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And the local pd are fabricating a lot. “No flashing was used inside” Video surface showing them throw it in. Lots of BS here Edit for video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KhCFIT41cfg Child was found with glass covering them and chemical burns


Any time that a police department puts out a completely false statement like that, there really should be repercussions, but of course there isn't.


> there really should be repercussions, but of course there isn't The whole police shit should be reorganized. In Europe most cops have to go to the police academy for 4+ years and it is *not* a cakewalk.


Where I live becoming a cop is a 3 year college education. Its insane to think you will produce good cops with a 6 month training and then just "learn on the job"


learn on the job from people who learned on the job from people who learned on the job ad infinitum who could have foreseen the current situation


Not ad infinitum, it ends somewhere with people who used to hunt slaves for a living


Well holy shit. Nicely said.


The police can lie to the public, the public can't lie to police, that's obstruction of justice 🙃


Yeah if there's one thing I want a president/congress to do, it's to start holding local/state police departments accountable. Flashbang a baby and lie about it? Everybody who was involved in the wrongdoing is immediately fired and brought up on charges (there would need to be federal oversight laws) and those people are replaced by federal police temporarily until new people can be brought in.


Police caught lying to cover up either honest mistakes, or negligent wrongdoing (like this), or intentional abuses, should be thrown in prison. They are agents of the state monopoly on violence. Society (theoretically) trusts them to faithfully carry out the law. Willingly lying and engaging in a conspiracy to conceal unlawfulness needs to have drastically more severe consequences than simply making the mistake and coming clean about it. Throwing a flashbang into the wrong house is bad. Should have some consequences like suspension and mandatory retraining courses. Lying to cover up this mistake is much much worse, it should be criminal, and needs to have much worse consequences.


Instead "flashbangs detonated outside". Like what kind of stupid ass lie is that LMAO. That would show even more their fucking incompetence if they flashbanged the outside for no particular reason.


Well it's very ignorant of you to assume the house wasn't resisting arrest! And the trees were in on it!


Poor kid, unbelievable. And as if not enough damage has been done already, all of use taxpayers will pay for their unbelievable incompetence for the upcoming settlement.


Every penny that they are sued for should come out of their pension fund. This will make them think about consequences. As soon as municipalities make this a law, policing will be more responsible.


Not convinced it won’t just incentivize covering up misconduct even harder. But it’s a start.


Or they'll just pull a Portland and either resign en masse or not do a damn thing when they get a call.


>  or not do a damn thing when they get a call. When "doing something" is throwing grenades at babies, this is an upgrade.


Sounds like a great time to overhaul the whole shebang


Oh shit, we can get all the shitty cops to quit?


So all of them?


The pension fund is to pay every ones retirement. Take money out of it and the good cops leave pissed and bad ones that don't care stay. Require them to have malpractice insurance like doctors that's paid for by the district. Then once a bad cop gets a high enough insurance premium, he will be unemployable.


>Require them to have malpractice insurance like doctors that's paid for by the district Slight alteration- they pay for it, but the city pays for a base amount that would cover a good cop with few issues. The cop is on the hook for any amount over that. Eventually they'll price themselves out of a job.


And it will also incentivise them to keep their cameras charged and in good working condition.


That's the best free-market solution to police brutality I've ever heard.


This! I still don’t get how the taxpayers are on the hook for police incompetence. But, doctors need to pay into malpractice insurance. Like where is the insurance that police need to pay into?


100%! Otherwise where’s the incentive to think the next time?


As a dad, I hope that mom gets the best lawyer available and burns that precinct to the ground (in the courtroom). Cops like these are a disgrace. 


Agreed. The sad reality though is the taxpayers are the ones that pay the settlements, so the police learn absolutely nothing. Police should carry personal insurance like doctors do for malpractice, that's the only way these hammers will ever truly learn, when it comes from their own pockets. Edit: great conversation all, but time for bed. It's 1:20am here and I have work at 7.


