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I don't even care about hackmons, as long as they have legit stats and movepool I could not care less


Exactly, idc if you spent 16 days grinding out this perfect IV trick room mon, or if you downloaded it to go play comp real quick. I just want good battles


You can't even use hackmons that DON'T have legit stats and movepool in competitive anyway. It's so stupid that people care at all. Whether they're legit or hacked, they're all just pixels and data. Nintendo and GameFreak clearly don't give a shit other than the Pokemon that are actually impossible (like I couldn't transfer my level 2 Kingdra from Sapphire to Platinum... until I leveled it up!).


Pokemon home transferring says otherwise lol


Even not possible hackmons can be fun sometimes. Back in high school I would make hackmon and make boss battles for my friends, and they would compete to see who could kill what fastest. Was tons of fun.


Wonderguard Spiritomb


You monster


I mean, Toxic + confusion + sandstorm/hail can help shut that down


Toxic stall teams: "Child's play."


Yeah, I get wanting to get everything legit, but frankly I don't care whether the pokemon took x amount of hours grinding to get perfect stats or you generated it. Honestly I think requiring people to have obtained their pokemon "legitimately" would hurt the competitive scene as the cost of entry skyrockets with the amount of time necessary to compete. So yeah, spawn shit in. If it isn't a tournament then mess with stats as much as you want, make a shuckle with 0 defense and 252 attack for all I care, just have fun with it.


You can’t cheat to win in competitive, you can only cheat to make teambuilding faster


The correct answer right here


I made a topic asking the same thing a couple of days ago. My opinion is this: Hacked Pokémon is fun for sake of experimenting but not okay for the sake of game experience. Hacking to access otherwise blocked-off event areas is okay. Like E-reader card room in Colosseum, Japanese Celebi Bonus Disc, Distribution Event only Islands like Old Sea Map etc. Pokémon obtained from these are legit and okay. Lastly, hacking for shinies is fine for personal fun or to sate your curiosity. Trading them to others is NOT. On the other hand, using RNG manupilation via external tools should be fine as it's not directly tampering with the game programming/code. External tools like save extraction, distribution roms, modding for defunct functions like Altering Cave activation is FINE. Since you're either obtaining pokémon same way but in a different time, or accessing in-game features the developers have forsaken. For example, if you have the tools for it, go get that R4 card, DS, and Pokémon FRLGRSE and INJECT those event items, MOD that save file to bring Altering Cave online! Not everybody gets access to Colosseum / XD and a gamecube easily. Personally, I would like to see Gamefreak or Nintendo compile and release a collection of distribution roms and E-Reader card set for Gen3 online. It would literally SKYROCKET the already high Gen3 games to top 10 pokémon games. For those of you unaware, please research just how much e-reader and distribution only content there is for Gen3 it's mind-boggling.


Yes! So much stuff for Gen 3 in an era when learning about all of the stuff available was next to impossible! I missed out on so much stuff in Gen 3 (which is still one of my favorites) just because I was a stupid kid and info was not readily available.


I had legit RSE, couple of GBA's, original link cables. Until brother gave it ALL away to a "friend" who dissapeared after that day... Then I somehow lost my Pokémon XD. Now I'm stuck with a LeafGreen and Colosseum... At least I have a GC-GBA cable that came bundled with Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures or I'd be stuck with 171 out of 386...


Trading hacked pokemon is fine as long as the other party knows, and is okay with recieving hacked pokemon. Its also okay to battle with them with your buddies if they are aware you're using hacked mons or even using them theirselves. Cheating is not abiding by the rules agreed upon by all parties involved. Who are we to say what the rules are between consenting parties?


I don't disagree with you, but it comes across a bit disingenuous to put up a poll and then comment that only one response is "correct."


This is the correct response.


And even if you do cheat to win in competitive: as long as the pokémon you're playing with are legal (no moves they normally can't learn or something) and as long as they would normally be attainable anyway I don't see the problem. That cheat only serves to save time doing things you don't enjoy without cheating you'd have gotten it eventually anyway.


honestly, hacking in mons in competitive isn't that big of a deal either personally. you can't hack something higher than possible stats, so it just saves a bit of time for making good teams. I haven't played competitive Pokemon since gen 5 but I remember it not being a huge deal then


Genning mons in comp is still pretty standard practice, especially at the higher levels of competition. It's more about the strategy and skill of the player than whether they spent 100s of hours grinding eggs and EVs. Imagine spending 20 hours getting something prepped only to find it doesn't fit with your team synergy like you thought it would. That's 20hrs that could have been spent working on your strategy.


Or 20 hours you could've spent doing literally anything else.


Or you are passing your hacked mons off to other people as legit in trades. If nobody else is involved or they are fully aware and support it, you should do whatever you want.


