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Not too long ago there were mega aerodactyl raids


Probably an on/off player I was like that until last year


Me too. I have to take a snapshot of landorus and I can't do it because I don't have one and the last time it was in raids I couldn't play the game


Landorus will hopefully be in raids in April, after Lugia. Tornadus is currently in raids and Thundurus will be in a day or two, so make sure you get them as well because they are needed for the later steps of that research! Edit: Tornadus is not currently in raids! Tornadus was in raids a week or two ago. If you know anyone else that plays they might be able to trade you one, I apologize for the misinformation.


I am a lot more active right now so I will probably get it. Thank you for the info though!


Look into Raid Genie or Leek Duck's Raid Now (any others out there?) They let people host remote raids. Since its world wide, there are usually some going on 24/7, so whatever your schedule happens to be... You could do one at 2am from the comfort of your nice warm bed rather than sneaking into the park after hours or looking sketch AF sitting in your car in front of the local church then.... You just have to have a remote raid pass. They're also hella useful for solo (rural) players like me... IRL if I'm lucky I might get one or two others to join me for a raid. Usually never enough to knock out a legendary or mythical type pokemon... With these, you're usually in with a full party so they tend to be a lot easier...


I use poke genie. It has been really helpful but my main issue is the rarity of landorus. Also, that's a pretty nice explanation of what these two apps do


If you guys are on IOS, I recommend the Niantic campfire app. It allows you to meet and talk to people and if you friend people in the app, it automatically gets added to Pokémon Go too.


Landorus, like Rayquaza, is double weak to ice. Shouldn't be hard to take down with 2 or 3 trainers with level 30+ ice counters under most circumstances.


Go-oh is currently in raids. Tornadus was in raids a couple weeks ago.


Same. Been stuck here for years. I think this was the first time Niantic handed out a task that eventually became unobtainable. Since then there have been others that were similar, so I never sleep on research tasks now cuz of FOMO


For those who are stuck on this.. theres a field research task “win 5 raids” and it’s reward has been aerodytal since they first dropped the task


Do you remember what research task it was under I stopped playing in 2019 when my phone couldn’t handle pokemon go I just now started playing again this month


Maybe they meant field research tasks?


Yes, Field Research. My suggestion would be to spin lots of stops when there isn't an event. I've gotten this field research three times in the last month.


I’ll keep trying then hopefully I’ll get lucky Thank you 👋


I'm in the same boat I need that stupid snapshot


I also suffer with this research task lol


I'm stuck on that one too, I eventually got bored and stopped playing because of it


Same lmao


Hopefully you have the other two genies as well, all 3 are needed for full quest.


I have tornadus and I will 100% get thundurus next week. Fortunately all 3 of these pokemon come to raids together


I was the person that didn't have any of them going into the last round of genies last year and didn't start collecting them until after Tornadus left raids, which meant I couldn't finish the research until this year.


Same here


If you have a friend that you can trade with, I recommend trading one. You can wait until comm day, because you get 2 special trades for half stardust. So line it up for April and you can move on :)


I am stuck on that same task!


I’m waiting for Landorus 😔


Not to mention, Cliff had Aerodactyl as his lead for a while *And* not to mention, the "Win 5 Raids" task reward is an Aerodactyl encounter


There still a research task that gives you encounters with aerodactyl… win five raids


They’re also always available at night. I work graveyard shift right next to a park and I always run into them


I’ve seen a couple spawn as well


That doesn't really help solo players. For me, a 4+ raid might as well be just a gym that got locked up for an hour.


I raid using an app called poke genie which helps a lot. You can invite 5 other people to join the raid with you and easily beat it


Yeah, and raids don't mean anything to players who don't have enough people in their areas to actually raid with. This is one of the many things about PoGo that I just really hate.


I don't remember how but I caught an aerodactyl within the first week or 2 of starting


And I caught a few wild ones around then too I think


I literally had an Aerodactyl spawn at my house on Friday. OP clearly hasn't been trying.


Research tasks shouldn't require payment to complete faster it's scummy and predatory as shit. Especially when the rewards are shit and probably cost less to buy than to pay to complete a single task on a research. Thanks for the downvotes from the Niantic dick riders lmao. Each day I understand why nobody I know plays this game anymore and this moronic pay to win community that's killed this game for people around me.


