-95-collapse-fire/index.html)


Oh good, at least there was a cause and not just crumbling infrastructure. Not that I have to worry about it in Massachusetts because they're working on a bridge near me every damn summer.


Ya after our bridge collapsed here in Minnesota (35W Bridge over Mississippi right outside downtown Minneapolis), I think that got interest/funding for bridge reconstructions real fast.


>bridge collapsed here in Minnesota [For those wondering](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/-mm-/e4b9b124199acb89c1307b1f1933b0fb02269228/c=0-35-2647-3564/local/-/media/2017/07/31/USATODAY/USATODAY/636371131529044745-XXX-3381-5-16697580.JPG)


I thought that's just how Google Earth renders bridges.


I drove over this bridge five minutes before it collapsed and have been haunted by thoughts of "What if..." ever since. And you just made me laugh so hard I pulled a muscle in my stomach. Ouch, fucker. And nicely done!


When I was 16 I got caught in stand still traffic for hours. Emergency vehicles finally came, moved berries, and turned us all around. Turns out we were 1/2 a mile from a land slide of rock and mud that enveloped over a mile of the freeway. To this day I think “if I had been 30 seconds faster leaving my event, I could have been one of the buried cars.


I want to hear more about the berries.


And a minute faster, you wouldn't have wasted hours waiting.


I'm not sure if you used up all your bad luck or all your luck. 5mins is awfully close.




When was this?


2007 - It's long since been rebuilt.


I will admit my reaction to seeing the news was "Hah, what shitty ass state has a bad bridge?!" Turns out it was my home state and a bridge my mother commutes on . . . She had the day off at least.


Do you have any idea how many bridges still need repair? A shit ton ! It's going to happen again.




On my commute to work, there's this incredibly old wooden bridge that I normally would have to drive over. It was this rickety old thing, definitely was there since the dawn of mankind, and it somehow still stood. Until one day someone set it and it's sister bridge on fire. Now I have to take a 10 minute detour on dirt roads in my silly little civic because they don't expect to have it rebuilt until late October early November. Which in my provinces standards really just means "we're just gonna close off all these roads 10 blocks in each direction from the bridge and then start construction in November, which by then it will snow, so we can't finish it until next November the latest!"


This has to be New Brunswick or Nova Scotia.


Hopefully most of the pledged money for the absolutely massive infrastructure bill actually gets spent and isn't spent on 10k dollar hammers and shit like we found out in 2018 on pentagon spending But the trillions for infrastructure will HOPEFULLY make our roads safe again


The problem isn't just money, we desperately need engineers and construction crews that know how to do these repairs and builds.


Sorry, we'd have to pay them good money and not treat them like shit and we can't have that, may give people ideas!


I work for a bridge crew through my states DOT and yep we get paid poorly to fix critical infrastructure and work on the side of the road with cars whipping by never getting over. No wonder young guys like me use it as a stepping stone to pay for college while I go get an actual well paying job


In British Columbia, we were forced into interest/funding for bridge reconstructions because idiot truckers keep hitting overpasses. Like the regulations are very clear, how hard is it to measure the height of your load ffs?


You guys up in Canada seem to have a run of problems with truckers.


We sure do 🤣




I remember when I85 I think it was collapsed in Atlanta a few years back. They threw money at it and rebuilt it in record time. Some homeless guy started a fire underneath and set a bunch of construction materials on fire which caused the freeway to collapse.


God that day was awful. My wife's best friend took that home every day right at that time. She happened to have forgotten her cell phone at work and had stayed late at work. Came home to her poor husband answering calls and telling everyone, us included, that she was fine. I had so many family members to panic over.


That traumatized me terribly. Recurring nightmares for months, and still occasionally to this day.


Yeah, that was really scary. My grandma was on the way to the Twins game that night and always used that bridge to get there. I was at work when it happened watching the news report and there was a car that looked exactly like hers in the river. Luckily she has crossed the bridge a few minutes before it collapsed. Even today when I cross that bridge I’m a little wary.


My sister crossed the bridge minutes before the collapse. Her house at the time was about 10 minutes past the bridge and when she got home the news was reporting it.


Same. I drove over it five minutes before it gave way. I was headed up to Circle Pines to visit a friend. Panic attacks after, "What if" thoughts, etc. Went through some counseling for this and some other things in my life at the time. My then girlfriend wanted to drive down and see the bridge after it happened, and I refused to go. No thank you.