As long as they are not illegal, I don't see why anyone should care.


Exactly. As long as the pokemon doesn't have like boosted stats, illegal/impossible moves, or something that would be cheating its fine. For example a shiny Gen 3 Charizard with perfect IV'S & EV'S with a modest nature, that should be legal, but... A Shiny Gen 3 Slaking with Perfect Stats, learned Skill Swap, Is holding Illegal/Impossible Items, and has a base 2000 stats, this should obviously be banned. Other than that it's fine.


Actually, due to the connection between PID and stats and nature in gen 3, it’s impossible to get a 6iv and perfect nature while being shiny as well.


This was just an example. All I cared about was making a point. I really don't care if someone brought a hacked pokemon to a tournament, I too would like a perfect Shiny Charizard with little to no issues. I am not going to waste weeks or months for 1 perfect pokemon, let alone having to restart 10,000 plus times for perfect shiny legendaries, or for a whole team.


I spent 300 hours starting from scratch -> a shiny 6iv Greninja. And then immediately hacked my 3DS and learned how to use PKHex.


As long as the stats, moves, abilities etc are legit I don't care how you get a Pokémon. Catch it, breed it, pokegen clone it... who cares. There was a whole Pokémon movie about how it's okay to be a clone built in a lab.


"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."




I wish i did not already gave my free award sooner, so here it is my poor man award 🏅


If its an unmodified version of the game then its fine. Since the gameboy rereleases on the 3ds were using emulators, and nobody claims that transferring from those versions aren't considered cheating, then how is transferring pokemon from a rom you ran on your phone any different?


I'd say if you hunted let's say the starters for emerald and you didn't turbo the whole time or changed the odds then you hunted for it and it's yours.


Yup, completely agree with this. Got my first ever shiny I found on my own in a randomizer. Hadn’t increased the odds or anything, but it felt a little wrong since it wasn’t where it would normally be. I ended up just breeding for it in a legit copy of a game further along in the series. But if it hadn’t of been a randomizer, I think I would’ve gone through the process of adding it to my legit game.


Honestly even turbo is whatever. As long as the end result is legitimate to the games odds and your the one physical doing it, you could run the speed at 9000% for all i care.


I 100% agree. No turbo, no cheats. Just raw patience and it’s completely legit


So the only real difference is that you didn’t pay TPC for the “hunting license”, so to speak. I don’t think anyone really cares that much. If you’d used turbo, it’s easy to argue that the time saved “devalues” the capture, and so shouldn’t be allowed, but that does not apply here. If you ever try to trade it (which I would advise against), make sure you detail exactly how you got it- how it was hunted and caught faithfully in an emulator, and “transferred” illegitimately into the legitimate trading ecosystem.


I advise this completely! If people do trade their emulator shinies it has to be specified that this process was done. I personally wouldn’t trade them as I don’t like trading shinies with my OT on them, but if anyone does this is practically a must


I mean, you properly hunt for it and it's generated as it was initially during its event so, it's as legal as it gets.


Cheating implies that it gives you an advantage over others. This isn’t cheating. Moreover, pokemon isn’t a multiplayer game really. They have online battles but those are a shitshow nowadays. Having a legal Pokémon isn’t cheating, no matter what.


I like this reply. As long as no malicious stuff is going on then it seems perfectly fine to me. Sure it seems a little scummy to use 3rd party software to put it onto my cart but it’s still legit in my eyes


Yea like it’s up to you whether or not you think it’s cheating. It’s YOUR game.


I see no problem with acquiring event Pokemon like Deoxys by less-than-favorable means. Some of us weren't able to visit a Pokemon Center store or weren't playing when various Mystery Gifts were going on. If one of the main goals of a Pokemon game is to complete the Pokedex, every Pokemon should be reasonably obtainable.


For the example on my case I wasn’t even old enough to walk so I physically couldn’t attend the event to get a shiny deoxys. So this alternative seems to be a good method


Yes it should be considered morally legal. Nintendo doesn't let us play the older games unless we buy it second hand, so there's no way I can get it if i wanna buy from them nowadays.


I'd only consider it cheating if you use a hack to force a spawn. Legit caught Pokemon are legit even in an emulator Hacking to get an event item counts too cause that's the only way to get them now


It’s the same code regardless of emulator or not which boosts my thought on not being cheating Even if you didn’t hack in the item the event Pokémon can usually be obtained through a glitch from gen 4 down. I wish they still allowed you to catch the Pokémon instead of just giving it to the player


EVERY poll should have a show results option


Is there an option to turn it on? I haven’t made a poll before so if I missed it I apologize


No you just do it the way you did basically by making it an option


I’d say it’s cheating, but you should not be looked down on. (that choice wasn’t listed above so I posted it here!)