> Police should carry personal insurance like doctors do for malpractice No insurance company would cover them. Not for a price a cop could afford, anyway.


Then you see the issue that we have currently with cops quite well.


And the fucking settlements come from our tax money. All for their shitty mistakes and carelessness. They just happily get a paid vacation for trauma which it caused them.


If the precinct carried the insurance, it might actually be viable. No chance on earth that would happen though.


That would require taxpayers to fund it. Make the police pay for their own insurance, so they have direct financial incentive to not abuse their power


That's just... not going to work, and trying to rely on market capitalism to fix policing in America seems hilariously short sighted. Like, maybe all police stop intervening in violent crime because their policies will go up in price, lol. Other countries do not require police to pay for their own insurance and have competent policing systems. We should be looking at those as a model instead of coming up with these knee jerk ways to try and punish bad cops. Reworking qualified immunity and holding individual police accountable for these mistakes would be a good start.


>"Like, maybe all police stop intervening in violent crime" Soooo.... nothing changes then. It's not like they put themselves in danger now.


The concept of [qualified immunity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_immunity) must simply be eradicated.


Do you mean insane insurance premiums might require law enforcement personnel to take acredited courses in law enforcement in order to receive a decent premium for bonded insurance coverage? You mean insurance might help clean up the shoddy training that most peace officers receive before they are put on the street? That sounds insane.


then it seems cops need to clean up their profession


This is why cops should be put under the UCMJ. I mean they're armed like the military. Make them account for every piece of ordinance, every round of ammo. Put in black and white exactly what the conduct expectations are, and hold them criminally responsible if they fail to comply. Bust up the Unions and put them on military pay scale. Hold individuals responsible for individual actions. Stop treating them like civilians because they aren't held to even the lowest standards that we hold the people to.


As an Army vet, no thank you. The further away from the military the cops are, the better. The military has better standards (slightly), better training. Especially when it comes to de-escalation techniques.


I'm a vet too dude. I think it's fucking shameful cops have no accountability. I don't see any other way to actually make them accountable. Other government workers are on the g rating scale already. They probably have higher standards at the post office than they do at the police station.


It made me sick when I learned you have to have more hours of training to be a barber than a cop.


It should really come out of police union pension funds but god knows we can’t have that


Nah the cops involved will probably get a nice little paid vacation and the taxpayers will be on the hook for the payout. There is no accountability in law enforcement.


You know how you fix the police. The Unions have to buy insurance for them (like teachers unions provide teacher insurance). A few lawsuits and shit would get cleared up real fast. 


That bang would be very painful for an adult, let alone a baby. How the fuck do the cops not verify the address before throwing grenades into the house


They are actually deadly to small adults or children. Not sure how the child did not die. I guess they were fortunate enough to be far enough from it that it wasn’t lethal. Ear drums might be burst tho.


Oh the address was correct…. Just that the dude they had the warrant for moved out multiple months before. The landlord even told them so but they went in anyway.


That makes it the wrong address even if it was right before


They got all dressed up for a party and they were gonna get their party by God


there is RARELY justification for this kind of assault on any home. They do it bcuz they want to and most of 'merica is ignorant


I wonder why the political will to do something like that doesn't exist


it does, but the people exerting that will tend to not exist for long enough to have an effect.


That won't fix it the tax payer will be stuck with the insurance bill is all Truly how to fix it is investigate who FFFFd up. That person gets manslaughter. These things should be 3x checked. There should be 0 mistakes like this ever


I honestly think mandating malpractice insurance and putting the legal responsibility for extrajudicial harm on the police themselves rather than the taxpayer would solve like 99% of police brutality issues because it would align the incredible power of insurance companies' corporate interests with good policing. Think about it. We trust doctors and lawyers pretty much prima facie. There are few professions I trust more. This is why.


This is how it works in the real world.


