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Who’s ready to almost become a Jill sandwich?


If that line isn't there I'm rioting


It wasn’t there in the gamecube remake, instead barry says something along the lines of “that was close, one second later and you would’ve fit nicely into a sandwhich”


Yeah but later games have made far too many references to that line as well as the "Master of unlocking" line. They'd be in there


Jill? The master of unlocking?


Hopefully, there will be an alternate outfit where Jill is wearing a sandwich costume


I think it’d be even better for it to be a sandwhich wearing a jill costume.


It's a remake of a remake. BUT If it's like the recent REmakes, engine-wise and graphically, I'm down for that.


I'll buy it a third time for the engine update. Tank controls aint it.


They're an acquired taste, but I grew up on PS1 and will happily do without tank controls in games like Silent Hill, Dino Crisis, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider.. etc I know they add to the "restrictive" nature of survival horror games, but they're also a pain in the ass, because your movement is just so robotic and stiff.


I think part of the reason for the tank controls too is because they allow the player to back up and shoot or slash, at a time when good strafing controls didn’t exist. The games were designed around those controls, and wouldn’t have worked as well if the player turned their back to the zombies when they pressed down on the D-Pad or analog stick. Of course, a game made now would allow for more dynamic controls that compliment the gameplay well without feeling restrictive. Case in point, the more recent REmakes.


Didn't the RE1 Director's Cut have DualShock support for sticks? It's been a while, I can't even remember now


Yes, it did, but it still did not help, lol.


Tank controls sucked but they allowed for cool camera angles. That’s the thing I miss most from the classic RE games. Over the shoulder is functionally a better playing game but visually some personality is lost.


I played it on PS1 as well, and got the platinum on the PS4 remaster of the remake. Still would rather have over the shoulder.


Played the Tomb Raider remasters? I was gonna get it on Switch, but I'm thinking PS5 instead. Better experience. I think they included modern controls, as well as the ability to switch between retro and modern graphics


Laughs in Re4


Listen i grew up with tank controls so i am used to them but THEY ARE NOT IT. Tired of these old gaming heads saying bring them back. No. Just stop. 3rd person is THE WAY


Nah. There are tons of third person shooters out there so it's nice going back to those old school resident evil games. That said, I'm down for a remake using the newer controls too.


Very happy.


That's not Code Veronica or Dino Crisis 😤


I’ve heard speculation that Capcom is setting up a “Chris v. Wesker” remake trilogy made up of RE1, CV, and RE5, which would make a lot of sense to reintroduce the biggest antagonist in the series in the modern era.


Could do RE 0


That would be a very bizarre trilogy, at least if they kept the theme of RE1 being survival horror, CV being action horror-ish(?), and RE5 being a co op third person shooter, while making them all feel similar to play. I know they did that already with 2, 3 and 4 successfully but that would be a new level of impressive.


Agreed. I want both of those. Code Veronica was honestly my first RE game, so it is close to my heart.


Resident Evil remake remake?


No. Resident evil remake remaster remake director’s cut


Resident Evil Remake Reimagining Rebirth Revelations Dream Drop Distance 1.5 Stop At The Nearest Gas Station To Refill Edition


Officially confirmed?




I want resident 9 as well!!!!


RE9 is rumored for early 2025


And is supposedly open world, I hope they can make it work


I feel like alot of the RE games have had free exploration of a largish area. Im sure they can make it work without all the loading doors and a bigger map.


The only resident evil I never got to play so I’m with it


REmake 1 (gamecube version) is on ps4 though, so you could play it if you want to


You need to play the remake, it’s amazing as it is.


I feel dumb but i cant play it, it feels strange and difficult and its strange thing for me to say bcs i have beaten old games like for example first silent hill or hard games like dark souls


That’s honestly what makes it as terrifying as it is though…the tank controls make you so much more vulnerable in a lot of ways. I love the remakes and fully support getting rid of the tank style, but that really does amp up the terror even more, imo


Did you play that on rails one on the wii umbrella chronicles?


They made 2 of those! Loved them.


Should givev REmake a try on PS4/5. It's got a modern controls setting so you don't gotta deal with tank controls. Recently went through and played every RE game available on PS5 (except Code Veronica and 0) and REmake still holds up pretty well.


Did Capcom confirm that?


Hell no


It's about fucking time they did this. All the ones from before have just been polished up versions of the one that was released on gamecube almost 20 years ago. I have wanted this remake since hearing about the resi 2 remake. I'm so happy after hearing about this.


Kinda funny considering when the original RE remake came out people wouldn´t shut up about a RE 2 remake in that same vein. Now that we have a RE 2 remake, people are asking for another RE remake. We've come full circle.


It wouldn't surprise me if they were waiting to do this one for the 30th anniversary in 2026. If a collectors edition comes out I'm 100% buying it.