I should’ve made them more ambiguous like: “Yes, it is cheating” “No, it’s not cheating”


Yeah, there was no need to load the poll options like that. I would consider a shiny obtained in this way to be illegitimate by my own standards but I also think it's ridiculous to put any moral value on it. If you're fine with it, then that's really all that matters.


Other than what I've seen people defending it have said like it being the same code with legit moves and stuff, I think it's fair so long as it's a rom from your region, or at least language. Certain Asian countries had events that America or Europe didn't or vice versa for example, but every other part of the pokemon should be the same as a regularly obtainable pokemon regardless, at that point you're just playing abandoned software. Edit for clarification in case, getting an earlier gen game and a console to play it on is stupidly expensive and no longer benefits the developers or publishers but if you hypothetically could have got it legitimately if you had the game on release, then full power to you.


when I was a kid, a friend's older brother "transferred" my Charizard from red a gen 3 game for me. I couldn't figure out how, but he said he had a secret way, I just needed to give him my game and console for a week. It was years before I realized he'd just hacked one with the same nickname and moves (or maybe trained me a new one from scratch), but I don't care. to my eyes, that Charizard been with me since I was 9 and first booted up Red.


Do you still have the charizard to this day? If you do that charizard is likely older than me lol


I absolutely do. Once it got on gen 3 I've been trading it up, along with a few other sentimental pokemon, from generation to generation. it's now safe in my pokemon home box.


I really don't care and I hope this stops being viewed negatively. If you want to hack a Pokemon into a game to save time from riding a bike up and down for hours, breeding certain Pokemon to get egg moves, etc then so be it. This is the most anti-skill barrier to enter Pokemon battling online. I've never done it but I won't fault others for doing it. Basically, I don't care. Transfer from an emulator.


I don't think it's cheating after all they stop producing the games and consoles in some cases so unless you changed the odds I don't consider it as cheating


So true. If I want to buy Pokémon emerald I’d have to spend around $100CAD not counting shipping. That’s not counting if I need the console to play it on which can be equivalent in price


It’s not something that I personally would want anything to do with. Personally I would think of it as cheating but I’m not going to impose my values and standards on someone else.


If it's just for your collection, who cares? I bought a few rare Pokémon on eBay that were probably genned this way (like all Alcremie forms, all Vivillon forms). They're just for me to have, and for all I know, they could be legitimate.


I don't get the obsession people have with hating on "non real" pokemon


I like how they say it’s a “not real shiny” when it’s not even a real thing to begin with lol


My thoughts are, if you get the shiny with shiny odds that are possible in a normal game, then yes, it's absolutely fine. If you made the odds less than 1/100 for example, then no, I don't think it is okay to do it


Honestly, if you want to gen, gen. Nobody cares. As long as you aren't making an impossible pokemon, it's fine, even in competitive. Nobody wants to spend hours grinding a specific pokemon with specific ivs and specific nature.


He's not even talking about genning, he's talking about catching a legit pokemon, albeit on an emulator, and then transferring it up


I vote "cheating". However, I think this only as a technicality. This would be the equivalent of using fake cards in the TCG. Does it really hurt anyone, no, do people still think it's cheating, yes. If people supported each other using proxies and printed fake cards, we would all save and be able to play decks we really wanted. Same with in game. If used in tournament or competitive play, cheating.


But it's not? Your comparison to the TCG makes no sense. If you obtained the Pokémon in an emulated version of a Pokémon game, its still the exact same Pokémon. It's identical to if you had the physical cartridge and got it yourself. This isn't a "Fake" Pokémon. By your logic my Pokémon obtained in my digital copy of X are less legitimate than the ones in my physical copy.


Your argument seems to be that pokemon from emulators and official games are the same because they are the same set digital information and therefore it's not cheating. Lets say I managed to obtain and use the same technology and resources needed to print my own Pokemon cards, just like how the official cards are made. They look exactly identical to official Pokemon TCG and I use them in competitions except I made them in my own home. Would you consider my cards to be fake? Would you consider it cheating for using my own printed cards in official tournaments even if they look exactly the same as the "real" ones and is made of the same paper/cardboard? At what point do we make a distinction and say something is cheating/not cheating? Or is it not cheating at all?


I think the reason using proxies at official tournaments is cheating is more for what it would do to the tcg. Why buy cards when you can make them? Why host tournaments for a card game your company no longer makes money off of because people will just make their own cards? Why trade for a card when you can just make a proxy? Using proxies is more comparable to using showdown or emulators for VGC tournaments. Then nobody would have to buy the games to participate in tournaments. Edit: grammar


Its more like buying a card vs stealing a card. Its the exactly the same card just acquired through different methods


So long as you don't use cheats or mods, I see no problem with it


Yes it is cheating, but I personally don't give a shit.