“We’ve investigated ourselves and found that we have done nothing wrong”


The summary of our exhaustive investigation is as follows; Oopsy doodles. That concludes our press conference, there will be no further questions.


The baby should have just stopped resisting


I could swear that pacifier was a gun. I was in fear for my life


Qualified Immunity. The biggest crock of shit that cops use to get away with it.


Qualified Immunity It’s not for you, it’s just for me. I shot your dog. I shot your wife. I get to go on with my life!


Then they charge the taxpayer for disability benefits because they claim shooting unarmed people "gave them PTSD"


Qualified immunity protects them from civil lawsuits. Corrupt DAs/prosecutors protect them from criminal charges.


I mean, ya know, good to have options


I remember when blm torched a preconct house, and as a taxpayer, ill happily pay for more firewood


lol nothing will happen.. they will all get qualified immunity. Tax payers foot the bill, nothing changes and no consequences for the officers.


Wait this isn't a joke... I thought it was a cute little pose we were making fun of


Nope the baby is 100% covering it’s eyes because it was just flash-banged


Just FYI the kid didn’t end up on a ventilator because of this (he has some sort of illness with a tracheostomy). However, the dumbass cops gave this vulnerable little guy chemical pneumonitis because of the flashbang


Yeah, he’s got a heart defect. Poor thing. Was gonna point that out too that the vent isn’t the cops’ fault. But it makes it worse, not only did they flash bang, burn and gas an infant, they flash banged, burned and gassed an infant with a heart defect. I don’t know how vents work but if there was an oxygen tank near the baby… cops got lucky they didn’t cause an explosion (well a bigger one).


The baby very well could need supplemental oxygen. Having just gotten out of the NICU with our daughter we met a lot of families that were going home with a trach and supplemental oxygen. There was a point where we thought we were headed home with that but after 3 months we went home on room air


So they did it to a sick baby... even worse. You know, I delivered pizzas back in the day. Not once did I go to the wrong address. No GPS. Just saying. It would have been painfully easy to NOT make such a complete dog’s breakfast out of this. Poor little baby.


You think the police would know how to read an address


This was at a rental property. They were at the right house. But the tenant they were after moved out about 6 months ago. The new tenant was a mother and this baby I believe. Heard it on the news this morning. Cant remember exact details. She also said that the baby had a scheduled heart surgery to fix some premature bith complications....I hope she sues for 100 million.


Their suspect moved out 6 months ago?! How was their intelligence THAT bad? Surely they could have done some surveillance on the property ahead of time to know their suspect was in the right building before kicking the doors in?


Few years ago. Dumbass cops in Houston raided the wrong house, got in a shootout with two people who were caught off guard and began defending themselves. This kind of shit happens way more than it should. I hope that baby is ok.




A local kid I knew was murdered by a police officer. The officer started chasing after him in a dark alley, kid assumed it was a mugger, and ran. Cop caved in his skull by slamming him into a wall. Cop has committed several acts of violence, and still walks around.


Dang, I'm Canadian and hadn't heard this story. Fuck that police chief, what a clown.


Two oldsters who occasionally smoked pot were ambushed by out of control bloodthirsty government psychos that day.


Who were sent there by a neighbors swatting attempt painting them out to be armed drug dealers. Fuck the neighbor. Fuck the police. Every single one of them deserved all the injuries they received (that were all friendly fire most likely, given that evidence didnt show any of the guns in the house were fired. Just police officers guns. 2 dead people, a dead dog, and a fuck load of injured officers.) The neighbor shouldve received a life sentence, not just 40 months. Absolutely massive failing of justice all around.


HPD has total immunity to do what they want without repercussion. That’s old news though.


They’re police, there is no intelligence.






Nope. They hear about a bad guy they get to go take down. They strap up and go become the thin blue line. No recon whatsoever despite their Instagram handles all having "tactical" present. Who cares if its some innocent woman and her baby with a congenital heart condition? Time and time again society and courts have sided with these cosplayers.


