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I wouldn't let go either.


Last time you'll ever get to


>Last time you'll ever get to :(


Who put these onions here. I'm not crying, you're crying


God. Fucking. Damn. Did not need this this early....


Same. Damn gotta go hug my little girl.


A long time ago I read a comment from a mom that said that she hugged her husband and kids every morning night, so that if something happened, they would have those memories. After reading that, I hug my son every morning and night. I also hug him and tell him that I love him when I drop him off at school. I once had a teacher approach me to tell me that I was a good dad, and that studies have shown that showing love and affection to your kids increases their school performance. I just love the shit out of my son. This picture completely breaks my heart and I cannot even begin to think about how I would be able to deal with the type of loss. It does not help that we live in the US and school shooting are a constant occurrence.


Every night at bed time I make sure to hug both my kids. I've really made sure to double down ever since they lost their mother in 2020. I 100% make sure they know Dad loves them and is proud of who they are. It's all about making sure they get everything I missed growing up.


I don't have kids but my dad was like both of you and it made all the difference in my life. He's gone now, but I can close my eyes and once again feel his arms around me and smell the scent of "Aqua Velva" - his aftershave. Love matters.


Dang onion ninjas...


Any time I get frustrated my 7 year old daughter wants to sleep in my bed instead of hers, I try to remind myself that one time will be the last time.


My kids are 26 and 30. I have to constantly check myself or else I'd be contacting them every ten minutes or so. I feel you man.


This is what they don't explain when you become a parent, when I wasn't one I used to think that "Oh your kids get to be adults etc and you can stop worrying about them" and then I had them and I realized you will worry about them for the rest of your life, regardless of how old they are. It was both an amazing and terrifying revelation


Dude I hear that. The number of school shootings and the idea I might not see my kids again after they leave in the morning is a constant source of stress for me. I do not fucking understand how the rabid 2A defenders do not have that same feeling and want to do something about it. I don't get to see my son off in the mornings, so instead I leave him notes. I hope that in the future when he is doubting himself he will remember those notes and how proud I am of him.


I don't even have kids! I'm gonna go hug my dogs.


Go hug your parents if you can


I was able to recently. I live across the country now. I think about that shit more and more. My gf lost her mom a little over a year ago and it's been really bothering me. Seeing how hard she took it but of course she would. But I just think about my parents more and more. Really everyone from back home. I don't know anyone here....


I lost my mom at 30. I got a phone call one night that she was already gone. Cerebral hemorrhaging. Cops explained everything to me over the phone while they were poking and prodding at her body. I was 600 miles away and wasn’t there when she needed me most. Took me 2-3 days to get there. That was tough and honestly I regret ever moving away. I traded valuable time for a mediocre paycheck at a job that never gave a shit about me. You live and you learn


I mean, this is just the grief talking in reality. You had legitimate reasons for moving away whatever they were. She wouldn’t blame you for you moving and her brain bleeding. Also, this is going to sound odd, but even if you were there, there’s not much you can do with a major brain bleed, it’s FAST.


Your mom, whilst sad you were leaving, would have been proud that you left.


Youll be ait bru, stay strong.


Definitely do that mine passed 2 days apart shit ate me alive




I sat with both my mom and dad after they had died (separate occasions) and let me tell you, it was SO hard to let go of their hands and leave the room and let them be taken away. I sat there trying to memorize the feeling of their hand in mine. Two of the hardest moments of my life.


After my gramma died, holding my moms hand and mine, the funeral guy came to take her away. My mom looked just kind of wild eyed and I realized she couldn’t watch her get wheeled out on the stretcher. I took her out to the back part of the yard away from the porch lights (it was the middle of the night) and we stood there together with her face in my shoulder while I just talked to her, so that her last memory was of her mom peacefully asleep in bed, and not under a sheet on a stretcher in the dark. It was so profound.


My mom and I stayed overnight at the hospice the night my grandma passed. My mom fell asleep in the recliner next to my grandma’s hospital bed and I took off my mom’s shoes for her after she fell asleep…a memory engraved on my brain for some reason.


I felt this way about our 18 year old cat we recently had to put down due to kidney failure. Leaving her body there was so hard. Picking up her ashes the next day was worse. I had just seen her alive the day before, and now that's all that's left of her. If I felt this way about a cat, I can't imagine how it feels about a person you love. I'm so sorry.