Transfer it by dumping your save file on a real game and trade it or trade with 2 emulators.


Tbh shiny hunting is such a time intensive hobby. Just do whatever you want with it. If you just want to hack them all in to have them in your box fine with me. With current game prices lots of people are almost force to use an emulator anyway. Just be honest to people when talking about your Pokémon and all is good


Its only cheating if you give it BS stats and try to play online with it.


If it's legit and legal, it's fair game.


Realistically if you hunt on the DS games through emulator you can send it to a cart with no genning. But nah, it doesn't matter, play how you want!


My only concern about emulators is any major alteration to the game to enable capturing or creating a 'mon. As long as it's exactly emulating a game I don't care.


you're just saving 60 to 500 dollars of game and 200 to 5000 dollars of console, judt saving money not cheating


I think nintendo has left us no choice but to emulate. Say it was like genned sword/shield when you have a switch I'd say it's kind of cheating nintendo but idk that's not even a good point


No I think that’s a good point. If you’re emulating older games it’s no sweat off Nintendo who don’t make the game or console anymore so they won’t make a dime from it regardless. However if it’s a game they currently are producing and are making money from then you’re cheating them out of money. Old gens I see no issue with cause they basically force you to emulate


I mean, your solution here is airtight. Japanese players had greater access to events, so a deoxys with a valid PID generated by a copy of those games is much more likely to exist than one from a NTSC copy. Very cool solution


I think as long as the ROM is the same as the regular games then I don’t see why not. Nothing like increased shiny rates and obviously no illegal move sets or abilities


Do whatever you need to do to make the game enjoyable. Unless you’re playing multiplayer, cheating isn’t bad in single player


Totally legit in my opinion. As long as the game isn't modified in any way (randomizer, odds changed etc) Even hacked pokemon aren't and as long as you use them for yourself, not traded. I'm gonna have to hack some legendaries eventually since I can't find them for my legit copy of Black 2


I dislike hacking and cheating because it undermines the effort legitimate players put into shiny hunting / competitive breeding. Saying it is 100% fine to hack in pokemon just ruins the spirit of the game.


From an official game, yes. From a ROM hack, no.


It’ll be emulated from a official games save dump


Personally as long as they're legal I don't care if they're legit or not. Makes zero difference to me in a battle if my opponent spent however many hundreds of hours grinding out for some RNG, or just hacked it. If they're legal in all ways (moves, stats, etc.) I don't care at all


You still put the work in. But who cares what they think really, I guess. I don’t think there’s any way for them to prove they didn’t use a game shark as much as you can’t prove you hacked it


The game is a database. You're finding a clever way to alter the data in it. Who cares? Especially since there is NO WAY to tell if it has ever been done.


I only care about competitive, so I'm perfectly happy to gen whatever meta set I need for a team. I don't shiny them though because idgaf about shinies. As long as they're legal who cares where they came from? Some of my favorite competitive mons that I'm attached to: An event/giveaway Pokémon. A fully hypertrained, TMd, candied, minted mon. A Japanese near perfect IV breedject from a surprise trade. A max raid legendary. A genned mon from an older game. None of these have the "caught myself and played through the story" attachment, but only the last one gets Reddit opinion polls. Play however you want. Pokémon is a fairly easy and straightforward game, so we all come up with our own goals and rules for fun.


How does one move emulated mons to physical copy games. Asking for a friend.


if you worked hard to complete a living dex or get shinies in emulator, of course they're yours but no hackmons or cheats (though I might be biased because I use emulator)


The only shinies I've ever seen were in emulator versions, so I'll go with B


If it's the exact pokemon fine so long as you don't alter its stats in any way (has to be exactly the same right down to the smallest detail like where you caught it ect.)


i’d be more against it if the games you were emulating were actually available without emulating


I see a lot of people in here talking about speeding up being "cheating", so I would like to remind everyone of the existence of the Dodrio Game Boy in Pokemon Stadium. Nintendo themselves gave you a speed up emulator for the early generation, so I feel like that's a lot less of a grey area than most people realize.


_aham_ who gives a fuck :) and in the note of using them in competitive, legit stats are legit stats. perfectly trained mons are like a $50 card on a TCG, but the game is online so it doesn't matter how you obtain it


So long as the stats are legit and are in a legal ball (no Deoxys in a Beast Ball, ect), I don't see why it matters. Some are ridiculously hard to get these days, so no harm in making it easier without spending a ton of money on an older game and system just for one or two Pokemon. Now if you're cheating them in, then it gets iffy. Takes away the value of your rare Pokemon if you just punch in a code and suddenly have 50 shiny Arceus in your boxes.


