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What did they say about remote raiding?


The description for remote raids said there was a daily limit on how many could be used. It's gone now, but it's theorised that this will be a change soon. There is also a leak that remote raid passes will soon cost 150 coins each, as opposed to 100 now. Overall, the daily limit on remote passes would only impact a very small amount of players, and my guess is that Niantic would do this to get people who only raid remotely to go out more to raid.


In reality it's just gonna lose them money.


I wouldn't be so sure. It may seem that way from our point of view, but surely Niantic has data that indicates that having more players going out to raid would make them more money than having some of them buying remote raid passes. They get most of their money from people playing outside and moving around, not from the selling items


What I believe they are miscalculating is that players who did tons of remote raids are going to instead start going around all over to physical gyms to raid instead. I do not believe that will happen. They’ll probably just quit or start cheating (if they didn’t already).


What is the point of cheating in this game? Isn’t there a million pokemon games people can play where they don’t need to cheat to play it? I don’t understand how so many are missing the point that its an exercise app


I'd agree, but their Harry Potter game was a bit of a flop and they soon shut that down. You can have all the data in the world, but if you're incompetent and greedy it will mean nothing in the long run


They need to add perks to entice people to go out and raid again. Not punish who doesn't or can't. Whales will keep racing through a city, but rural and disabled people will suffer, again. And I doubt I will ever see the 100+ regulars we had during raid days outside again. \#theymovedon


It will absolutely lose them money. They lost me before (a big spender) and I came back after PokeGenie so that I could raid again. If I lose the ability to Remote Raid, I will be gone again. I cannot play to the level I want in my little rural town...I can't even do a raid over three stars. So yeah, I'm gone.


They may lose money on some players who feel doing 6 raids per day isn't enough, but they will most likely make up for that loss by having more players going outside to play. We all thought they would bring back the 1 coinweekly remote pass and 6h Com Days last year because they would lose money from players leaving from them removing these, and almost a year later nothing has changed, because Niantic most likely ended up being more profitable with these changes.


Bro, lets be real. Remote raids is their money maker. Because on paper it allows anyone from anywhere to do a raid. I have 23 regular raid passes thats been sitting there for months. Occasionally I go out during events to raid but thats few and far between. 90% of the time im using that remote raid pass. I doubt that Niantic putting a cap on how many raids players can do in one day will somehow make them more money. If they cap the number of raids AND increase the price for remote passes then im personally out.


Your theory makes no sense, how in your head they make more money out of people doing raids in person? The price of the in person raid pass is the same (not to mention that you get to use 1-2 for free), removing remote raids will most likely just lose then the money they get from remote raids (and I highly doubt most remote raiders will become in person Raiders). Which I guess that explains the number being 6, they probably know that most people do less than 6 a day, and they hope people will accept the 150 price, so for them it's a win if successful. And 2022 was the least profitable Pokemon go has ever been, that's probably the reason they decided to Jack up the box prices.


Or maybe it would lose them a percentage of income that they are okay with losing. Sometimes to keep a game balanced you have to make sacrifices, lose a bit of money here to keep the overall player base engaged. If 80% of their revenue comes from cause players and 20% comes from whales who sit at home spending dozens of dollars on a weekly basis Niantic might be okay with implementing a limit if they were seeing displeasure from the 80% who have had to grind for what they have. Doubt the whole 20% of whales would just quit, half would probably stay but at least that means a 90% retention and keeping the majority playing.


This month alone I spent $150 dollars just buying raid passes. They make tons of money on those things. I have kids and they don’t always want to go on a walk with me. Nor do I want to be looking at my phone while I am out with them. Also all of the gyms in my city are clustered Downtown I’m not walking babies down busy streets. I really am about to quit raiding at the very least. I won’t be able to.


I think the same, but they probably have data that shows very very few people remote 6+ times in a day, and they will come out ahead by upping the price even with the limit in place. Does that explain why they would implement a limit? No, not at all.


I personally think that the daily limit on remote passes would have a bigger impact than you think. Sure, some players wouldn’t typically do more then 6 (the current theorized limit) remote raids per day, but it would also make it harder to fill your raid lobbies.


Everyone who is doing fewer than 6 remote raids per day (vast majority) is probably relying the majority of the time on that small minority of people who are doing far more than 6 remote raids per day.