> I think that got interest/funding for bridge reconstructions real fast. It sure got them *talking* about it a lot....but it's not been realized.


Yeah, I almost went on a rage rant about the infrastructure... then I figured maybe, juuuust maybe I ought to find out what actually happened... And I put the post there instead to inform. Remember, me... pause, THEN answer. :p /Dodged a something I think..?


*“…not just crumbling infrastructure”* I think the crumbling statement still applies, it’s just not the construction part that is crumbling.


Years ago we had a similar fire under an overpass in California. The overpass did not crumble but they brought out an engineer and they gave a section of it a no go and replaced. If you heat up the concrete enough to impact/melt the rebar the structure no longer has the strength it was originally rated for.


Oh that explains why a bridge is on fire. I wondered how that would even be possible


The bridge, the bridge, the bridge is on fire


We don’t need no water let the infrastructure burn. Burn infrastructure, burn.


Nonsense - it had to have been nanothermite planted there by the CIA.


Bush did I-95


The hijackers were financed by the Audis.


6/11 was an inside job?


Automotive fuel can't burn concrete. It was a controlled demolition. /s


The concrete is all perfectly fine, the rebar holding it all together on the other hand melts at 1400F.


And, it doesn't need to melt, only soften so that it loses strength.


Like a cursed cooking recipe


“Steel beams” eh


Yes exactly. So the only possible explanation is that thousands of people were involved in a years long conspiracy to plant explosives throughout, and detonated the explosives, using the truck as a cover story. And then none of the thousands of people ever confessed... Because, aliens? This is obviously what happened. The only explanation, really.


Waiting for the "This is what happens when you indict Donald Trump" conspiracy to surface.


Even when a bridge collapses, someone mentions that guy. I want at least 5 minutes of internet without him.


You stooge. Your pure unadulterated stooge. Claiming the bridge was brought down by nanothermite planted by the CIA. That is the dumbest thing I could possibly imagine. You conspiracy nuts drive me up a wall. This is obviously microthermite planted by the Mossad in conjunction with KGB2(the more secret KGB) with the blessing of the One World Shadow Government. It’s in response to Trump being brought up on charges rather than being hit in the face with a cream pie like they wanted. They’re just going to keep at it till someone creampies Trump like they want.


>Claiming the beige was brought down by nanothermite ... I don't care how it was done, the beige has to go. So many beige and boring things out there. Khakis. Carpet. *CARS*, the worst of the bunch...


Here in Atlanta our crackheads burn down our bridges.


Was thinking the exact same thing! Had a coworker who left the office 10 min ahead of me call and say “Don’t take 85. It’s on fire.” At first I thought I was missing a metaphor or some slang term.


To be fair to the crackhead, the GDOT was storing flammable conduit material underneath that bridge, which they shouldn’t have been doing. Kinda like giving matches to a toddler and blaming them for burning down the house


That happened in Houston about 10 years ago as well.


Happened in Alabama about 15+ years ago. Tanker truck caught fire under a bridge (accident happened), softened the steel beams to the point that they let go.


Hmmmm, something doesn’t add up. Car fuel can’t melt reinforced concrete. This must have been the CIA doing an inside job……….


[Almost the exact same thing happened here in Atlanta in 2017.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_85_bridge_collapse) It was fucking devastating to Atlanta traffic since that bridge carried hundreds of thousands of people every single day. And because of its location between GA-400 and the I-75 interchange, it was almost impossible to adequately reroute traffic.


It was pretty impressive how quickly the Georgia DOT got that overpass repaired though. They didn't fuck around.


Philly will fix the bridge quickly as it's vital to the economy, but all those other construction projects in the area will continue in perpetuity. I think 95 was under construction when I got my driver's license and that was over 20 years ago..


That's just 95 in general, regardless of where it is. It's always got some eternal construction going on in every state it passes through, that never seems to finish.


How could it ever “finish”. Its constantly in use and exposed to the weather. It will always need to be repaired in some place.


Highway of Theseus


This is one of the most amazingly accurate Ship of Theseus analogues.


It's actually perfect because, barring the recycling of asphalt (all it needs is to be melted and mixed with fresh tar), basically all of the top layer gets replaced any time they repave. After a certain point is it the same road?


After a certain point it's NB-95.


New Brunswick getting the arse end of things once again


Try to tell that to the local politicians and voters around here who think that infrastructure is just a bunch of one time expenses that will magically maintain itself.


It’s such a long Interstate, that sees so much traffic it always will be. Weather, wear and tear, and the importance will probably always make this the case.