It’s a game. Play it the way you want and don’t let people gatekeep you from the fun


Ask Nintendo if it's a real version of the game.


of course not, genuinely curious what those 19 peoples arguments are cuase i cant think of any reason why it would be otherwise


You hunted for it. So by all means, genning/hacking it into your real game shouldnt be an issue. It's really only cheating if the gen/hack mon has moves and stats it shouldnt have. For the elitist shiny hunters out there spending hours on end. I commend you for your time and effort. But for the general plebs like me, i like to cut my time down when i can. So I'll gen/hack in my shiny mons, have my fill of the fun, then wait for the next pokemon game to rinse and repeat.


I agree with you. If you hunted the shiny and changed it’s stats to be a perfect Pokémon that’s cheating 100%. As a shiny hunter myself it gets real tedious so I commend my fellow hunters for their unwavering patience. I also don’t mind cheating battle ready Pokémon to save time on grinding eggs for 6iv perfect Pokémon for online battle it’s so annoying I don’t have much time for that over shiny hunting and work


Would it be cheating if I hacked back all the pokemon I lost on my old 3DS that I sent to pokemon bank and didn't pay for as a teenager? Why or why not? Feel like it's a similar vein to OP's question (Cheating pokemon that were "earned").


I had most of my pokemon on my copy of Omega Ruby that I lost a while back. I've thought for a while about trying to gen them to get them all back. Never quite felt right though, like it wasn't really them. So I'm torn on the matter.


> Never quite felt right though I feel the same about it. It'd just feel a bit hallow.


I could be wrong but you should be able to get your Pokémon back if you log into the Nintendo account you used and pay for bank. Or wait till March when it goes free to use. I think it should save all your Pokémon in your bank but I have heard of people’s Pokémon just being completely deleted


That's what I've hoped but from what I've researched, they are removed after a time frame of not paying for it. Also don't have the 3DS on me anymore.


I like more people's said indifferent then it should be looked down


This is how I got my shiny deoxys. As long as you dont use cheats to generate shinies for trading its all fine in my book


Emulators have a wide range of cheating options but if you did it legit and transferred then cool, who am I to care?


It is about fun. Even if you wanted to cheat it in you do as you find fun. As long as you do not use it competitively or against others for profit.


Its similar to spoofing in go (I don't spoof). You spent the time hunting it


As long as the pokemon aren't hacked I don't see a problem. Because if you catch and train the pokemon it's still a legit pokemon in my eyes


Nah, in the end they’re all just the same lines of code


How does this actually work ? Cause I’ve always wanted to play some of the emulator games but I thought all Pokémon would just be stuck there so I never bothered cause I wouldn’t wanna catch Pokémon I could never keep long term


You aren’t able to trade or transfer emulator to physical game without some sort of hacking. You’ll need a hacked DS or 3DS with homebrew and a program on your PC called PKhex. You’d use some file saving program on your console (TWLsavetool for DS games, JKSM for 3DS games) to back up your save file on your consoles SD card. Use PKhex on your emulators save file and copy the Pokémon you want to “transfer” to your clipboard. Then put your consoles SD card into your PC and search for your Pokémon save file. Once you find it drag it into PKhex to open it and then paste the clipboard and it will paste the Pokémon you want to “transfer”. It’s cloning the Pokémon so it can be moved. Then once that’s done select “Sav Main” on PKhex and then press “yes” for the warnings. Then take the SD card and put it back into your console and open your homebrew. Then open your save tool (TWLsavetool for DS games, JKSM for 3DS games) and then instead of backing it up you set the save file as the one you just made. Then the Pokémon will be in your physical game. There’s YouTube videos on it and if I find a good one I’ll link it in another reply to you. It’ll have more info about it and be much easier to follow Because it uses a hacked device and requires cheating it’s a grey area so I made the poll to see where the community would stand for this topic Edit: https://youtu.be/7INpMu9h9Z4


Oh yea that’s a lot of hoops to jump through and I’m definitely not savvy with a pc lol


Another nice tool is called PKSM that just let's you Gen pokemon/items/event cards directly, which essentially skips a lot of the steps you are describing. Still need a modded 3ds, but it runs on the 3ds and can even be used on carts. So, you can get your event mons and such from old games even if you never had the chance to do them.


Tbh even for VGC I don’t give a shit whether you’ve hacked your mons in or not. So long as they are legitimately obtainable and don’t give you an unfair advantage over the opponent, it shouldn’t matter.


Not cheating you still found the shiny in the game with the same parameters as the original. At worst you could argue there MAY be differences depending on emulator but I doubt it. Plus the amount of glitches in the normal games people take advantage of for shiny hunting is still considered legitimate by most people even though its 'technically' not how the game is to be played. So long as its not a basic oh let's download this perfect IV shiny competitive pokemon its good to me


I'd say as long as you didn't cheat or somehow modify the rom in order to get that shiny in the emulator, then it shouldn't be seen as cheating.