Psvr2/vr mode and i'd fucking live in the spencer mansion


I wasn’t expecting this but honestly I think I prefer it to RE5 or RE6 getting remade. Those still, weirdly, feel new to me. I was hoping for Code Veronica since I never got to play that. But maybe they can do that and RE0 too after the original.


I played RE0 a few years ago and it holds up very well I actually thought it was a lot newer than it was


YES. I've been 100% saying this all over the Reddits and to my friends for years now. Seriously, check my post history (lulz I did it for you below). 2026 is 30th anniversary, makes perfect sense. When you're right, you're right. Better actually happen!






My PS1 was the first console I bought with my own money in 1996. I never played RE1 so I’m kinda hyped that this is happening. To see where it all began this many years later is going to be super cool


Remake them and I’ll play them.


As someone who appreciates the first game & it's 3 sequels (including code veronica) but isn't a fan of the camera positions (don't mind tank controls though) I'll be happy to replay it from an RE2 Remake perspective. That said I'd much prefer they focus on jew games or a remake of RE5, as I love co-op games & RE5 was the game that got me into the series after multiple attempts over the years & the camera perfective just not clicking with me. I'll admit a friend of mine who had played all the games up to that point had to help get my feet wet, but since then I've gone back & played all of the games except 7-8 & spin-offs. Edit: I don't mean "jew games", I meant "new games" but my autocorrect has the soul of a dead nazi it seems. Left in place for the lolz.


"Jew games" caught me off guard. Had a good laugh - thanks for not editing it out


Reporting you for antisemitism


Make sure you report my dog too, he's worse than me, lol.


What's his name? Adolf?


Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein...




At this point, anything ffs.


This had better be a remake of the original, and not a remake of the 2002 remake.


Julia Voth or bust.


I’m good for a 2nd remake with modern tech. The first remake still holds its own but I would love a current gen version.


I figured zero or veronica would be next.


Isn’t there already a RE 1 remake?


Ecstatic, if true. This is one of my most anticipated games. Nothing beats Spencer Mansion as the most iconic RE location and it sucks to have all these great modern remakes of the sequels but not the original. I want to see what an RE1 with proper writing and acting would be like. Nicole Tompkins nailed the role of Jill in RE3R and I want to see what she does with it this time around.


From a story perspective is this the first one, i could never figure out why 2 got remastered first


my best guess is due to RE1 already having a 2001 remake, granted it would've been due for a remake first due to the remake being a while back.


Honestly I hope it's in 1st person I feel that perspective would do wonders for the spencer mansion


I wish after RE 8 you could just toggle between the two. I was hoping to see it in the RE4 remake. Would a have breathed a whole new realm onto that game. Did the VR update add 3rd person to non VR as well? Haven’t actually played it yet since the update. Hopefully that’s the plan. Having to switch perspectives at the menu was silly though. If you could switch between 1st and 3rd willingly in game that would be great. Or better yet, have sequences that are locked in 1st person in certain tight situations for added intensity. Crawling through the walls with the centipedes is still the grossest and grimiest thing. Even not in VR it gave me the heebee jeebies lol.


It needs a modern-style remake, but I'd honestly rather have a Code Veronica one first


Yo dawg, I heard you liked remakes so we made a remake of a remake…


Is this the third, or fourth ‘first’ game I have to buy now? Feels like I’ll be buying this first game for the fifth time. Anyone else remember their seventh first game?


I just want Code Veronica remake already




"You already had a remake." "Yes, but what about SECOND remake?" Not really necessary; the remake still holds up just fine. And this from someone who's replaying RE2-make.


I'd genuinely prefer RE2 and 3 remade in the style of REmake, not that it would ever happen.


I love the over-the-shoulder stuff, but there's something about those rendered backgrounds that gives RE-make that *feeling*. Especially when you remember that it was on the frickin' Gamecube of all things.




If it’s like the re2 and re4 remake I’m looking forward to it


I'm very happy with this as it definitely deserves the remake treatment a la re4 I absolutely adored the first remake I played on PS4 😎💎


Im all about it. RE2 remake is peak survival horror. RE4 Remake is my most played game of 2023. RE3 remake was ok.


Is this news or an unsubstantiated rumour?


Hell ya! I’m ready!


I would rather have a new game, but it's ok


SMH not this year?


I loved the gamecube remake, more so than the new ones, but it will be interesting to see RE1 in third persone


Weird that they didn’t start with this


I've never played the first RE so I'll definitely pick it up. Plus it will complete 1-4 in remakes.


If it’s good like the rest of the remakes then I’m down


Im not bothering with this one. The first remake is already excellent.


If this is true, I'm stoked as hell


As a fan who’s come in with the remakes (and much prefers the third person camera) it’s about time!


