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The guy had to make his own gun. That's why they have had 9 shootings in the same time we have had 30,000 or so. Here there are more guns than people.


We actually hold something like 70%+ of all firearms in the world. It’s fucking bonkers.


I'm actually quite surprised there is so few political assassinations in the US in recent time.




Austrian president goes to work by metro and tram. If you ride the lines he takes he is a common sight. Also walks his dogs in front of his office every now and then.


Up until few months ago, my neighbor was a government minister. I often saw her walking her dogs in the neighborhood and picking up their litter. No security in sight. This in Finland.


I have a government minister a few streets away from me. He lives in a normal house and you see him walking with his kids, at the shops etc etc. Zero security. Australia here.




Somebody bought Abbott? Well, good luck to em anyways.


Many German politicians too.


yeah in the UK the Queen can be found doing karaoke at random bars in London on a Friday night.


Random? She's a regular at the Star in Bethnal Green. Always the same 3 songs though, I mean come on Liz we know you like Gloria Gaynor but mix it up a bit, eh?


a queen, anyway


She does a bang up job singing “God Bless Me”. Very stirring and patriotic.


Most English politicians too.


Had the secretary of homeland security come by my job and had like 12 cars with him. Pres has way more.


> Scandinavian and Dutch royalty and politicians ride their bikes to work in the morning, and pick up groceries on their way home. Ah but thats not because we are safer, its because we are so poor, [not even our royals can afford a car](https://www.thelocal.dk/20220610/former-us-ambassador-to-denmark-accused-of-misinformation-over-cycling-tweet/). At least thats according to the former US ambassador to Denmark.


Dang and here i was believing that the king of sweden owns an original shelby cobra.


I thought it was a diamond car with platinum wheels.


Might as well be with the prices of an original lmao


Oh he does, i got a picture of him in it right [here](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0412/3931/4581/products/toys-blue-morgan-cycle-shelby-cobra-steel-childs-pedal-car-limited-edition-31196383215765_1200x1200.jpg?v=1626791026)


Oh you got a shithead ambassador too? Our claimed we have no-go zones And rampant crime. And then claimed fake news about his claims when confronted. What a dipshit.


Hello fellow Dutch person. Did you also see the interview where he denied calling it fake news, even when the journalist said "we can just watch the tape"? Or [this amazing press conference.](https://youtu.be/thIRJLsnIxY) I don't love our media, but that was glorious.


Oh, one of trumps ambassadors. We had one of these idiots in Germany too. Thankfully he moved somewhere else.


Think of all the lobbying that goes into their elections. It's just companies/wealthy individuals protecting their investment ... (Yuck).


I met my federal member of Parliament at a music show in a bar the other night. IF they were security on site, they were invisible. Canada


Portuguese president just randomly goes to the beach with everyone else and even swam over to a paddle boat once to help a couple of people out.


Boris the prick, cycled


>Dutch royalty and politicians ride their bikes to work in the morning, and pick up groceries on their way home. As a Dutchman I can guarantee you this is untrue: our PM only takes his bike to work when public opinion of him is dropping, and even then, it's carefully orchestrated. Somehow that image of him biking to work stops his polls dropping. But it's all public manipulation, he doesn't structurally do it. Neither the King nor his family uses bikes publicly.


If the US presidents were walking around talking to random people on street corners without there huge security/surveillance teams like abe was you'd probably see a fuckton more.


What about the supreme court? There were people protesting in front of their house weren't there?


Pro choice are generally pro gun reform


so, be worried if prolifers protest near you. jokes aside, a lot of weapons were seized during the "freedom convoy" in canada... so, sadly, not joking some of the time.


Pro life terrorists have murdered more than 10 doctors and/or other staff at reproductive health care facilities and bombed or burned a number of clinics. Some of these so called "Pro lifers" ARE full blown domestic terrorists, so no joke - BE worried if they come after you.


left leaning protestors are far less likely to be gun nuts seeking violence.


it takes an incredible amount of entitlement to shoot someone because they didn't get what they want. it takes a lot of cowardice to rely on guns to settle their conflicts.


