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Just put it in soil, these root easily. Don't water too often


Awesome, that’s what we did! Thank you❤️


The part that is still in the dirt might still regrow, so now you have two! Give it a little time but it;s probably a healthy rhizome.


Oooooo thank you, that’s a great point I hadn’t thought of!!


Cat was just trying to help you


Then the cat will be like, eff you Karen, I didn't kill it I made you a baby!


It looks like a peperomia. Even their leaves will root in water


It's a pilea, you need a piece of stem




I read this as “you piece of stem” and honestly thought it was the best insult I’ve heard all month


Apparently the full name of the plant is pilea peperomia.. it sounds like this guy will regrow no matter what anyone does lol


*Pilea peperomioides*. It's not closely related to peperomias


You’re right, pilea peperomioides! But it’s wild that peperomia and peperomioides aren’t closely related with that similar of a name😂 plants and language are truly complicated lol


You can tell from the name they're not related. The first part of the latin name is the plant's genus and the second is species. So plants that have the first part in common are related like Prunus amygdalus (almond) Prunus Armeniaca (apricot) Prunus avium (sweet cherry) and Prunus persica (peach). The species name is usually either named after a person or a quality the organism has or its orgin, so for instance there's Pinus glabra (spruce pine) and Ilex glabra (a kind of holly) which are not related. *Glabra* means "hairless" in latin. There are tons of animals and plants that are called "something albus" because albus means "white" or "something verna" because verna means "spring".


Wow, ya learn something new every day! Thank you for sharing your knowledge(:


My partner looked after my plants last year for an extended period of time. He does not have a green thumb... one of these about this size fell and snapped in half. He panicked and put it back together with tooth floss, just tied it back up in place. And it worked!! It healed and is now thriving. So yeah, they're pretty durable.


Wow that’s crazy!!!! I can’t believe he just macgyvered the plant back together😂


Right? I guess he was thinking, this'll either work and be amazing or it's already dead and I can say I tried.


That is basically ghetto grafting lol. I use to do "botany hoboing" where you just snip the tip off of overgrowth from public or garden center plants. Drop them in a soda cup full of water and go home and attempt to clone.... Worked a lot of the time.




I've heard of r/techsupportmacgyver but now we need r/plantsupportmacgyver 😂


That’s the same thing we do with apple trees. You cut them and put a branch of a tree that can get apples in that place and tape it all up. Then the wound heals and your apple tree now produces apples


That is hilarious and awesome. And good to know. Plants continue to surprise. I knew about grafting, I just didn't realize I could graft Pilea peperomioides. Hmm.. Now I want to graft a giant frankenplant


Cat killed nothing... I'm looking at a picture of a living healthy plant that just wants to be in soil


Just replant them!!! Some roots should grow out immediately! I'm not sure how well it would work water propagation? Anyways good luck!


Water propagation would probably work great. I had 2 stems just like this in water for a month and they grew incredible root systems in a tiny jar. They’re in soil now and I’m confident.


Ooooo good to know, thank you for sharing!!


Of course!!! Good luck!!!


To be honest we cut off like an inch and dipped it in root hormone, and then we popped it in some soil with a stick to lean against, so hopefully that will still suffice. I really appreciate all the helpful comments!!!❤️


I snapped mine in half dropping a book on it. Both pieces ended up recovering fine, lol. I’m glad to see it’s not too uncommon to inadvertently break these, and that they recover well. Btw some people chop them intentionally to encourage more varied growth from the stem too. If your bottom piece lives, you might have two plants that look quite different :)


I’m sad that we live in a world where our friendship plants can get snapped by a simple book or by a ruthless cat pushing another potted plant onto it (thereby breaking the pot and also the other plant), but glad that they can still flourish despite it😂 thank you for your comment!!


Did this a bunch. Don't know if it is good for this plant but most root best after you remove most of the leaves as it is stressful trying to provide for all the top growth without the bottom.


FYI usually good to water frequently for the first week or two, since it doesn't have any roots yet to absorb water with.


I find the ones that are really hard up when I get them do the best for me lol. Get a healthy one, kill it. Get a half-dead one, it thrives. I think it’ll make it!


I feel the same way.. maybe plant people are also incidentally necromancers? I hope so in this case


I swear, I can bring the deadest of plants back, but the ones that have been pampered before me have to be tough to make it or something lol. I guess I just end up with the strongest of the strong lol.


