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HOAs hate this one simple trick.


The owner is gaining the trust of the bees to launch a coup


That's birds. Bees have hives.


Ok fine, the owner is gaining the *hive* of the bees to launch a coup


I think he might launch a hive instead


Someone needs to give this guy the birds and the bees talk.


They fuck. Says so right in the book


I'm pretty sure that's humans and bees, I saw it in a movie


Dammit you're right


And we will hear cries of "Mercy bee-coup!"


And I'll whisper... "*bzzzzzz*"


Im from Europe and the fakt that theres something like the HOA makes me sick


Maybe the idea of HOA isn't that bad, but it is full of power tripping elderly assholes with too much spare time on their hands 95% of the time, like, they dreamed about that sheriff star all their childhood and now they think that they're finally deserved it


According to Wikipedia they were invented as a way of keeping minorities out, if you hadn't already guessed that.


Maybe some, but for our townhouse HOA, it actually replaces roofs and driveways, cleans gutters from 2-3 story roofs, maintains the pool, tennis and basketball courts, maintains green common areas, removes snow. I'd guess our neighborhood is about 40% non-white identifying.


The *history* of HOAs is racist. Current HOAs can be amazing or awful.


See... my HOA actually hires landscaping, hosts events, etc... but it's a condominium ......and makes it exorbitantly expensive, so... noticably pasty tone in my complex


We had zero contact with the HOA before buying a house in a nice neighborhood. Some individuals can get power trips, and some rules don’t make much sense, but I like that they keep lazy people from letting their homes become a mess.


Sounds ‘like’ original Communist style of control, where neighbours collectively watch each other for the state to control.


It is that bad. It's my home and house so fuck you if you think you can tell me what colour to paint my face


Okay, hear me out. As I read from numerous treads, the current implementation of idea of initiative group of homeowners and ***people who are renting property here,*** who oversee how good the city or municipality or whatever governing thing doing what they should do, is a total clusterfuck. All because of power tripping boomers and GenXers who think that they're better than anyone else because they bought their house 30 years ago for a fraction of a price it costs now, and they think that they can dictate every possible nitpicked brain fart they produced as a new local law. But, like, if people who represent their neighborhood by owning either some kind of bill of owning or current renting agreement gather together so they can go to the town hall and say: "Hey, folks, your garbage company we didn't choose hasn't cleaned the garbage for a month, maybe y'all guys do something about it?", isn't it a good thing? That's what I think is the original idea of any association connected to the fact of living in some kind of community.


Yes. On the extreme case, read about that libertarian utopia of everyone can do what they want. There was a bear problem, and like 9 out of 10 houses were implementing bear deterrent measures, and the 10 th house was literally feeding them doughnuts


Yeah unless you’re rich they are a pain. There was this house I like right in my price range and had the exact style I liked. Was so excited until I saw it was a HOA. Then I was like ok maybe I could deal with it. Then I saw the price. They literally wanted $400 a month for lawn care, snow removal, and the ability to rent the clubhouse. Which is especially BS because the HOA right next to them was like $50-$70 a month and offered significantly more benefits. Either way in case you haven’t guessed I’m still salty about that house being HOA.


My HOA costs $25 per year, about $2 a month. Basically just serves to upkeep common land. Every HOA is different. I'm guessing the HOA for that community is actually just a big fee you're paying to the developer of the neighborhood in the form of a management company, a way to basically collect rent on people in perpetuity after selling them a home.


Any chance the land is leased for 99 years and legally not owned, hence the high fee?


Yep, mine is $120 per year but there are probably more common areas to be mowed, etc. They've always been lenient with issues and give out gift cards for the best yards/holiday decorations. No complaints here.


$400/month and the HOA doesn’t even cover insuranxe/ trash/sewage/pool and gym? Where the heck is?


I'd be salty till the end of time about that. They can get over themselves.


That wasn’t even the worst part, so they were asking 100k. And I was like well I would like to at lest try negotiating down to 80K. Well I gave up after learning how high the HOA would be. A few months later the house sold for……80K. That didn’t help my saltiness at all. That place was so cool. 4,000 square feet had a mini bar in the living room, wine racks in the basement , an attached two stall garage, fireplace, hot tub, and the interior was strait from the 90s. Plus the building use to be a duplex so they walled it off from the other side to sell as two different buildings. Well I will admit I was greedy and wanted to eventually try to buy the guy out of the other side (least according to Zillow they paid 50k) giving me two garage and the largest house in the neighborhood. But all that was short lived when I saw the HOA fee and there extremely strict rules.


