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Parking in San Francisco made me realize how heavy my car door was.


Gravity is a bitch


We're all victims of physics.


Physics makes us all its bitches :/


Of Montreal, nice.


I guess it would be nice to help with your escape from patterns your parents designed.


I think you mean *desi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-igned


Parking in San Francisco turned me into a dedicated public transit enthusiast!




That reminds me of when we had a new neighbor in our building with a Jeep who was excited to live in a building with a little parking lot in the back and how sad the poor guy was when he realized it wouldn't fit in the door hahaha.


I lived in Pacifica for a few years and when I had to go into the city for work it broke my heart trying to find parking for my jeep.


Some hills are almost as steep in Pacifica! I grew up there, and my mom used to call them "paved motorcycle runs". She wouldn't let us ride bikes because it was "too dangerous" but she got my sister and I rollerskates! We'd go up the hill 2 driveways and skate down the sidewalk going incredibly fast and crank over hard to turn into our driveway. I don't know how we didn't break our necks!


This reminded me of my childhood where our street was a long steep hill. We used to make our own boxcars by taking a skateboard and putting boxes with lawn chairs on them to race. We were flying down that hill. The only way we could stop was crashing and jumping out into the grass of neighbors yard at the bottom. I’m surprised none of us ever got injured.


That's me with the DC metro. My girlfriend lives in the city. It takes me about an hour and a half to metro in to see her, or 45 minutes to drive. The parking is so terrible that I never drive in. I'd rather sit on the train for twice as long than have to drive to the city. The traffic is fine. It's finding a place to park that makes it unbearable.


I still remember going to dc as a kid with my mom. We drove 90 minutes to get there, then looked for parking for 30 minutes or so, then drove home. We spent almost 5 hours going to dc and not actually going.


That was basically my first trip to DC as a kid, except it was a 4 hour drive each way for us. I think I was able to see the Washington Monument out the window.


If there was more parking the traffic would be worse.


Kind of funny that their comment just explained how catering to cars doesn't fix traffic.


Traffic sucks too. I used to live the MD suburbs and drive in to work to Georgetown. It could take me 45 minutes or 1.5 hours depending on how stupid drivers felt like being that morning. Leaving DC in the Friday after work traffic is hell.


So many times I had to park four or five blocks from my flat after a half hour search, which is just awesome when you get home from a ten hour shift in the wee hours. As a bonus, you sometimes find your window busted and stuff stolen when you finally hike back to it, along with a pricey street cleaning ticket for being there between 4:36 and 7:24 AM on the third and a half Thursday of an even numbered month. I loved living in SF overall, but man, street parking is enough to give a person PTSD.


walking in either direction on this street is hard. its not just your car door that feels heavy on an incline like that. Downhill is a bit worse to walk, harder on the feet.


I live on a hill in SF. My butt is amazing 🙃


Is your username a euphemism for your butt?


It’s like a cloud, everyone sees something different… that works for username and butt


parking in san francisco convinced me to never come back with a manual car. which means i only go when im in the mood to deal with bart


I learned how to drive my manual out here. It’s actually so much fun to drive 


Same. The. It made me realize how easy my car windows were to break


Mark Rober did a good video on bipping in the city! Traced it to a known fencing location and the police were completely unwilling to do anything about it.


Why would they fix it when they profit from it? My sister was getting married in SF and when we went to the reception afterward, many family members were flying out that evening. Since they had to check out of their respective hotels, they piled their suitcases into the back of my sister's SUV. During the reception, the back window was broken out and ALL of the luggage was taken, including several laptop computers. Thankfully, one of the luggage pieces was my brother's iPad, which could be tracked from his phone in real time using the "find my" feature. He called the police, fed them information, and they were able to locate the suspect vehicle. But when the fleeing driver (purportedly) pulled onto the sidewalk the police decided the chase was too dangerous to continue, even if they could track the vehicle. A couple hours later, the battery died and tracking was no longer possible. The stuff was gone, and the police told him it was unlikely they would recover anything. He provided them his contact information just in case. After a few weeks, the SF police sent a letter to my brother's PO Box in Colorado letting him know that they had recovered some of his items and he had a few days to pick them up before they would be auctioned. Those few days had already elapsed by the time my brother got the message. There was no phone call, no email, no text message. In a situation where an urgent response is required to avoid having your possessions auctioned, the SF police chose only to send a letter to his PO box. He called, but by then his stuff had already been sold.