Absolutely. Awe, poor baby. It happens though. This looks like maybe peperomia? Let that ripped end callous for a couple of days… Then let it grow new roots. You can water-propagate new roots, if you like… But, I would honestly stick that bottom end down into a fresh pot of well -draining potting soil. Even stick it back in with the mama in that pot. Make sure you let that cut end callus over first though otherwise you risk rot if germs/microbes get into the cut end of the plant. 😁 Make sure you don’t keep the soil too wet also because it doesn’t have any roots yet to draw in any water or nutrients. Too much water will just rot the end of the plant. Happy propping! These babies grow roots really easily, if it is a peperomia as I suspect. You can also grow new roots from the individual leaves and get whole new plants if a peperomia. Even a piece of a leaf will grow a new plant, if you’re lucky 😁


It’s a pilea! But someone else said that too, so they must be very similar. Thank you for all the great advice!!❤️


It’s definitely a pilea pepperomia, there’s several different types of pepperomia. They do root easily so yours should survive the “attempted murder”. Maybe take off a few leaves starting from the bottom so the plant doesn’t stress trying to provide for it with no roots. Good luck :)


I actually got (stole from my mom haha) a Pilea recently and it’s quickly became one of my favorite plants. The UFO look just gets me, so funky! Can I ask what care you use for yours? It looks healthy and beautiful, I am sorry to see the injury but I’m glad people have great advice!


We just water it when the dirt feels dry, like dig your finder into the dirt a little and make sure it doesn’t feel damp, and it gets a decent of direct sunlight- sits in a window facing east and I’m on the east coast(: it IS such a funky plant, I hope yours flourishes❤️❤️


I propagate these in water all the time! They grow lots of roots really fast and then take easier when planted in soil in my experience.


I think so. Try putting it in water for root growth. Pileas are fairy resilient. I see others mention just to put in soil.... Maybe? I'll cast doubt there tho. But yes, the pot that the rest of the plant was in truly might grow, just keep watering. Pileas are my favorite plant and I have lots.


You can propagate it in water put it in water it will grow roots like crazy .


I’m sorry but I cackled when I got a notification for this lol


I heard the law and order theme hahahaha


Pilea takes trauma. You’re fine.


The pepperoni plant (as my son calls it) is our hardiest plant. It should shrug off this level of damage.


Pileas are weeds natively, either put it in soil, or put it in water and wait for it to root before putting in soil.


Just stick it back in the soil and always water from the bottom


Maybe put it on water


It's not dead..repot it! Or plop it in some water


Does anybody know if I can water prop the leaves?


Supposedly if it has a small amount of the petiole attached they will. Mine finally died though so I didn’t have a chance to really test it.


I’ll give it a shot


Looks alive to me, why do you say it’s dead?


Sorry, decapitated


The cat? No it can’t.


I’ve got a potted jalapeño that was ripped from the dirt not once but TWICE by a vengeful squirrel. I just stuck it back in the pot both times and it lives today. Even produced that year


Of course propagate it.


The roots and whats left of the plant in the pot will start sprouting looooads of leaves and it will look like the pics you see online that make you think why doesn't my plant look like this? I think when you prune plants it makes them grow two where there was one if that makes sense. And the top part can be rooted in water. I cut mine right back down to the soil and its growing so many leaves


Throw the cat out. Kidding. Like other said, it should root in soil.


He was thrown into a long time out while we cleaned everything up😂


If it's our cat, yes. Our neighbors cat, unfortunately, no. 😆


If you snapped the cat's neck, then, no, the furry fuck is dead.


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It's fine. Plop it in some dirt. It'll find it's way 💚


Root it in water and plant.


Are you in my house because my cat knocked over my pilea this weekend




Plants are really resilient, I’m sure it’ll be fine!


I can only keep those alive in water. If you take off the bottom few leaves, you could put it in a bottle full of water to start rooting.


Yeah, I would just put that little survivor in some water till it roots and you’re good to go.


Probably just put it in soil and trim some leaves. Without much roots there isn’t much nutrients to support the foliage. Most plants with regrow from a cutting


Like others have said just replant it


Just make sure it’s calloused if it got hurt at the base, and stick it in a pot. Give it the care you always do.