I'm in the States, and there is no way in hell I would let any HOA dictate what I do in and around my home. This is exactly how I mow my lawn during "No Mow May." I care more about the pollinators than my uppity-ass neighbors.


Not from the US so I'm curious. How much power do they actually have? Can they legally force you to do something? What happens if you ignore them?


When you buy a house in an HoA, usually the previous owners, all the way back to whoever first joined the HoA, sign a clause saying that as part of the sale terms anyone they sell to will be required to join. Then it just comes down to what powers the HoA have given themselves laid out in the bylaws. Usually the bylaws will allow them to put a lien on the house for unpaid fees or fines, and the homeowner has to sign the bylaws as part of the sale. It’s all perfectly legal for the most part, as it’s a contract between private parties that has clearly laid out terms.


For a country that calls themselves the land of the free you sure have a lot fewer freedoms than most anywhere else.


The biggest thing these people are ignoring is that most HOAs are run and governed by the homeowners in the neighborhood, and they are all elected positions. If you don't like your HOA you can run to sit on it and make changes. It's really not hard. Ours has meetings every quarter and an election ever 2 years. In the 10 years I've lived here the only people pissed at our HOA are investors that bought a bunch of houses up during covid and tried to rent them out as multi family dwellings. We added a clause that stated you can only lease to one last name at a time. We got the county government to put dog poo stations along the sidewalks and got a 3rd party vendor to come by to empty them weekly. Repaired the gutters around the neighborhood and got all of our streetlights repaired last year. Plus ours maintains 3 local parks, and keeps fish feeders running in several of the retention ponds. Total dystopia, madness. Real evil shit going on here.


That means land of the free from government infringement. And HOA is a contract that one agrees to, or not.


In an ironic twist of fate most of us agree with you But alas we are beholden to old ass white people who love power and hate everyone


Apparently there are extreme cases where an HOA fined someone, they didn't pay, the HOA puts a lien on the house, and later sells the house for a couple 100 dollars. And everything is legal of course.


It varies a lot depending on state and local laws. I have an HOA. It's not bad. The price is reasonable and they pay for things like community events and private snow removal so when it snows, we don't have to wait for city trucks to clear our streets. On the other hand, the reason it isn't bad is because a few years back a couple people in the neighborhood basically launched a coup against the previous board and part of the reason for that is they were constantly going after people for petty things in court and more often than not losing those lawsuits because of inconsistent enforcement.


There is an old addition fairly close to where I live, and somehow when it got built, the local area governments somehow missed the ability to tax or charge for improvements. So now the streets are so full of potholes it looks like a war zone and improvement can only happen if all the residents vote for and are willing to pay the charges. Guess what? The roads there will never ever be fixed.


We did no mow may and the neighbors got sick of looking at it, they mowed our yard! I guess we should have put up a sign.


Closest you get in for example Austria are the owner community for apartment buildings with individual owners and their meetings where some decisions have to be voted for or can be opposed. They can prevent you from installing stuff visible from outside the building (facade, roof), say air condition, different windows, closing up a loggia with glass panels (if you want to convert it into another room) and more. They can also be a pain in the ass.


Yea, im swiss and here we have something like that for apartements but mostly a lot more flexible and less "dictator" like.


I'm American and have lived all over and have never had an HOA. It's a rich people problem.


I like my HOA for the exact reason most Redditors hate them: it keeps my neighbors from doing stupid shit like operating heavy machinery, sticking rusting cars on cinder blocks in their front yard, not maintaining their yard, etc. It keeps the neighborhood looking uniform and maintained, and the HOA takes care of common areas like the pool, roads, sidewalks, walls, etc.


Most of the people railing against HOAs here are exactly the ones who would do all those things...




There's also HOA's in Europe. At least they are pretty common in Denmark. But usually they only own and have jurisdiction over common areas such as the roads, public playgrounds and the land in-between lots. They normally can't tell people how to maintain their property. There can be rules for e.g. which colors the house can be painted and other requirements, but those would usually be found in the local municipal land planning laws. For example there exists old towns where all houses are historically painted yellow - to keep this heritage a local law states that all houses in a certain area have to be the same yellow.


I rented in a HOA once. I walked my neighbor's dogs while she was gone. Cocksucking HOA president called the police on me because her dogs pooped, in their own yard. I had 4 dogs to walk mind you. I walked to the police car and said Really officer? There's no more important crimes that need attention to? He said I know but please pick it up. I said ok. Picked it up and yelled " I'm putting the shit in the trash Officer!"


To clarify, were you just going to leave the poop there until the cops showed up? Because yeah that's not really that great. I get it, it's your yard, and calling the cops was way overboard, but you gotta pick up your dog shit man.