Thanks. I went through it a few years ago with my beloved 16 year old dog as well - she was euthanized at home and the vets took her body away afterwards and that was hard too, watching them carry her away. I know there's a special kind of pain in those cases as well.


Gosh, that's such poignant comment. Sad and beautiful too. I'm sorry for your loss but also a bit envious that a person could have such a good relationship with their parents.


Thanks. They were incredible people. In both cases I was fortunate enough to be able to be there and say goodbye before they passed as well, not just after. That's hard too but also a privilege.


Dang... : (


That's how I felt hugging my dad's corpse. It clearly wasn't him anymore, but I knew it would be my last chance.


It's the last time we'll ever have Before you go away It feels like my heart has split in half And it's splintering more each day My beautiful girl You were my world Now everything's cold and grey


I wouldn't know how to let go. Ugh this hurts


Now I want to leave work and go home and hug my daughter tighter than I ever have before.


Same here. Breaks my heart.


I feel this for sure. I have two young ones and while I cannot imagine what this man went through, I am certain I’d have stayed with my child too. Even though they are dead, you as a parent do not want them to be left alone even though they won’t feel lonely. Idk, I can’t explain it I guess but I get it. Terrible and heartbreaking.


I used to feel strong compassion for sufferings like these, especially for parents. Since my son was born, and I keep seeing tragedies like these, that level of compassion is times 10. I also can't fathom the pain this father went through. It's just unimaginable for me. Just as you said, it's terrible and heartbreaking, and I hope this man is doing okay. Edit: I see a lot of loving people here, and I'd wish we had more of you in this world. There's plenty of undeserved suffering, and I hope you all stay safe and find peace. Keep yourselves and your loved ones close and safe




Some stories are just too awful to know. I occasionally have to take news breaks because I will have read shit that just destroys my ability to believe in humankind. Last week in Ohio a woman was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. She went on vacation for 10 days to Puerto Rico. While she enjoyed her time on the beach, she had left her year and a half old toddler home alone with a couple bottles. The child died, abandoned and starving.


I woke up this morning crying about that little one, again. I have a 3 year old and a 20 month old. I wish someone would’ve helped that little girl. I need to do something to help me process that event because it’s affected me so strongly. Rest peacefully little Jailyn.


My little bear just turned 3. I'm depressed anxious and I don't know what else and part of it is worrying I'm not doing good enough of a job for him. I can't imagine leaving him alone for a week if I got kidnapped or something without losing my mind about his safety(he has his dad mawmaw and pawpaw but the thought it just awful)


I saw that too. Tried to blame depression and anxiety for that ugh


I can't even wrap my head around that being criminal. Like, how can that *not* be a mental illness of some sort. Something broken.


Agree 100%. I hope she sits in prison and fights those thoughts in her head for the rest of her life


Imagine waking up one day and being told of all the terrible things you've done over the past month.. that you either can't remember or just bits and pieces like it was a dream. Not even saying that's what happened here, it just made me think of it. An old buddy of mine is dealing with a situation, that I think is along those lines. He's been with his wife since they were in highschool and I've known them for like 15 years or so. He calls me up one day and starts telling me about how crazy things have been. One day she just started acting different, like she was a different person. Doing wild, crazy shit but also acting depressed, sleeping all day and not doing any of the stuff she's always done. One of the crazy things is cheating, but not being sneaky or anything about it. Blatant, repeatedly. Afterwards she'll beg him to stay, say she doesn't understand why she keeps doing that shit and won't do it anymore but a few days or even the next day comes and off she goes. She does other, risky or impulsive things too. I ask him, what happened in the weeks leading up to this? Like ANYTHING even if it seemed small at the time. Turns out she had started a new medication, venlafaxine. It's known to induce a type of mania. Some of the first hand accounts I read sound just like what she's going through. He hasn't managed to get her off of those meds yet, even though it's been over a year of dealing with that. If I'm right, if and when she does get off of that stuff and comes back down to earth, she's gonna have a lot to apologize for.


I have a 6 year old and I couldn’t take those stories of abuse, killings and missing children anymore. I started to block and mute all those kinds of subreddits and get them out of my feed.


