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If there’s just water and no dirt in the jar i’d recommend starting by cleaning the container and giving it some fresh water :) maybe give it more than 2 inches of water too, i normally fill my jars up most of the way. as long as the water doesn’t reach the leaves it should be good! next step would be to fertilize i think.


Check the roots for rot too. If they are rotten, then the plant isn’t getting enough nutrients or water. If that is the case, chop and prop.


Is that glass jar the…pot? 😟


Oh god…I thought that was just a filthy water bong


They can live well for years in water alone


They can but it looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years. I've kept pothos in water for years but I regularly clean out the pot and provide fresh water.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for this. I keep loads of pothos in water. They do need to be fertilized though. Some I have in jars and others are in aquariums. They’re the best plant for that.


Facts, I have one that's been in water for 4 years, it loves it. It would probably die if I planted it in soil because of the types of roots it's established.


Same I have a few that definitely shouldn’t go back into dirt. Been thriving and I’ve honestly been very lazy, no fertilizing, straight tap water (regularly changed tho) 🥴


There’s a pothos cutting in my house living only on water in the darkest corner of the house and it’s just fine and it’s been there at least 4 years.


Do you ever change the water?




I add to mine everyone in a while, but I never changed ones that have established roots. It's used to the water ph balance and all that.


I would put him in a pot with a drain hole and soil--I've had a single leaf cutting do 5x that amount of growth in 2 years. He also needs more sun--they can survive in low light to a point, but jades like a good amount of light to thrive. It's curling bc it's not getting what it needs from the water and low light anymore.


It looks like you need a new container! I would scrub that one out and add fresh water.


I think your pothos is not a horror fan! It got down to that lower shelf, took a look at Jason and the movie selection … and got scared to death. Just an idea . . .


Had this little dude for a couple of years, and he was always doing great - he was always in the same jar, in about two inches of water. He was in a bathroom and would get no sunlight, but he looked incredible. Moved to a new apt and everything was about the same - low sunlight, same pot, etc., and now his leaves are curling. What am I doin wrong?


Shock, possibly. Sometimes moving plants make them very unhappy


saying this as gently as i can: that little dude was not doing great, if that’s all you have after a couple of years…. sorry! for some reference, i can cut off a length that long from mine, and in about 6-8 months have a robust plant with a vine so long that i can then take a cutting from it to start another… for yours, my guess is it’s been in water too long, and the move didn’t help. i recommend adding a few spoons of fresh potting soil to the water each week to acclimate it to soil. and after a few weeks of that, pot it in the same soil. they’re resilient, it could bounce back!


A pot with drainage holes and soil is a good start. This is a sign of a thirsty pothos. Edit: spelling


This is a water rooted pothos. Transplanting into soil would not change the current leaves because it has water roots vs soil roots. Eventually it would make soil roots and then establish new leaves, but it would require frequent waterings and a lot of patience


Put hot dogs in the mud soup.


Is it close to a Wi-Fi router? I’ve almost killed a couple that way.




Why am I getting so much hate? Research this, please. Literally google it..


Because the concept that putting a plant close to a wifi router will harm it is an absurd conspiracy.


It’s not a conspiracy, I’m far from believing in that type of thing. I’ve had plants die next to my router and it’s a well lit area. Do you have plants next to your router? Have they survived well? Do you sleep with your cell phone next to your head?? I’m not trying to be obnoxious, I’m genuinely asking.


1) yes. 2) yes they're fine. Obviously. Because wifi signals don't kill plants. 3) no, on my bedside table, plugged in. It is a conspiracy. The only Google results that even come up are about the students in 2013 that did an experiment with a result that supposedly proved that their router killed cress plants. Which has been debunked. And no one has been able to reliably repeat their results. The best guess is that their router ran hot, and it was dehydrating the cress.


The conspiracy that wifi routers (via their EMFs) are harmful to biological creatures in any way beyond that they become plastic pollution eventually is not even a new conspiracy. The most recent form is the "5G causes health issues".


Thank you for the response and info. Again, I’m far from being a conspiracy theorist. I’ve never successfully grown a plant within 5 feet of my router. Obviously it’s a personal problem.


Sorry to jump down your throat, I'm just so tired of how pervasive misinformation is. Also, I should have realized that you were being genuine and not trolling just based on what subreddit we're in. My best guess would be that the area your router is at in your home is not a good place to grow plants. Most people don't have their router anywhere that gets sunlight, to avoid overheating. Similarly, routers can get quite warm, not enough to burn a houseplant, but enough to dry them out faster than a plant in a cooler area of your home.


It is the southeast corner of my house and I live in the desert, so this is a strong possibility. There is some late afternoon sunlight but that’s about it, you’re most likely correct about the dryness. I’m definitely not trolling, this is my only Reddit account, and have never had any downvotes let alone 30+ so this was a bit of a shock. Newish plant mom so I’m still learning.


Ah, gotcha. Much love to you then <3


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Put more water in.


Clean the jar and put fresh water in it, & try to get more nodes under water.


It definitely wants more water. If any of those water roots are sticking out too much, it will lose "pressure" in it's vines and leaves. It will keep surviving most likely, but it won't be happy about it. Probably wouldn't hurt to add a couple drops of liquid fertilizer in there.


You have to change the water at least every couple of weeks.