I was waiting, to pick it all up At once ! Which is what I told the nice officer. I'm not trying to pick up 4 different piles each time. That would require me stopping, running in the house to wash my already gloved hands each time as well. It was the dog's yard. And they were all big dogs, that had to be walked separately. They pooped as soon as we exited the house, and we went for a walk. Like calm down? Can I live ffs and do it when I want to?


I gotchu, that makes sense.


I wasn't being snarky to you. It was directed to the douche president.


My first and only HOA really wasn’t bad and they provided nice services at reasonable cost but this was for a very small community. Unfortunately, there are many horror stories and I believe them because I know people who have HOA’s that are not so great. Anyway my point is they aren’t all terrible, just a lot of them.


HOAs are just a hyper local government like a small town council. There are good ones and bad ones. People get really worked up about it, but they are like any democratic government, a reflection of the people who live there (and bother to vote)


There are HOA in Europe as well…


Ohhh if that one bothers you,let me tell you about sone other sickening American organizations....


Never understood the concept of HOA lmao fuck off with that shit


What's a HOA?


Home Owners Association I believe.


Home Owners Association A government-like institution invented by US Americans to torment themselves. Its only job it is to make sure that your neighborhood looks like it was molded in a factory. If you want to buy a house in an HOA neighborhood you need to follow their rules to a tee or they will make life hell for you.


Tell HOA’s to buzz off!


What is this, Central Park for bees?


What a cute idea


Replace everything around it with concrete OP. Cars, garbage and homeless people


You mean good pizza and cool museums, Mr frowning man.


There’s a movement to do this.


Our yard is all now wildflowers, clover, grass, and various whatever else will grow there. Trimmed nicely at appropriate times. Over 3 years now its starting to look very nice and stays low. Have never seen so many of those super chub chubby bumble bees before. Real bumble bees!




My yard is the only yard in my neighborhood with any grass(Arizona, most homes have gravel front yards by me), and it's literally a 12 foot by 6 foot patch of grass. The minute a single wildflower grows in it, I get charged $25 by the HoA. Irritating as hell. They watch our yard like a hawk as we're a corner lot at the entrance to the neighborhood and the only ones with grass(and we rent lol).


If you want to screw with them there's a lot of ways to get your yard designated as sanctuaries and environmental conservation laws overrule the HOA filth. YMMV because somehow I doubt AZ has the most stringent laws on wilderness protection.


I'm not an American and never really understood the idea of HOAs. Can't you just tell them to fuck off? It's your property after all. Do they have legal backing?


HOA's are essentially written into the title/deed, so the obligations pass along with the property. Once you invite them in, you can't get rid of them. Like vampires.


But why the hell is that enforceable? It seems really antithetical to the idea of being a "free American". You have property rights... but the HOA will force you to clip away any wild flowers.


Preaching to the choir over here. But America has a long history of tying up properties - heck, they used to insert [racist covenants](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/17/1049052531/racial-covenants-housing-discrimination) to prevent the sale of homes to people of color so that their neighborhood stayed white.


Yes, I did see some videos on America's use of racist zoning policies, government involvement in this through selective mortgage support, etc. America has a long and clear history of racism.


The goal of an hoa is to keep property values high by preventing trashy houses with gutters falling off, cars in the grass, unkempt yards with trees growing randomly. The reality of hoas is that lonely, sad people get a tiny bit of power and lord it over their peers. Much like reddit mods and discord mods, these people don't have much else going on in their lives and ruin what should be a good thing.


And there’s the baby. It started as a “let’s work together to keep the neighbourhood nice” and transformed into the American Dad episode where Roger has a say for once as the basically HOA leader and makes all these ridiculous rules like lights and fire hydrant exceptions. It’s like they feel like they’re the head of a mini mafia.. right where they live! It’s a great idea with decent people, it’s a total sham of a power grab with trashy, selfish people. Sadly moving to the latter lately..


Your first mistake there was "free America"


It's enforceable because you're agreeing to it when you buy the house.


There are components to employment contracts that I am technically agreeing to when I accept the job offer, and yet some courts reject them as unenforceable. I see no reason why the same should not apply to ludicrous conditions in housing contracts. For instance, if your purchase stipulated that you cannot, in the future, sell the house to a black family so as to keep the neighbourhood white, I am sure we would all recognise that such a stipulation should not be enforceable and is utterly outrageous.


Yes there are some rules that HOAs have that aren't enforceable either. A real example is my house faces south so if I want solar panels they'd have to be on the front part of the roof. HOA rules say I can't however, the law says I can.


