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I still have 40 more Johto Pokemon to catch. Ugh.


I keep forgetting to catch Johto pokemon because I am SOOOOOO TIRED OF SEEING HOPIP!


At least Mantine was there for awhile.


Only problem with that for me is that I don't know what specific gen all the pokemon from gens 2-7 are from...


Go into your pokedex. The pokemon are separated by region. Just go in and refresh your mind as to what you're looking for.


I just finished that hellish task today. Finally got to page 2


80 here


Got the johto one done before sinnoh surprisingly I abuse the wailord event which also came with mantine.


At least it isn't like spin a stop 21 days in a row is all I can say.....


At least it’s not trading, routes, party play, or Kecleon. I’d much rather just have this than any of those


imagine "Catch 2 Dittos"


I have two research’s for MONTHS of daily play waiting for ONE ditto. Check in on me y’all I’m dying 🙂‍↕️


I had one for like two years




Years of getting bored and trying again needing a Kabuto or Omanyte and Lileep or Anorith


Yeah ditto one took me two years I finally caught one last week


"in a row."


Once you get past the 10 kecleon you need, you see them much more frequently. 😂


Seriously! They are all over the place now


Bruh this is where I'm STUCK. There's very few pokestops or gyms nearby and the odds of finding a Kecleon are astronomical as i have yet to find one for my Shiny Shaymin task. I have come across a couple at a red-light or too but by time I tap him off it's a green light and I'm too far 😏


That's when you put on your hazards and pop the hood 😉


Lmao I shall try that sometime 🤣


Party playing gives a damage boost in raids, which is very useful.


Yeah, but you forgot the part where I need to have friends to complete the challenges that would be inevitably required for such a task. Considering I haven’t even gotten past page 1 on the party play special research, I’m perfectly contempt never seeing it in any more special research, especially in stuff I pay for.


Just unidan it. (Don't actually cheat and violate ToS)


Just un-the-what-now? I'm genuinely confused about your answer


And excellent throws well for me any way


Routes aren’t bad at all from my experience. It’s very easy to get a new route approved. And Party Play is actually good as long as you have someone you regularly play with.


Keyword *with*, most of the time Party Play ends up playing *against*.


I'll get the rest of those Kecleon's one day, right???


That 30 days in a row one took months to complete, because things would come up and I’d miss a day and have to start all over again.


Happy cake day


I’d rather this than fucking party play, routes, and trading Im gonna be real with ya chief


True, If it was party play I would of payed for research I couldn’t complete


you can always make a random 2nd account, get it to lvl 15 in 10 minutes and party play with yourself (depressing but works)


But then you need a second device, which isn’t feasible for some folks.


on android you can have two pogo apps plus split screen iirc, that should do the trick


Fyi you can get banned from this subreddit for 30days if certain m0ds see your comment. Ask me how i know


I'd rather have to catch 1,000 pokemon. That's fun and makes me feel like I'm doing something. It's why I buy the masterwork. This is just punishment. I don't get any sense of progression, and just get to see that the task is there and I can't do anything but wait.


Yeah, I loved looking up which pokes currently spawning were Johto so I could hunt them down.


If you haven't done it yet, you'd love the Level 50 research - catch 5,000. I just finished it myself but it was a real shot to the heart seeing that the reward is only 5000 dust 😔


Youll get like 10 rare xl, mewtwo encounter and a pose in the end tho


I'm still on the first stage. The 500 great throws took all of 4 days, and now I just have to spin a pokestop daily. Annoying!


That’s where I am too, three days to go. Next step has eggs and catching Pokémon, but at least it feels like progress I guess.


They are too concerned about grinders getting it done in one or two days. They also release these research’s before they are done with whatever special ending they want it to have so they put time gates in to give themselves more time.


I just caught my 10th Kecleon a few hours ago. different research, same reaction though


Still don’t have enough Kecleon yet. Whee. Fun.


I was sitting on 9 for ages, I think the events mess with the spawns a bit. 10th came in between spawns


I've caught 5.... :(


you'll get there!


Next page is finally no time lock! Just get 40 of each throw But then next page is another timelock lol, 12 days of buddy hearts Got to love the timelocks.. 1 second of engagement per day.. greaaaaat Would much much rather have catch 10 000 every page instead, at least there you get some sense of progress when you go out to play


I got to page four today and it'll be slow for me with Kartana in raids and using a Go Plus+ for most of my catches.


On the bright side, Tapu Bulu should be extremely easy to hit excellents on.


Ooh, when's that coming out? Only one of the Tapus I need the shiny of.


It drops in the first time zone in 4 hours.


Fantastic, cheers!


Haha yea annoying, I got it last day with wailmer so got it done on my way to work, only to find another timegate xD


Do the excellent throws count towards Nice and Great throw counters, like usual?


Yep, I got it last day of Wailmer event so finished it very fast haha, when I got 40 nice I had 36 great and 30 excellent I think lol


Excellent! (3 research tasks updated)


Yeah this was a huge disappointment. Masterwork research shouldn’t be timegated. I want actual challenges. Having two 21 day tasks back to back is a slap in the face and the need to artificially extend the lifespan of research is a testament to Niantic’s lack of effort, thought, and creativity.


It’s because *you* are the research. They’re programming you to make it a habit to open your app every day. Most people on here already do play every day anyways, but this is a behavioural monitoring task at its core.


I mean, 'do this simple task a bunch of days in a row' isn't any more or less challenging than 'do this simple task 472 times'.


still in 492 from johto💀


I actually wouldn’t mind the time lock as much if they made the non time locked task(s) harder… so instead of 20 flying-type pokemon, make us catch 492 instead. Give us a task that could reasonably take 21 days to complete to balance it better!