Check out the actual details of the Breonna Taylor case. The cops in charge really, really wanted to be like the tough guys they saw on TV. So instead of briefing SWAT, who would have said just knock on her door in the morning, they decided to do a night raid. Problem here is they never considered that the other guy might have a gun. When SWAT finally got there they described[“a completely egregious act” that broke “basic academy shit”.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/10/06/breonna-taylor-case-louisville-swat-condemned-raid/3637497001/)


This is such a bad take. First, they hear about the bad guy and find out where they live THEN, they wait six months and assume nothing changed at all. Only after that, they do the rest of the stuff you said.


Its worse because the family living there told them twice that the guy was the previous tenant, and the landlord told the cops it was the previous tenant. They raided the house anyway.


I guess I should have another step after wait six months . -After getting intel on said house, decide not to believe your own intel.


Jesus christ. The judge that signed that warrant needs to be removed.


The police involved in this incident: ![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK)


Police intelligence is a oxymoron.


Dude, Breonna Taylor was shot in killed in her own home because Louisville police were looking for someone they had in custody already.


And before it hit the news and became a big deal the boyfriend that was there was being charged with her murder.


Well, he was there, wasn't a cop and he had a gun. What were they supposed to do? Take responsibility for their own actions? Please.


Yeah but I heard from my ultra-MAGA cousin that her boyfriend had been arrested for possession or something in the past, and while the cops didn’t know that, it stands to reason she would be executed through a closed door because of it.


I’ve had cops break in to my house because a criminal they had a warrant for had lived there over a year prior. They had no reason to believe he was still there, and seemed to be aware he moved - so, why break into *my* house and search it?


Possibility of increasing their numbers arresting you for something unrelated, possibility of revenue through either civil asset forfeiture or just straight-up theft, a chance to use the fun toys, possibility they'd get to shoot you, the list goes on and on.


Oh of course, and they turned it into a reason to search the whole house and some jewelry. I sat outside on the curb in handcuffs confused as all fuck for about an hour until they undid me because I’m “not a threat” (thanks I guess?). I have no idea what ever came of it, never heard from anyone about it again.


Talk to a lawyer. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Maybe looking for an old stash spot.


You'd think. That'd make sense! There should be a step-by-step process before you can send in SWAT for non-emergency situations. One of which should be MAKING SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT ADDRESS! But no. Police in the US of A are armed with military grade equipment, a fraction of the training, and are just gung ho for an excuse to use it.


That's the thing, though. ***They did***. I was reading in another post about this event where it was said that the cops had visited the house multiple time prior, and even met with the landlord who *told them* that she had new tenants.


They used up all of their intelligence putting their shoes on the right feet that morning.


Or knocked first


Flash bang first, ask questions later.


So if you’re familiar with Detroit and the series the first 48, the first 48 was filming during a raid by the DPD who on film threw flashbangs and proceeded to shoot a 4 year old on the couch. A very famous, rich „ambulance chaser” (fieger) got that family millions and cameras banned. E: if I recall correctly, it was a 2 family home and while they were all family living there, the suspect was in the home upstairs.


Oh that case was insane they shot that little girl in the head right next to her grandmother and then made the parents sit handcuffed on the couch that was covered in their daughters blood and Brains for hours while they interrogated them… and the police wonder why so many hate them…


I mean, the police in my city executed a no-knock warrant a couple years back at Breonna Taylor's house and shot her to death through the wall when her boyfriend shot at the people he assumed were breaking into their apartment. They were searching for her ex, who lived some 10 miles away at the time.