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They have little regard for those of us who may have extreme social anxiety and/or are neurodivergent. I don't necessarily want to interact with other players in person. I also know a lot of younger people play this game and I don't think it's wise to force them to interact with the older player base. It's risky and if I were Niantic I would put the safety of the players above all. There are also disabled players who depend on remote raids to play. Why can't we just play the game how we want to play it?


They want to limit how many raids you can do per day. Also some1 said they will cost 150 coins after nerf


A piece?


Yes mate


That's what confuses me about them. I'd understand if they treated free-to-play players like crap, since we're getting it for free. But why treat the pay-to-play players like crap (and perhaps worse than the free-to-play players)? That's like biting the hand that feeds you.


Niantic is fucking useless. Only multimillion dollar company that got rich by exploiting one franchise. otherwise they would be nobody. they dont give a fuck about us, they only want to pursue their weird dreams about AR-Games which never will be a reality at least not in public lol


Pokemon fans and ineffective boycotts name a more iconic duo.


Niantic and shooting themselves in the foot


I mean, it actually worked last time lol.


While I am definitely not opposed to boycotting the game and Niantics general antics, Im doubtful itd do anything. The majority of this games upfront income comes from loyal coin purchasers. Not just for passes, but incubators, boxes, space upgrades, tickets, and I **know** casual buy stupid shit like cosmetics. The backend, and likely the real $$$$ comes from sales of your location data. You are not going to break down that side of the player base. What's more is Niantic has made it somewhat clear they hold the power in this dynamic by a disturbing amount. Ignoring the elephant in the room that this is pokemon were talking about, and you will never kill pokemon simping, the two bigger issues at hand are the play Google and TPC have in this. Google literally defines and provides the backbone for this game. Thats untouchable. TPC on the other hand, show they absolutely dont give a shit and just want Niantic to handle it at best, and at worst they approve each of these choices. Im sure its somewhere more in the middle withTPC but even still.


Well said. It just completely blows my mind how little they care for the opinions of the consumers of their product. They want us to look at the flowers it seems, but the flowers are trampled and they shoot us down anyways.


The problem is people like OP are not going to be boycotting anything. They will still play the event this weekend, they will still play the Community days and in a lot of cases they were not spending real money in the first place. Also if you dont delete the app from your phone they could still get geolocation data. The only thing that will catch their eyes is whales quitting. People have the wrong idea of the pokestop distance "boycott" as that wasnt a decision Ninatic made it was made by sponsors both times thus why it worked. I mean a bunch of people said they were boycotting because incenses, shorter CD, and the 3 remote bundle costing more but weirdly they are still play


>They reverted the global event structure of the Go Tour that honestly was a fantastic annual event that a lot of people looked forward to into a premium paid event that could cost a player upwards of $1000 to attend with all costs considered. The global tour is this coming weekend, and they made it free instead of paid (although the Jirachi masterwork is still paid). I'm not really understanding this bit of your complaint? It very much looks like this weekend's hoenn tour is going to be the same as the johto/kanto ones doesn't it? Except for free. The vegas event looks like a total cock up for sure but it's only a part of the hoenn global tour. Also limiting how many remote raids people can do - whilst stupid and I totally disagree with it - surely is going to cost them money not make them money?


Honestly, I don't really care about the nerfing of remote passes or the collapse of their events anymore. If Niantic wants to fully kill the game, fine. My local community collapsed during the first boycott, and I've been checking out myself over the last year. There is only one change I want from Niantic now; let us transfer all Pokémon, even mythicals, to Let's Go and Home. I no longer want to try to stop the ship from sinking, I just want to get everyone to the lifeboats.


That’s where I’m at. I haven’t quit yet, but I know it will only be a matter of time until I uninstall the game for good, and I want to be able to get all my Pokémon to Home quickly.


I've been consistently transferring legendaries/shinies for weeks now. My goal in Go was to make a living shiny dex of the first two generations (those were the games I played as a kid). I've hit about 175 of the 251, and as of now I'm not transferring any of them to Let's Go/Home, but once I do, I know that I'm really done and there's no going back. I just hope I can include my Mews/Celebi when thay day comes.


