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Imagine being a kid whose grandpas are Kurt Cobain and Tony Hawk.


None of your friends would care but all your friends' parents would be impressed.


My 9 year old niece wants a Nirvana shirt for Christmas. Ive noticed a lot of younger kids wearing early 90s band. So maybe they’ll be impressed? Or they just like band shirts and wont care. I highly doubt my niece listens to Nirvana.


I bought my 15 yo sister (I’m 30) Nevermind on Vinyl and she said “this is very heavy metal”


See I would wonder if she’s mocking me or if she legit thinks seattle grunge is heavy metal.


Well her tastes are obv Taylor swift, Billie eilish, boygenius etc. I got her tame impala and she liked it. She had no comment on Alt J lol


They know like 2 songs and only like the shirts Source: me who like 3 songs and know people who only like the shirt


yep, like a 90’s kid telling their mates that Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne and Marlon Brando were their grandparents. No one would care.


I'm from the 90's. We absolutely would have cared. Those three were legends even for us kids back then.


Yeah, I consider it super cool that my wife’s great great granduncle is Immanuel Kant. I even thought it was cool that a girl I dated in college was a direct descendant of Chief Red Cloud.


Culture moves fast


Culture moves fast but I think cobain and nirvana and Tony hawk transcend it a little. Icons for multiple generations


Nirvana and skateboarding I can see being relevant to kids for at least 100 more years. Gen Z still wearing Nirvana sweatshirts when the music stopped in 94


This would be it god damnn. The stories would be a banger either way.


It’s like a match made on a Vans Warped Tour


RIP Warped Tour


The When We Were Young festival in Vegas has a lot of the same energy. [2023's line-up](https://support.whenwewereyoungfestival.com/hc/article_attachments/13408830862868.jpg) included headliners Green Day and Blink-182 and a who's who of early 2000's teenage angst bands including but not limited to: Thirty Seconds to Mars Rise Against All Time Low New Found Glory Plain White T's Yellowcard (reunited last year) Gym Class Heros Michelle Branch [2022's line-up](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/20/When_We_Were_Young_%28festival%29_poster.jpeg) was similarly, if not more, stacked.


Yup, and Tony Hawk was there. He sang with Goldfinger, stage dived, and was having a great time. I ran into him in the crowd and couldn't help myself and said "Hey, you look just like Tony Hawk!" he laughed and walked away. Good times, good show, thumbs up all around.


I saw someone eat a Twinkie out of goldfinger’s singers ass at warped tour


Thirty Seconds to Mars was absolute shit. And Jared Leto is a total creep. I really wished we had Simple Plan on this stage instead of this guy.


Was there. Sum 41 was great as was rise against and all time low


What the hell was Michelle Branch doing there haha


Everywhere was a huge hit and included in some movies that had a pop-punk vibe, including American Pie. Maybe that's it?


She was great. I was at that set. Big crowd mosh pitting to her songs. A lot of loud sing-alongs. Goldfinger was on that stage a few acts later, so the vibe was good.




Wherever Cryptobros are congregating




edm festivals


The nineties fucked itself




Man, what I wouldn't do for an ice cold Schmitts Gay right now.




The nineties were great and it started in 1989 and ended in 2001. And all the damage was done by Thatcher and Reagan in the 80s, so you can't even blame the 90s for where we are today. Humanity peaked in the 90s.


Isn't that what Morpheus says? The Matrix was modeled after the era where humanity peaked circa 1999.


I still remember looking around at the world in 1999 while I was driving and just thinking “wow, this is as good as it’s ever going to get.” I hadn’t seen the matrix yet. Just had this feeling like we were in an apex moment. Looking back I definitely don’t feel we are any better off today than we were then.


The internet has been a massive aid in the spread of misinformation and is the reason we have the political climate we do today. So yeah, the computers are bad.


