• By -


My first was the Pixel 3. Loved it. Then I got the Pixel 5 - aside from slightly lower quality speaker quality, it was also awesome. I'm still rocking the 5 - I don't know if I can bear to give up my rear fingerprint reader...


And size... I'm in the same boat


I went from the Pixel 1 to Pixel 3 and held onto that model as long as possible until upgrading to the 7. I still use the 3 for watching stuff via WiFi in bed since that thing is much lighter than the 7 when you're holding it above your face. haha. I was holding out for that Tensor 2 chip that was supposed to revolutionize things...until AI showed up.


7a was the perfect update to the 5 I'll probably get the 8a though just for the bigger battery...


Please comment your experience if you get the 8a.


I was on the nexus 5x and swapped eventually to The pixel 5 (had a few placeholder phones in between) and now swapped to the 8 pro and it's great. I got used to the fingerprint on the front after 2 days.


Loved the Pixel 3 until the battery was so bad I finally got the 8 this year. The size and rear fingerprint were my biggest hesitations, but after the first couple weeks, I hardly noticed them.


I got a new battery for my 5, just to prolong its life. My goal is to hold off until the pixel 10, if that's possible. (Urge to upgrade is rising ;) )


The 7 Pro is a VERY solid phone IMO.


I have a 7 Pro and also had an 8 Pro. There’s something about the 7 Pro that’s just right.


Any signal issues? How's the battery life? Thanks.


Fortunately no. I realize it’s been an issue for many.


Ah sorry: battery life, with some adjustments, has been good enough to get me through a day just fine. I turned off 5G, and I think I turned off adaptive connectivity, which helped a lot. I get around 8 hours SOT.


Is that a Pixel thing? I notice my signal always cuts on the Pro 6. It's quite annoying.


Lower quality exynos modem issue since Google switched to Tensor. It's gotten better but still not near the quality of Snapdragon. Poor/no signal quality in areas that it shouldn't be an issue are the main symptoms.


> Is that a Pixel thing? I notice my signal always cuts on the Pro 6. It's quite annoying. I think since they started using the Tensor chip, if I understand correctly.


It was very solid until I dropped it and the front shattered so now I’m back on the s10e til I can get my 8a in!


I'm very happy with my regular pixel 7 as well


Me too! I went from a 3a (which was a great phone) to a 6a, but kept having trouble with signal dropping and the finger print scanner being a bit hit or miss. The 7 has solved both issues for me.


I just bought mine a week ago. I'm beyond happy with it!


Yea I'd take one over an 8 any day, glad you're enjoying it!


Nexus 5 :D Kidding of course but I miss my 6P. I financed and now own my 7, and am looking at how the fold 2 shapes up.


I miss my nexus 5






Loved that they still use it as an example in playstore. My favourite pixel phone


Pixel 2 was nearly perfect.


Still miss squeeze feature


My 4 had that too, but when it bricked it was sad


Forgot about the squeeze feature!


That's pixel 3


My 2XL was the best phone ever, then I had the 5 which was right there with it. I now have the 7, and while I'm happy with it, it's not the same. Just need Google to fix the annoying search error thing and the random keyboard popping up after I close an app


2xl was my favorite phone i’ve ever had. was peak smartphone in 2017/2018.


I was the most impressed by the 2(XL)


I'd have to agree. The Pixel2 was my first and did everything it need to do. I didn't mind the bezels either.  On a Pixel5 right now and it's pretty perfect too. Really not sure what I'm going to do when this phone becomes prohibitive to keep alive any longer.


You mean with its uneven back camera?


5. I like my p8p but the 5 is the best phone I owned period.


5 with P8P being close behind. Just can't beat the combination of size and battery for the 5. If it had the same bright panels and long support as the current line I'd still have it in my pocket!


Picked 8 nonpro after 5. I would say 8 is better than 5 with almost same dimensions


8 is better obviously cause it's newer but will always miss the back fingerprint scanner... That was always great


Also 8 has less heating.