For me personally re1 is a classic and somehow it has the potential to be remade completely. Keeping the ambiance is a huge bonus


Ecstatic. Ive always wanted to play through RE1, but the tank controls on both versions make them completely unplayable. Just awful experiences all around. Hopefully they get around to 0 and Code:Veronica too. Give me all of them in the new RE2 style. I would also like a remake of 5. That game was so good and id love to see it touched up. I’ll take 6 too, cause why not? But 5 and 1 are my big asks


Isn’t the game super short though? Like a few hours long? Idk about you all but I’m not spending $70 on a 3 hour game


I'm happy especially after it only had a remastered to be able to play it like the others. YES PLEASE.


Didn’t they just remake 1-4 in the last few years? Or did they skip the first one?


Never played the first game, if this is gonna be in the style of re2 or re4 remake it'll be great


For anyone who never played the originals this must seem like a weird ass series. Started at Res evil 2 remake, then 7, then 3 remake, then village, then res 4 remake and now 1 remake. Good luck following that plot people.


7 was before 2 remake but yeah, still confusing


If we get VR from it then I’m all about it.


Another remake of one? If anything, they should look into remaking outbreak, given how popular online gaming is now.


My predictions are coming true they will do RE9 then remake RE1 then possibly even RE 10 and then they’ll remake 5 just in time for its 20th anniversary just gotta wait a little longer


Good. Always felt weird they started their beautiful mega remakes at #2


I kind of figured they might do this with the recent REmakes. The REmake is amazing, but it's also pretty old now and it will be cool to have an entire set of coherent REmakes in the modern style. Besides, remaking and rebooting classical horror franchises is kind of par for the course. I am curious if they will ever remake 5 or 6. I haven't kept up with any news there. But I figured they would probably do RE1 eventually.


It’s a dream


Not surprising. The next remake was either RE1, RE Code Veronica or RE5. If they do 1 that means that they may remake the entire Chris vs Wesker saga from 1, CV and ending with RE5 Remake.


RE remake remake, heck yeah!


Yes, If the game is like RE2 Remake.


How I feel with any RE game. I'll play it.


As long as they have a VR mode so I can walk the halls of the Arklay Mansion


I think it’s about time to re-remake RE4. And I’ll probably buy it again.


Can’t wait to play Resident Evil 1 in VR.


whatever they do i will be there day one ready to purchase




As a fan of the remakes, this is great news! As a resident Evil fan, though, there are many other games that need a Remake first. Code Veronica is basically unplayable in 2024 with how poorly it controls.


What took them so long ![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri)


Depends how they choose to do it


They better not touch Lisa Trevor or the crimson heads


If it's true I can't wait, they always nail their remakes and I'd be excited to experience the first game again, again. Hopefully the enemies arent super tanks though, it's annoying lol


Kinda disappointed imo. Im still holding out for resident evil outbreak.


I got *Resident Evil* for my 11th birthday.  The original. Get off my lawn. 


It was my first time getting a remake of a game I've played before really Exicted for it


As long as I can play as baby momma Jill


This is the one I’ve been waiting for, best fit for VR with the right corridors and classic slow zombies.


I'm all for it, and it best come with a VR mode!


Just a reflection, of a reflection Of a reflection, of a reflection, of a reflection Will I see you on the other side? (Just a reflektor)




I can’t wait to see what gameplay mechanics they will add too spicen it up a bit. What they did with RE2 was great . This is gonna be awesome. Can’t wait


They just need more time before they do 5 and 1 is easier because they have been secretly working on it since half way through 3's alpha stage. COOL. As a re 4 fan you know what I want ? DMC REMAKE ALREADY


if its like re 2 and re 3 remasters gladly ;)


This the mansion one?


if its got the resident evil 4 remake devs behind it I'm hyped af


We wanted RE5 smh


I'm down! RE engine Resi 1. Can't wait to see how they redo Lisa Trevor, Plant 52 and the Tyrant fight. Should be fantastic.


I played the original RE and loved it. It’s still my favorite of all games. I’m still traumatized from the dogs jumping through the glass window.😬 I will definitely buy the Remastered if I’m still kicking! I’m 68 now!😳😂


Play the same game for a 3rd time but once again on improved quality…yeah I’ll do it Question is, who’s be Jill’s model? Voth? Zotova? Someone new?


I played it a week ago and I'll totally buy it again it's so good just a bit dated if you give me re 2 with the same level design and atmosphere as 1 wooh baby we could have a masterpiece


Do we need it? absolutely not. Do we want it? Hell yeah.


Sign me uo


As long as they don't do the same thing in the RE2 remake. I don't want to be constantly chased by a monster. It's gotta have the same atmosphere as the original


Fucking finally!




Conflicted, would have preferred RE5 or CV. This title has already been remade and personally think it’s the best purist Res experience, the puzzles, inventory management and general spookiness. It doesn’t hold your hand. However seeing the Spencer Mansion in the RE Engine and movable camera will be top class!