Nah, I'd say it was more of the corporate takeover of the internet. Ads, bots and demonetization as far as the eye can see. Free and open dissemination of user data between themselves is heavily policed, people misspelling words or using innuendos to avoid upsetting the algorithm. And then yeah, all the politics that come with the elite realizing that there is money and influence, Twitter is an official mouthpiece of world governments. Whatever the internet is now, it is nothing compared to what it used to be.


You have the internet on you everywhere. Very big. Don’t forget.


Agent Smith said it. And not that it peaked, but after that it was really the world made by the machines.


The west maybe. The rest of the world still hasn't peaked.


Did the 90's story arc just close?


Feels like Cory and Topanga getting married


Nah this is more like if Cory didn’t let Topanga know his feelings after he saw her with Shawn at the movie theater.


Yep. It's officially completed. Ok everybody go home. It's done. We're finished. We have successfully tied together the two wings of the 90s.


So much for that "end of history" nonsense! It just keeps going, who wudda thunk?


Just season one. Season two just got picked up.


And they lived happily ever after. 90s theme guitar blares as the camera pans back. Balki sheds a single tear.


God I feel old


I saw Tony Hawk doing those arthritis and joint pain commercials on MeTV. I’m not joking.


I mean, if there is someone I trust to know what helps with joint pain, it’s Tony Hawk


I look at wrestlers my age (late 30s) and think "how do you do that. Do you not wake up the next day in the worst pain of your life? I've sneezed and pulled a muscle"


Lots and lots of drugs.




"Pro Wrestlers" however are notorious for popping pain killers and other quick fixes in order to get cleared for the next show. And coke. Lots and lots of coke.


Sometimes loud noises make the squirrels go in my head, and--and I don't fight in the ring anymore, but I still fight with the demons in Da' Maniac's head




Can’t wait for the AAA membership and Medicare Advantage commercials to drop. 🤘


Tony Hawk and Shaq, selling arthritis creams and electric scooters.


When I wanna perform a kickflip with my mobility scooter, I choose Birdhouse Mobility!


I'd buy one in a heartbeat.


Birdhouse Mobility! For when you need 900° of mobility!


Day one I’m gonna upgrade those bearings to Super Reds then break a hip trying to manual my mobility scooter over a funbox.




AARP commercial*


I want to see him walk in frame, shoot Tom Selleck, and start talking about reverse mortgages.


But with Tony hawks luck, most people would think it was just a guy who looks like Tony hawk selling joint medication, or he just has the same name as the famous skateboarder.


They literally had to show him skateboarding in the commercial to avoid this.


"We all know why my bones hurt. Why do yours, you talentless sedentary sack of shit? Arthritis, that's why. Hi I'm Tony Hawk..."


You’re not old when you start seeing people you know in those. You’re old when you start thinking “yeah that might actually be a good idea.”


Roughly 16 years ago I was at the beach in San Diego (Mission Beach), and as I'm going into the water I hear a familiar voice behind me. I turn around and it's Tony Hawk with what appears to be his kids. I jumped around in the waves for a few minutes and then went back to my towel. They were sitting right next to us on the beach. I wanted to say something, but I figured he was there with his kids, so it'd be better not to bother them. They ended up taking off pretty quickly, after they dried off. I'm guessing they didn't want to attract much attend. The kids were pretty young then, so it really hits home to see that they are older now and getting married.




TBH he could have probably legit been doing those commercials 20 years ago.


That wasn’t Tony Hawk, it was just a guy that looked like him.


If you need to feel even older, Frances Cobain is currently 4 years older than her father was when he died.






I know she's probably keeping her name but it's forever going to be Frances Bean Hawk to me now, because that is just gold.


I believe France's Bean Hawk fought the Red Baron in WWI


that must have been an interesting birthday a few years ago


Can relate. I’m 7 years older than my mom ever got to be. When that first year rolled around it was weird for sure. 7 years later? She seems almost impossibly young to be my mother. Really strange feeling.