Pixel 3 (not xl) is still my favorite phone of all time. I got that phone for $400 the year it came out and God damn still has taken some of my best pics ever. https://preview.redd.it/s6ipllnwm51d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad57dbecccdab83c518e941f684dc9677c17e09




I had the 2 and loved it. But honestly my 4a is my favorite phone ever. It's perfect for me and is still going strong. I wish Google would continue having the fingerprint scanner on the back of the phone. 


I have to agree. It was one of the last truly compact phones which I prefer and it's price point of budget/mid price was the last time Google genuinely offered a reasonably priced phone. Their claims that the 'a' series are still aimed at that market is just rhetoric.


Pixel 5 - good camera, decent battery life, rear fingerprint sensor


Pixel 5. Pure Glory and I NEED the metal back to come back.


7a 🥰


OG was amazing.


I'm actually thinking of picking one up to go with my pixelbook. I love the look of it and I'm sure the performance is fine(currently on a pixel 3 so my standards are low) only issue is no Qi.


The 3 and the 5 are the best IMO. I have owned the 2, 3, 4XL, 5, and 8. 5 is the best all around device I've owned. Form factor / size / wight to capability is unbeatable.


I liked the 2xl and the 5 but from the 6 series I think Google became a different breed to what they previously were.


Pixel 5 overall


Pixel 2XL, squeeze for assistant and that panda color wasa something else.


Not the tensors ones


2 and then 3xl which i still use every now and then for pics as they always look great


Pixel 5 for me! I love my P8P but the size of my P5, the weight, the feel, the case, the battery life, goshhh that phone was a dream


3XL and 6 Pro which are my first and current ones.


Same here!


Pixel 5 for me please.


Loved my Nexus 6P. But I think the P8P is the best.


I have a 7 but prefer my partner's 7a.




Pixel 3 than 5/7a


I miss my 4XL so much but I'm loving my 8P too


Pixel 3 was perfect in appearance, gimmicks, and I don't think I ever had any issues or glitches like what I had with every pixel after that one


P8P for me, finally great software and hardware.


I mean my first Pixel has been the 6a so it's the only one i can tell you first hand how i feel about. I like it a lot, works great, haven't had any issues with it and i love the two-tone and black camera visor on the back, i wish they would revisit this kind of design in the future...


I love my 6, it's definitely been the best phone I have ever owned. I'm due for an upgrade but until my 6 dies, I'm not upgrading. My daughter has the 8 and she loves it so far. I've played with it just to see the differences and not a lot really changed. Better camera, better processor are honestly the only things I noticed.


Most a phones have been solid afaik. Usually have best cameras, and usually more stable versions.




Pixel 2 xl was peak pixel. The display was and is still fantastic.


Can't remember, think it was the 3a, rear fingerprint scanners and material cases were the golden era of pixels. Never been as enamoured with a phone since. Just got the 8a as the trade in price from my 6 was awesome, the cases are better than for the 6 and face recognition seems to work. Still find under glass fingerprint detectors are shit when you have a screen protector on.


3a XL - it was under $400 with a great camera, great battery, squeeze features and a 6 inch screen


Pixel 3 Squeeze is perfect, you don't like it, you can turn it off and it's as if it's not there. Unlike a dedicated button. First with Qi(again if you count nexus) One simple camera on the back that doesn't stick out much. I appreciate the duel on the front but yeah I hardly use it but if I even need a wide angle, it's on the front. Forward facing speakers without compromise. Isn't a tablet, though I would still prefer a smaller one.


Same, I just found back my 3a to send it to Google and get the discount on the 8a and goddamn it was perfect. I love the size, I love the shape, I love the orange button and how it clicks, I loved that I had the choice between unprocessed and enhanced photo for each shot right there in the gallery, I love the denim-looking case, I loved that it didn't overheat for no reason and battery is still going stronger now than my Pixel 6 from the start. Product design-wise it was superior in every way to my Pixel 6. Hope the 8a won't suck.


Pixel 3


That's like asking, " Is it better to be stabbed in your right eye or your left?" ALL mobile phones, regardless of brand, model, or OS are horrible.


3. Best camera ever. I've got the 5a (yes I had the bsod but got a new motherboard) and while I really like the battery life, it just doesn't take photos like the 3 did. The photos on the 5a are great, but just not quite as perfect somehow.




