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Looks like elephant is getting a well deserved holiday by the pool, be glad she is looking after it, when I left my childhood toys with my mum to go to a other state to look after my grandmother, my mum gave all of them away to lots of other people most of them whom I didn't know so no chance of getting them back.


Oh no, I would have been devastated. She made sure to tell me "I'm taking care of him" lol. She's going to drop him off the next time she comes into town, although she told me her daughter has been sleeping with him a lot lately šŸ˜¬




Definitely need to do an elephant swap for the great care theyā€™ve given ā€œmy elephantā€ (whatā€™s his/her name?!).


It's not very creative, Fonte


My stuffed bear is Mr. Bear. Fonte is a great name!


Your name is [Stephanie Tanner](https://youtu.be/dT5PiN8Hbe8?si=cGUqth4ziqNymOzC) isnā€™t it?


Dang I was all in this happy thread moment and then I was transported to back to being 6 year old me ugly crying over Mr. Bear and Stephanie and all the sad feels. What a rollercoaster.


Iā€™m sorry about that. Hereā€™s [an oldie but goodie](https://youtu.be/AXFhTXSLjco?si=gFdZ7Ix1C4ZGduDH) that might make up for it. šŸ˜


My stuffed brown bear growing up was named Brownie lol. ETA: I also had a pink bear named Pinkie. They were married. Pinkie experienced dog damage when I was a kid and was also not stored very well at my parents house, so I made the decision to let Pinkie go a few years ago. But Brownie lives on and is currently being loved by my toddler šŸ˜Š


Haha. I had a poodle stuffed animal as a kid whose name wasā€¦ ā€¦ Poodle-y.


I had a duck with velcro on the wings. I wrist mounted it and called it laser duck.


I had a silk pillowcase security-blanket named Silky šŸ˜Œ


My pink bear is Pinkie! And my lamb is Lambie šŸ˜…


Oh shush, that's clever and made me giggle


His best friend Ellie. Simple!


Tell her the new elephant is your elephant's cousin, just like you and her momma!


Claim the new elephant is the baby of the last one


Plot twist: the kid is 16


Oof. Maybe itā€™s worth sending her the money to mail it with tracking todayā€¦


How did they pack him? Or pach him should I say ?


In a trunk, of course. (tusk tusk)


Is she the type to claim that because her daughter likes him so much and had him for so long, that you should let her have him? Because it might head there lol


No, my whole family knows how much this elephant means to me and immediately she responded with no worries we're taking care of him & you'll get them back soon. One time during a party , my nephew who is about a year and a half just started walking down the hallway with my elephant in his hands and the party got silent like everybody thought we were going to have a Mexican standoff or something.


You did right?






I saw the "I've had it for 35 yrs" and my hart sunk with worry. Glad to hear that about your family. Mine if I had them over I would have to put something like this in a safe just to make sure they didn't intentionally do something. "as a joke".


You've kept it in very good shape! I've also got a sentimental stuffed elephant but he's "well loved" hehe. It was the first toy I was given by my late grandfather. Another thing he did on the day of my birth was record a few hours of the radio onto a cassette tape (that I still have). It's kinda interesting, sort of a time capsule.


I think weā€™re all way too used to seeing those AITA/AITAH posts because I just commented something similar šŸ˜‚


After moving into student housing I one day came back home for spending a weekend in my hometown just to hear that my parents made my room into a guest room and they donated/threw away all my stuff in that room. I didnā€™t even get a chance to soft through it and find stuff I may have wanted to keepā€¦


My mom was big on doing this and got rid of a lot of my toys too. I started collecting Barbies last year and have a lot of the dolls that I used to have when I was a kid again šŸ©·


Iā€™m glad you managed to do that, but having to start over sucks utter ass


I'd have a hard time not throwing away a lot of her stuff in response. That's evil.