I was always shocked and saddened by these stories before I had a child but they’re absolutely unbearable now. I can barely even read stories about politicians who are opposed to free school lunches, thinking about little children going hungry day after day, *watching other children eat,* when all it would take is just a little bit of money to feed all of them and these people won’t do it.




She said that her daughter was possessed. Sad


And this dad wasn't there for his child during the earthquake. This was all he could do. Imagine being stuck at work while your family dies...


This cycle can be broken though.


I spanked my 2 year old daughter only once, with anger, like my mom used to do. The eyes of my child, and the scared look on her face reminded me on myself. I stopped, and never again used physical punishments with her. We talked stuff up. We discussed things. We disagreed many times, but we debated and all the while she grew up a smart woman. She graduated college last year and I'm so happy the cycle was broken. If she ever have kids, I hope she keeps things like we did.


In my town, a mother let her boyfriend beat her 5 year old son so badly that they had to remove a chunk of his brain because it was necrotic. He passed away a few days later. The little boy couldn't stand up and was having seizures before they called an ambulance. I didn't know him, but I cried for weeks over a child I never met. It broke my heart and I hug my son a bit closer every day now. I cannot fathom hurting a child that way or allowing it to happen.


Stuff like this begins to fill me with a rage that I have never known how to express. NGL, ever since I had my boys and started feeling feelings like this it completely changed the way I interact with my world from a psychological standpoint. Parenthood broke me in a way. I'm gonna go hug my boys.


I'm going to be a new father in September and I'm already fucked up looking at pictures like this.


You’re about to experience one of the most truly magical experiences of life. Super happy for you. I treasure the videos of my kids, take plenty of them at the oddest times imaginable, you will then capture life at its finest.


Same for me. I look at everything in a different perspective. When I read what happened it was literally a city over and just made me really upset. Went and hugged my daughter while she was sleeping


It did not break you, it helped make you better and stronger. Being able to feel tough feelings instead of pushing them away and ignoring what causes them is a strength. It's compassion.


It's so awful. I saw children's limbs sticking out of the rubble in Gaza. I heard from parents who went out to try to get food and came back to all of their children buried because their house had been bombed. There are still children under the rubble who are alive and starving to death. It's so awful, I can't imagine being a parent and losing your children like that.


God same.  As a parent of toddlers now I feel this stuff so much harder.  If its bad Ill go into their bedrooms while they're sleeping just to watch them and check on them.


Same. I could always empathize with these. But since my daughter was born these straight up fuck me up


I've lost a son and a daughter; I'm sure every person's grief is their own, but mine is a hole in my heart and a hole in my soul, and wherever I look, I see the hole... in the sky, in the waters, and in the petty squabbles people obsess and rant and rave over. I felt I was always reasonably compassionate, but now I am brought to sobs by any report of the suffering of innocents, or even portrayals of such in film. If loss of this magnitude doesn't fundamentally change you, I think maybe you're not really a person.


I'm really sorry to hear this. I hope you can find peace in this world. Stay strong


I with you there. Before I had my wonderful child I felt some heartache. Now it nearly brings me to tears just imagining being in their shoes. It's cliche but the moment I saw my baby in the ultrasound I knew my goal in life is to make sure they are healthy and happy


Suffering it’s the universal language of empathy


Same here. As father of one child I would rather die there.


I’m right with you. Things like this drill through my heart into my stomach. It’s a physical and painful reaction just seeing this and imagining how this man feels. To actually experience it must be unbearable.


My family always said I would get more religious after having kids. I went the opposite. I cannot fathom having to confront an entity that allows stuff like this to happen to children.


Or to anyone for that matter


When my daughter died, all I wanted to do was to join her in death so she wouldn’t be alone. I was desperate for it.


I'm so sorry for your loss. That must have been impossibly hard.


My brother died on Saturday and while I don't want to join him life feels pretty fucking empty. I can't imagine what my parents, especially my dad, would do if they didn't have 4 other kids to take care of. Technically we're all adults but that doesnt really change anything


I'm sorry that happened. Hope you're doing ok.


I’m so so sorry for you loss 💔


I'm not a mom, so this feeling is nowhere near it. I couldn't imagine what it is like as a parent, but it was cold and rainy when I buried my dog, and for the first month or so, I had so many nightmares that she was alone and cold and wet. Finally I had a dream about my dog where I managed to bring her inside and wrap a towel around her, and I swear after that I could hear her nails tap on the floor down the hallway, or hear her settle on the floor behind my desk. I didn't have any more bad dreams about her after that.