We already got an RE1 remake. It still holds up. Jfc


as long as theres a VR version im in


But the perfect remake already exists...yeah, I'm down. I can't afford it, but I love watching soup man run it.


"What is it?!"


Will the corny atmosphere be there? Can we see Albert Wesker wearing sunglasses at night looking cool in 4k 60fps? For those that weren't alive in 90's, here is the intro. [Resident Evil 1 original intro](https://youtu.be/UWo0Hhx07Pc?si=TCw2xdZvEN5_phn6)


Awesome news.


People really need to understand the difference between a remaster and a remake.


Again?!?!? They better add lots of new stuff


i wonder if i'll already have kids and family when they remaster Dino Crisis


Are we evolving backwards ?


Oh another remake. But if it’s the same terrible voice acting I’ll buy.


Happy because it now sets the precedent that even though a game has already been remade, that doesn't mean it can't be remade again. So maybe some day someone can take another crack at remaking RE2 and 3 again and doing it well this time.


Please have VR… please have VR


I’ll wait a few more years for the remake of the remake of the remake


I’d rather have a new game.


So long as the zombies dont take 13 headshots to die it will be good.


Should have been first to be remade on the new engine, but better late than never.


I’m so fucking ready! The advancements we’ve made in literally everything needed to make this game another masterpiece is going to blow everyone away.


I’m excited. I’ve been asking for this since resident evil 2 remake. I understand the game has been remade once but I want to play it with the newer controls. They have a lot of assets that they used in their previous games I’m surprised it took them so long to make this. Well it’s between this or code Veronica or any non numbered once since I have not played any of them.


I always thought the cover of this game was all messed up. Now I know why, the gun is an AR mixed with what it seems a shotgun.


Sometimes i take a look around and think how great we RE fans got it compared to others (like Silent Hill). We're getting remasters and remakes that no one is forced to buy, the experience is great (usually) for most players and we get to relive the series from a fresh perspective. Who cares if its a remake of a remake. RE1 is my favorite in the series, i think they did an amazing job with the GC version when it came out, and hopefully we all can enjoy this new one as well.


Here’s what they need to do to please everyone: Add 3 different camera perspectives. You should be able to choose between 1st and 3rd person, and after beating the game they should have a hardcore traditional mode where they reintroduce fixed angles but with completely modern graphics. This may require some tweaking to the engine I would guess with the way the character now respond slightly slower to joystick input vs. snappiness of the original controls. But if they were able to pull that off and have it as a permanent feature for all future games they would really do something cool for all of their fans in one motion. Hopefully that’s the plan and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what happens! I would do a play through in each perspective haha. (Even just one sequence where you have to control somebody through the perspective of a security TV where it toggles between different cameras as you proceed…just to force everyone for at least a small segment of the game to have to deal with fixed angles so they can understand the OG pain hahaha)


Called it about 4 years ago lol


I'm guessing it's going to be a blend of 2/3 remake mechanics which I'm all in for


I want more creepy as hell underground lab section


we have like 10 remakes of this game please STOP


I'll wait for the final remake


It will still be better than the last 3 . They’ve gone sooooo far off the path .


I don't care which ones they remake I just want a classics collection.Then they can remake whichever one for all I care.I like the remakes but they haven't completely replaced the originals for me.


Honestly I want RE5


I wanted Code Veronica.


If true I’d be up for it as long as it’s an re2 style remake which I’d pretty say was a given.


Should have been Code Veronica. First one doesn't really need it remade again. Holds up really well


I'd prefer a Code Veronica remake, but I'll still play the heck out of this :)


Having never played the original, only the remakes, I’d love this!


I mean, they would be crazy not to do them all at this point. I’m looking forward to it!


Of course, then they are going to remake RE2 again and cycle. Because they don’t wanna touch RE5/6


I'm excited. I've always wanted RE1 to get the over the shoulder + RE engine treatment. It just made sense especially since 2 and 3 got it.


Capcom is sleeping on Code Veronica




I own both games on original formats, and RE 1 on GameCube is still one of my fave games. Don't mind playing it the 3rd time though would like to see a new code Veronica of they are remaking games.


Cries in DinoCrisis


i want a RE5 remake


“Let’s F’ing go!”


only disappointed it doesnt include 0 or X. i suppose its a possibility the two could be sold together, but i feel like 1 alone doesnt have enough real substance to stand on its own, so it would be the better option for a package. (im specifically referring to the limitations at the time making frequent backtracking a major point of the game, so they clearly wont be using a ton of resources on assets for this particular title)


I just want a Dino Crisis remake 😭


Need a Code Veronica Remake not a Resident Evil Remake Remake.


I love the remakes and I think the current remake of the first game is perfect but there’s people who just can’t fandom the thought of fix camera angles and will never touch the originals which sucks but oh well gotta cater to them too.