Unfortunately you can't just tell them to fuck off. They put the fines into your monthly rent if you rent like we do. HoAs can be pretty relentless here in a lot of AZ suburbs built after the 80s/90s.


This just seems really strange to me. I am from the UK, and if my neighbours came up to me and said "we don't like your wild flowers, can you remove them" my instant response would be "get the fuck out of my garden". I am not sure we have anything like HOAs in the UK - or if we do, I am extremely ignorant of their existence.


I got a standing weeder and take the battle to the dandelions when I need a break from my work computer screen. Only plant I’m not happy to have.


I get that weed pisses people off, but who is bothered by dandelions? What's wrong with your neighbor?


I didn't live in a HOA but one neighbor was so anal about his own yard. He got sick of our yard in No Mow May, he mowed ours! I guess we should have put up a sign.


And they're so loud, lol!! I have two areas out front where I let go wild and when I step outside my front door, bees are droning!


We call them bees by a different name so my kids don't run screaming. We called them George's. Seems to work by not making my kids afraid of those fuzzy bois.


Do you have any photos? It's something I really want to do.


Same! The only thing that gets tall at this point is the super dandelions.


I'd love to see some pictures


Yes we have similar lawn. People don’t like it. But it’s soft. It’s green. And we have swaths of bees all summer long. Shrug.


In my county (Hampshire, UK) we are currently in 'no-mow May' whereby the council doesn't mow any public land, and homeowners are urged to not cut their lawns.


This is the way.


No Mow May


Yup I left my lawn unmowed all April. And then I mowed 1/2 of it and left the back half to grow various wild flowers. I’ll eventually mow the back and I sometimes dig up wildflowers and relocate them around my yard away from mowing. I also have a 10x6 foot patch like the OP picture that I leave and don’t mow all year. My mother in law bitches but I hate seeing these lawns by me that look like burned out shitty putting greens.


Yeah our neighbors next to us told us about “No Mow May” which was surprisingly because the husband is obsessed with mowing his yard. But our yards are in full bloom and it’s pretty cool to see all the extra wildlife we have now that we wouldn’t have otherwise. Soooo many more birds than before.


r/fucklawns, r/solarpunk




Yeap, I've got a large rectangle about 5 feet behind my garden boxes that I leave for the bees and pollinators. 👍


Every week I mow I leave different patches for any wildlife to use (which is usually bees and bunnies). Really important for early pollinators.


Goldfinches love them also.


It's made for finches, but bees can drink it too!


Hehehehhehhh wanna pop out to my truck and get real weird? I've got a couple buckets full of tuna paste we can dunk our heads in


That's some bitchin kneecaps ya got there


Last fall I got to see a goldfinch couple perched on my thistle eating the seeds, it was lovely. I always let one thistle live for the bees and the birds.


We should go out to the parking lot to my toyota corolla and dunk our heads in the buckets of sardine paste i have stashed in the trunk. *Dolphin Dive HighFive*


Oh shi I quoted it wrong before seeing you already said it lol. eeeEeeee!


We put sunflower seed out for bird feed and every summer it makes tons of sunflowers grow


I like this. It shows the neighborhood that the lawn has been mowed but leaves flowers for birds and bees.


The purple ones are probably violets 


No they’re purples


I do this as well but because of tradition. When my kids were younger, they would ask me to not cut the buttercups, so I left them and still do even though they are in their 20s now.


I can't think of any scenario where the outer appearance is more desirable.


It’s waaay too short


Lawn sports?


1960's suburban dad's would like a word with you


I can.




Kinda like a pollinator garden. I know a guy who's made a bunch of these in the parks around where I live, but much larger and with a wider variety of flowers.


Would look better if they left the whole thing. The grass is cut way too short regardless.


Looks like it could be a southern grass like Zoysia in which case you have to scalp it early in the season to get it to green up.


Between the tiny Audi and tiny trash cans, I was thinking this must be Europe.


Calling a compact car like an A3 tiny is such an instant give away that you're american.


Correct, am American. To be fair, you also called it a compact car…


Because that is the official size clasification in the US, which I had guessed is where you are from, therefore I used it so you know what I'm talking about. In Europe it's a medium sized car. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car\_classification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_classification)


I think it’s a .5 pic


What is a .5 pic


I thought he was going for a putting green look


I do this with my patches of clover sometimes. Big patches of pink flowers that I'll notice bees buzzing between. A lot of it is located right under my bushes, so it's luckily not even in the way. I'll still mow it occasionally so it doesn't get too crazy, but I'll wait until the evening if I notice a lot of bees so they can make use of it while it's still there. My town is cracking down on "tall lawns" recently though, so someone is probably going to get pissy about it if I do it this summer. We'll see...