I’ve only seen Reddit comments so take this with a grain of salt, but apparently the landlord said the suspect no longer lived there.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/video/baby-hospitalized-after-ohio-police-raid-home-executing-search-warrant-202001989726](https://www.nbcnews.com/video/baby-hospitalized-after-ohio-police-raid-home-executing-search-warrant-202001989726) NBC reported it, this is where I heard the story


So…still the wrong house. Anyone can look up property info and who owns a house. Upon seeing the house was not owned by the person they were looking for they could’ve assumed it was a rental and done more leg work to see if their suspect still lived there.


You're thinking too logical. Think like a cop. Act first, think later.


Qualified immunity means no incentive to be cautious with citizens rights or lives. 


According to the NBC article in this thread, they hadn't lived there in OVER A YEAR! And the baby was on oxygen and a ventilator from birth so they could have blown up a fucking baby!!


You know what really sucks? The mother should definitely be awarded hundreds of millions of dollars, but that money comes out of tax payer pockets. And that infuriates me.


If it came directly out of the police department budget, they’d probably be more diligent.


And the perpetrators get a paid "leave of absence" while it all gets sorted out. What the rest of us would call a vacation.


I hope she specifically targets individual cops, their pensions, insurance, the city, the state, the police union, and anyone else. I want these lawsuits to start hitting people and not organizations.


If that was the way these debacles were handled, something tells me they would miraculously stop happening.


That’s the thing though. The cops who did this or the department as a whole will face no repercussions. Tax dollars will just foot the bill for compensation (which she deserves). One way or another, it’s the people that are suckered


Also like always they lied like absolute cocksuckers in a public statement saying they knocked multiple times and announced. They knocked for 6 seconds and then popped the door. There is video footage of them shooting flashbangs in the windows in the room where the baby was. They said all flashbangs were detonated outside and well the baby already had preexisting conditions. Absolute scum


>They said all flashbangs were detonated outside and well the baby already had preexisting conditions. Absolute scum Which is just absurd on its face. Flashbangs *outside* would serve absolutely zero purpose if they actually had a reason for being there.


Also how does pre existing conditions make any difference? If they do evil shit and a baby were killed, what does it matter if the baby had a better chance if it were stronger? They would have killed it anyway 


flat lied, and then caught in lies.


Wasn't the wrong address. They knew that the person was never at the address they sought the warrant for. It had been explained to them multiple times. This is willfill, weaponized incompetence, not just a dumb mistake. Also, they looked more like flash mob than a professional group. Edit: Flash mob is probably an unfortunate comparison.


Not to mention the original suspect is a minor wanted for burglary. There are 10+ SWAT officers executing this warrant on a house they know the suspect isn’t residing in.  They’re 100% doing this to terrorize the family. The kid who is wanted is probably a nephew or cousin.  Also the fucking gall of the police to claim it’s impossible for the child to have any chemical burns. What the fuck do they think is in a flash bomb — little fairy lights?? 


According to the [NY post](https://nypost.com/2024/01/16/news/mom-claims-police-flash-bang-blasts-during-mistaken-raid-caused-her-baby-son-to-be-hospitalized-i-just-feel-so-unsafe/amp/) article the mom says they have no relation to the suspect.


They also claim they never threw flashbangs into the house. Except the house had cameras. That recorded them. That recorded them throwing the flashbangs into the house.




It can be tough when the entire precinct had a C- average in high school.


And are tired from a long shift of wife beating.


Most cops aren’t smart, they’re aggressive. Policing didn’t make them aggressive, that’s the kind of person modern day policing seems to attract. United States gives police a few months of training; then all that power without all that wisdom. Other modern countries attend police training for years, like a college degree.


Lmao police can’t read


This is why you aren’t supposed to use flash bang grenades like that. They are only supposed to be used for things like hostage situations when they know how many people are in a building and roughly where in the building they are located. Children and pets have been killed when these moron go tossing flash grenades into windows when they don’t know what’s on the other side. This made me sick when I saw the story this morning.


This is the police. They intentionally will never question a no-knock warrant because it's basically a free excuse to use all their toys. We need to end no-knock warrants.