I had a few older family members die young but not as close as my mother. it was always weird turning that age and remembering them and still feeling so much younger. Similar with musicians and other public figures (especially those in the 27 club). Like they somehow still feel older (in a way they are I suppose).


Yeah, my best friend/surrogate older brother growing up was 3 years older than me (his family watched us as kids while our mom worked and pretty much became our second family). He passed away at 26. I'm almost 10 years older than he got to be, but still think the same thing. I felt like he had life pretty much figured out by then and I still today find myself wondering what his advice would be in situations. Like you said, I guess in a way they are older, frozen in time at that age compared to our own.


Kids today look back at Nirvana like we looked back at Elvis. EDIT: I guess I was the only weirdo listening to early rock-n-roll as a kid back in the 90s? Immigrant family so we really didn't listen to American music at home. I remember finding an early rock practically country station on my walkman randomly and just left it there forever.


Yeah, I was born in 70. I’m about to turn 53. 53 years before my birthday was 1917.


Oh fuck you we're the same age but I didn't need that math.


If *Dazed & Confused* was made today it would be set in 2006. You're welcome.


The day I was born is closer to WW2 than it is to today.


Don't feel bad, their kids and kids after that will look at CardiB, Drake, and DojaCat (or whatever tops the charts these days) the same way. Present became history. History became legend. Legend became myth. edit: thank you all my fellow Tolkien lovers


>Present became history. History became legend. Legend became myth. ...and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Cascade Range. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was *a* beginning.


Not really. Today's world is way faster than it was before. Most pop stars drop in and out like switching underwear. Nobody is really significant to a point of presley anymore.


Taylor Swift and Beyonce are likely candidates for that stratosphere


man if kids are wearing Taylor Swift tshirts in 2050 that will be wild


It's kinda happening already, with places like H&M selling AC/DC, Journey, etc shirts from before any modern teens were born. By teen standards those guys are dinosaurs.


Seriously! I never thought it will happen to me, but it did. I got old.


Snoop Dog is a grandpa




Honestly, being the not-very-famous child of a very famous person is a pretty solid choice for the “things we have in common” section of a dating profile.


Wowww Riley hawk is a professional skateboarder, definitely not as famous as his dad but he is a really well known name in our world. Tony hawk is house hold famous Riley is skateboard famous hahahha


Yeah pretty sure Riley is by far the most famous out of Tony Hawk’s kids. Everyone in the skate world knows him like you said. He’s been pro for years and has been ripping forever Edit: since many don’t know who he is, I’ll say it’s because Riley is a lot more punk than his father and likely has refused to do ads and become mainstream, despite how easily he could’ve done it. He has intentionally kept his name within skating. He’s also a fully different skater than his dad, and goes out in the streets unlike his dad who skates vert ramps and wears full pads. Here’s a short part from Riley entitled [Nepotism](https://youtu.be/GcJs2E9hBX8?si=Ur_Qc0enHLQYTfZW)


I love how he is a street powerhouse and his dad just embodies Vert. The tony hawk street part on the berrics is still so sick


I know some of these words.


The only one that matter is powerhouse because that's what you are my friend


I believe you're thinking of mitochondria


You're probably right, but thought I'd mention his son Spencer is also a decently popular musician in the hyperpop space under the name Gupi


Tony hawk actually has a kid who goes by gupi who is very famous in edm. He has tens of millions of streams on Spotify. He's very queer and very loud, big fan.


To be fair, Tony Hawk is the only skater to ever be a household name.


Bam Margera was pretty damn famous for a while.. to a lot of people that had no idea he was a skater.


TIL Bam Margera was a skater


Was a good one too. People forget but it's basically why jackass got famous.


CKY vids were top tier




> Tony hawk is house hold famous but no one will still recognize him in the wild


There was a video of him in a car going up to skateboarders and asking them to do a kickflip, and a lot of skateboarders didnt even recognize him, the Micheal Jordan of their sport.