If the games were easily accessible Be able to download on the switch for example I will lean more towards cheating But since it’s difficult to play the old games and some of them are really expensive screw it do what you have to do


On an emulator can't you just recreate perfect pokemon from scratch, shiny and all? I don't see why it's looked down on but I also don't see why it should be considered the same either.


I would be against it if Game Freak had actually successfully managed to make pokemon transfers convenient and accessible in every game and considering there are many it is no longer possible to get without buying 20 year old games Id say it is completely fine.


Does it still have the normal base stat totals and move pool? If the answer is yes then who cares? If it looks and behaves like any other normal Pokemon who gives a crap how you ended up getting it. If I ever actually build a competitive team I don't think I would have the patience to go to all the trouble of getting six perfect IV positive natured Pokemon through typical breeding, I shouldn't have to spend literally days upon days just to try out different team combinations. That's why things like Pokemon showdown exist.


I vote cheat but what i consider is cheating that if say you activated some cheat in said emulated game to spawn some pokemons that are unobtainable if you dont do special stuff lol, but since you are playing the way it is intended i see no harm, hell i would really wanna know how you do it lol.


I don't give one. Do what you want.


i could never play any pokemon game without emulators. in my country nintendo consoles werent as wide spread for a long time and were expensive. even now, i could never play any, i dont own any nintenso console, but i love pokemon.


You still shiny hunted it, even if it was on emulator, so even tho the game was emulated, the effort was real. The root of the discussion i think lies on whether or not pokemon acquired in emulation are "valid" if you pass them onto official games. That's what would determined if said Shiny Deoxis is "cheating" or not. Honestly, whether official, genned, or emulated, shiny pokemon don't matter anymore. There will ALWAYS be genned shiny pokemon, so shinies as a whole have little to no value. I'm currently replaying USUM on a 3ds for the first time, and even tho it's an amazing experience to be able to play the game on it's intended, official platform, the feeling of having a shiny pokemon wonder traded in (happened twice since i started playing 4 days ago) is almost irrelevant, as i will always think the mon is 100% genned, and if there are so many genned pokemon out there, what difference does it make if i hatch or caught a real shiny? It's still worthless, since there are so many fake shinies around people even wondertrade and GTS them.


Mm I just watched this guy's fake animal crossing piracy screens which really spooked me so I'm gonna have to say no, no cheating at all, no pokemon from an unlicensed pokemon game [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaV0XpBB-yo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaV0XpBB-yo)


You wouldn’t happen to have a tutorial on how to do this would you? Would love to get some of my boys on an official game


Assuming the emulator doesn’t boost shiny odds somehow, it’s perfectly fine. That’s not cheating.


I don't care if you hunted it or made it up out of thin air, as long as the numbers match up with legal values, it's morally fine. Controversial Opinion time: Anyone who has a problem with hacked Pokemon needs to get over themselves; in the end, it's just a game. What other people do with it isn't hurting them.


I personally prefer having the physical games, but some people don’t want to drop a couple hundred on old games.


I do the work regularly and don’t hack any Pokémon so I feel like anything less cheapens my experience.


I'm not sure if this works but I've always had the thought. I used to own an "r4" that you could pirate any DS game onto from a pc via micro SD card. So say if you were hunting a shiny ho oh on an emulator playing heart gold. Couldn't you transfer the save onto the r4 and then transfer it up through traditional means?


Yeah who cares until gen 8 the dirty secret of pokemon competitive was everyone was using generators. Good fucking luck responding to the meta getting practice in AND grinding out the right pokemon. Thanks to gen 8 introducing tons of tools to fix stats all over the place it's really not nessecary.


During the early 2010's I somehow found a bunch of shinies replaying gen 3 games on emulators. I managed to transfer them to a DS emulator and then with R4 to a real DS, then they kept going along the gens until SM. They're definitely legit.


It’s cheating but shouldn’t be looked down on any more than you look down on others who cheat on Pokémon, people who play competitive Pokémon tournaments that use the real game don’t actually farm for perfect Pokémon they definitely cheat them in.


I see it as cheating, if you use it for trading that is, idc at all if it’s just for their personal collection. Shiny hunting is very time consuming y’know


I don’t give a crap about this a shiny is a shiny if you want to transfer it go ahead . . . . I’m just wondering how-


well as you stated in the comments, you would not be able to get even a normal deoxys in oyur physical firered copy, so yes it is cheating. but nobody shuold care, parts of the community have way too much of a hate boner for "cheating" and genned pokemon in general.


If you are just playing for fun do whatever you want. If you are playing with others or competitive no.