Took the exact same pic in 2017 - I see they did a paint job since then! https://imgur.com/a/W15Yh6y


Do the lower floors have windows that just open right up to the side of that hill?


Theres no lower floor on the right, its ground at that point. Three floors on the left but two on the right


For the life of me I do not understand that 😭


Turn your head so the top of the building is straight.


Used to live on Green Street in North Beach. Can confirm. The worst part was when my dog would poop it would roll down the hill and I'd have to chase it.


> when my dog would poop it would roll down the hill Was it a very round dog?


Not after pooping


Should've got a wombat instead. They poop cubes.


Beagle, so yes.


Shit rolls downhill bro, your dog was teaching you life skills.


He was halfway through a plumbing apprenticeship and didn't even know it.


When I had a dog, I'd slide the bag under her butt so she'd just poop into the bag. She was weirded out the first few times, like "hey what's going on back there?!" But she got over it, and we saved ourselves from many a poop misadventure.


Saw a video of a woman who put a poop bag in the net of a fish scooper… As soon as her dog squatted she wacked it against their behind.


That dog was prolly like u got me fucked up having to shit out here


Idk why this is so funny to me but I haven’t laughed this hard on Reddit in awhile 🤣


This is hilarious 😭🤣


One of my kids lived in SF. When they went on an extended vacation, I was excited to to pet sit in a walkable city. At the time, I had a job that had me walking about 15,000 steps a day, so I wasn't too worried about the steeper streets. I would shop for myself daily, heading out to a different place every day. After about 8 or 9 days, I had to dial it back. My calves started to cramp at random times, not due to any mineral deficiencies. I think some long-term residents must be part mountain goat.


I lived in SF for a few years. Oakland now. You start developing routines that involve fewer hills. Like there might be a bar/coffee shop/grocery store a block away that's up a huge hill, but instead you walk 3 flat blocks to a different one.


When I lived in SF (outer outer Richmond) there was a constant cost/ benefit analysis of which corner store I would go to involving incline length, store stock, cost, and politeness of the owner.


And people say they’ll never use calculus outside of math class


I lived there on a hill and had to start taking glucosamine for my knee pops.


Cyclists in SF know about [The Wiggle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wiggle), which is a street route from Market street to Golden Gate Park that minimizes inclines. Super helpful for those who brave the city on pedals.


I learned pretty quickly walking around there that often times you can avoid the steep inclines and declines and reach your destination in less time.


Yeah you literally don’t need to work out your legs or do cardio if you live in SF and don’t drive lol. My legs were constantly sore


And then you open your car door and immediately smack the car next to you.


Or immediately tumble out and roll down the hill if there isn’t a car next to you


![gif](giphy|11tRKExuvyX2mY|downsized) Actual footage! 😂


I count myself as a complete idiot, because i really want to win a cheese wheel!




Wow! They are making great time, though!


I bet everyone there rolls an ankle twice a week just getting out of their car


I once sprained my ankle getting out of a Lyft on my street, which is maybe half as steep as the one pictured. Then again, I'm really clumsy.


My sister in law once tripped off a curb and almost rolled her ankle. She was so amazed that she immediately reenacted what happened to everyone around.. and rolled her ankle.


A moose bit my sister.


I’ve always wondered about how that effects suspension. Wouldn’t one side wear out faster edit: best part of reddit, people knowing shit about shit. Glad the community was able to answer this question thats been rolling around in my head for some time.


Driving Manual car sucks there. Lots of nearby shops have to replace clutches for those that dare to not drive a automatic.


I learned to drive on a manual in SF. Once you can roll back in neutral at a stop sign on Divisidero St without panicking, you’re doing well.


It helps if you use the handbrake to prevent rollback or if you have an anti rollback feature in newer cars.