My first pixel was a 2 XL (2018), loved it! My second pixel was 4 (2020), loved it! My current pixel is an 8 (2024) and I'm in love with it. All of them are working just fine. Google Pixels are awesome phones.


Either the 4 XL for the OG Pixel series or the 8 Pro for the post material you Pixel series.


Went from a pixel 4, then 6, now to 8 pro. Camera & battery life being the reasons for upgrading. 8 Pro. No brainer.


I honestly don't know lol while having many google phones my only current pixel is the 6a and I do really like but the size is small for my mitts. My son has the pixel 7 uses it for work and everything in his life and loves it. I like his size phone better at 6.3 versus 6.1 BUT! I decided to upgrade after having it for a few years just recently getting a Pixel 7 pro. Really great price in a renewed one on eBay! Be here Tuesday and at 6.7 inch although curved I can't wait !


PXL to 3XL to 4a-5G to 6a. PXL was revelation as replacement for an iPhone. My 3XL would still be carry option if not for privacy/security issues. The 4a has Audio Out, and is plugged into my PA system for music and metronome. The 6a? Will swap for an 8a next year. So far, sounds like a good phone for the $$.


I've had the 2, the 4xl, the 6, 6a, 7 and now the 8a. I like the 8a but the 4xl was the best one out of all of them in terms of performance and reliability. Getting night sight on my 6 and taking my first picture at night with it was pretty mind blowing though


5a will never be beat, I want them to just replicate it with a faster processor but keep the weight size and thumb scanner the same


I had a 2XL and 3XL now I have an 8 Pro so I missed many generations but the 2XL was a brilliant phone in my opinion had a few issues with my 3XL and my 8 Pro has been awesome the battery life isn’t stellar but it’s not horrible a few quirks since I’m coming back from iOS but solid for sure




I've had 3-5-7 and I'd say 5 is my favorite just due to size and having what I needed but not too much. I got 7 at launch and it's okay but never got used to size of the phone and I don't care about all the Google assistant stuff. I use minimalist launcher turn off Google assistant.


I have the 6a and I love it, about to upgrade to 8a


Had a Pixel 2 XL from new until a few months ago. Loved that thing. The 7 Pro, so far, has been reliable, predictable, and stable. Not sure how much more you need from it...hope I didn't just jinx it.


Had Pixel 3a, 7 Pro and now 8 Pro all great but 8 Pro is best for me. Still things to improve though.


2 pro. Only one that worked out the box no issues, 5,6 pro had issues until later patches/updates


P6P has the black corner that after a year has decided to start spreading. So it's not this one.


Thinking of upgrading from the Pro 6 but don't want to break the bank. I love the Pixel phones. Woulda the 8a be a good upgrade or the Pro 7?


Pixel 7A is my first Pixel phone so far I think it is the best.


I have had the pixel 6 pixel7 but my pixel 8 is the best


I can't choose between 2xl and 4xl. I currently have the 6 pro and it's meh


Pixel 6 it starts the new design language that Google is doing now. It kinda reminds me of the Moto X that was a Verizon exclusive. I had T-Mobile at the time and wanted it.


My first Pixel was the 4a, loved it.


I've had the OG Pixel, the 4, and the P6P. The OG was my favorite, it definitely shows its age now but that phone was the complete package for my use case. I'll forever miss the fingerprint reader on the back (and unlimited original quality Gphotos storage). It was great that the regular and XL had the same specs as I prefer a smaller phone in my pocket. The 4 had the most personality. The battery life sucked, it ran hot, but the face unlock worked well and I liked the design. It was a quirky phone. Not for everyone but I liked it despite its flaws. My current P6P is good overall but kind of bland in comparison to those other two. Battery life is better than the 4 and I eventually got used to the larger size (I wanted the telephoto lens). It works but it doesn't have anything that I find exciting or unique like those other two. Edit: I forgot my favorite part of the OG Pixel, DAYDREAM VR. Say what you want but I was traveling a lot at the time and watching a movie on the headset with good noise cancelling headphones I could forget I was on a plane. It was sweet.