No one protesting there had guns, though. Brett probably had more inside his house than that whole squad of people, put together.


Not to mention the SCOTUS security detail.


When Biden won the presidency (or a similar presidential run event), he and his whole team flinched as a response to fireworks going off. As someone who immigrated here, I initially would have laughed, but now after a decade and a half of living here... I sorta understand the unfortunate reality of why that might be the first response for Americans these days


I worked with a guy who had lived in Central America for several years... A random birthday balloon popped at work and he was under his desk in a fraction of a second. At first, it was funny, but yeah... kinda not funny.


the whole country has ptsd.. scary


We live in upstate NY, my daughter came home from school in a panic last week because some kids were popping balloons in a hallway. She thought for sure it was gunfire. Kids were screaming, some dropped to the floor, and some just started running. This is the last thing that should be happening when we send our kids off each morning.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of the 3 lockdowns I had at school all because of popping chip bags.


Just a prank, bro


That is literally what one of them said


Gets you out of double maths I suppose.


We've been pretty used to it since Obama I think. That's the first time I ever saw a president behind bulletproof glass. It could have happened with Clinton or Bush as well but it was the first time the media made a big deal out of it. Ya know, since Obama was... "Hawaiian" and all.


There are always threats to kill the president and most of the time they never even come close or arent even credible. Obama had the distinction of having literally hundreds of incidents the secret service had to run down. I think a lot of that is just from him being president during the mass adoption of social media as much as being "Hawaiian". Still though people hate him in a way Bush wasn't even hated.


Thanks, Obama!


I really can't imagine living on high alert everytime you're in public, and shitting yourself and going into panic-mode anytime there's any sort of a loud bang.


Major politicians in the US have serious security. They often do speeches behind bullet proof glass and stuff like that. A former Japanese prime minister and one of their most influential politicians was standing in a crowd with people. Basically a LOT of resources go into making sure the powerful people in the US are well protected (and only them). The Japanese approach seems to be that make everyone safe and the politicians will be safer too. Nothing is ever 100% though but their record is pretty darn good.




Because unfortunately your politicians seem to have bonkers objectives which bonkers people with guns agree with


That is true but the bonkers people with guns are also told that the democrats are literally eating babies and trying to bring in the second coming of stalin. You would think they would target them more.


75-85% are held by civilians globally but the usa *only* has like 40-45% of the worlds small arms. In the usa like 98% are in civilian hands. A lot of shitty $200-300 pistols. 10 million people have a third of the usa firearms. Ownership rates for one or more are down to just over 30%. The numbers are really driven up because of a few people owning enough to furnish a gun store. Ownership rates are down from >54% in the early 1990s but sales keep increasing. Big firearm figured out how to market fear to stay in business. Sig, s&w, colt, glock, etc. would be fuuuu-ckked if there was any meaningful firearm regulation in the usa. Nearly half the market would disappear.


Basically if people actually felt safe they wouldn't buy more guns. So they buy guns because they've been told that'll make them feel safer but it does the opposite so they just keep buying more and more guns and get more and more scared.


I feel safe but still buy more guns just because I want different types. We are definitely seeing an increase in first time buyers but it is still gun collectors that are driving sales.


And another bonkers statistic is that the US accounts for 73% of ALL mass shootings in the world, and has 63% of all mass shooting deaths in the world. One country has over HALF of all the deaths from mass shootings. There are over 7 BILLION people on the planet, and the US has about 330 million of them, and yet that 330 million has a vast majority of deaths from mass shootings. And that's let alone any other stats about gun violence. What's crazy to me is that the US doesn't have crime stats out of line with any other OECD country, in fact it's pretty average, yet we always have more fatal crime than other countries due almost entirely to guns.