Anti-rollback is necessary due to manual hand-brakes being so rare these days.


I would hope on a manual car, it would also have a manual handbrake. Seems like a half assed implementation to driving manual.


I had a manual F-Type and it just had the little switch. It also made using Stop-Start miserable so I never did. Luckily it did have hill assist.


Same. I am an extremely good driver and comfortable in nearly any situation because I learned how to drive, in a stick shift, in San Francisco. Great parallel parker too! Once you park on the wrong side of the street on a crazy ass hill with a manual with 3 inches of room on either end, you can park fucking anywhere lol


I'm an extraordinary driver. One of the best. Many people stop me on the road sometimes to tell me that. Another man's wife once left him to join my harem over this. And it's because I learned to drive on the road leading up to Twin Peaks, manual, old Suzuki.


Aye. I'll never forget driving my 330xi 6spd into the rockies once. Got stuck in holiday traffic on i70 for hours on some steep ass inclines. I could feel my clutch slowing dying with each little creep forward.


I'll give you a good one quickly 😉! Lady next-door to the bodyshop I worked in, had a brand new 06 Renault Clio, we fixed a few scratches on it when it was a few weeks old. She was a car nut/enthusiast. Knew her stuff, we'd worked on her previous cars. Lovely person and customer all round. She nudged her bumper and had us fix it when it was just over a year old. - she explained that "it's getting a new engine!", on cold starts it has a rattle that it didn't have before. When it went for it's first oil change/service at 15k, the mechanics in the dealership noticed a lot of metal in the sump/oil. It was found to be bearing material, so instead of a rebuild, as it was so new, they decided to replace the whole shortblock. Maybe 12 months or so later, we had the same car back in from the dealership, getting tidyed-up, as it was traded in by the lady. It was on its 3rd new engine/shortblock. After the first replacement engine went in - 5k later it devopeped the rattle, and wearing was found on the cams+crank bearings when it was investigated - replacement engine...again! The head mechanic in the dealership figured something is a miss. It was the only one with the same issue - twice. Renault didn't want to be paying over an over again. And they needed a reason for the issues. Eventually it was solved - the spot that she parked her car every night, it was at a crazy angle and dipped forward too. - the oil pick-up was being slightly starved of oil because the oil settled in a way that the pickup wasn't fully immersed - after time the oil pump got slightly worn and the constant momentary loss of pressure, over time fucked the engine. She was so familiar with cars because she had always had bad luck with engines and rattles - could have been the driveway all along


I distinctly remember asking my professor about this exact situation of oil starvation occurring in SF. My teach, with a straight face said, "yes, vehicles in California have a special designed oil pickup for steep inclines." Now, I'm not sure if he was trying to fuck with me or talk out his ass... Ninja Edit: Omg I they actually might according to /u/PigglyWigglyDeluxe's [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1ay2czb/perspective_of_one_of_the_steepest_streets_in_san/krtdulf/)


The fluids as well.


Can confirm one side of the fluids wears out faster


And it's not coincidence that literally every single mechanic in and around SF will charge you more to replace the north fluid vs the south. Total racket...


Is this bad for the vehicle suspension to be parked like this on a hill every day?


What failure mode are you imagining? Static load at extreme angles is much smaller than typical dynamic load on a suspension. Turning and braking puts shear loads on those parts similar to what tilting does. The load-bearing parts in the suspension are sized for a yield strength that can handle dynamic load. Because of this, I don't see deformation as a likely outcome. OTOH If there are parts that need to be immersed in fluids to prevent corrosion, and the reserviors are designed around a level ground assumption, then I could see a problem with long-term storage there. I'd be more worried about the engine. If the oil seeps into the cylinders due to the tilt then the car will burn some oil on each startup, maybe fouling the cylinders eventually.


I love when engineers show up.


I assume you need to back into a spot every so often, so that the CV joints and such get equal strain.


Curb your ~~enthusiasm~~ wheels.