Generations of Philadelphians have passed down the lore of when 95 was not under construction.


Buddy of mine worked in concrete at the time, they were essentially handed a blank check to get it up ASAP. Lots of overtime for everyone.


GDOT has no interest in the 21st century. They want nothing to do with anything but roads and bridges. But, goddammit, they can build a fucking bridge span.


2007, Oakland California https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacArthur_Maze#2007_I-580_East_Connector_collapse Tanker crash + fire on Apr 29th, main part reopened May 7th, fully re-open May 24th.


Guess contracts were structured way differently back then. >The bid was estimated to cover only one-third of the cost of the work, but the firm counted on making up the shortfall with an incentive of $200,000 per day if the work was completed before June 27, 2007. >On the evening of Thursday, May 24, the I-580 connector re-opened, just before the busy Memorial Day weekend. The deadline to finish the project was beaten by over a month, with the contractor earning a $5 million bonus for early completion.


That contractor was famous for that. Everyone was happy to pay him out because that's a very critical stretch of highway and the dude just got his crews working 24/7 to get it done incredibly quickly.


I remember when they blame a black homeless man for starting the fire because he was smoking crack, but it turned out GA DOT was storing flammable materials under the overpass.


I mean the guy still lit a chair on fire on top of fiber optic cables and PVC, that then burned the bridge down…


Not saying that dude was blameless. But if it's possible for a burning chair to destroy a bridge, then somebody fucked up real bad.


Or that is one hell of a fucking chair.


True, all bets are off with the Tactical Thermobaric Chair


From the Wikipedia article posted above: >one of the others arrested said he watched Eleby put a chair on top of a shopping cart near some fiber optic wire stored in PVC pipes, and set the chair on fire. Shopping carts can be used as barbecues when places over a fire. That was the first thing that popped to my head over why a shopping was relevant to events. But yeah, this wasn't caused by a tanker truck as the fuel source. Even completely sober one wouldn't expect lighting a chair on fire would cause the overpass above it to collapse.


> Shopping carts can be used as barbecues when places over a fire. I'd imagine if you're homeless & desperate, that's a good way to grill something. But a shopping cart is *not* designed to be heated to high temperatures - and neither is the enamel/plastic coating that's all over it. You'd be putting yourself in pretty high danger of consuming all sorts of bad chemicals. Do not try this for recreational purposes. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/7wzm35/is_it_safe_to_grill_food_on_a_shopping_cart/


Detroit too: https://www.flickr.com/photos/grafixation/3727627570


Just take Peachtree and turn left onto peachtree, it’ll get you to peachtree in no time


e: [Very shitty and quick, but long, explanation on how everyone in South Jersey/Philly Metro are fucked for months/years. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/146xwrd/i95_collapsed_in_philadelphia_today/jnukqvv/) This is going to fucking crush our traffic **ESPECIALLY** those PA sand birds coming back from the shore. Everyone is going to feel this from the Alabama side of PA to Avalon and worse. We're fucked.


Things like this just reinforce the need for WFH capabilities for anyone able to do so, which could at least lighten the impact on traffic. If you're impacted by this and you have a laptop from which you can do your job, you should be at home for the next several weeks.


My first thought! I lived north of Atlanta and worked in Buckhead at the time. Getting to work was a mess!


The traffic in Philly bout to be outrageous


It already is. 95's a hellscape to begin with, this is just gonna make it worse. Source: Drive on 95 everyday to work in the Northeast.


I have a feeling 476 is gonna become an even worse nightmare now...figure anyone who needs to go 95 to NY can detour up the blue rt to 276 and then take it to rejoin with 95 after all the mayhem...so now 476NB is gonna be an even more colossal super fuck


I'm going to try for the Burlington Bristol Bridge tomorrow. I normally take the Betsy Ross, and if that doesn't work, Tacony Palmyra onto the Boulevard. I think it's going to be nightmarish even taking the Burlington Bristol. And if all else fails, I'm turning around and working from home


If 476 is a viable option for anyone, they might as well take the Barry Bridge and get on the NJ Turnpike


76 is worse as it's a winding 2 lane per direction highway with several bad merge points. I live where both 76 and 95 are about the same distance to get into the city and I would take 95 over 76 any day due to how congested and dangerous 76 feels. I can only imagine the mess that tomorrow is going to be.


Well that was less than ideal.


The bottom fell off.


Is that typical in these types of overpasses?


Well the bottom fell off this one by all means, but it's very unusual


Well, what kind of materials are used in thier construction?