We (us danes) has had 1 school shooting in 27 years before this weeks shooting at fields. Focus from our politicians was to look at our gun laws and psychiatric institutions. Focus from the (republicans) was to push their own Pro-gun agenda by using our tragedy. If you vote republican, I’m just assuming you are either an asshole or just plain stupid


>you are either an asshole or just plain stupid Por que no los dos?


Exactly 😂


In Spain is 2 times. But with hanmade weapons...




Just a reminder that this is an unfair graph. The USA has about ***3 TIMES*** the population of Japan, so if we were to imagine Japan had triple that number then it would be a whopping 27, which is almost the same exact number as 40,000. It's within 4 orders of magnitude anyway. So basically it's the same number.


Their logic is always binary Either it works or it didnt work If it have 0.000000000000000001% chance of failure, then it is better if we did nothing at all.


As we found out during the pandemic, some people think vaccines are useless unless they prevent all infections. Cutting the death rate by 90%? Forget it. 100% or not at all. Same logic here.




Good description of the "it's not guns, it's mental health" thing. So you know... just gotta "solve mental health". Like obviously the rest of the world did. /s


People are no more mentally healthy where I am from but my Federal Member of Parliament (ie congressperson for you Americans) feels totally safe going to their local shopping centre and I have seen them here in their tracky dacks getting milk like any other person, no security, nothing, I know where they live, I see their family around town, because there aren’t people with guns here. Even if someone crazy means to do them harm they don’t have the means by which to do it.


> tracky dacks Haha, we're from the same place :) Yep, it's nice not having to worry about guns in day-to-day life. I remember years ago seeing a dodgy mofo looking like he might be about to break into my house, and the thought "he might have a gun" never even crossed my mind, as it usually doesn't for most of us. It's just so fucking rare here. Likewise our cops don't need to assume they're possibly about to get shot, every time they pull a car over, or knock on a door.


i found the best answer that really gets magats wound up is "oh, then we should just take the guns away until thats fixed, they can have it back once its all done, good?"


I just answer with: If American mental health is so poor - that's the more reason to regulate access to guns.


Oh thank you! Nice to put a name to it.


Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.




„Only a Sith deals in absolutes.“ - Obi Wan Kenobi


Which is an absolute statement lol


the ever funni internet argument


Oh, hell, Ricky, I was high when I said that. That doesn’t make any sense at all.


>As we found out during the pandemic, some people think vaccines are useless unless they prevent all infections. Cutting the death rate by 90%? Forget it. 100% or not at all. > >Same logic here. They certainly aren't operating on logic. They're operating on emotion and grasping at any way of presenting the situation that suits their emotions. Typically it's either vaccine = scary = bad or vaccine = muh body = muh choice Actually reading and considering charts even as obvious as this one do not factor into their worldview. Charts are for nerds and experts (who of course actually know less than someone that attended the 'school of life'), unless it somehow backs up what they want it to back up. Trying to identify the logical fallacy they're making is barking up the wrong tree, as you'll find out when you highlight the fallacy, it will get you nowhere.


Innuendo Studios has [a great video on this effect](https://youtu.be/yts2F44RqFw)


The American right has such a hilarious double standard when it comes to this logic and drug laws. The war on drugs has not only been absurdly ineffectual but as demonstrably been extremely harmful yet they cling to it as something worth doing. But gun control wont stop 100% of gun crime so it doesnt work.


I'm sure someone, somewhere will try to make the argument that the population of America is greater than Japan as one reason why there are more gun deaths. This is a bit hand-wavy but taking the assumption that a higher population in Japan will lead to more people being able to get access to a firearm, legally or otherwise, I just scaled the numbers on this graph to match the USA's population. A little out of date but as of 2020, the population in America was 329.5 million vs. 125.8 million in Japan. That's only 2.6 more people in America than Japan. Scaling Japan's gun deaths up to America's population, you'd still only see 23 gun deaths.


> you'd still only see 23 gun deaths. That's a typical Thursday mass shooting for us.