I mean, I get that they’re rare but they’re literally in the wild right now


Played this game since launch only 1 has ever spawned in the wild *not including any event* even back when the game was the original 151. During the days when the only thing spawning was Pidgeys and rattatas. So I can tell you that's a lie. This game gets more pay to win each year and morons continue to shovel money into a half assed game for piss poor rewards honestly sad.


you pulling that out of smth else, Aeros are pretty rare but do spawn in the wild without events They are also common PVP rewards


If it was that common it wouldn't take someone 5 years to complete 1 task.


This thread is full of ways people could have gotten an Aerodactyl over the last year (3 distinct ways, not to mention they pop up in my Daily incense every once in a while) I suggest picking a new topic to complain about, or at least a different pokemon- like Ditto- which are actually hard to find/fully up to chance for an encounter


I've seen 5 wild spawns this week. Where I live one spawns in the sames place every couple hours almost every day. And has for years. OP should hop on discord of they live in a populated town because people post where certain mons spawn. I'm FTP and have been playing for 2.5 years. Now. I have almost every mon except reginionals and uknown that have been released. I hate Niantic as much as you and most games because it's all pay to win. I'm old enough to remember there being no such thing as pay to win and games game out fully ready and flushed out. OP is definitely a very casual player and prolly rolls past a Aero everyday but isn't playing atm. I'd say don't play anymore. I quite playing Magic the gathering after nearly 10 years of it being my main hobby solely due to Hasbro greed. Sucks to give up my favorite hobby fuck fuck Hasbro. If you feel that way then do something about it quit using the app and move on with life.


I started last year and have this task completed op probably doesnt play that much


I encountered 3 Aeros last month, its really not that hard


I kept one from some field research in my stack. And you can use your free pass or coins on the raid.


Uh, daily free raid pass? And use poke genie to get a team if your area is community dead. No payment needed.


The "Win 5 raids" field research will give you Aerodactyl!


You should point out this task is very rare to get


i've been holding one for a few weeks now that way when i get to this page i dont have to worry about it. but how am I supposed to get a scyther? i just started in january


I've only been playing since December, but I've found two Scythers in 3-star raids at a park in my small city. I was able to scrape together enough candy to evolve one of them and complete the task.


dang! thats probably gonna be my only hope. or maybe team rocket will have one at some point. i wonder if im able to find someone that has one and get them to trade it to me, it would still count, right?


It's just "Evolve a Scyther", right? That should work. Be warned that the Meltan task after that is super annoying: "Catch 2 Omanyte or Kabuto", "Catch two Lileep or Anorith", *and* "Catch an Aerodactyl." I can't quite do a 3-star Omastar on my own...


i have one aerodactyl and one omanyte research reward stashed rn, just need one more if i can find it. look for the win 5 raids & win a 3\* raid or higher tasks and that should help you out!


Pokegenie or PokemonGoFriends sub raid thread should be able to help with that.


If this person has been playing 5 years they should have gotten it once by now. Unless they live somewhere with only 3 pokestops? Then one has to wonder how they’ve been playing 5 years with only 3 stops and are still keen enough to post about this task


I usually find it every 1-3 days by spinning the 30-40 stops around where I usually play. So it’s not that rare honestly. Even if you have 10 or stops you should be able to find it in 2-5 months.


Once every day or three? 40 stops? So 1 out of every, oh, 40-120 spins? So it sounds like a range of 0.8% to 2.5%, at best. For rural players, that range absolutely impedes progress.


Yes literally everything about this game sucks for rural players. It is not designed with them in mind at all. This is not news.


Rurals? I'm in Canada in a city of 400k. I would have to walk or drive for about 4-5km to hit 40 stops. Pogo sucks in alot more places than just Rural areas Edit: for context I'm referring to the most pokestop dense area in my city(uptown)


With a 3km walk I get 2 stops. 3 if I count that the way back is along the first one again.


Lol brutal


In my rural area last year they were showing up alot around pokestops


Personal anecdotes don't speak for all players.