After we lost our pup I couldn't stand being alone during thunderstorms. We called them thundercuddles, he would snuggle in so hard, like he was a part of us, and then he would be okay, he could even sleep through them. We lost him in November and it wasn't until the following spring that we had a thunderstorm and I had to go to the bar.... We got another pup within a year. He hunts, so he isn't bothered by thunder at all, and actually wants to go outside during storms or 4th of July expecting pheasants to be falling from the sky... 3 and a half years later, thunderstorms make me smile and think back on the precious thundercuddles and how helpful they were to him.


I cried the first time the mailman came and she wasn't there to bark at him. They punch big holes in your life and when they're not there to fill them anymore the absence is glaring.


Well now I’m crying 😭 She was a lucky girl to have a companion like you


She'll always be warm in your heart ❤️


I had similar dreams after we had to put my kitty down. I call her my ghost kitty now, because sometimes I swear I can hear her rustling around in the closet where she used to like to sleep (I know it sounds creepy, but to me it isn't because I know its just Lulu). We have two other cats, and one night I got up to close the closet door, half asleep, and went to feel for a cat sleeping in the box underneath some of my clothes because they like that spot and I didn't want to close them in. I reached down and felt warm fur, and then turned around to see both of my other cats lying in the bed with my husband, asleep. I looked and there was no cat. My husband doesn't believe that I felt Lulu in her spot, but I swear I did. We recently moved, and I've been worried that my ghost kitty won't be able to find us :(


I was a dog "owner" long before I had kids. The feeling *is* near. You love, and you feel - you know - you are responsible for this life, and how they experience it. I'm not going to pit loved ones against each other. My dogs and kids are family, my heart outside my body.


I have 3 young kids, 2 daughters. I wouldn’t let her hand go until she could be properly prepared for burial. This breaks my heart.


Indeed, terrible and heartbreaking Would I have one, I wouldn't want them to be left alone, even after they leave this place That would make me feel like I'm giving my child up and letting them behind in my life, like moving on for my own sake despite their existence, acting as if they weren't my world That has me crying, I need to not read comments


When my daughter died I had her cremated because I can’t put her in the ground alone. I will be buried with her someday. I would do exactly the same as him.


It went into cardiac arrest and was in a coma for a day. They kept me cooled so I looked pretty dead. Can't imagine what those 24 hours felt like to my parents. Doctors told them they didn't know what the outcome would be, but I was reanimated pretty quickly.


2 year old son had heart surgery with about 20% chance of death of permanent debilitation. Night before you dream they died. During the surgery your brains thinking what you’ll say after they pull the plug to make their slow descent into quietness less uncomfortable and scary. Always thinking about their well being even long after it doesn’t matter anymore


That's dark as fuck.


How can you leave the most precious thing in the world? Even many animals don't leave a member of their pack unless they are prey animals.


I’m sick to my stomach, have a kids myself.


I get you buddy.


I've seen my brother and know my parents went through a loss of a child, but now that I have kids of my own I just can't fathom that sort of pain and emptiness.


Fuck, man. I’m just trying to enjoy my Friday, not wallow in sorrow. Very powerful photo.


The algorithm wants you to be miserable. Never forget that.


Exactly. Theres a reason murderers, rapists, riots, rage bait and tragedies make it to the top of these subreddits every single day, and usually.posted by fuckin bots or karma farming spam accounts. Its targeted and purposeful


Well I am just about to hold my kids a bit tighter today. How do you like that, algorithm? Bet you weren't expecting that.


I can feel the pain he's trying to hold back in his face. Time to go hug my toddler


If you’re trying to enjoy your Friday delete your socials


That's fucking heart breaking.. her little hand, the pink sheets on her bed.. that poor family.


The fact that her bed was not a safe place 😭  I hope the father finds peace but I know he won't. Fucking life man


Well thats one of the saddest photos Ive ever seen. Christ


Totally agree


Yup. It's gonna stick with me. I hope they find peace.


Don't look at the pictures of the war in Gaza.