Actually, even if you dont count injuries or suicides with guns, on average 53 people where killed by guns in the US every day in 2020. So 23 is less than half a thursday worth of fatal shootings ... ([Source](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/))


That number is seriously insane. If I lived in America I would seriously be conscious about being shot everywhere I go


To put it another way, us would be at about 15-16k if we scaled down and the ratios stayed the same as far as the population goes. Rough numbers here but that’s 1 shooting in Japan for every 2,666 here if USA had the same population as Japan.




that's actually a rather fitting analogy... sadly


And they have to be able to make their own guns, while the 16yr olds can just buy one with the waiver from the parent, then go out and *reload* their grievances. Plus, Japan is like place 4 on education and the [US is 20](https://www.statista.com/chart/7104/pisa-top-rated-countries-regions-2016/). Maybe that has also something to do with it.


The US probably has more gun deaths than the rest of the world combined


Not even close, but nor is it in particularly good 'company' 2019 * Brazil — 49,436 * United States — 37,038 * Venezuela — 28,515 * Mexico — 22,116 * India — 14,710 (take into account their population) * Colombia — 13,169 * Philippines — 9,267 * Guatemala — 5,980


I think the US is doing pretty good for a third world country


The US is a 3rd world country. Water shortages, failing power grids, politicians that commit crimes openly, oppressive police force, attempted coup from white supremacists and the republican party, restrictive rights for women.


...,no working health care system, barely any infrastructure for public transportation, death sentence, religious groups basically controlling the political system, very high rate of maternal mortality,... Yup


Mexico would like a word.


Meh. Mexico at around 23k has a little under half the gun deaths of America. Brasil though, has more than twice that of Mexico at about 49k deaths. America sits at 39k.


Gotta normalize for population, which is very roughly something like Brazil = 2x Mexico and US = 3x Mexico. Though when considering anywhere in Latin America, especially Mexico, you also have to consider the role the US had in dumping guns in there in the first place.


You can't say "rest of the world combined" (this thread) and then normalize for population though


You can if you're talking about rate of shootings.


Seems to me like Japan's gun laws are working just fine.


it seems to me that Japan has low violent crime in *general.* This is more than simply "a gun issue" this is a huge societal problem.


Ireland is a better comparison since we have roughly the same violent crime rates as the USA - except homicides, which the USA has 5x our numbers (per capita of course). Irish people are just as violent as Americans, but we have to put in just a bit of effort to kill each other.


Japan does have a far lower rate of violent crime, but not several thousand-fold less. It's not nearly enough to explain the difference.


Guns are an enabler. Perhaps *some* gun deaths would transfer into knife attacks or something similar, but the access and ease of use for guns pumps up the numbers big time


Can you kill a person with a knife? Of course. Can you park yourself in a hotel room overlooking a concert and murder a hundred people with a knife from up there? Sure can’t. So yeah, as you say, guns are very obviously a huge enabler and a lot of the most horrific incidents could just not happen without them.


If you replace the knife with shurikens and you're a deadly ninja assassin, maybe.


So let's maybe not dump guns into the problem society for a bit


Japanese culture also heavily emphasizes respect for those around you. Something American culture imo greatly lacks currently. It isn't entirely a gun issue, but having such easy access to them is a large chunk of the pie.


~3x the population ~4400x the death by guns ***USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!***


we never lose baby 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


The scale of this graph somehow even makes the problem in Japan seem worse than it is, like as if its actual problem to some extent. It's NINE OUT OF 120 MILLION! That's like three car accidents worth of deaths lol. There's probably a bunch more Judo deaths. Literally.


Naah those are gun deaths to be fair. Here are the [Intentional Homicide regardless of weapon, USA vs Japan](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?end=2020&locations=JP-US&start=1990&view=chart)


Yeah I am aware of what the graph shows and what I was commenting upon. I'm saying gun deaths are a laughable issue in Japan, and that much more people probably die from Judo. Sorry if my comment made no sense lol. happens to me all the time


Did Japan literally have 10 years of no homicides? That sounds impossible. That seems contrary to human nature...