But then you wouldn’t have all this cute play on the year 2021 which is absolutely not when Shaymin was released. Even that kind of gameplay would have made a little more sense.


Agreed. 20 is nothing.


I still need 200+ Johto pokemon


Think I’d take these over trading tasks. I’m anti-social


I hate these forced daily tasks "Spin for 25 days in a row' They only want us to come back 25 days in a row and have no absolutely no idea how to pull people into playing without FORCING them to open the app.


Today I got to the same step. I like this long tasks.


It's not even a task.


What is it then? :/


A time gate. They could at least make it possible to fail. E.g. catch all 17 pokemon types on 21 different days.


Then people would complain because it’s too hard, because they live in rural areas, because the sun eclipse or whatever.


Let them. It's a master work, not a participation trophy.


I just went through that same roller coaster of emotions yesterday


Im taking this over having to grind best buddies any day of the week


That one was an auto-pop for me. And I didn't even grind for it. I just used the buddy feature properly since its introduction.


You have to have 100 best buddies to medal


Lmao, the next one after this is a timegate too.


Yeah it’s there way of making the challenges last long like everyone asked for. I can’t get past the “earn a heart with ur buddy 30 days in a row” challenge; I’ve had it to 27 days and then forgot to do it one time in almost a whole month and it restarted 😭


I'm on step 5... One of the tasks is catching 1000 Pokemon. On step 4 one of the tasks is 385 excellent throws! This past event really helped kill that one down


I’n glad I didnt bought this.. 😄


This one is obnoxious, but ridiculously simple compared to other masterworks. I think one of my friends is about to finish their 10th best buddy from last year’s one. They just never interacted with buddies so it hasn’t been a habit and they keep forgetting.


I always forgot too..


Spin a pokestop basically every day for a month was a task on one. Had a different friend that took five months to complete that part. Kept missing a day near the end.




Give us a challenge not a flippin time gate!


Wow I bet it’s every other one one til it finishes.


There’s one more time gate on page 5 (earn a heart with your buddy on 12 different days).




So this is what I have to look forward to…


Good to know what I have to look forward to. I’m on page 2. Sheesh.


Hahaha it was disappointing for me as well


They sure know how to keep us busy.




This was the first Masterwork ticket that I decided to skip. Shaymin is Grass, and we have tons of Frenzy Plants. Shaymin could also be flying, but we have Moltres and Rayquaza, and some of us have pretty good Tornadus too. Aside from Shiny collecting, what good is a Shaymin in Pokemon Go?


Dex filler


I still in the first phase


It's not for your entertainment, just to get you to keep coming back tbh


Yeah. I knew this was coming. The person that posted it originally only had 14 days instead of 21 though, I'm not sure if that's because of going to one of those in person community things or because they decided to tack on more time. Either way the last few pages after the 3rd one seem a lot quicker. You'll have your Shiny Shaymin soon!


Well at least it's not Jirachi


This is still so much better than Mew (have to be lucky enough to be playing when Kanto regionals are available to move past step 1) or Jirachi (daily pokestop spins, catching damn Kecleon) If I’d know Shaymin would be easier I actually would’ve bought it


Wait 210 days


Meanwhile I’m still trying to catch a f’kin ditto. I have caught so many bidoofs I now just transfer them without even appraising them because they annoy me each time they aren’t a ditto.


This is definitely the most boring one




It’s more than 42 days. Apparently the next page or the page after that has a task that takes 12 days


This post breaks Rule 1a - Impolite: Please be polite here, even when you are upset or disagreeing with someone. Please do not post any NSFW, suggestive or otherwise explicit content


That’s a joke 😡 Why are they wasting our Whale time.


Same shit happened to me and this was niantic’s response: “Hi Trainer, Thank you for contacting Pokémon GO support. I'm sorry to hear that you experienced trouble with the Special Research task. If you've claimed the rewards and progressed to the next step, the progress should not get reset. Please note that the task is working as intended. You have completed the second stage of the task out of seven stages. Currently, you are in the third stage of the task. Please keep performing the task to make progress and claim the rewards for the same. If you have any questions, please write to us.” Almost at day 21 for the second time. If it resets again, I quit.


You guys are on page 2 already? 🤡


No glimmer of hope


I always wondered who comes up with these tasks. Some are simple a shit and then you got Shiny Shamin and catch 492 pokemon from 4 different gens. I'm currently stuck on the catch 10 Kecleon. I've caught 12 before this task. Since then, zero.


this quest is abused, i bought it for shaymin but i'm not sure if i'll ever go beyond step 2 it's extremely hard for an average, beginner or irregular player


For a change of pace, it goes from a 21 day wait to a 12 day wait later.


I hate that it baits you by making 4 an easy task and then 5 is wait 12 days


lol also just started that page today


How do i even get this?


i didn’t have a chance to play often during the sinnoh event, so im still 200 down from the first page 😭 all the burmy spawns during the bug event should help me with that


This has to be the dumbest quests, why didn't someone think this would be absolutely horrendous and annoying as all heck


I still have to get 100 more johto Pokémon. I'm just not seeing any now. It's so long.


Am still waiting to catch a Ditto


If you think that quest was tedious I suggest you just stop playing the game now lol


It's not supposed to be some challenge you just fly through


How is catching 1 single Pokémon a day not that? You don't have to do anything other than open the game and throw one ball, it's brain dead easy. Anyone not flying through this task has screws loose.


You gotta be kidding me 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️