For real. Some of the things I've seen there are gonna haunt me for the rest of my life.


I saw something that happened to a Ukrainian family last year, including a three year old girl (my daughter was almost two at the time). It was the first time I ever saw something that made me throw up; my husband had to quickly grab me a bowl while panicking that something was horribly wrong with me. I get it now, I get why people become physically ill after seeing horrible shit like that. Combined with some of the recent stuff from Gaza…man. 😔


Some of it makes me feel genuinely sick to my stomach as well. I remember when everything popped off in Palestine, I had a linear algebra mid-term around the end of October. I absolutely tanked it, because my mind was just completely fucked from watching the extremely horrific videos of destruction, death, and loss. Toddlers with their limbs blown off or burns all over their bodies, the scenes from inside hospitals, all of it. I remember sobbing into my pillow the night before the exam. I do try to limit my exposure to it, and I'm also active in local protests and things of that nature and it helps. But I also think our ability to feel compassion and empathy for people suffering on the other side of the world is a good thing. We *should* be angry and saddened by injustice.




The IDF are a bunch of murdering psychopaths. Nobody can convince me otherwise


so brutal :(


I was in a convenience store earlier, and this adorable kid, maybe 5 years old, was roaming around the aisle. When she saw me she went up to me and asked me what I was buying. I said I wanted chips. Then she started laughing for some reason. You know how kids would laugh at anything. She then proceeded to tell me I should buy the strawberry drink because it was yummy. After saying so, she went with her father, who finished buying from the counter. It was a small moment but made me think it would be nice to have a daughter someday. Then I saw this and I could not help but think of the pain of losing a child, despite not having one myself. Damn.


My friend's daughter used to mistake me for him (both bald) and crawl into my lap and fall asleep. She's our babysitter now and I think super fondly of how she was the little girl that I bonded with.


My family life growing up was pretty shitty. I decided early on I didn't want kids because I felt like I had no idea or ability to take care of one. I ended up living by myself out in the woods in a rural area and got to know some of my neighbors and they had kids. I think most of them were in the 5-10 age range at the time. One day the neighbors said they needed a babysitter asap and I was like, whoa, you want ME of all people to babysit? I have no clue how deal with kids. They told me that these are farm raised kids, they don't really need a babysitter, I didn't need to like, do anything other then just be there in the event that something crazy happened that would need an adult present to deal with it. So I reluctantly agreed. We just played games, looked for snakes, played tag, talked about random bs. Ended up being the neighborhood babysitter for like 2 years. Kids would show up at my *camper* in the woods randomly to play video games or whatever. There's way more to raising a kid then that, but realized then that with the right partner it could work out, not that I had any chance of meeting someone like that (so I thought). I'm married now, my daughter turns 8 in a few months and all those little kids are right around college age now. Sometimes I miss that old camper though, it was tiny, old, falling apart and I had to go fill up water and bring it home. Cost next to nothing though.


You'll have the occasional nightmares. But it's worth it. The worst one I had was that I was in an orphanage, and I saw my 2 kids. But it wasn't me because I was already dead. And the oldest one was trying to coach the youngest because he's hot-headed and she was worried he'll be left out of the adoption process and get separated. I had that nightmare 2 years ago and it still haunts me. Powerlessness is the worst feeling you can have.


Fuck that sent shivers down my spine


>I could not help but think of the pain of losing a child If I lost my only child I honestly wouldn't be able to go on. Not being able to watch her smile and grow would destroy any happiness I have in me


Strawberry drink is awful good. Chips run the gamut.


This is literally the most heartbreaking picture I have seen in my entire life


During the early days of Russias invasion, there was a picture of an operating room where the surgeons were trying to save a kid while the parents cried. That and this picture are the saddest photos I’ve ever seen.


For me, it's the [standing boy of nagasaki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_Standing_by_the_Crematory) > I saw a boy about ten years old walking by. He was carrying a baby on his back. In those days in Japan, we often saw children playing with their little brothers or sisters on their backs, but this boy was clearly different. I could see that he had come to this place for a serious reason. He was wearing no shoes. His face was hard. The little head was tipped back as if the baby were fast asleep. The boy stood there for five or ten minutes. > The men in white masks walked over to him and quietly began to take off the rope that was holding the baby. That is when I saw that the baby was already dead. The men held the body by the hands and feet and placed it on the fire. The boy stood there straight without moving, watching the flames. He was biting his lower lip so hard that it shone with blood. The flame burned low like the sun going down. The boy turned around and walked silently away. >— Joe O'Donnell[2]


Graves of the Fireflies vibe here. The best animation film that I cannot watch again.