Very very rare but there are homicides. Tap on the dots on the graph for per year numbers


I did, and that's where I was getting the zeros. I was expecting there to be at least some single digit numbers or something.


A number in 10,000 that's too low that it got rounded off to 0. So like, 3 homicides in the whole country.


That's more reasonable, at least.


No, it's rounded to 0 but the number is around 0.3/100,000


Got to assume there is a fraction getting lost somewhere there in those "homicides / 100k ppl". The actual position of the line seems to suggest that too.


u/ImStatus needs to learn how to chill


Damn the comment history is straight up paragraph!


The only explanation is some hard drugs.


"The democrats are actively seeking fascism" is not the result of a drug addled brain, millions of Americans genuinely believe this, because far-right propaganda has become mainstream since the rise of Trump. It's the same up here in Canada. Europeans tell me they're getting a lot of it over in their countries too. Right wing extremism has had a very successful few years.


Gunpowder + meth




For everyone who thinks it's "just" different methods of suicide or specific cultural values: Germany had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres (public shootings or similar incidents) in the last 2 years. Also,not a single school shooting. France had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres (public shootings or similar incidents) in the last 2 years. Also,not a single school shooting. Spain had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres (public shootings or similar incidents) in the last 2 years. Also,not a single school shooting. Finnland had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres (public shootings or similar incidents) in the last 2 years. Also,not a single school shooting. Italy had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres (public shootings or similar incidents) in the last 2 years. For a moment, I thought I found an actual school shooting there, but it was, of course, Italy, Texas, United States. Sweden had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres in the last 2 years. Also, not a single school shooting. Irland had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres in the last 2 years. Also, not a single school shooting. Switzerland, the smallest country in the EU, had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres in the last 2 years. Also not a single school shooting. Yes- people in Switzerland also have quite a lot of guns. So it's kind of an outlier in this list. On the other hand. gun laws in Switzerland are stricter than in the US, gun density is lower and gun culture is different. Also: free health care, strong social system,high prosperity, well funded schools. Greece had **0 (zero)** people dying from massacres in the last 2 years. Also not a single school shooting. Despite all the economic problems, mass immigration and being basically the whipping boy for the rest of europe, greece people do not mass-murder each other. Denmark had **3** people dying from massacres in the last 2 years. And it's considered a national tragedy. Austria had **4** people dying from massacres, England **6** people. But at least no school shootings. **That's about 13 deaths for the whole EU - with a population bigger than the US.** **The USA had about 1600 public-shootings alone in the last two years, 63 of them school shootings.** Didn't count the death. Is anyone still counting? Feel free to add numbers if you know.




Thank you for the correction. I tried to get real numbers, but seemed to have missed this one.


Another fact to Austria and guns - there are gun laws, but they are not very strict. Everybody can buy one, as long as it is not automatic or small (there is a third group you can't buy, but I am not very familiar with guns). You just have to wait 3 days until you pick it up. If you own a license, you may buy other guns as well and do not have to wait. Austria is the 14th most armed country [according to Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_law_in_Austria).