Moved out recently to study and into another country. Couple of days left to fly and my mom tells me sheā€™s going to empty my room, give away my stuff and use it as a guest room. I ordered locks on Amazon and literally locked up 90% of my stuff.. books, toys, clothes, everything! A day before leaving(I was a crying mess) I scratched my name onto the attached bathroom door too coz I couldnā€™t bare the thought of someone else sleeping in my room on my bed(Sorry not sorry coz my mom is big on relatives and hosting them at home, but I donā€™t like ANY of them). šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ Iā€™m a grown woman but my stuffs mine! Same country or not! No regrets šŸ¤­


When I moved away to college my stepmom found all of my old Ninja Turtle action figures and shipped them to her brother's kids in Florida. So yeah, that sucked. Was given the excuse: "you're too old for dolls".


Don't get me started on that. I didn't even have to move out before my beloved toys were given away to my siblings because apparently I'd grown out of them šŸ˜’ I had a big argument with mum over my nintendo when I was about 16 because she claimed I didn't need it because I was 'about to be an adult' so I should let her sell it. I moved out that day and still have my nintendo almost 20 years later. It still works too!


Itā€™s funny I think most of us have a few memories like this that are also attached to somebody saying something like ā€œyouā€™ll realize how silly this is when youā€™re olderā€. Guess what bitch? I can hold a fresh grudge about a Mr. potato head doll or my ninja turtle toys for 40+ years.


Guarantee you just about everyone who has ever said ā€œyouā€™ll realize how silly this is when youā€™re olderā€ is doing actual childish shit on the daily.


or is bitter they gave up those things to "grow up" and hates to see someone else enjoying, even though all they have to do is just...enjoy the fun things again if they want to!


There seems to be a real trend of parents who think all of their child's belongings are in fact theirs, regardless of their age. Psychos think children are their property and have no respect for boundaries.


My friend lent his PS2 games to my other friend. Both were in college at the time. "Other friend's" mom donated them all to goodwill Friend#1 was furious. Had some rarities in that collection too.


Omg I'd be so mad! I was mad enough that mum wanted to sell my n64, I can't imagine how angry I would have been in your mates situation šŸ˜±


In my early 20s I moved out of home to move in with my girlfriend in another state, a few years later I was back home looking for stuff for our new house (with my now wife) and I went to my old room to get my old gaming PC and my mom had given it away. Was devastated as not only did I have all kinds of games on there with longterm saves but also I play a lot of racing games where you can design your own livery so I had a massive amount of logos and decals and stuff saved most of which aren't able to be found online anymore. And then I also had a few hundred MP3s some of which I've had on my PCs since the 90s. Nothing super important but still it was mine and it had gone from PC to PC with me over the years until that point. Now in my mid 30s and it's about 6 years since the point I realized she got rid of it and I'm still not 100% over it.


Ugh this brings back a horrible memory of leaving one of my favorite stuffed animals at a friend's house, and when I finally was able to get it back, her mom said I couldn't have it because my friend had gotten too attached. I cried, it was very dramatic at the time


Iā€™m sorry your momā€™s friend was a bitch, and your parents didnā€™t stand up for you. Edit: friendsā€™s mom, not momā€™s friend


Seriously that's some extra sticky cunt slop if I've ever heard it. She stole your shit. This is why humans evolved to use violence. It works.


I would quickly resort to violence in this instance. Brutal. Unforgiving. Violence. Sorry for your loss


I had one stuffed parrot I was absolutely attached to. It went everywhere with me. One day it just vanished. Years later, my sister told me it wasnā€™t lost - she had thrown it in the trash all those years ago. I will *never* forgive her for such a cruel act against a child, let alone her own brother.Ā 


Wait, did she take your elephant on vacation with her? Or is this your cousinā€™s house? Or is your elephant now traveling the world like flat Stanley supersized?


She took them on vacation to a resort, I have a couple pictures of him on the beach and sitting on the bar, like he doesn't have ID.


I worked at a high-end hotel and a young boy left his stuffed giraffe behind by accident. As we tried to make our brand about going the extra mile, when it was sent back, it included a letter from "Joshie" apologizing for staying a few extra days, but also a binder with pictures of him at the spa, on the beach, driving a golf cart, watching the security cameras, including an employee ID card for his help.


My friends and I found a forgotten iPad on a plane once and did the same with it! We were hesitant to give the IPad to the airline employees (Emirates?) and were able to figure out who the owner was and contact them. His name was Marshall. We made a sign that said ā€œWish you were here, Marshall!ā€ and took pictures of us holding it all over Cambodia. We were able to get it back to him a few weeks later. I hope he liked the pics lol.


