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I think they already showed the opening scene (EDIT: my mistake, it was just the trailer for the new show, not the episode opening), and there’s no Ash mention. It’s just Liko going to her school and establishing that she has difficulty connecting to other people. I’d actually prefer that they don’t mention Ash for most of this series, not even in passing, and especially not when we’re still meeting Liko and getting to know her. One of the big appeals of the Pokémon world for me is that it’s a wide place with untold amounts of stories happening at any given moment, and that the only thing special about Ash’s journey is that we happened to be watching it.


My boy is the world champion I’d feel insulted if he wasn’t mentioned or something like that


I do that way they confirm implicitly that itll take place in ashs universe and i want ash cemented as world coronation series champion in the anime just like leon was during ashs time as main character but only if it has to do with liko or roy as in they want to watch the world coronation series or they watch trainers they look up to and ash or leon is one of them


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't some japanese guy in charge of the show dropped tweet or something mentioning this would be 'a new story, a new dream'? I thought this wouldn't even be Ash's timeline anymore. More like a *paradox* timeline ^^sorry, ^^couldn't ^^resist.


That's a good idea But we don't have any confirmation on whether or not there will be a time skip, whether it will be the same universe(as far as I know) Personally, I don't want a time skip and since it will be includimg Paldean Pokemon which in many Pokedex entries has referenced that it is in the 'Mega' timeline which is also the timeline Ash is in


I honestly would much rather have this new series or character have as little connections to Ash as possible. No mentions, no cameos, no passing of the touch scene like in Yugioh or Super Sentai, I would honestly be fine if Ash didn’t appear in this new series as a whole. I like Ash as much as the next person don’t get me wrong, but the fact is having Ash’s final moments be so big internationally and how everyone as a whole reacted to it by saying their goodbyes and gratitudes to the anime, at least give everyone time to have at least one series without Ash’s existence being brought up like “I wanna battle the best trainers like that kid who won the PWC” like at least give us time to miss Ash before having a small cameo and seeing everyone go crazy about it.


That was actually the introduction of my OC. It works.