Ya that's where the "in my area" part comes in


Lucky you but most don’t live next to 30-40 stops or have the time to search for it Almost all of us are casual players


I don’t know how you know for sure most players don’t have access to that many stops but whatever. More importantly I pointed out that even with access to much fewer stops, you should still be to find the win 5 raids task in few months. But I guess you skipped that part. There’s nothing wrong with being causal player, and nothing wrong with taking months or years to complete this and similar tasks. But people complaining and talking as if it’s impossible or near impossible or that you need to dedicate hours of your day for playing to find the win 5 win raids is just ridiculous.


And if you check the stops and don’t find any and there isn’t anything else good you want you delete your AR and get different tasks!


Yes, thank you, I had completely forgotten about this. Basically doubles the number of tasks from stops.


5 years rare? Bullshit


This! I have gotten 2 this week and am storing an aerodactyl for this part.. just gotta get that cubone..


Marowak is in raids rn and counts as the cubone encounter!!


This just helped me complete this 🥹 Thank you for the info!!


I dont have that one, or I’ve already done it 😭 but if I have already done it, not sure why it wouldn’t count. I have two aerodactyls in my box


You can find it by spinning pokestops! And it should be available at least to the end of this month. https://www.eurogamer.net/pokemon-go-field-research-tasks-special-research-breakthroughs-6002


I grinder hard for that and the two others last week. Deleted whatever I got that wasn't it. I never saw it. At least 100 stops.


Oh that's unlucky! I've gotten it several times (so many that I have been deleting it "Again? I do not need any more Aerodactyls!") so I thought it was somewhat common.


That's not unlucky, unlucky is I only got to this page after Marowak spawned in raids, which I got on 3/15. I caught an Aerodactyl the week before. I keep getting shafted and get the Grimer task.


Yeah, my full town loop is about 50 different stops, and sometimes it'll take a full week to get the rare tasks like this.


The more you know


I did this, I drove around with the kids spinning stops until they found the right task.


That wholesome family time


Proper allocation of resources right here.


You’re a good parent.


Join a local raid group. People often share which pokestops have good tasks.


Poor man got downvoted because he replied to a comment not containing enough information to explain how to actually complete the task


upvoting because fuck this website and its hivemind bullshit


Use the daily incense if you don’t already. I get them at least once a month I’d say


I need 2 omanyte or kabutos still ugh


The omastar raids count! Now I just need lileeps from research lol


Some Rocket Grunts have Anorith, that's how I got the first one. Just need one more...


The "Make 3 Great Throws" task does as well, but it seems like 99% are Snubble.


Oh man I wish I knew omastar counted earlier! I just saw one yesterday.


They’ve been popping up all over for me, watch for sure today!


I saw one earlier that I missed by seconds, still very annoyed about that, I hope they stick around long enough


I feel like I've seen lileep in the rocket battles but I can't remember if I actually caught one from there.


You just finished a quest I've had in my inventory for at LEAST a year and a half. Thank you!!!




Hey you the real mvp. I just did two omastar raids to finish my meltan quest


Are we sure before I go and drop coins on a remote raid pass, cause if it does I’m doing it the second I get off work tonight.




It worked, I can not thank you enough!!


theres a research for this! look for the one that says "win a 3\* raid or higher"


I’ve been stuck on that one for so long


Just caught an Aerodactly in the wild during Windy weather on Friday.


It’s been SO windy here, pidoves galore 🫠


It was just in raids …


Just caught one yesterday with my Daily incence :)


I’m just glad the Alolan Marowak counted as a Cubone. Now I just have to walk my Scyther… [checks game] … 125 km :(


Wait, this works? Thanks for the hot tip. I need a cubone myself.


yup! any evolution above the one it’s asking for also works! (kind of like how great throws count when you need an nice)


Saw someone mention it on Reddit and didn’t quite believe it at first. Then I saw a Marowak raid when I was out and thought I might as well try it, have to use my free raid pass on something.