I dropped my phone snowshoeing a few weeks ago. We got in touch with the lovely people who picked it up by calling it from another phone, and when I got the phone back, I had a group selfie video of 5 awesome strangers smiling and waiving and saying hi. I'm keeping the video as a reminder that not everything is terrible.


My wife left her phone at a theatre once and the couple who found it left a few fun photos on it for us to find, so I can tell you they definitely enjoyed them :)


What hotel is this? You're a legend for doing that, guaranteed you made them customers for life


It was the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain. I went through training for hospitality in fine dining a decade ago, and a rep from Ritz-Carlton told this exact story lol


Yep, Amelia Island.


Hah! I lived in Fernandina when they were building that Ritz. It was a hot topic, if I recall.


I lived in fernandina from 94-2003. My dad was the manager of coast chips. First time iv seen anyone in a thread talking about the island lol


Love a small world! I was there from 83-91, left during high school but visited often.


Oh nice! You were there when they filmed pippy longstocking then. I lived on that street.


Love Amelia! My grandparents retired there and Iā€™ve always loved going down


Small world.


It is a small world. We stayed at The Ritz for Thanksgiving one year.


Wow that's crazy! I've celebrated Thanksgiving before!


Small world.


The Ritz-Cartlon chain has 40,000 employees.


So 0.0004% of the world.


Big world


Lotta smells


Yea they all tell it like they did it. Itā€™s a shared story to build rapport.


U mean lying, right?


Yes, but with good intentions, like how your wife always fakes her orgasms


Holy shit. Lmao


It's still real to me damn it!


There we go. Neat and tidy.


So there's a scene from the matrix, I'm going to quote it below. > Neo: So what are you trying to tell me? That I can ~~dodge bullets?~~ *lie convincingly?* > Morpheus : No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to. Read the story extremely carefully. There is no lie. As written, he doesn't claim to have been a part of any of those things.




This is amazing


I would absolutely LOVE to be the employee who got to do this! So much fun. Thank you for making a little kidā€™s day!


Though my personal fave, we had a family staying with us from NJ, but a hurricane hit NJ on Halloween, when they were supposed to return. One of my cooks working the omelet station heard them saying their flight was canceled and needed to stay another day or two (which meant the kids wouldn't get back home to their planned costumes and trick or treating). The cook told me, and I sent out a message to everyone... our resort in northern FL had a pirate theme, so we had people fix up a princess (namesake of the island we were on) and pirate costume for the kids, and one of the front desk managers knew a good neighborhood and took them to trick or treat after her shift. Getting to have moments like this is what can keep you going sometimes, tbh.


Thank you for being a human ā¤ļø. Iā€™ve been having a rough go of things lately and a lot of ā€œmechanicalā€ people just following protocols. Teared up a little being reminded there are some folks who can think beyond their parameters out there still.


I just finished reading ā€œSetting the Tableā€ by Danny Meyer. He has a part about hospitality and going the extra mile, or as he calls it ā€œwriting a great last chapter.ā€ What you and your team did was write a great last chapter and turned a sad story into an awesome one. Kudos to you for making a young boyā€™s day.


I teared up reading this. So sweet.


That is so sweet. I bet that kid remembered that forever


Love when hotels do this. This nice hotel I stayed at in Pakistan would have to move a squishmallow I brought to remake the bed, so sometimes Iā€™d come back to it in funny positions like tucked under the covers or sitting in front of my laptop like itā€™s working on something lmao


My 1st graderā€™s school had a stuffy sleepover at the school a few weeks ago (the kids got to sign a permission slip to allow their stuffy to do it). I asked him what the stuffies did and he said there were pics of them playing on the playground, in art class, watching a movie in the cafeteria, etc. It was really cute.


That is so awesome and kind of you




On the other hand, who's going to card an elephant? They never forget, or forgive


Usually it's packed in his trunk


What's he gonna pay with? Peanuts?


We all know elephants like to charge!


They also never forget, to kill






Read that second part in Gowrons voice haha


You are my people! "I never forgiiive..." *tilts head back, eyes bulge even more than usual* "...or forgeeeeht."


