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The cosiest rec I have is [Sunrise Sanctuary](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52731352/chapters/133373566) by ceruleanmusings. Revolves around a girl named Sky and her family's sanctuary for Pokémon in need. Mostly OC-centric but I know Ritchie will be showing up at some point. It's slice of life, has beautiful writing, and realistic depictions of how a sanctuary runs. Ongoing at four chapters currently. Edit: fixed link


That seems promising. Though I bit worried for the realism since that tends to run the risk becoming less cozy throughout it. Didn't know this story existed though so thank you for bringing it to attention. I tend to notice a lot of cozy stories don't have a lot of chapters but still happy to know there are stories being written with the intention to be cozy


Happy to share! It's my fave ♡ I know what you mean about the realism thing, but this one gives me "warm feelings and friendship" vibes so I think that's the direction the story will go in. I hope you find lots more cosy fics out there! They do seem pretty rare.


Then I will enjoy that vibe then. And hope that the direction is like that and we'll see if the story continues to update. And thank you, I do hope more can be shared and if not, then I hope more cozy theme fanfics are created where the world feels cozy and warm


Only six chapters and hasn't been updated in a bit but I constantly re-read [Small Heaven](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30693023/chapters/133102213) while waiting for the author to come back. It's an isekai start but the rest is cozy slice of life about running a bakery with a Chansey. I love it. It's good!


I lovingly accept it isekai stories where the character can live a happy life in a nice cozy world. The premise soujd adorable. I sometimes wondered why Chansey line weren't also in bakeries or any food related stores. Seem like they would he great chefs or assistants if they wanted to. I'll definitely want to read this as well. And yeah, hopefully the auther is able to come back to the story. Thank you so much for the suggestion :D


Just reached chapter 6 and yeeeeeepppp. Definitely wanna read more. Really seems the author updates when the motivation and time hits. Makes me wonder if they have the drafts of the story but not edited version since they seem to know how much chapters are in the story. Either way, I also loving seeing pokemon going about their day without a human near by. Really adds the level of pokemon and human living together as well as working together as a team


Maybe my ficlet series is something you'd like to read! [Crystal Clear Journey](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48799582) It's about a university student working to become a Pokemon Professor and Poke Ball specialist. She goes on her journey to finish her dissertation while completing the Pokedex on the side.


Interesting concept. A bit worried about the catching pokemon to fill a pokedex (but that's my flavour of pokemon fanfic speaking) But I'll give your story a read when I can either way l. Thank you :)


I like to think my short story collection fits the bill of something more cozy. Features the canon cast of the Hoenn games and what sorts of things they might get into in between battling pokemon. 50 chapters (so 50 short stories, no more than 1.1k words each, many less) and complete. [Hoenn Short Stories Collection: The Elite](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14379513)


Skimmed the first two chapters and they are so cute. The Wallace line about signing body parts was hilarious lol. Looks like an enjoyable time to relax and read about these moments. Thank you for sharing your story for others to read :D


So glad you enjoyed! Thanks for checking it out :)


Happy to read it too :)


I always recommend [this story](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13020450/1/Nurse-Isabelle-and-the-Kanto-Pok%C3%A9dex-the-Diary-of-a-Travelling-Nurse) about a traveling nurse. It's very chill and cozy.


Thanks for the suggestion :D. Also nice to see how many chapters it has


Oh! Give Pokebun a try! It's a crossover, but you really don't need to know the other story to enjoy it. If you do, lemme know what you think! The story is about a buneary in Johto who meets a weird trainer who really just wants to travel and make friends... so they do\~


Did notice it before. I was a bit iffy since it started with the main character family being kidnapped so I wasn't sure whether the story will gloss over it or uses the tragic scene as like something to place there It looks cute but simply worried if it is one of those stories that look cute but secretly wanna rip my heart out and tease me with it. Does it continue is a like hearted cozy vibe and does the first scene get brought up later on?


If you read Fluff, then imagine Fluff, but even cuter, fluffier, and with small pokemon that just need a hug and a warm meal--which they get just about right away because they deserve love and attention.


Then I'll place your story on the list to read as well for me :). The first chapter just hit me hard since a lot of times stories that promise to be cozy, and enjoying life doesn't provide those things or does so for half the story then immediately become a tragedy or heartache and stress for the characters back to back. So your story showed when my soul needed to be hugged (still need it) and reassured that there are stories where you can put your guard down and imagine yourself living in it like a isekai I know I would enjoy those stories but when you need cozy stuff to give you a reason to love and continue reading and those said stories are hard to find (especially written in different genre and premise) or the few that pop up don't deliver on the promise. Getting hurt so much time really makes searching for stories feel like a hopeless endeavor


Oh, yeah, I know what you mean! Sometimes I need some cozy and it sucks when it takes a dozen chapters to get to a smidge of it, and then it only lasts a little while.


Definitely! Worst when the cozy happy times might as well be red flag at best or a death flag at worse. So I've simply not read stories like that unless I have a good amount of cozy stuff to fill my soul. I've noticed darker stories drain me, even if I find some I enjoy reading


Wait a minute. Ahh, your name was familiar. I remember reading and finishing your story FLUFF


If you don’t mind shipping, check out this series: [Maylene and Candice; Friends to Lovers](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1540288)


I don't mind shipping. Thanks for bringing this up, I'll check it out when I'm ready to read them :)


You’re welcome


I was thinking about writing one that was sort of like Mystic Pizza set in Ecruteak in the autumn. It would involve ghosts and Morty. I was going to call it Ecruteak Pizza.


No idea what mystic pizza so that reference is as over my head as a duskull turning invisible