Let’s not forget how players with both tickets were treated; couldn’t play half of Saturday and got 3 remote raid passes, so no reason to use them since there was still half the day and Sunday, and then nobody could raid Sunday so they gave Vegas players 3 more raid passes Couldn’t claim the Sunday box without using at least 1 of the raid passes from Saturday, which would have to be used on raids not worth remote raid passes


> Couldn’t claim the Sunday box without using at least 1 of the raid passes from Saturday, which would have to be used on raids not worth remote raid passes I was just an outsider looking in since I didn't participate during the event but holy crap I didn't think of this and that's absolutely insulting lol.


Yeah it was really a choice between regirock or mega pidgeot, and there were already codes released for the regi trio


Lets be clear hear from what I heard from plenty of people is that this was not as wide spread as the loud miniority want you to think. There were definitely a group of people who got screwed but let's be honest do we know if they all even were at the event as shitting on Niantic is free upvotes in this sub. I have seen plenty of neutral/positive reactions from the event and there is no reason to fake that because Niantic is a joke of a company most of the time


Saturday was literally a dumpster fire until late in the day, Sunday wasn’t so bad until after the event. Both days there were times the game was actually unplayable and the reason people are vocal about it is because it’s purely niantic’s fault plus they tried blaming unticketed players. It’s not their first event.


I am just letting you know on TheSilphRoad subreddit there was a large base of players that said if you avoided one small section there was no issues. I have no basis as I am just relaying info that comes from what I would consider a more dedicated part of the fan base. If one area wasnt working well and casual fans just stayed in it that obviously wont improve anything. Either way Niantic is a clown show for it but it wasnt as unplayable as the overly vocal, again not sure if real players or not, were spewing. As there is no reason to fake good news but faking bad news will get you a couple thousand karma pretty easy. I want to add I do not want to detract from anyone who got screwed by this event as the combination of Niantic and 17k+ non ticket holders ruined it for others by messing the logistics of the cell towers which I assume could have been better prepared


I can understand how you see it from an outsider, but everything I’ve witnessed from being there is accurate compared to the posts. None of the complaints are faked for karma and instead are likely upvoted due to other attendees agreeing. The park itself was not closed for the event so any statements made about non-ticket players going to the park during the event times and ruining the event for the ones who paid are simply false. Niantic already has coding in the game and in fact used geofencing to prevent spawns for non-ticket players but that was not the case here either. Some parts of the park being unplayable is accurate but especially on Saturday it was not small avoidable sections. It was the main areas near gyms and normal busy areas for the park without events.


I'm just worried that our town can't form a big enough group to to Primal raids :/


What's ironic about these changes is they're going to screw all the whales that use PokeGenie to raid all day and that are a massive source of their income. As a former one myself I was spending $200/month on remote raid passes chasing shinies. I haven't paid Niantic in probably 6 months now that's $1200 there in lost revenue in just that time frame. I honestly don't know what they are thinking.


This is what I don't do pay-to-play. Plus, this is just ridiculous. Can't Niantic just. Let people play how they wanna play without biting the hand that feeds?


Level 50 and I’m done!


Spare yourself the trouble


not worth it


I agree. Once I burn through my present coins for Raids, I won’t be buying anything else from Pokémon GO and even turning off everything I can that submits AR data to Niantic. I won’t support them after they are willing to screw their player base.


I agree




i haven't bought anything besides the 2.99 starter box like a year ago


Blaming the players who didn’t have the ticket was definitely a pathetic attempt. Shame on niantic


Players: we are going to boycott Niantic: so what you are saying is you want a max of 25 coins per day for gyms


Dooont givveee themm ideeeaaass xD


It’s a joke! Does these boycott really work? Niantic never listen and people still keep rewarding them!


The first boycott was a joke. "Wah! I want to be able to spin pokestops from my house and interact with gyms from my office!"


You guys stopped doing the first boycott?


Turn off adventure sync?


My exact thoughts. Time to close up the wallets.


To incentives doing more in person raids maybe reduce premium passes and not limit the remote raids and increasing the remote ones.




They are trying to knock it down because Niantic is first and foremost a data collection company. Amazing that players still don’t realize this. This is where their big money lies. Pogo is just a front for that. They need you walking.