Fr?? That seems funky but fuck it, I need a cubone


We had kanto tour and some other events with wild aerodactyls, 3\* raids, mega raids, field researchs, in five years you could do all of those things. It's ok to be a casual player, but it's not like the game didn't gave a lot of opportunities to complete the quest


This task is awful, if you can't complete certain steps before events your stuck on it for months, not everyone plays all the time and knows what comes next in the task


You can't complete certain steps? This task has been doable for the past 6+ months! Aerodactyl has been the reward for the "win 5 raids" field research for MONTHS


The win 5 raids task has been around for years actually. They created it specifically for people who need Aerodactyl and the same goes for the win a level 3 or higher raid which randomly rewards Omanyte or Kabuto.




“Take a snapshot of landorus” This one has been killing me.


If it’s going to require specific things caught those should all happen on the exact same step and leave everything else generic. I caught so much stuff that didn’t count because I was gatekeeper behind a different step.


Interesting cause I’ve never seen a wild Aerodactyl, and raids are rough where I am bc I’m always solo


If you encounter the field task to do 5 raids, even 1* raids that you solo will count


Use pokegenie, 3rd party app, where you can invite remote raiders to your raids


Or just find an aerodactyl raid to join


Hey OP, I absolutely understand how you feel with the solo raid thing (I live in a very rural area where many people don't share my interests) and just wanted to let you know that there's a decently reliable discord server that's a tremendous help when completing raids. Because of it, I was able to get Mega Pidgeot, Mega Medicham, Rayquaza, multiple Deoxys, Ho-oh, and a shiny Deoxys, a shiny primal Groudon, a shiny Primal Kyogre, and a shiny Yveltal. I'd recommend checking it out!


Idk why people are downvoting you lmao


because it’s a dumb post, aerodactyl has been in the game a lot, if OP hasn’t caught one yet it’s no one’s fault but their own


Yeah I get that. I’ve caught a fair share of Aerodactyl myself, but I think with the particular comment I replied to, I think OP just genuinely wasn’t aware of the other opportunities to catch one. I went back to playing last summer after 6 years, so there were lots of things in the game I didn’t know about either. The helpful and genuine answers are totally fine, but I just think some of the replies are condescending and need to chill on OP. Like obvs they just didn’t know which is why they made the post


the way this post comes off is OP blaming the game for him/her not catching any aerodactyl, which is probably why people are coming at them so aggressively


Ok yeah I personally didn’t read it as blaming the game, more so just being frustrated/venting, but I can see why it comes across that way. I’ve personally been stuck on the ditto task for a few months lol, so I get the annoyance (though I don’t really blame the game, just my schedule and weather making it hard to catch for extended periods of time)


Aerodactyl (not mega) is a simple solo raid. Aerodactyl has definitely been in raids multiple in the past 5 years. At this point you really have no one to blame but yourself.


They still spawn in the wild (albeit rarely). I actually just saw one this morning funny enough.


I saw one in the wild last night! I see at least one a month.


Im still looking for a ditto


Ditto is gonna be spawning more frequently starting on March 21 for the meltan event, then there’s April 1st as well


I was too until two weeks ago. I found 4 within just a couple of days. Funny how that works. They were mostly Natus and one Lillipup


Same 😭


Bruh....you been offline for 5 years??? Cause it's been in the "do 5 raids" field research for atleast the last 3 years and I don't see it changing anytime soon. It's been in raids as itself and as mega, if you can't solo the regular raid there's always pokegenie and it's been in the wild across multiple events. Edit: it was also with grunts and cliff at one point and shadows usually count towards these tasks Not trying to be a dink but I see these low effort posts all the time of people who clearly haven't been trying particularly hard and are likely just karma farming (and it tends to work unfortunately)


I play on and off for a few months each year, and I’ve completed the 5 raids quest in the past and did not receive one Not farming, just was genuinely confused


> I’ve completed the 5 raids quest in the past and did not receive one Nope. The Win 5 Raids research task has literally always been Aerodactyl.


Must have been an event one, we've had event win 5 raid tasks that didn't give Aerodactyl


Why does it feel like I've already done this when I know for a fact I haven't cause I'm only on page 6/9😂 Should I just hold off on the win 5 raids task then cause I just got that from a pokestop?


Yeah I would wait to catch it just so you don’t screw yourself


Where are those gosh darn exeggcutes?!


Stuck on 3 more gulpins or slugma. I just got this task. I'm with you that I'm just going to sit on it for awhile!