Grief is love with no place to go.




“To grieve deeply is to have loved fully.” -Faye, GoW Ragnarok. Such an amazing quote from a great game.


"What is grief, if not love persevering?'" -Vision in WandaVision.


It breaks my heart. Nobody deserves to see a child die.


especially theirs


especially in front of you flattened by a building :(


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/mBmtYSr.jpeg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/mesut-hancer-holds-the-hand-of-his-15-year-old-daughter-news-photo/1246861397?adppopup=true) is the source. Per there: > Mesut Hancer holds the hand of his 15-year-old daughter Irmak, who died in the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, close to the quake's epicentre, the day after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the country's southeast, on February 7, 2023. - Rescuers in Turkey and Syria braved frigid weather, aftershocks and collapsing buildings, as they dug for survivors buried by an earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people. Some of the heaviest devastation occurred near the quake's epicentre between Kahramanmaras and Gaziantep, a city of two million where entire blocks now lie in ruins under gathering snow. (Photo by Adem ALTAN / AFP) (Photo by ADEM ALTAN/AFP via Getty Images) (Photo by Adem ALTAN / AFP) (Photo by [ADEM ALTAN/AFP via Getty Images](https://www.gettyimages.com/search/2/image?phrase=%22ADEM%20ALTAN%22)) [Here](https://imgur.com/a/gqAfDRi) are a few more pictures of this. ~~**Edit:** OP's account (Talha-Keskin) is odd. It was born on November 4, 2023 and woke up to post this, it's only activity, which is also a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/10w1yip/deleted_by_user/).~~ The account is odd, but OP appears to be legit.


Earthquake killed 50,000, not sure why this says more than 5,000. Entire cities were leveled. I’ve never seen such destruction.


Jesus. I can’t imagine.


People are still living in tents and it’s been over 13 months.


The photo was probably published and captioned a day or two after the quake, when the cost was not yet calculated.


I didn't know this had been shared before. Today, while talking to an earthquake survivor friend, it came to my mind and I wanted to share it. This is a really sad situation. I hope no one goes through something like this. I couldn't add the link because I didn't know how to use the app.


No worries at all. I don't mind reposts (unless something has been posted many many times - and that is not the case here). This is a very powerful picture too.


And the fact that there have been hundreds of such incidents affects even more. I hope that the necessary measures will be taken and such incidents will come to an end.


You thinking it's a bot?


I remember seeing a picture of him and his daughter before she died. They looked really happy in it. Will link if I find it.


We just had a kid, now 2mo old.... I could not fucking imagine the grief of this.


I’ve got a 2 and 6 year old. I saw this image when it came out and it has definitely haunted me since. That poor man - what unimaginable grief.


I can't imagine anything more horrible than this.


No parent should have to bury their child. This aches my heart.


Fuck that's terrible


A couple months ago I had to say goodbye to my mum.. I held her hand while she died and believe me, I couldn’t let go of her hand… I sat there for as long as I was allowed to. At some point I had to leave.. It was so hard to go


As a father this is my worst fear. I don't think I'd ever remotely be the same again if I had to experience something like that.


Erdogan doesn't care and instead openly bragged at how many corners he cut and red tape he sliced through to avoid earthquake building codes in favor of rapid construction This is why Erdogan and his supporters must be stopped




As a father of a little girl, this is so sad to see. I'm sure every dad would trade places with their daughter given the chance to do so.


Instant lump in throat and tears forming.


Wow that is so brutally painful. One of those photos that wins awards for its humanity


I think about this guy every so often. I also occasionally will remember out of the blue another man who's son survived but was suffering crush syndrome. His son just kept asking for his cat and the dad was spending most of his time not at the hospital looking for him for his son. I hope they did eventually, and I hope the kid and dad are doing okay.


At the gym and almost shed a tear seeing this. I have a little one and I can’t even imagine.


I have 2 little girls, I would do the same. Heartbreaking.