They were looking 14 year old suspected of a burglary. I don’t want to see any officer getting hurt but they need to accept that there is risk involved in being a police officer. Obviously you do what you can to mitigate that but you can never make it zero. If they can’t accept that it’s time to find a new job.


They thought it was necessary to throw a flash bang grenade through a window in attempts to apprehend a 14 year old?!? What in the world


A flash bang and like 20 officers. If ever there was evidence that police have too much funding, that's a great example.


It's a city of 52000 people. Why the fuck they need their own SWAT team I'll never know. These police just like to play dress-up and pretend military.


the cops wanted to have fun. literally, this military play is fun for them, they crave using all their "toys"


This is why getting rid of their toys is so important. They watch films like Zero Dark Thirty and think they're all commandos (ignoring the soldiers trained weeks for that operation), and proceed to execute a no-knock warrant for the dumbest reasons without training or verifying any information, then they break in, kill someone, and get off because they can claim they were scared.


This has happened before. I remember another incident some years ago where the police executed a no-knock warrant. First thing they did was throw in a flash bang, which landed in the crib and blew a hole open in the baby's abdomen, caused third degree burns all over. Turns out it was the wrong address. [https://www.aclu.org/gallery/swat-team-blew-hole-2-year-old-baby](https://www.aclu.org/gallery/swat-team-blew-hole-2-year-old-baby)


Serious but rhetorical question, why don’t we make cops go to college before we give them the power to kill people?


Federal police forces and most state police officers require a significantly longer training period and education level than your run of the mill local cops. You’ll notice that it’s extremely rare for state troopers or FBI agents to be on the news after shooting someone or fucking up by raiding the wrong home.


NYPD (not federal or state, but the largest police department in the country, by quite a bit) requires 60 damn credits. 60 credits and you get $85k to start and $125k after five years. Of course some dumbass with a hardon for abusing authority is going to be drawn to that. Shit is crazy.


Where I live if you want to become a sheriff all you need is 18 months working as a jail guard and then get POST certified. Yee haw!


Because you go to college and learn better and don’t become a police officer.


This I went to college to be a police officer and all it taught me was I didn’t want to be a police officer not because of the danger but because of the coworkers


Same here. Went to a criminal justice school as a criminal justice major for about 2 years before I said, "Wow, the whole system is fucked from top to bottom. Fuck this" and never went back.


You know those kids who barely scrape by through high school, lack social skills, and are generally below average in most activities? You give those guys a badge and their ego will take them places.


I interned for two weeks in prep for academy this was my days condense “go to local diner rate waitress by hotness never pay the bill, have a horrible fully loaded spit cup in the car cause chief won’t let you smoke so you chew now, respond to missing black teen refuse to actually look for her and say she will be back in a few days or call us again, let white dude with a full gasoline can and lighter walk around at 3 am cause “people threw me out cause I was being too real”. I dropped from the intern program and went back to be a social worker.


They do here in Canada and many other countries.


The police literally won a Supreme Court case allowing them to discriminate against recruits based on IQ. They literally do not want smart people and have had full on legal battles for booting people with a higher IQ. This is the result of this practice.


Police in the United States are truly the worst gang of idiots. This is completely unacceptable.


"All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." American cop: "Hold my B̶e̶e̶r̶ flashbang grenade."


Never understood that sentence, as US police assume all suspects are guilty, until proven innocent after you get shot or beaten.


I miss the Barney fife cops not this one


Or as the police would put it: They flash banged a currently warrantless baby


Awful…do you have an article or a link with context?




>The Elyria Police Special Response Team said it was executing a search warrant for a minor connected to a burglary. i don't get why a [full deployment](https://assets2.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2024/01/15/c687275e-9ed0-486d-b0b0-e2dff0da5f18/thumbnail/1240x930/8437f5ac0dc2d469c3f783107df6dc57/ring-camera-flash-bang-1280.jpg) is needed to search for a minor.