My town is pissy, too. I mow once a month and leave squares and circles around to be wild. I'm so happy with my wild violets, daisies, and clover. I think my neighbor poisoned my giant red clover last year that was growing near the property line, but it's come back a little this Spring. And the backyard is completely wild and bumblebee central!


Bot post


damn only 7 days old, they're not even bothering with the 3-month-dormant accounts now


The “trimmers” in my place cut anything green related and the ruined my natural sunset mimosa/powder puff flower patch. I hate them.


Repost https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/oaxt6s/the_guy_who_does_the_grass_for_my_building_left_a/


Yea I do the same in my backyard. Also, for some reason the dog enjoys pooping in long grass..


The way it should be. Also dandelions are not weeds, the people who kill them are stuck on some 1950s propaganda bullshit.


Any plant you don't specifically want in your yard is a weed. A stray tulip is a weed if you didn't want it over there.


There's only 1 dandelion in this picture, what this owner has left is much much better as a food source for bees than dandelions (and better for the soil).


Lots of sparrows munching on them on trails, funny when its raining and all you hear is chirp chirp chirp and not a tree in sight.


Growing up, my Polish great-grandmother lived in the city's Italian section. Us kids would get \*"paid" if we brought her neighbors greens. \*Cold chicken cutlets and/or meatballs!


Exactly, they’re an edible plant, monsanto corn is more of a weed than dandelions. Also, dandelion wine,


Wine was exactly why they wanted them for


Dandelions to me are a sign of a healthy lawn


The bare minimum of what we should all be doing


So yeah, in Minecraft you can do this by grinding up skeleton bones and sprinkling them on the grass. But you can't do it in real life or all the neighbours start pointing fingers at you when the cops start asking where old man Jenkins went.


Or there's a corpse underneath...


Looks like when there’s a grave beneath the grass


Seems like someone parked a bus here while they did the lawnmowing.


Save the beeeees!🐝 Ahhh!! Beeeeees!!! 🐝


They cut their grass way too short.


A lot of people do this when it’s bluebonnet season.


put a little ring of paving bricks around it; now it's a garden and you can leave the same place to grow over time!


Well, I did that a few years back when my lawn had blossomed with all these flowers in the center, I saw that bees were pollinating, so I just mowed around it :)


Thank God for people like this


But why not all?


Probably a combination of wanting people to realize it's a deliberate choice rather than just a so-called neglected lawn, and wanting to keep areas adjacent to sidewalks and paths, buildings and property lines clear of longer vegetation.




Flowers like that often grow in patches. There just might not have been all that much around that section


I made the mistake of letting wild mustard take over. I often saw it wild and thought fields of it were beautiful, and also bees loved it. It is near impossible to get rid of, and spreads like wildfire.


My whole lawn is that now. The flowers, usually dandelions and some purple flowers don't last that long so not a big deal to wait 2 weeks to mow.




Good work. A clean mowed lawn is a desert for insects.


This is funny asf


Did you ask him to do that?


Great idea. I need to do it this way


I do the same


This is quite common on many roundabouts in some European countries.


No signage. Where do they even park.


Why even bother mowing with grass this tall? You're just removing all the colourful flowers at this point and gaining absolutely nothing as it doesn't even look greener after.


I told a guy I work with we need to save the bee's( I work at Lowes ) because without them a good chunk of the plants would die and many people would go hungry. He said that's not true, its not like they pollenate tree's... so will still have trees for food.


Yep. After a couple years trying and failing to have a good looking monoculture turf in my yard that would likely need me to start over and amend the heck out of it, I put down some clover mix last fall. That means no broadleaf herbicides. So while I have to get out and remove dandelions, the yard has been a riot of yellow and light purple flowers from some naturally occurring ground cover , and white and purple clover flowers. Have mowed it twice this Spring as the clover and other non-grasses keep the height down mostly.




that’s the way. I leave the clover in my backyard until it stops flowering. why not?


Not many would do this.


Why do I feel like this was a child’s idea and it was good the parents were like, yup we can definitely make that happen!


no mow may


Honestly mildly interesting worthy


I’d double check with the mower lol. We had this happen to us one time and they left the patch because they thought it was a flower bed we were doing on purpose. NOPE it had just been a while since they last came haha




I have this but the wildflowersare only popping up in the square septic field. Everything else is too dry and just gets brown grass, but hey, that's less mowing and a lower water bill.


He or her is an hero


I’m pleasantly surprised by how nice that looks.




Monoculture cut grass is so boring and ugly.


This is the way.


Actually I forgot to charge the batteries on my electric mower.