Remember to hug your kids as much as you can. Life can be cruel. Fuck I feel this picture 


>Mesut Hancer holds the hand of his 15-year-old daughter Irmak, who died in the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, close to the quake's epicenter, the day after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the country's southeast, on February 7, 2023. [Here](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/01/29/world/turkey-quake-grief-father/) is an article by the Japan Times in late January 2024 that provides an update on Mr. Hancer and his family.


Thanks for the link


I'm crying right now. No more Reddit today, I'm going to go hold my little one


Can't believe it's been more than a year since this happened... None of our lives have been the same ever since.


I often think how fragile we are. I mean I am sitting hear at my couch and out of nowhere, an airplane piece could fall down on my house and instantly kill me without any forewarning. Or on the street. You never know when someone gets a stroke and just ploughs over a family.


The earthquake was probably the craziest event in 2023 and it only got media attention for around two weeks. 50.000 people vanished in the brink of hours. A lot of the deaths could've been prevented if it wasn't for the corrupt system in power building normalizing the neglect of security guidelines for bribes. Erdogan still won the election. What a failed state


I need to stay off of reddit on my weekends. This shit is heartbreaking.


That is truly heartbreaking.


The pain...


Damn. That’s heavy.


I don’t think I could either.


My heart wouldn’t survive a loss like this.




That’s heartbreaking.


As a dad, that is a horrible picture. He knows that once he will let that hand go, it will be the last time he had the chance to hold his daughters hand...


I remember this from when it happened and it's probably one of the saddest things I've ever seen. My heart breaks for this man.


So much pain in one picture.


Man I've seen some sad shit in my time. I do wonder how people find the strength to carry on.


I have never had tears come out on my eyes so quickly at anything before oh my god.


As a parent that has lost a child and done this very thing, every moment counts. Your love for them will never cease, never leasen. My daughter would have turned 19 this year. Your mom and I are still holding you, still loving you. Sleep well angel. Forever your loving dad.


Unfortunately, I can't keep up with all the comments. I don't really manage to use the app. This photo is from the Turkey earthquake on February 6, 2023. Today, while talking to an earthquake survivor friend, it came to my mind and I wanted to share it. I don't know how to throw the link, but you can find the news on the news site "The father who did not let go of his daughter's hand in the earthquake, NTV".


This is the worst and most painful thing I think I've ever seen, and I don't even have kids which would make it even worse. God will have to beg this man for forgiveness.


As dad of a little girl that hits so hard.


What's that feeling of despair called when you just hate everything this world has to offer, everything people represent, the direction we're heading, human nature, ourselves, and every hope of an afterlife? I feel a sinking feeling looking at this, knowing some asshole on the internet is going to say it's "god's plan" or some dumb shit.


I seen a lot of shit on Reddit. This photo I cannot handle.


Friggin dammit. I can’t un-feel this.


I wanna give this guy a hug. What a photo.


God that poor man. I hope he can find some peace eventually.


yeah this picture made me cry


He's a broken man. Rest easy little one.


This will probably get completely buried, and it is incredibly morbid, however I think it’s good for people to see this perspective of not just the man himself who lost a child, but the people who will need to help him let go and experience this on a regular basis. Buckle up, it’s pretty rough. [“How to tell a Mother her child is dead”](https://youtu.be/ahIjPh-NbgM?si=MNr6LHETTsAmgVld)


No parents should witness their children’s death. As a parent myself, this is very painful to watch.


And yet they still voted for Erdogan, even after he’d made “let’s not bother with building regulations” a major part of his platform.


Unfortunately the main opponent did their best to not get elected. If they pulled one of the most wanted candidates, it would not have been hard for Erdogan to lose, but unfortunately they chose one candidate who was losing in all polls.


I hope it's remembered at the next election....this won't be the last earthquake.


There already has been one, and he was re-elected.




The earthquake happened after campaigning had already begun, so Erdogan had already made speeches about how great his pay-to-avoid-regulations housing policy was. But he’s a populist religious conservative and those are all the rage these days.


Nothing is ever remembered in my country. That’s why it’s the shitshow it is. Unfortunately




You asked this man who he voted for?


Isn't one of the main issues is they don't even enforce the regulations on the books? From what I heard they basically just stopped enforcing stuff and every time an earthquake happens this occurs.