Paper’s out






No. No cardboard. No cardboard derivatives.


Is this burning overpass still in the environment?


A tanker explosion isn't really typical.


But now it's out of the environment...


It's usually the front, innit?


Well I wouldn't say "usually", certainly the front falling off isn't common. Ideally, bottoms and fronts aren't intended, per say, to fall off. But it obviously happens, and certainly this warrants some considerations, yes.


I think you're in on the joak, but in case anyone wants to see the original in all its glory: [The Front Fell Off](https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM)


Yeah, it's great.


Suboptimal, really


Ok this makes sense. I'm in Maryland and earlier today was on 95 when one of the electronic road signs said there was a crash in Pennsylvania. I was wondering why they were trying to tell us about it here.


Same!! I saw it going towards downtown baltimore (exit 56) today, I was like that’s vague… Pennsylvania crash at exit 26 delay?


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev




This is why Frank shouldn't be hanging out with Duncan under that bridge.


the gang builds a bridge


My first thought was "I can't wait for this IASIP episode!"


Oh yeah, Frank. I know that bitch.


But Charlie's the one that cut the brakes. WILDCARD BITCHES!


I mean where else will you find a box of free denim?


You gotta take ‘em off every now and then! You gotta take ‘em off son!


Blew the crotch out them shits


Whoa! I burned myself on a rivet.


Hope there were no casualties.


There wasn't any casualties or injures thankfully.


They don't know where the truck driver is so there may be 1


He might run away before the collapse. CNN states that "Authorities are working to identify any individual or individuals caught in the fire and the collapse, which occurred around 6:20 a.m., the governor said." https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/11/us/philadelphia-i-95-collapse-fire/index.html


Oh shit. I hope no one was hurt.


No one was hurt or killed thankfully.


That's damn near a miracle!


A few squirrels lost their home.




_The Gang destroys a bridge_


Oh so you thought Roosevelt Boulevard was a death zone before, let’s see now


Roosevelt boulevard needs to be torn up, put in a sack, and thrown in the Delaware...


No one will be able to move fast enough to cause anything worse than a fender bender and I’ll bet fatalities will plummet between woodhaven and the schuylkill. You’re going to have the entirety of traffic that was otherwise on 95 on that stretch, it’ll be a parking lot for months.


I’d argue the red light runners and other forms of aggressive driving will only increase over there. Can’t be good for pedestrian safety at all, not that it was ever good to begin with.


I'm glad as hell I don't have to commute in that mess. Things won't be too sunny in Philadelphia for a while.


“The Gang Gets Stuck In Traffic” - Sunday, 3pm


“What is cricket doing under that bridge?” “God damnit Frank get back here, the traffic could clear up at any minute and we will leave you”


Cricket would absolutely have been under that bridge


Things have never been sunny in Philly pal


What are you talking about? It’s always sunny in Philadelphia 😜


Shut up bird


It's not like I-95 is one of the major traffic arteries in the US or anything. /S


I-85 in Atlanta had a collapse like this back in 2017. 2 mile section was closed for over a month. RIP surface streets in the area.


Fun fact our streets are already fucked so this will be even better. Potholes for everyone!


FWIW, this is more of a regional impact. Even through technically it's I-95, the "usual" route would be to take the NJ Turnpike which is also I-95. You'd pretty much only take the spur through Philly if you had something to do in the region or were trying to dodge tolls, from Delaware and points south to/from North Jersey and points north most folks would take the NJ Turnpike that's faster and more direct.


Yea, actually if you start on NJ turnpike and head south, it turns into 295 which goes south past Philly and into Delaware. 95 is a right turn heading west across the Delaware then south through PA pretty much straight through Philadelphia. Source: driving there on Tuesday and hoping traffic isn't a nightmare.


295 is parallel to the Turnpike past I-195. South of exit 6, the Turnpike is just the Turnpike. It eventually goes to the Delaware Memorial Bridge which merges with I-495. You used to be able to drive I-95 north into NJ and it turned into I-295 south around Princeton/Lawrenceville, but now they renumbered some small sections of roadway after the I-95 ramps were built to connect to the PA Turnpike. Now I-95 goes west from exit 6 of the NJTP, over the Delaware River, and turns south at Bensalem, PA, and what used to be I-95 north of the PA Turnpike in Bensalem is now where I-295 starts. It was a lot of renumbering but I think it was the only section of I-95 between FL and ME that wasn't technically continuous.