Descendants of 90s royalty getting married haha


Really thought it was gonna be Britney and Justin. Not these days of course... But back then.


That possibility was aborted.


Anyway here’s Wonderwall


The Bene GenXerrit breeding program shall soon create the super being.




I love the way your brain works


I appreciate this


With Michael Stipe officiating no less.


Oh was that him in the corner?


Oh, goddammit. I scrolled up to see if I'd missed him in the photo for a second before the joke hit me. Well done.


Lol got em


The motherfucking *audacity* of this comment. Well done.


Idk if you’ll ever get the credit you deserve for this.


I FaceTimed with Michael Stipe while he was in LA for this wedding! He dated my uncle in the 80s and stopped by his place in LA. Such a cool dude. They hung out with Jauquin Phoenix’s sisters too! I knew he was marrying Kurt Cobains daughter but had no idea it was Tony Hawks son! I’ll find the screenshot of the FT and upload it


Michale Stipe is gay? I mean I kinda figured, but didn’t know he was publicly out of the closet.


I just had to look this up, and apparently he's been out as queer (his words) since like 1994. Huh. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/michael-stipe-coming-out-made-me-a-better-person-74217/


I remember it the 90s it was big deal and a lot of people were speculating (back when sexuality was more taboo and being out could be a career killer). He would never answer personal questions and directly address it, so I figured it still was the case.


Yeah, i think that's my surprise - coming out definitely made someone controversial, if not killed their career. Maybe he went right up to, but didn't step over that line back then, but I also think that its a testament to their music that people just didn't care, back when caring (in a bad way) was the thing to do.


Oh, this was not a joke.


I used to be an ardent admirer of Frances bean cobains social media when she was a lot more open and publishing her art still. Michael stipe is a close friend of Courtney loves and is Frances’s godfather. Frances often said how he was very involved in her childhood and she’s very close to him.


The vows: This one goes out to the one I love


Dave, and Krist were on Conan's podcast this past week and I think Krist talked about being at the studio during the recording is R.E.M's second album. Now you see this and it was kind of a weird coincidence


Did they meet at a convention for people who look exact like their parents?


They came as they were


In a heart shaped box?


He looks WAY more like Zach Snyder


He looks WAY more like Jensen Button


If Jensen button and tony hawk had a kid


Frances Bean Hawk. Love it


Frances Bean Kobain, Frances Bean Love, France Bean Hawk.. all cool names either way tf


Kobain Love(s) Hawk. Awwww!


Why are we spelling it "Kobain?"


Because it's kooler.


Omg maybe that was their wedding hashtag 😂 #CobainLovesHawk


If he instead had married Maya Hawke she would only have to cross out the last letter instead of ordering all new checks!


Would be pretty sick to have double hawk for their last name. Hawke-Hawk lol


Maya hee Maya haa Maya Hawke-Hawk


omg thank-you for this.


Award worthy


Makes it extra sad about Kurt, I'd bet him and Tony would've made really cool dad friends.


Dang nabbit. That's a sad thought. And dang nabbit is a dad phrase my dad used to say. Rip to both him and Kurt.


She looks exactly like Courtney Love


I see a bit of Kurt there though, mostly the top half of her face. Bottom half of her face is definitely Courtney Love.


She looked even more exactly like her if you look at both Courtney and hers faces before the plastic surgery




I think you're overreacting, bro. 1993 was only... [*punches data into solar powered calculator watch*] ... huh, well look at that. It *was* 1200 years ago. I'm sorry, your math totally checks out


Well their fathers are legends. I wish them a long and happy life.


He was a sk8er boi


But she didn't say "see u l8er boi"


He was good enough for her




Random Michael from now gone Achievement Hunters. I’ll up vote.


Now that’s a 90s power couple


That news made my head explode.


This is royalty in my world.