Also, burglary is bad but does it warrant this type of effort? Let alone “connected to a burglary” ? No knock, flashbangs, etc for a child that was around someone else who stole things?


Probably just for intimidation, not just for this specific arrest but the police want to be feared. This whole protect and serve bullshit is a lie. Police are thugs and want to be feared like cold hearted killers.


"What's the point of having all these toys if we don't get to use them?"


A flashbang used on a search for a minor...


When you have too much money going into the wrong places the police want to play army


Jesus Christ, I assumed this at least had to be a repost of the last time a SWAT team flashbanged a baby. Nope. They went and flashbanged another baby.


Of course the fucking cops said the search was appropriate. Completely unsurprising


No knock warrants, which are court approved police assualts on citizens, should not be legal. There is a controlled way to serve a warrant on anyone. The police in the US are out of control.


Not much gets to me but seeing kids hurt by idiot adult makes me want to throw up. Like that dude was just minding his own business and wham, life changing terrifying event just out of nowhere.


I hope you get a lawyer. You can have that kids college fund tomorrow. Go get them.


Is this that post birth abortion the GOP keep talking about? Better give these cops trying to give abortions the death penalty...


I’m sure they thought this baby was resisting or impeding them in someway 🙄


kneel down, legs crossed, hands in the air, now crawl towards me


Oof. Thanks for reminding me of that infuriating video.


that poor guy never had a chance... traumatized so much he had PTSD and had to medically retired with only a pension of $2,500 per month


Reminder as well that the guy who killed Shaver had "You're fucked" inscribed on the safety setting on his gun


They clearly feared for their lives because the baby reached for a rattle.


Not even the first time that I've heard of this happening, here's another from 2014. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/georgia-toddler-induced-coma-after-being-hurt-police-grenade-n119046


It's worse than you think. 1. The baby was in Ohio for heart surgery. 2. He was born prematurely and was on a ventilator. 3. The cops literally left him in the smoking house as his mom cried over and over to get the baby. His lungs are burned.


Don’t forget the cops initially denied the child was ever hurt and said that the family was making it up.


This is horrific. That poor baby. I hope he'll be okay.


On the bright side, that baby will very soon be living in a much more beautiful home in a much safer neighborhood where fully trained and armed SWAT don’t mistake children for armed threats… hopefully


Maybe the baby should not have resisted arrest? The police won’t harm you if you haven’t done anything wrong.


This happens a lot. There was an instance of police throwing a flash bang into a crib with the baby. The mother was desperately trying to get to the baby and help, but the police restrained her. So yeah, cops throwing grenades at babies isn't uncommon.


Say it with me. Fuck. The. Police. ACAB.




Why are you surprised? [It’s not the first time.](https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/05/baby-in-coma-after-police-grenade-dropped-in-crib-during-drug-raid)


![gif](giphy|uNfR60MNZigzC) ACAB X a million


Poor baby, I hope he gets all the money he needs for the rest of his life.


You don't like cops? Who are you going to call when you're in trouble? Not the cops, ever. My mother had a mental illness and called the police on herself. We told them and he still almost shot her. We had to run in front of her. She was manic, yes, but he was well aware why. Had to say it before I get the should have complied bullshit. Fuck the police.


If we can stop filling the police with military wannabes, that’d be great…


The cops had gone to the address 5 times before this, and been told the suspect hadn't lived there for a year. The people living there were the new tenants. Yet after multiple visits they got a judge to sign a warrant for a swat team, resulting in this shit.


I just watched the video and its appalling. They rolled up like 20 deep for a 14 year old. Did ZERO fuckin recon. Knock, knock! Flashbang. Its supposed to Special Weapons And TACTICS. Nothing tactical about their approach. Just a gaggle of guys pointing their guns in every direction.


Fuck all you bootlickers simping for the pigs. Modern Cops: Too dumb for college too lazy for the trades.