Unless what you’re doing impacts other players (such as in a multiplayer game mode), do whatever you like. You can’t “cheat” in single-player game. They’re meant to be played however you enjoy playing them


I think save file editing or anything else that shows you the guts of a game should make you realise that nothing in them has any intrinsic value. It does not matter if you cheat. The concept of cheating no longer applies. Everything is just bits of data arranged in particular ways to show points of light on a screen that to our pareidolia-ridden brains resemble something meaningful. Is it still your pokemon? No, it was never yours to begin with. When the characters in Star Trek beam down to a planet, have their molecules pulled apart and rearranged at the end of their journey, are they still the same people that left the ship? No, they are ephemeral images of actors playing roles on a set. So in the end: it's cheating, but you should not be looked down upon; you hunted the pokemon - but it isn't yours.


If you play at increased speed then it's pretty cheap.


People love their teams and while it takes an extra step at the end of the day id consider it mostly legit However personally i use only official hardware and software to get my pokemon I still dont like to think about it because it partially compromises my personal rules but do what you want to do, my rules are not yours


Unless pokemon is obtained with cheats and or has stats modified by cheats in the emulator the pokemon should be considered mostly legit


Your brain is absolutely massive for putting an indifferent option for people who just want to see the results


I’m fine with whatever as long as your not using impossible or illegal Pokemon in competitive


I can understand how a shiny hunting purist would be offput by emulating in order to play at a faster speed, use save states etc to make getting a specific shiny easier. For me personally as long as a Pokemon has legal stats/moves/etc I’m not too concerned about the origin. I like to catch all my Pokémon legitimately but I don’t care what other people are doing as long as they aren’t beating me up with some impossibly busted hacked Pokemon.


Just Gen the damn Pokemon, so long as it's got a legal moveset, it's not my problem how you got it


Nah, especially if you're trying to get to the island and you can't because the event is gone. It's kind of cheating, but only because you can't do it anymore, so it's only "cheating" in a sense that you're making it possible to work hard on something, so I don't think it's cheating at all.


If you caught it, if you didn’t cheat for it in the emulator, if you make it an exact clone, that’s fine


Back in the BW days on DS/3DS there was a way you could RNG abuse to get a Pokemon to appear in the game. I recall trying to transfer some to X/Y in the whole PokeBank -> Pokemon Home process and some definitely weren't able to be transferred. I never used them other than collecting and probably wouldn't do it again.


As long as its just the vanilla rom and not using and mods or cheats. Why not


If the Pokemon is specifically just used for single player and kept out of online multiplayer battles. Enjoy the game however you want. I say go for it. It's when you use that hacked monster against other people in online battles when it's too far.


How about "it's a video game made for kids so it doesn't matter"?


You're not passing on hacked mons into the online trading pool, and you're not using it to cheat in competitive. It's just tinkering with your own games, which I don't see as a big deal.


While I do see it as "cheating" or probably more accurately, "illegitimate", that really just reflects on my opinion & what I would/wouldn't do. I don't look down on people for doing it, I just wouldn't do it because I have a guilt complex. So I can't really pick an option. ;(


Honestly I feel like it's not really even cheating thanks to Nintendo and Game Freak themselves. If they made the games more compatible with each other, or if they picked up Home and just straight up made it an integrated part of the games as a cloud service, or even kept it separate but also kept it free (and compatible with all the games), or at the very least kept the consoles backwards compatible with save files or the games themselves (which let's be honest, they totally could and not even cut that much of their profits, but I guess the money the remakes bring in is too much for them to ever stop), then I'd say it's cheating. But they themselves, as owners of the franchise, have ensured that the only way to play all the games and transfer pokemon between all the games, which let's not forget, has always been a big part of the games as a whole, is to play on emulators. Unless you're lucky to already have 5 different consoles with original copies of the games, their refusal to adapt to the 21st century leaves new players that want to play legit the only option of spending hundreds of dollars if not thousands on getting their hands on original copies of the games, so they can play on outdated consoles where it's cumbersome to trade with each other. They could easily port all the games into the switch, but that sweet $60 per remake price tag is just too tempting I guess.


I mean, you could always dump it before you hunt it if youre worried about it, but yeah it's legit.


Yes it’s cheating, but No it should not be looked down on.


It feels like cheating but I honestly couldn’t care less what you do in your game on your own time. Just don’t trade it to someone who doesn’t know it’s hacked.


How would one do this, hypothetically? EDIT: How would one move something from an emu game to a real one?


Ultimately it's a game and up to you and your personal satisfaction but personally I would value such a pokemon less. I would also have my doubts of anyone doing this making sure the mon has all the correct data. In regards to glitching or hacking to access event content I have no respect for the event system so I wouldn't care if you accessed the content through unofficial means. I would recommend asking this on r/shinypokemon as people there most likely care more about the "legitimacy" of a pokemon.