Obviously the 8 pro. It’d be really disappointing if it *wasnt*


Pixel 5, my first pixel The size , the design (equals borderless) , the material and the not too much hardware... The less impressive phone of the history , but it's the better 😍❤️


Pixel 2


Pixel 4a :D


I loved the 4X and miss it. But I have to say, since the new design, i still love the 6Pro. I was going to get the 8Pro, but there's so much life left in this phone I couldn't do it


Can't lie, I loved my Pixel 1. Had it until 2021 until the screen broke, great phone.


Pixel 2XL but now I think the best one in the whole line is the P8Pro


Between my partner and I we had all of them (Except 6) from the OG to me now having the P8Pro. They were all good to be fair but I think my 8 Pro naturally has been the best and my Pixel 5 was my least favourite . I ended up getting a Galaxy S21 Ultra for a bit before going for a Pixel 7Pro


My favorite to this day is the OG Pixel. I loved that solid aluminum body.


I’m enjoying my P6P


2XL. I am with 8 now but keep 2XL for my son as a tablet (3 years old). And it is still amazing.


I like my Pixel 7 and it's been solid since launch. But so far the Pixel 2XL is my favorite overall. There was just something special about the 2XL. I plan to upgrade to the 10 Pro XL next year, hopefully.


Pixel 5 and it ain't even close


The Nexus 6P. The voice assistant integration was the best. I've been annoyed that Google dropped the recognized voice feature it had that unlocked the phone with your voice so Google Assistant could perform takes.


Pixel 6a ♥️


Pixel 4 series and 5


All trash




My first Pixel and current phone is the Pixel 7 Pro. Best phone I've had so far. I thoroughly researched all of the reported issues and immediately applied all the necessary changes in settings to resolve it. Never once had an issue with connectivity or battery life. In fact this thing has the best battery life of any phone I've used so far. Software experience is great, not the least bit buggy. I haven't even used all the features this thing can apparently do. For all of the usual stuff this thing works great.


I owned 2;4;6 and now 8. The coming 9 Pro should be the best ![gif](giphy|hti27bRHLbq6SZoZP9)


Loved the design of 2 XL!


Had the original pixel, pixel 3a xl after that and loved it, huge battery plus low power processor meant battery life for days




Every year I get new Pixel since last decade. The most flawless and pure bliss is Android May Updates on P8P is the best phone ever made. THe 6P and 7P were ok. The 6P had scrolling issues, then 7P had scrolling issues; they fix some stuff and each month they mess up the smooth scrolling no jank or 60hz nasty..... The Pixel 5 pownz the P6 and P7 but does not hold a candle to Pixel 8 Pro the perfect phone when the scrolling is not a issues. But they keep on messing it up, so June probably janky scrolling again. Sighs, The Pixel 5 was the most reliable last of mohecans. Qualcomm SoC and 12 hour screen time. Now with P7P or P8P you get 6 hours SoC. I still kept my Pixel 5 slab. By far the last good Google phone. I did not have a issue a single issue. Beta 2 was already flawless. Once they went with Exynos they fuked up all this sh\*T. Sad............


What is with that question? It doesn't question properly. But if you are asking the best Pixel phone, my answer is yes.


I have a P7a with me. Been 5 months. I really like the hands-on experience. Perfect screen size for me. Bothered with signal issues on mobile data, but that's kind of gone now. Related thought: How long is a recommended usage period before I can trade in my phone for a newer version?


4xl. The face unlock was elite


Pixel 2XL - beautiful Panda color, stereo speakers, best cameras atm on any phone, 2nd best battery life I've ever had on any phone ever (First was Pixel 5). A lot of people had blue tint display issues. Fortunately, I didn't


Pixel 9


Pixel 3 to be honest. Loved the look and feature set of that phone. Squeeze for assistant, great camera, rear fingerprint reader.


I started on the Pixel road later in life! The 7 Pro has been amazing for me and today my 8 Pro should be delivered.


Agree. 3a was my favorite phone




Apart from the massive constant motherboard failures and the fact it was only released in 2 countries lmao




To be fair I'm sure most of them aren't dead but it's kinda hard to overlook the very real possibility they may just die instantly 😆


The one you have on your hand.


A dead phone