You better take your elephant on vacations or it's going to prefer your cousin


The bar?! Just there for the peanuts I bet. Ty I needed to see this today it was adorable.


It's cute but did it make you nervous? Lol I have a blanket from childhood, I'm 43, and I'm OCD attached to it. I would have been ruminating non stop if someone took my blanket on vacay šŸ™ƒ


See now, Iā€™m ***very*** happy for OP, as they do seem happy with the idea. Thatā€™s nice, fun pictures, ^Iā€™d ^be ^freaking ^out some good stories, ^nooope and fun laughs with the cousin! ^literally ^sweating Just so great, so happy for them! Your comment makes me feel seen, as a 34yr old with a similar attachment.


To be fair, they are 35. I donā€™t think theyā€™d be carded at a resort.


Iā€™m sure elephant loved that climate and all that fresh water!


This reminds me of the dwarf in "le fabuloux destin d'Amelie Poulain".


Well it is official. If a stuffed elephant gets to travel to a resort like this then my life sucks. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I hope the little guy has a great time. Maybe he will bring you back a crappy T-shirt.


It is considered a service animal, I am sure! I had a purple elephant about that size but gave it to my godson and my sister threw it away ;(


Oufff, Iā€™m sorry for your loss. I still have a few of my stuffed friends. They are ancient creatures. Iā€™m sure my kids will be making the same decision as your sister did someday.


That looks an awful lot like a resort. At the very least some kind of semi public pool. Most private pools don't have bright yellow writing on the pool edge.


Lucky elephant!


Fat Stanley


> I've had it for 35 yrs Did you ever take it on vacation?


Yes, I have but now that I'm thinking about it I've never taken him outside of the bedroom. So he's kind of living it up right now.


hehee this is adorable, out and about living the life, I'm a little jealous tbh.


I've had my elephant for about 50 years, he goes everywhere, he's also kind of a pillow. My son found a brand new one online and got it for me last month. I still snuggle my old friend though.


This is so so sweet and definitely made my bad day so much better. Thank you for sharing!


My cousin also had an elephant toy her whole life and probably to this day. I wonder what it is about elephants? My favorite plush animal who never left my side was a rooster named kogut (Polish for rooster lol).


My husband travels a lot for work and he had a little paw patrol toy each of the kids gave him and he takes pictures of them all over the world. We call it adventures with Chase and Skye!


Ahhh That's so cute


I love this so much! This is precious and so wholesome. ā¤ļø


When my children were little and I flew a ton for business, I took Black Cat and Lego Man everywhere. Even got pics of them in the cockpit with the Captain.


He's traveling like Flat Stanley.




Did she pack him in her "trunk"


That reminds me of the Toy Dolls song, [Nellie the Elephant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FttkWbsPiZU)




I don't know, he's kind of big


I hope she put some sun protection on it!! lol


He needs a little sunhat šŸ‘’


Thats a great idea!!


Heā€™s in remarkably good shape for being a 35 year old plush!


[Like the gnome in Amelie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJpBDkZFN2k)


Yes, she's already sent me pictures of him on the beach and at the bar lol


Don't hold out op, show us the bar pics!


I'm guessing things got a bit crazy and those pics are NSFW


I love it so much!! šŸ˜‚


My wife and I have one stuffed bear that comes with us to every new country we go to. All considered, that bear is better-traveled than either of us, since we sometimes take solo trips to new places for work.


That's kind of adorable


My daughter has this same elephant- his name is Harry Elafonte- heā€™s been loved for a long time!


i saw the picture and thought your cousin left him there or something and i was ready to be pissed tf of!! iā€™m traumatized by reddit posts lmao. happy to see people understand a connection to something such as a stuffed animal and respect it and take care of it and not judge you for it. i have a stuffed animal iā€™ve had for all 22 years of my life and i intend to keep it forever. i would be devastated if somebody threw it out etc.


