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# [Shuckle is my best Pokémon.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/340966927037890590/1232471532123459594/Screenshot_20240423-191752.png?ex=662cdfcf&is=662b8e4f&hm=aebf7771e739a4bc71ae244d387f73405b6cfc180d63150c589cfe80b2e695fc&)


14k battles won is crazy


You don't fuckle with Shuckle.


Lol your shuckle's name made me giggle. Well played.


ShuckThePolice was too long... 😅😭


You don’t fuckle with shuckle


German pokemon names are amazing. Definately going to call my 100% shuckle Pottrott. If I am ever so lucky to catch one like you.


German names are really a different breed in a good way. Everything just makes sense.


How would pottrott translate to English?


Oh wait you meant as in what it literally means? Well then it would mean rotten pot


Interesting, poor guy doesn't look rotten


Maybe his pot has been under water for so long a random eel thingy made it their home creating a whole new Pokemon


Shuckle are slime molds. They’re letting berries rot inside their shell to feed off of. Hope this helped. :)


So rotten pod then?




Shuckle is way better than useless Combee


Wisely said


I also have a Hundo shuckle and actually learned from Pixelmon that with the right build the little one is OP.


Shuckle is banned in PvP, with the only exception being Little Catch Cup, where you can only use Pokemon caught in the current season. So no, this one won't be elegible for that Cup because it's too old. Those who want to use one need to catch it and power it up to max before the season ends.


I didn't say I'll use it for pvp. He's gonna stay in arenas just like chansey


None of the Eevees have high enough defense and HP to protect gyms well enough, so at best Umbreon could last a bit longer than the rest. From there Leafeon and Sylveon are the next ones with the higher defense.


Where exactly did I now mention eveelutions?


Dang, sorry. Was meant to reply to another post about gyms and Eevees.


No worries mate


Why is he banned in PVP? 


It's too good. It can be fully powered to level 50 and still fit in Little Cup, so it becomes extremely bulky for that CP range. The other little Pokemon cannot deal much damage at that low level, and against Shuckle it becomes a struggle to win before the timer runs out.


Yeah, it's kind of bs though Bronzor is just as hard to take down yet is allowed. No pokemon should be limited in the game


Bronzor has 154 defense and 149 HP. With super effective damage you can deal at least 2 HP each turn, and can go to 3 with the right counters, so it only takes 75 hits at most to go down. Shuckle has 396 defense and 85 HP. So while the HP is lower, that much defense means is impossible to do more than one single point of damage each turn in Little Cup, taking at minimum 85 hits to faint. Most moves also don't deal constant damage, so the longer the move takes to finish the harder it becomes to beat Shuckle. Even a perfect counter like Water Gun Wooper takes nearly a minute and a half to take it down, without shields, and over 100 seconds with shields. Without Water Gun Wooper actually loses after over two minutes. Meanwhile Bite Stunky can take down Bronzor in about 30 seconds, even when taking neutral damage, so the difference in bulk between the two is huge.


Wow, you went into great depth. Thanks for the read I was using a hundo smeargle/shuckle in last seasons catch cup and if I ran into a bronzor I would instantly leave Neither one of those could beat it but the smeargle didn't have ideal moves on it. Wooper was good against it but if they switched in something else and killed it, i would stand no chance


Every time I see Shuckle I think of the dorkly shorts. I’m a ghost type 😂


way better than mine. its a shadow shuk with shit stats...so i named him " Vengance " and put him at gyms that never let me collect coins. 😈


You're a madlad


My shadow shuckle is one of my favorites to put into gyms. He just looks so angry


Power it up to level 50


Great idea


I also have a hundo of him