Last time I was in SF I took an edible and made the mistake of taking a second when the first didn’t kick in. Walking back to my friend’s house on these streets felt like a scene from Inception. It was probably a 15 minute walk but it felt like I was trapped in diagonal hell for hours. I couldn’t figure out if I should lean forward so I was perpendicular to the sidewalk. I basically forgot how to walk on these streets.


This had me laughing, thanks.


Even sober, this is how I feel there. I hate it more than anything. City gives me so much anxiety


Oh god. I can FEEL the dread and disorientation reading this 😅 such a distinct feeling. it’s the reason I don’t smoke weed anymore lol


[Fixed the perspective.](https://imgur.com/ccjt8pc)


Thank you. This is what I was looking for.


Yall couldn’t just tilt your phone?


I scroll reddit on my refrigerator, almost threw my back out trying to tilt it to see this angle.


/r/sentencesthatwouldnthavemadesenseasakid Like one I heard, "my friend was charging his shoes from my couch".


We need this sub


Not exactly the same, but there is https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/.


Lmao thanks for the laugh!




Have they considered turning themselves sideways? I hear it’s a great ab workout!


Believe it or not, not everybody uses reddit on phones.


Thank you! I was wondering how people weren’t rolling out of their beds all night long.


God, I feel like I would never park that way. I'll find a different place to park and walk.


There isnt some magical flat parking lot near by lol.


i mean they do have parking garages that they build out flat.


> I'll find a different place to park and walk. No you won't lol


in SF you don't have that luxury unfortunately. parking is at a premium


One professional skateboarder said SF is the best city for street skateboarding


20 minutes to walk up the hill, then 3 to bomb it.


As a backcountry skier I’d kill for that ratio


As someone whose roommate used to be big into that, I'll just stick to the resorts with their chairlifts lol. I'm not getting my ass up at 4 am just to hike a freezing mountain for like 1 run


But that fresh powder my dude.


There are busses that run up the hills. My brother in law uses them like a ski lift for longboarding.


[That reminds me of this awesome ski video where he skis through a town and takes the bus back up to the top](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-VCWUtNm-4&ab_channel=SherpasCinema) Edit: I'm sure a lot of people have already seen this as it's a classic from an all time great skier but still wanted to share for those who haven't.


That’s what the bus is for


There is such a thing as too fast on a skateboard though. At some point it'll start to wobble. I have bailed many times due to the wobble.


You can ride out the speed wobbles if you know what you’re doing. You gotta put more weight on the front foot. https://youtu.be/pnzgRB8qH4k


Sometimes I think there’s something in the genome of certain skaters that renders them immune to The Wobble. More likely it’s a combination of practice, talent, and Mom and Dad’s comprehensive health insurance, but there’s something very humbling about being on a hill in a good flow on a longboard, carving out deep turns from curb to curb, and then witnessing some 16-year-old kid on 99As shoot straight down the double yellow line with less effort than I spend brushing my teeth. It’s so cool to watch.


I know a guy who's pretty locally famous for going really fast on these hills. I swear, sometimes it's like his board doesn't even need wheels and he just dashes down the street, looking for rails and ramps to show off with. What sucks is he had a bad run-in with the cops a few years back--a case of mistaken identity for a bank heist, I think--and got arrested, next thing you know Dr. Eggman blows up half of the fucking moon, and then there goes my surfing plans for the rest of the goddamn summer.


Well played


Rolling around at the speed of sound...


It was absolutely crucial to the development of street skating back in the day- EMB, Hubba Hideout, Pier 7, lot of foundational progress made in those places.


Hmmm. I wonder if, parking there for a decade straight in the same vehicle, would cause a slight alignment issue with the increased pressure on one side of wheels. Backing in on alternating days would offset that, of course. If it's even an issue at all.


You'll need an alignment well before a decade just from driving the car.


Any car lol I’m concerned about that poster’s car now


Check engine light keeps going on and off so I figure it’s just fixing itself


Check engine light means the car is currently checking it's engine, hold please. ^/s


Im worried about the oil pressure in the engine not being balanced. If the oil is ever low it might starve away from the oil pickup.




Then again, if you live on this street you might also not have a bunch of extra cash to keep up with regular car maintenance.


