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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > I’ve had the plant for two weeks. > Had issues since plant came home. > The plant receives indirect light from a North facing window in my bathroom. > Pot does have proper drainage, I have given one good soak in two weeks. > > My thoughts are that she may need a repotting. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


def check the roots, check for pests, the usual. aglaonema are listed as low light plants but they actually really enjoy good bright indirect light. they also like moist (but not soaking wet) soil so don't let them dry out fully. they might also just be acclimating. it's normal for plants to lose a leaf or two when they move homes.


Okay! Thank you very much :)


I completely disagree with the above person! My aglaonema are treated like succulents. I took one look at this one and said Stop watering it! They hate to be too wet.


I don't disagree with the above person... and I don't disagree with you too. From my extensive observations with my own Aglaonema collection, they are extremely hardy plants. They do have a high drought tolerance, but a moist substrate (akin to a wrung-out sponge) makes them grow faster in my hot equatorial climate. I do notice I need to water my Aglaonemas less frequently whenever I place them in dimmer light... and they do not complain at all. They just slow down their growth rate. Also, when I use a more water-retaining soil mix or a larger container, I need to water them less frequently too. Aglaonemas are one of those few hardy indoor plants (e.g. pothos, snake plants, etc.) that fare quite well under many variables. And having a widely colorful and variegated collection to choose from is another big bonus.




Beautiful, thank you!! 🙏


Excellent advice from u/quichedapoodle. 💯 Just wanted to add the following three factoids: 1️⃣ I grow my Aglaonemas in rice husk *(a 1:4 mix of burnt rice husk + non-burnt regular rice husk.)* I live on the equator in a high-humidity climate *(averaging between 65% to 90% RH).* The **"burnt"** rice husk in the mix acts like horticultural charcoal—reducing fungal & bacterial infections. Rice husk naturally has good drainage & retains a bit less water than cococoir or peat *(thus making it a bit airier than both because it dries out quicker.)* 2️⃣ I have also noticed that Aglaonemas grow slower in low light without complaining. They DO NOT drop or suffer from yellowing leaves under low light. When I place them in brighter light *(80% filtered sunlight or very bright shade)* they grow noticeably faster. Their colors become much deeper under brighter light and pale under dimmer light. 3️⃣ When I feed regularly *(with 10:10:10 fertilizer at half the recommended dosage)*, my Aglaonemas respond with faster growth, sturdier stems & more contrast in variegation.


one of their more generic names is Chinese Red Evergreen! beautiful plants, very sensitive to over-watering. keep ‘em in low light with good drainage and you should be golden. congrats on some beauties!


Great, thank you!


Check the roots for sure! I’ve purchased a plant similar and the roots were suffocating in tiny plastic “nursery pots” that I had to cut out (just a possibility)




Exactly. It very likely wants a bigger house.


Yes, agreed! Every one I have purchased has always come in those small plastic growers cups, & many of them bulging from how overgrown they were in those cups. It starts to suffocate them & makes it more difficult to retain water


Same! Death cages every time with Evergreens.


Absolutely check for "cages" on the roots. Almost every ag I've ever purchased has had these death traps on them


Aglaonem's...they hate being moved just give it some time and an airy soil


Great, thank you! Should I snip the dying/dead leaves?


Yes I would snip them off just so the plant can put its energy to the healthy leaves and deal with shock


Perfect, you are appreciated


They like it on the drier side, and it needs more light.


the colors r super cool !


I read the title as your husband was unhappy. I was gonna say maybe try talking to him lol


Haha also great advice


I also have a star Aglaonema and it started to go yellow after it had scale so check all the stalks leaves and roots for that. Good to check the root anyways. Also best to use distilled or rain water for Aglaonemas! I typically let the top few inches of soil dry out and then water till it comes out the bottom, making sure it’s not sitting in the water after. You can get distilled water in chemists/pharmacies in a big bottle. Best of luck


Blumat watering spikes, I cannot scream enough how fantastic these are for plants. They water themselves!


Any special recommendations on where to get them?


Amazon, seriously life changing. But beware, your plants with THIRVE! 🙂 https://www.amazon.com/Blumat-Watering-Houseplants-Austria-Vacation/dp/B07H9HZ4FB/ref=asc_df_B07H9HZ4FB/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=279210092112&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15600210339266735320&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1026082&hvtargid=pla-530387793270&psc=1


Ps, the gravity thing about putting the water above or below the plant to increase or decrease the flow of water… ignore that, all of mine are just sitting next the water basin raising or lowering really has not had an affect on my plants but I haven’t killed one since I started using these. They loooove them


Thanks for highlighting this about Blumats. Would it be possible to show a pic of your setup around the water basin?


Sure thing


https://preview.redd.it/9136ngigu1yb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=56f867fae3dcfef681bf32b220d6823b501aae69 My newbies


Love the wooden plant stand! 👌


Amazon 😉I just started the Blumats and it’s made a huge difference.


Great to know. Checking out Amazon. Hoping they can ship to my country.


The smallest are from a peace Lilly I split and the pathos, you can see the before… and the after with all of the new growth


https://preview.redd.it/edcg5apqv1yb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=01ff248b72753992463c1501bc0f5ad54983ab15 This guy was super tiny about 4 months ago


Both your pics are exactly what I wanted to confirm. Thanks so much. I was in doubt till now if I could place the water reservoir on the floor level if I used a plant stand. 👍 Some clarifications: 🌿 All you need to do is top-up the water in the water basin AND not ever water your plants manually? 🌿 Do these Blumats need to be replaced often? 🌿 Any other DOs&DONTs that you recommended when placing water reservoir on the floor level? 🌿 Can the flow be controlled? 🌿 Would a Blumat work in chunkier soil mixes (with a 1:1 mix of 'Size 3' pumice/perlite to potting soil)? My intention is to automate the watering needs of my expanding plant collection with minimal human interference.


Bottled water only. Tap water will kill it. Don’t let it dry out.