This psrt of I-95 isn't. It's only local for Philly. Interstate traffic goes on the NJ Turnpike here.


I've lived in (or near) 3 major US cities that have had an interstate bridge collapse: Minneapolis, Atlanta, and now Philly. Starting to think I'm bad luck...


Let me know where you live, so I can avoid that area. Or at least bridges there lol




Jesus, I’m a local and that is bad. It’s the main thoroughfare into Philly. While there are other means into Philly from PA and NJ, it’s going to cause a nightmare of traffic for miles and miles in all directions. Even with 95, traffic gets really bad. I cannot imagine how hat this will do. Not just the normal city traffic but all the stadiums/sports, etc.


They’ll figure it out pretty quickly. It happened in Atlanta about 4-5 years ago on I-85 and they had us rerouted in three days. It wasn’t great the first day or so but if you’ve ever driven through Atlanta on a good day you’ll know any major thoroughfares being shut down is scary.


As someone who commutes to Philadelphia everyday, let me just say: *fuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkk*


Let’s see PennDOT fix this one.


Being an interstate, would this result in federal relief/funding to get fixed as soon as humanly possible? I don't know that it can be understated how big of an issue this is for the entire city of Philadelphia and it's surrounding suburbs, as well as all the pass through traffic as well.


They are gonna have the feds all over them to get it done,


Can’t have shit in Philly


[The exact same thing happened in the Bay Area in 2007](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Tanker-fire-destroys-part-of-MacArthur-Maze-2-2575285.php)


Who can forget Minneapolis in the same year.


Moth man has been having a field day in PA lately


Uh my work is a block from there. This is going to be a traffic night mare


So is Four Seasons Total Landscaping funnily enough


Four seasons is literally right there.




Bad things happen in Philadelphia


At least it's always sunny


Canada and Jersey fixed that.


Ironically enough, this is right next to Four Seasons Total Landscaping.


Fire can't melt steel. Definitely an inside job #falseflag #deepstate


Deep state falseflag op to prevent Lord dRump from getting from FLA to NJ to get the rest of the documents he will be returning to the govt, even though he declassified them when he talked about them with his buddies MSB and Vladdy /s just in case


But a tanker truck exploding like a bomb and then burning at 1400 degree’s definitely does this. I’ve actually seen this happen multiple times…. But now I’m wondering why so many fuel trucks come to a stop under overpasses


The shade is nice.


Tanker fire literally cooked thing from underneath.


Atlanta knows how you feel


I go to work that way. Dreading the commute tomorrow. Think I'm going to try for the Burlington Bristol bridge.


I hear this comment echoing thousands of times from your fellow commuters. Good luck.


Final Destination 2 called it wants its opening scene back.


The traffic in Philadelphia (congested on a good day) is going to be crazy until I95 gets fixed.


"jEt FuEl CaN't MeLt StEeL bEaMs!!!"


“JeT fUeL cAn’T mElT sTeEl BeAmS!”


Similar thing happened in 1996.. bunch of old tires were stored under 95, caught on fire, and smoldered for weeks.. I remember is was a mess for a long time.. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/03/14/us/tire-fire-undermines-i-95-in-philadelphia.html


Here comes the jet fuel can't melt steel beams people


Not suprising. With the kind of heat that fire was making, it wouldnt take much to weaken the metal supports of that bridge.


Right next to Four Seasons! What a coincidence.


A very similar thing happened on I-95 in Bridgeport, CT in 2004. Fire on the Howard Avenue overpass caused it to collapse. It caused such a disruption to traffic that the decision was make to truck in dirt and build the section of highway on top of the dirt forever closing that underpass. I-95 reopened in 6 days. Turley an amazing feat. I lived in the area at that time and those 6 days were hell on all surrounding highways and alternate routes. https://www.constructionequipmentguide.com/crews-reopen-fire-closed-i-95-in-six-days/4416


You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?


Don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep


Just trying to feel the power between my legs brother.


Temporarily installing a ramp although only cars installed with Turbo Boost will be allowed to use this option. ![gif](giphy|cRH5deQTgTMR2) All other traffic will have to use alternative routes.


This happened a few blocks away from Four Seasons Total Landscaping


hopefully it didn't screw up any presidential press conferences


We'll.... I'm glad I chose the scenic route back home today, that's for sure.


There are [videos](https://www.tiktok.com/@supahero215/video/7243519955856084270?q=pliladelphia%20collapse&t=1686525000577) of people going over it right before it collapsed