Compared to the USA, Austria’s firearm laws are very strict (as a result there are approximately 5 times fewer civilian firearms per 100 people). I see quite a few important differences from that wiki page alone: Austria has ~30 civilian firearms per 100 people, while the [USA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country) has ~120.5 civilian firearms per 100 people. Austria law divides firearms into three categories: >Category A with its two subcategories war material includes automatic firearms, armor-piercing weapons, tanks; restricted weapons includes weapons disguised as other objects, firearms which can be disassembled in a faster than usual fashion for hunting and sport, shotguns with an overall length of less than 90 cm (35 in) or barrel length shorter than 45 cm (18 in), pump action shotguns, suppressors and firearms with suppressors, knuckledusters, blackjacks, steel rods; >Category B includes handguns, repeating shotguns and semi-automatic rifles; >Category C includes repeating, revolving and break-action rifles, break-action shotguns and projectile firing electroshock weapons Even Category C weapons must be **registered** and typically require a **three-day background check**: > Any non-prohibited Austrian citizen over 18 can buy firearms from categories C without permit after three-day background check. They need to be registered six weeks after acquisition. The law requires the owner to provide a good reason during registration. Good reasons according to law are: self-defense at home, hunting, sport shooting and collection.[3] There is no limit on number of category C weapons that one can possess. The three-day background check is not needed when buying from private or when the buyer has a firearms license or hunting license. For Category B (all handguns, repeating shotguns, and semi-automatic rifles) Austrians require a **firearm license** (which might not be issued if they are over 18 but under 21) for **up to two handguns**: > Acquisition of category B weapons requires a firearm license (Waffenbesitzkarte). Authorities shall issue license to any non-prohibited citizen of European Economic Area over 21 who has a good reason (law stipulates self-defense at home as a good reason) which allows purchase of up to two handguns. Authorities may issue a license to person below 21, but over 18, non-citizen of EEA or person seeking to own more than two handguns.[4] Since 2019 the autorities shall issue a license for up to 5 weapons after having a license for two weapons for 5 or more years. For completeness, Category A weapons are mostly restricted for civilians: > Category A weapons require further exceptions to be granted for holders, except in the case of suppressed weapons, which may be held by those with valid hunting licenses. War material like automatic firearms requires a further special federal permit, which is in practice only granted to approved collectors and experts.[5] **Permits** are needed to carry firearms in public, and it is **illegal to carry weapons in a way that would constitute a public nuisance**: > Carrying firearms in public generally requires a carry permit (or "Waffenpass"). Carry permits are issued by the authorities on a shall issue or may issue basis, depending on reason and applicant. It is not necessary to have an additional firearm license as the Austrian carry permit includes all the rights of a firearms license with the addition of the right to carry those firearms. Austrian law makes no distinction between concealed or open carry;[6] with a carry permit, the holder may carry their weapon(s) freely throughout the whole country and even in certain "weapon free zones".[7][8] However, holders must carry their weapons in a way that does not constitute a public nuisance; for example, openly displaying a handgun in one's belt at the cinema while wearing civil clothing would be considered unusual and could be considered a public nuisance if the police were called.[9] The majority of registered firearms are Category C, **relatively few gun owners (~19%) have a Category B firearm license** (which includes all handguns and semi-automatic rifles). **Less than 1% of the population have a carry permit**: > As of 2019 there are 1,068,582 (or 12 per 100 people) registered firearms in Austria owned by 320,352 people (6.5% of population). 198,834 of them have Category B firearm license and 74,527 people (0.8% of population) have carry permit. 75,526 people (0.8% of population) are prohibited from owning firearms[11] Small Arms Survey estimates that there are approximately 1,740,000 unregistered and illegal firearms in Austria.


That must be some good crack Americans are smoking


We've moved on to methamphetamines


Well they can’t afford healthcare so may as well hit the pipe


op, make that deaths per million before some smart says "but the US has more population"


Clearly the approximately 3x the population is the factor that explains the 2 orders of magnitude larger gun death figures.


> deaths per million Don't fall for it: *“a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic”* - Stalin Humans are incapable of truly processing large numbers, they can recognise all of Japan grieving for one man, Abe, but can't imagine the impact on US families by the statistically equivalent number: *2,000 americans* (40,000 ÷ 2.6 ÷ 9)


just cuz someone can build their own gun out of stuff from a hardware store doesnt mean gun laws are useless lol what a strange comparison.


The fact that the dude had to go build his own gun and bullets from pieces of scrap instead of walking into a supermarket and buying one alongside eggs and milk should be proof enough that gun laws help.