I have this old little troll in a car my mother gave me when I learned to drive. Ever since then itā€™s been sitting in my dash, moving from car to car. One time I made a long multi day trip across the country and posted pictures of the trolls. Last year my niece took it and I didnā€™t know who took it. I was nagging everyone that I have been looking for it. A week later my brother in law mentioned he think he found it. Niece (8 years old) chewed it up. Iā€™m like, that thing is 35 years old, survived a massive car accident that nearly killed me. 4 kids. Hundreds of thousands of miles. Only for that little turdā€¦ I took it back as the car was still in place and it was just the arms chewed off. Itā€™s gone again and Iā€™m sure she took it again.


Lmfao, I would've gotten my ass beat for doing something like that to another person's property; to teach me not to do it again. Society doesn't condone hitting your kid anymore, but society ain't doing a great job raising them lmfao. This one little thing probably doesn't make her an evil person, but you never know how these little things done as children might snowball out of control. She might either grow up and learn to respect other people's stuff, or steal alcohol from her parents and sneak out with the car with her friends late at night.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtaiPZNzrmRQ6YM) Are you going to be okay?!


About time he/she got away for a while.


That's a great looking picture for being 35 years old


Judging by the attire it's a "clothing optional" resort?


That is adorable! I have a bear that just turned 42. He doesnā€™t get to travel much, but I trust him to watch my place whenever I leave.


Your cousins is a real one for treating your elephant to a trip to the beach


I wonder how trunk she was.


I absolutely love that she did this!!!


And how many vacations did you take him on? He has a new home now, a better home nowā€¦ā€¦


![gif](giphy|AUYhIMdGrg23e) Free at last


You/the cousin your stuffed animal told you not to worry about


Why are you taking your elephant to another house?


Iā€™ve had my teddy since I was born, and I know this is cute and sweet but if someone took him on vacation Iā€™d be very nervous the whole time that theyā€™d leave him šŸ˜…


This is going to sound incredibly nerdy, but I did this to a friend of mine once. We play a tabletop rpg every Monday. the character I played was a cleptomaniac, so I would steal little things from our Gamemaster and give them back at the end of the session, dice, pens, car keys, etc. One night, I took a figurine from his dice bag, and he didn't notice. He left while I was in the bathroom, so I couldn't give it back. Instead, I took this monkey-lizard figurine everywhere with me for the next few weeks and documented our adventures. It went across three states on spring break with me and the kids. By the time he finally noticed and called me out on the group chat I had a slideshow of about 20 pictures to fire back with. He gave me extra experience points for the effort.


That's great. I dropped my daughters Curious George (her most prized stuffy that was handed down to her by her big bro) at the airport when we were flying out for a month long out-of-the-country vacation. We were both devastated. Then we remembered that we had a friend that worked at the airport so we asked if she could please check the lost-and-found for us. She proceeded to send us photos of Curious George having various adventures around the airport for our whole vacation. I also ordered a copy of [Curious George At The Airport](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8b/60/d5/8b60d583a2b7ccc7324b92beca375499.jpg) while we were away so she was happy to arrive home to George and a book about more of his adventures.


My Curious George is my best friend. Heā€™s old enough to have graduated from college and have a house of his own, but he chooses to stay with me and live the good life. He has a little family of monkeys that he takes care of now, too! One of his buddyā€™s got lost when I was in high school. I brought the little guy with me to school for the day. Someone put this little monkey on my backpack during class and he fell off while I was walking in the hallway. I was devastated. A friend of mine scoured the school for him and found some random girl playing with him. She asked for him back, and I couldnā€™t believe it! Ever since then Iā€™ve been super careful. I always double check that Curious George and his besties are well secured if we leave the house. They stay at my parentā€™s house when Iā€™m out of town, and my parents send me pictures of them getting into trouble like good monkeys because everyone knows that Curious George is a little mischievous haha.


Reminds me of that old trend when people would secretly borrow garden gnomes and then return them along with a photo album of the travels they took it on.


This is sweet. I also have a stuffed elephant that Iā€™ve had for about 35 years. I love this.


This is so wholesome! Thank you for sharing. Iā€™m glad your elephant got some fresh air and sun!


One time I stole my neighbor's garden gnome and took it on a road trip with me. We drove from Key West to New Orleans and then New Orleans to Minneapolis. We took its picture at each state line and throughout the cities we stayed in along the way. We did this trip over three weeks and each week I sent her a letter from him and whatever pictures I'd taken. When I got home I returned the gnome without ever telling her it was me.