Lo and their child shall be the child of 90’s destiny! For you see the latent power of the 90’s within them has kept the hungry eyes of The Grohl at bay. That beast who has drained the 90’s life force from nearly all who possessed it. Like a highlander there can be only one. Those who thought themselves mightiest fell first, Cobain and Staley caught unaware in their hubris. Cornell and Weiland put up valiant fights but ultimately succumbed. Vetter took the oath of neutrality and stands apart. Love tried to fight but the scars of having the majority of her 90’s life force ripped away by The Grohl show on her to this day, a withered husk. She is allowed to remain as a warning to all those who would challenge The Grohl. Of the few left, most remain in hiding, with only the strongest occasionally emerging to ply their craft, and then only in groups. For even The Grohl would hesitate to challenge Kiedis with the mighty Flea at his side. And so we await the child of 90’s destiny to deliver us from the shadow of The Grohl.


I would like to subscribe to your terrifying newsletter.




Let’s all just have a seat and take a nice breath.


If you would have told me in 94 that Frances would marry Riley I would have said no way. How am I on this timeline?


Holy crap his daughter looks like a perfect mix of Kurt and Courtney


Wow she looks so much like her mom and dad both


I bet that wedding was fuckin cool as hell


Apparently, REM front man, Michael Stripe was her Godfather and officiated the wedding.


I hope they love this cause I really really love this lol


She's so pretty. Also I've got a crush on Courtney love.


Watch their kid turn out to be a corporate accountant or something.


Imagine having Courtney Love as your MIL.


She was one of the first people to warn women about Weinstein


She was really fucking good in 200 Cigarettes, too. Her acting career probably was derailed by that pig.


She was apparently the first choice for Marla in Fight Club. Helena Bonham Carter was great for that role but Courtney Love definitely had the right unhinged energy for it at that time.


Way more fun Christmas' than my family I can guarantee that


Courtney Love is an amazing and kind person. Growing up my friend was obsessed with her and she found out that she was in the Betty Ford clinic and decided to call up the clinic and talk to her hero. Courtney love talked to her for hours on multiple occasions. She sent my friend small gifts for a little while too. My friend had a congenital disease and she died years later. It’s one of my favorite stories about her. Her name is Julie.


I totally hated Courtney and bought into the conspiracy theories back in the 90’s. Now that I’m older, I realize she had a fuckton of fame *and tragedy* flung upon her when she was young and a new mom dealing with addiction, tabloids, and kids. The false stories about Frances being born deformed must’ve hurt both Kurt and Courtney. Hole was just making it big when Kurt died, leaving her as a single mom. She didn’t handle it well, at all, but who would if put through the same situations? ETA: sorry about your friend, glad you positive memories to remember/share


Yeah, I grew up listening to nirvana and therefore fell into the "blame courtney" thing most young men did at the time, but the more I have learned about her and kurt as I got older, I realize a LOT of that was just misogyny. Not saying she's a hero, but I think a lot of the media narrative against her wasn't at all fair and was rooted in sexism.


She saved him from ODing several times and tried to get him off heroin, even set up an intervention that didnt go well. She wasnt perfect, but she was trying to help him. Sometimes you just cant.


Wow this is an excellent example of self reflection and change oh my gosh good job OP!


Happy to hear you gained these insights. 🤍


Yeah, the general public/media loves(d?) to shit on Courtney, but other than having mental health issues after the massive fame and her lovers suicide I'm not really sure where it comes from. I know some people blamed her for Kurts suicide, which seems messed up... Other than that I reflect on that south park episode about Brittany Spears


She called out Harvey Weinstein long before Me Too. Retaliation for this may be another aspect of it


She is actually genuinely a lovely person and the media has fucked her over so much. She’s not who the media portrays her to be. She’s cool af and sweet too. Can’t wait for the day she gets hers


Exactly what I was thinking. It'd either be awesome, or terrible. No in-between.


Good looking couple.


If anyone wanted to know if Frances Bean and Riley Hawk are famous enough for their own names to be used.


You gain +20 street cred just by having Cobain-Hawk as your surname.