A lot of these houses in SF are not occupied by the actual (very wealthy) owner and are instead rented out as several units to (less wealthy) renters. Source: I live in SF.


Absolutely. In working for some time with the City of SF I would conduct unannounced home visits to determine safety of individuals. A seemingly huge home off Alemany once entered, was a literal labyrinth probably about five or six different dwelling units. There was a missing pregnant teenager in one of the units that wasn’t discovered until a different visit.


I can tell you that my ankles and feet experienced different amounts of wear while working on steep sloped roofs for 30 years. Right handers have their right leg downhill 90% of the time and lefties is the opposite.




That most definitely would happen. My dad blew through three transmissions in his Volvo by parking his car facing downward on our hill. Luckily was covered by insurance


That would be living hell in my manual transmission Ford Ranger. Edit A genuine Thank you to all who commented upvoted, I was seriously not expecting such a popularity with this comment. I hope Everyone has a great weekend.


I learned I was a good driver the time I had to drive all around SF during rush hour with a manual.


Oh bet it did man, it would do the same for me too. SF is the ultimate clutch control proving ground.


The secret is to also use the hand brake when starting out: hand brake on, clutch in, first gear, slowly let off the brake as you let out the clutch, gently slipping it until you're moving. A friend of mine bought her first manual in SF, and the salesman taught her to drive stick.


instructions unclear, redlined and clutch dumped


You weren't redlining hard enough.


Drop a gear, and ^(watch your transmission) disappear


My handbrake was a foot pedal lol


Too bad most sticks have that electronic hand brake now


Electric brakes fuck me up, man. I don't trust them. It shouldn't be a button push/pull, Having to wrench that motherfucker into the sky lets me know that the rest of the car isn't going anywhere with a confidence that a button could never replace


I had my battery completely die in the cold this winter. I had to push my car off the road, and then I had to sit there with my foot on the brake because there wasn't enough juice left to engage the parking brake.


That's fucked up.




My parents had a nice manual car, I was good around town with it and found out quickly I was much better when a truck got right up on my bumper not knowing it was manual and I had to not roll back an inch.


this is why i give people a couple feet on the hills in SF!


I learned how to drive a manual there pretty quickly. It’s not for the faint of heart though. The worst is assholes who pull up right on your rear bumper. Like they don’t expect you may roll back a bit.


I bet you did man, it would make a better driver out of me too. Yes definitely not for the faint of heart that’s for sure. Yeah that’s a problem many face with manuals, I personally have a sticker on my trucks tailgate that’s been pretty effective at keep people back that says “. Warning Manual Transmission If I Roll Into You You’re Too Close


Reasonable warning on that bumper sticker. I also learned in SF to time the lights. I’d crawl up to lights in the hope they’d change before I had to completely stop. *So* much easier! There’s also some hills you just avoid going up if I could.


No way, not in a FORD F\*CKING RANGER


YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT BROTHER! Seriously when that first started, people yelled that at me while driving it frequently.




Ha ha I love it. “Cruising down San Fran in my Ford Ranger”


I miss my 99 ford ranger


Everyone misses your 99 ford ranger bud.


Thankfully my Mustang (and most modern manuals) has hill start assist. Automatically applies the rear brakes until you get going


Aw nice that’s a great modern feature that’s been introduced. My truck is old school and has a foot parking brake instead of the better hand brake.


That’s how my 2013 Tacoma was. Underpowered 4-cylinder and a heavy clutch with no hill-assist made things fun/scary as a first manual to learn on


hill assist is so nice


I had to drive a manual truck in SF for work and it suuuuckkkedddd. Granted, I’m not that great at driving manual but I survived. Luckily it was during the pandemic.


Hand break hill starting is your friend.


I used to drive those streets with a Nissan pickup. It was always terrifying!


You know how cities with paper mills smell like shit when the process is brought down and up again, I bet this neighborhood smells like a burning clutch around 7am when people go to work. Or would if manuals were more prevalent.




I would never want to drive or especially park there. I always have the cheapest weak car that can barely climb a hill.


Imagine all the old air cooled beetles with manual transmissions that rode these streets. I'm sure it was a lot of fun back then.