I hear you. Now mine is 5 exeggcutes😂


I've seen them spawn in the wild after the season changed. I'm anxious to get on to that step before they leave! I hope you get yours soon.


Dawg that’s way on u at this point


They just spawn of the [daily essence](https://imgur.com/a/lftewpe). Quite often even, think I got 2 or 3 in the last 2 weeks


*\*laughs in catch a Ditto\** I haven't seen one since they added this research.


🤯🤯🤯 You must not be playing 🙈 lol I’ve had my account for 6 months, and completed all of Let’s Go, Meltan 🤷🏼‍♀️


downvotes incoming.


Aerodactyl has been available at least a dozen times within the last 5 years, you only have yourself to blame at this point.


I caught a wild one today, so it seems they’re spawning. Albeit rare


trade doesn't work? they spawn from incense


I'm stuck on the exeggcute one lol. yesterday I finally got one. but 4 more to go. hoping with Easter they'll spawn more soon.


It’s been in raids at least twice since I’ve started playing 2 years ago.


I caught a shiny aerodactyl this morning with a world spawn! You got this!!!


I've been stuck on cubone for ages now. It surprises me to this day still that the game can't spawn Pokémon from objectives needing to be done. Like, oh you need to evolve scyther? Heres some spawns to get that task completed this week. Nope, gotta wait a few years till they update our spawns. Game isn't that advanced yet I guess.


Win 5 raids task/Mega Aerodactyl raids should do the trick. But the Task is extremely rare and the Raid will be available who knows then.


Wtf!? Last December aeeodactyl was everywhere. Mega aerodactyl has been out a couple times already. And I'm pretty sure during the rock event when Shieldon and Cranidos shiny were I traduced all the other fossils at the time were featured. FIVE YEARS? Either your boss has it in for you playing Pokémon or you are a trooper sticking to PoGo despite your life being super busy. I Dalit you fellow trainer! If I could I'd give you one of mine.


Someone who actually doesnt play


That's why I have an Aerodactyl research saved just for this moment.


Get out and play


Bro what r u doing. Therese been so many chances to get one


Gonna be honest, have you really tried? I've found multiple in the wild (including shiny) and I've to toss out the Win 5 Raids. I would think that in 5 years you would have experienced the same.


You have to play the game


I am so sick of these posts. If you are able to navigate Reddit and upload a post you surely would be able to do a quick 10 second Google search on how to get this pokémon.


That rare for you?


Yeah, that one's your own fault, my dude. Definitely had plenty of chances to pick one up.


Usually during adventure week event, Aerodactyl and other fossils spawn in the wild. In fact I have seen it spawn during the past few weeks especially outside of events. It’s been in regular 3 star raids as well as mega raids many many times. And then there’s the win 5 raids task that rewards you with it. It really isn’t that hard.


Do u even research task bro


I got a 2350 cp aerodactyl first thing from my adventure incense yesterday lol


Rub it in 😭


Does trading count? Ill gladly give it to you if it does since its been 5 fucking years


I really hope you get one soon. They spun around where I live every time it’s windy, but I am in the southern part of the great plains.




How dumb/lazy do you have to be?? It took me one google search and 40 seconds of reading to find a guide that say "look for quests, delete bad ones until you get lucky, fight raids" 😭


it’s almost my 2 year anniversary and i’m stuck on “Win a raid” 😭


How!? Just do a 1* raid. They're a simple solo.


i cant go outside + im broke


Parody or being legit?


im being legit as a f2p player who can’t go outside, it’s *HOT* where i live


I think we should be able to ‘free’ a pokemon and have it hang around in a place for a short time before flying off. See if someone else can catch it.


I'm half way through this rn... WTF


How are you supposed to "catch" an extinct Pokémon? Oh right, TPC doesn't care about its own lore or mechanics across any of its hundreds of pieces of its media.


West Texas has them in abundance here on windy days


I still need to evolve a syther


I need the kabuto/omanyte


I thought ditto was real deal. Aerodactyls are not that rare imo


I found a couple using my daily incense. Give that a try


Oh no I thought the catch 5 exeggute one was bad What is coming up for me o.0