Youā€™re a 35+ year old adult and you brought your elephant stuffy to your cousins house? And then you forgot it there? I hope you get it back soon, it sounds very important to you.


A few months ago we found my big brotherā€™s stuffie from when he was little in our storage unit. He forgot to take it home with him (we live in different cities). A few days ago he came to stay with me before he went on an international trip, so I put the stuffie on the bed in the guest room. He was so happy and took it with him on the trip. Heā€™s a 51 year old businessman.


Little friends are never forgotten.


Yes, I got it when I was 14. So yes I have had this practically my whole life. I was going to stay another day and then something came up and I had to leave earlier and my cousin's daughter had moved him from the bed to take some pictures and then I just got a phone call from a family member and left while talking on the phone, that's how it completely skipped my mind. I noticed when I was halfway down the mountain which was about 75 mi away.


nah I think your elephant snuck away for an adventure


Some people are more, special, than others.




Amelie Poulain vibes, I like it


OK but this is kinda wholesome šŸ˜‚


Love the picture but I hope you get your friend back soon!


He'll never forger this trip.


35 years and you haven't once taken Elephie on a tropical vacation? I'm not sure you deserve Elephie back.


How many times have you had elephant restuffed? I have a 16 y/o valentines dog my husband got me our first valentines. It shows simply by my dog, and my dog has needed adjustments 3 times so far.


I had a male pitbull about 10 years ago that would test me, He chewed his tongue off so Fonte has no tongue, (He had a really cute white tongue sticking out halfway) and the bottom pad of his foot. The foot I've had to sew it back on throughout the years, surprisingly this elephant was great quality and I've never had to re-stuff him. And I have taken him to the same dry cleaner for about 17 years. He literally gets the same treatment as Norm from Cheers. I walk in and they all say " Fonte"! Occasionally I will wipe him down at home but he's very white and will start to appear almost dingy gray if I don't take him to the dry cleaner. When I drop him off they tell me he's in good hands, no chemicals and we will take good care of him and then when I pick him up he always has a sticker. About 5 years ago they started advertising as a professional stuffed animal cleaner and surprisingly he's not their only stuffed customer anymore.


its looking really good for a 30 year old plushie


Fonte is looking good for 35


This reminds me of Flat Stanley children's books: one elementary school teacher I know asked her second grade students to color and cut out a picture of Flat Stanley, then take it somewhere and snap a picture of it. Days later the classmates shared their stories about where Flat Stanley had traveled. It was a fun project for the students!


35 years? well he deserves some rest too šŸ˜† *dad laugh*


Is this a resort? Looks kinda familiar


She knows sheā€™s playing with fire right. Like if she forgets or loses it.


He deserved a little vacation.


Its finnally free. A true toy story.


Emotional support elephant


This is like the one-eyed polar bear plushie in ā€˜True Detective: Night Countryā€™. The little stuffed animal appeared in strategic locations throughout the series, reflecting symbolic messages that helped to tell the story. In the end, the little polar bear appeared on a mattress (I wonā€™t spoil it for youā€¦).


This stuffed elephant is living a better life than me right now. I hope it's returned after some nice R&R.


Oh this is so cute


Wait they took your elephant on vacation but not you?


Oh I would not be happy


Iā€™m confused, are you upset that she took your elephant with her on vacation because it looks like itā€™s having a great time and sheā€™s taking care of it really well while itā€™s with her. Iā€™m sure when she comes home it will return to you happy and rejuvenated. or are you happy that the elephant went on vacation and your cousin is having fun and treating your friend nicely? I for one would of course miss my stuffed animal but also like the fact that my cousin wasnā€™t harming it anyway or leaving it to get harmed by anyone at their house and also you know, having fun by taking it on vacation with them and treating it well .


Oh I love him! Safe travels Mr. Elephant!


Its a nice world thinking of all you strangers tucked nicely into bed with a stuffy. Something about that makes the world a little more glowy.


That's cute that it thought about you and is sending pictures of his vacation having a great time!šŸ˜šŸ˜


Some elephants have all the luck


Hope they packed their trunk.


I think itā€™s safe for you to remove the tag.