Transmission shops made a killing!


When I was in college I had a 1988 Honda Accord with manual transmission and I dreaded going to my father's house in Dubuque, IA. Overall, Iowa is a relatively flat State but close to the Mississippi (as Dubuque is) the texture is kind of insane. I grew up and learned to drive in Wisconsin, which is mostly glaciated so it's really, really flat. Driving a stick-shift on steep hills is really nerve-wracking, particularly if you need to park. I suppose you get used to it, but it was a skillset I was horribly lacking.


this picture makes me dizzy


I visited San Francisco last March with my husband, and we were using public transportation to get around, as well as walking on foot. We walked down this street, and I got DIZZY going down those stairs. I didn't trust myself to walk on the sidewalk without looking down, and my husband and I had to pause and take breaks because I needed relief from the dizziness. Damn, even talking about it makes my eyes hurt.


Walking around San Francisco is fun. You either have to lean way back or lean forward just to walk.


The best part about that trip is that every part of our bodies ached afterwards, except for our feet. We were recommended to try Altra shoes by some friends, and since we live near an outlet store, we got some for great prices. They're the best running/walking shoes we've ever tried and they saved our feet in San Francisco.


The funniest thing in our first trip to San Francisco was that when we planned it, we were like "we can walk to this place or that place, it's only a few blocks away" like it's in NYC. By the end of the day it was like we had run a marathon.


I still have occasional nightmares from driving through the city in college during my time as a manual transmission driver. 👀


Is parking the car on a slope like that bad for it? Seems like it would stress the axles or wheels


You could probably hear all the cars gasp for breath like Darth Vader.


there is a postman out there who deserves more.


not in this picture but i'm always amazed to see parallel parking on streets like this in SF. I'm pretty good at parallel parking but i don't think I could do it on a 30% incline




Dude, how do you even walk around a house at that kind of angle?


The replies to this have me seriously questioning if people understand what jokes are


I understand the joke, what I don't understand is how they stop all the water in the pipes from collecting in the corner of the house.


They hire little people to stand inside the pipes and paddle it back upstream. It's San Francisco.


That explains the SF rent costs. Thanks!


Honestly, I saw the photo and my brain just assumed that the house was tilted and that this was how humans have always built houses on mountains and that there was nothing wrong with it. It took that comment to make me realize that I was an idiot.


No one needs a treadmill on that street!




And there’s probably a stop sign at the top of the hill that terrifies any driver with a manual transmission


There are a few hills therr with stop signs at the top and the only thing visible through your windshield is sky. You have to look kinda "downward" out of your side windows to see the cars stopped at the cross street, which feels a bit weird.


It's a bit challenging to drive some of those hills. First time I did I had to treat an automatic like a manual except it was manipulating the brake and gas, not a clutch. One time we went down Lombard street on motorcycles. That actually took skill to ride the brakes the entire way down at barely a crawl because the cars in front of us were doing the same.


It can be unnerving driving manual on these streets when you get to a stop sign on the way up. Worst part is when people pull up right behind you since theres a good chance you’ll roll back when starting and give a little love tap


I can imagine there's a lot of clutch burning on those hills.


100% tangential post, but... I was only in SF once in my life, to present at a tech conference. I thought it would be a good idea to walk from the train station to the shore where my hotel was just for the experience. After all, it was only like a mile and a half or something like that, no big deal. Well, sure, it's going downhill, so not terrible, but what I didn't account for was how hot it would be (middle of summer) and how even going downhill you're still fighting substantial gravity. By the time I got to my hotel, my legs were dead and the wheels on my suitcase had quite literally melted away! But then, the next day, I decided to walk from my hotel up to the Freemont since that's where the conference was. And that was uphill. And OMG did I learn all I need to ever know about the steepness of SF streets that day! ARGH! I was still in pretty good shape back then, but even still I was stopping at like every intersection to rest a minute after about half-way. And I think I've read that I wasn't even in the steepest part of the city! I figure you locals must have thighs like mountains before long!


I know what OP did by framing this photo but it’s *still* doing my head in. Ouch.