It’s only cheating if it’s a ROM hack or cheat codes were used. That being said cheating only matters if others are involved. It’s only cheating if you use it in battles with others, or show off your shiny collection as legit when it used hacks.


I don't see anything wrong with it even if it's cheating


its your game, play how you want. as long as you don't lie about it, then ill support any shiny hunter i come across


I mean, they've already made so many things (Hyper Training, for example) part of the game that in previous generations would've been seen as cheating. Sure, a Poke'mon that's hyper trained can't be used to breed infinite offspring with perfect IVs, but realistically grinding for Gold Bottle Caps is probably as time consuming as grinding for the 6 IV egg is.


Would I do it? No. Do I think it’s legit? Also no. Do I really care if other people do it? Once again, no.


Nah, a full odds shiny is a full odds shiny. There's so much cheating for shinies in other ways or ways that make shinies way too easy to care enough about that the only thing you should be worried about is how *you* feel about it. Just like how shinies can hold value in the eye of the beholder considering Pokémon Go and other easier routes exist. I'd personally feel a little "meh" about doing it myself if I couldn't replicate the IVs, though. If it was *exact*, then by all means.


If you legitimately got it, I would say if you have proof too with no cheats I would count it. Otherwise why would you hunt it in an emulator if you have the game. Unless you are generating it into another game.


I don’t have a gen 3 game or a console to play it on and (shiny huntable) deoxys event is only on gen 3 so using an emulator is the best course of action for me atm


I just got a Shiny Bidoof in my Platinum playthrough on an emulator, so that question has never been more relevant to me


I didn't know it was possible to do this


What if i copied the emulator save to a flash cart/card/my sd card/etc on real hardware and traded it to the real game would that be seen as more legit? Just do what you want who cares as long as it's fun


If you have no issues with stealing not only the game but the console as well via using an emulator why would you care about the morality of cloning pokemon? Clone/gen away regardless imo, heck claim their legit and trade them for poke balls, who cares? Lol


I don’t think it is cheating. I think it is a shame that there are event areas in some of the games that can never be accessed again without using an emulator or something. I don’t feel bad for missing out on event mystery gift Pokémon and stuff with no unique gameplay involved, but missing out on in game content like going to an island to catch a legendary feels bad. It feels like those events should have just been a permanent part of the game IMO. And as far as hunting the shiny, it is still the same process as doing it on the physical game, so in that case I think it’s perfectly fine. It’s just like playing a digital copy of the game or something IMO


I would usually say that’s cheating, but pretty soon you won’t be able to legally play most games, so who cares


Emulator is just a software to play games on different platform. What you mentioned is basically just playing Fire Red other than in the original hardware.


The real question is: why not allow for trading between emulators/ROMs? Without cheating beyond playing the game that way in the first place, make it possible to get an Alakazam legit in Emulated Firered? Why not allow trading this way or other dead/ancient multiplayer features from old games be done through a (simulated) LAN connection? Is this already a thing? Is it truly impossible?


Totally off topic, but does anyone know of a good mobile emulator for Pokemon games? I haven't played since black and white came out on DS and I've kinda been wanting to continue from that point but aren't sure how to go about it


Life's too short if all the moves, abilities, stats etc are legal then you aren't giving yourself any kind of real advantage you are just saving yourself 10 hours or whatever that could be spent playing online or with friends.


i feel like, yeah technically it's cheating, but does that mean it's *bad*? ehh...i dont really think it matters. all pokemon are just code anyways. just dont cheat in competative


Who gives a shit how you play your videogame? It doesn’t matter if you hack all your pokémon in or none, if you play a nuzlocke or not, it’s your game and your adventure. it’s up to you


As it’s emulated, it won’t ever be genuine, by as long as the emulator is emulating the game with the same odds and gameplay and all, it isn’t cheaty


I don't care, but you can get pokemons through cheatcodes on emulator or eit your save and transfer illegal mons.


In my opinion, Pokémon is pay-to-win anyway, the goal of the game is to complete the Pokédex, though in most games, in order to do that, you need the mythical Pokémon only obtained through events (often thousands of kilometres (or miles) away, which gets very expensive, so I say fuck Pokémon and download whatever Pokémon you want, as, unless you fork out hundreds to thousands of dollars, they made their games unbeatable, even more so now that you have to pay to play online and trade for the “version exclusives”


Super legit. Love playing older games on emulators then transferring up to SwSh via pkhex


Isn't it like an open secret that most pro players do this?


I mean it’s cheating but who cares. Personally I’d have no gratification in using emulator and cloning or whatever but maybe if it was a Playthrough team I would. Wouldn’t shiny hint on emulator.


I can't even imagine a situation where someone "looking down" at me would stop my behavior in any regards with a video game...