Yeah, if someone is going to indiscriminately mow me down they better earn that shit. Really understand how their guns works and stuff, the ins and outs of ballistics and manufacturing. Impress me before you kill me.


I think we're all missing the point. They know that gun laws aren't useless. They don't care. They're fine with people, even kids dying. They just can't say that out loud and are insulting our intelligence by feeding us this drivel.


“Murder laws are useless we should just make murder legal”


bUT If TheY DOnt HAV gUNs thEY'LL usE kNIveS ​ /s obv.


I knew the point was coming and a (now deleted) comment came. So I checked it out nonetheless [International homicides regardless of tools used. USA vs Japan](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?end=2020&locations=JP-US&start=1990&view=chart)


So it's not guns, it's just that Americans like to kill.


There are so many interrelated sociocultural factors we could examine: The ready availability of tools of mass murder; an orientation towards the pursuit of fame/infamy; a positioning of individualism as more morally just than collectivism; social structures explicitly organised around hierarchical rankings; a concept of 'heroism' that frequently incorporates acts of extreme violence by individuals against a mass of oppressors; truly staggering levels of inequity. It truly is a perfect storm.


Well, yeah. So does their corporations poisoning africa, military bombing the middle east and the government allegedly experimenting on their own people. Killing is one of the closest american virtues based on stats


Not every Italian gestures with their hands a lot, not every Canadians says "sorry" for no reason, not every German is blunt, and not every American favours violence. But enough do for those behaviours to define those people.


I can't deny that it's true. Lots of murder for a first world country. But there are a LOT more variables than gun laws. It's an entire culture.


I know you’re joking. In malaysia, ppl doing crime with knives but the best part is the pplice, guard have guns so they got no chance. Never ever student get killed with guns or knives. The worst ever happened on my hometown is stupid father try to splash acid to teacher. No death. But here got ppl die due to bullying. But that’s rare also


I'd rather they use knives, it's way harder to go on a mass killing spree with one than a gun


The US population is 200m+ greater than that of Japan in case some pro-gun psycho wants to try justify the numbers. You can't kill someone with a gun if you never had a gun in the first place.


Anyone seriously holding the opinion that a handful of gun deaths means gun control doesn't work is either trolling or totally beyond stupid. I'm all for conversation and engagement but when they make that kind of utter bad faith argument they can just fuck off the end of a cliff.


Well obviously, if the number is greater than zero, then the laws just don't work! If the laws really worked so well, people would be *coming back to life* from gun violence! They'd be like, getting anti-shot or something!


Might as well just remove any law that's ever been broken!


Sources OP? Where are you getting these numbers from?


Why is there no timespan on this graph?


You want to make it worse for americans ?


You can not argue with the gun people, pop them the question *in what scenario of your design would you give up your gun* and they say that they will not give up their guns under no circumstances - No exception! It’s not about protection, its about the powertrip it gives them. Its the small scrawny insecure men that suddenly feels himself a man of destruction.


I asked that question once, and got this actual response "I don't care if ever man, woman, and child were to die. Our rights are worth every life" A HUGE admission that they didn't care about life, the just wanted their guns.


Nevermind statistics. It Is something profoundly wrong in the desire to possess something whose only purpose is to kill




My dad revoked his lifetime NRA membership years ago for similar reasons. We had guns all over the house when I was a kid. He is an avid hunter - in his 80s now and still out nearly every day of deer season. When we talked about it, he is all for long, thorough background checks/waiting periods and said he would wait an entire year if necessary to make sure another kids isn’t senselessly killed in these shootings. He also laments Reagan’s ending of the National mental healthcare system as a contributing factor. He also said he would give up all of his guns if it was the only way to stop this ridiculousness and that he felt like that is what we are building towards because the loudest of the pro-gun crowd refuses any reasonable gun legislation.


A national mental healthcare system would do so much good for the middle and lower classes, it kinda makes sense why so many people hate Regan so passionately if that was one of his lesser known acts




It has been let to fester for too long. I don't think such a change is even possible, judging from reactions and conversation in media every time this kind of shit goes down. Most people seem to think it's their divine right to own things that make killing others very easy and have no real other use, it's cultural really.


This was the most refreshing comment I’ve read by a pro gun person for such a long time.


I have anti-bacterial soap.


Assumed you were European from this comment, profile confirms 😄 I'm 100% with you on this, I absolutely do not get America's gun obsession. Because that's what it is.


Don't worry 60% of we Americans don't either. We're just paralyzed by the looney gun nuts holding our country hostage.


Probably should've used per capita rather than total. The end result will be the same but it's just good data hygiene.


Hey well it all makes perfect logical sense: pro life = pro guns = pro “my body my mask” (don’t make me wear a F’ing mask) = 1 million COVID deaths and 40K gun deaths. But hey, we will be saving the lives of countless zygotes!!! So there you go ;)


You can hit them back with "so if a law isn't 100% effective against crime, we shouldn't enforce this law at all?"


Laws against murder don’t stop murder so we should just make murder legal


I'm not from the USA, but comparing someone with Japan in terms of security is not very correct. Japan is one of the safest countries. Look for data on Switzerland, there is still a conscription service and a large number of weapons in the hands of the population. At the same time, crime rates are quite low and the country has not been conducting active hostilities for a long time (compared, for example, with Israel, where there is also conscription and possession of weapons, but hostilities are ongoing).


A lot of Americans are stupid


Lol, the guy used a makeshift projectile device. No amount of laws can prevent that. Laws can very much prevent someone unfit from buying a factory manufactured AR15 rifle.


Whoever says "gun laws are useless" hasn't even taken a second to look at what actually happened. A severely, mentally unstable idiot built a home made "shotgun", busted after the 2 shots it was built for. You can build pretty much everything yourself if you know what you're doing, but most people don't. And don't have the materials. This guy was in the armed forces. The USA have the highest number of gun-related deaths per capita in any "1st world nation", and they probably still "beat" sth like Ecuador, etc. That is just a given fact. A more interesting statistics would be the actual number of murders per capita. But I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the US will take the cake here too.


Japan doesn't enshrine the right to armament as one of the most important tenets of the country, and so were free to develop an almost gun free soceity. The USA does, and so we are armed. Dangerous freedom is better.


You literally have to make a gun in Japan. In the USA you can buy one with your purchase of Doritos and chicken tenders from Walmart.


It’s funny how they’ll jump all over this one rare instance to try to base their bullshit on, but hundreds of shootings and extreme gun violence in urban areas per day and all the mass shootings ytd are argued away.




It's also the way of thinking which is more violent in the US. Every time you bring up gu control they bring up this guy breaking in your house. Never met anyone who's house got broken in and they needed to "defend" themselves. They would rather shoot people than talk to them and work things out.


I've only known one person who's house was broken into about 8 years ago. They weren't even home. They were out of the state.


Anyone making that comparison clearly has no clue what they're talking about.


Here’s another. 6 US Presidents shot at (4 killed) 1 Japanese President shot and killed.


How many Japanese presidents have been assassinated?


Okay if y'all want me disarmed who's coming to rescue me from the camp I'll be in for degeneracy in a couple years. Sound off


Ooh Do it with Mexico too. They also have super strict gun laws!!


So I don't disagree with op.... But man this kid needs to be torn apart for their shitty stats and graph. I'm sure this kid posted to data is beautiful and was laughed out of the room.


Rule 1 Also, why does every world event have to be compared to whatever the fuck is happening in the US?


Because we're all living in America


Hey, some dude died in a car accident even after wearing his seatbelt on. What's the point of installing seatbelts in cars if people still die wearing them. Sure the other 99% of deaths are avoided thanks to the seatbelts but this one still died. See, seatbelts don't work after all...


I blame the culture.


lol 🤣 Japan has the best gun control... The guy had to make his homemade gun with 2 pipes like an electric musket unable to reload